cover of episode Singularity And Frequencies Of Knowing

Singularity And Frequencies Of Knowing

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B Prior's Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

A short excerpt about singularity from the New Zealand Retreat 2018.

"Singularity is the same as saying , there is only One, or Oneness. Singularity is the fact that both subject and object arise in the same space. The knower and that that seems to be known arrive in the same space. It is the space that is the Singularity. It is the space that is the Oneness - but the subject is the Knowing.

Each and every one of us knows. The mind will add 'What do we know?' and that can be a proliferation of Knowing. Most human Knowing is knowing self-experience through things experienced. Yet even those things that are experienced are experienced beyond a thing. A thing for instance can have emotional content or it can be experienced mentally.

Right now there can be in any one of us a Knower-sphere that is still highly charged with personal self-consideration. The Knowing heads straight to a me-centre surrounded by thoughts of me and sensations of me and feelings of me . That's perfectly fine .. it is rather like a building block of a deep possibility. And the deep possibility to shape that building block in the likeness of the Deep. That what this body is.

So within the subject of Knowing within the human realm, Knowing has different frequencies, colours but the Knowing itself is the fragrance and presence of Pure Being, the light of Awareness.

See how in the pause we can drop into the Knowing. When we drop in to Knowing , we're knowing no thing, just deep nothing, knowing no thing. No objects within our consciousness. If we look that is substantial peace. A quietness that Reality itself . Within Reality itself there are many levels of Reality, formed and formless but Reality is One . It is already the Totality, it is a singularity but it has functions on levels of itself in different frequencies, rather like a waterfall. The water is the same but the width of the space and the depth of the water varies. isn't it true that there is the same water in a raindrop as there is in the ocean? So could you enter a raindrop and know the ocean? Can we enter a human life and realise the Source? Not Two but the same One?

All this is a movement of conductivity. Whether the hand moves to pick up a glass or the hand moves to touch your face or just moves without you even realising ..what is it conducting? A hand gesture conducts a sphere of life where the subject 'I' is coming from and endeavour to give expression and meaning to a place I am currently walking in.

We can just walk in our conditional sense of self or we can walk as Consciousness itself. Consciousness itself can walk as Consciousness itself in amongst the levels of its cascading Love. It can walk in more than one level in a single moment because it IS singularity.

That is to say that each and everyone of us, although we appear to be a drop , we are the whole ocean.

But to access the ocean you have to BE like the ocean. If we just stay in a wave, that wave is going to end up back on the shore. The waves gone. But if you can see that rather than being a wave you can know the wave and remain as the ocean. Then the wave is the movement of the expression of the ocean 11:22. That is a human life. Then we deepen in the root of being oceanic, deep and we are actually exploring the What I Am. "

NZRetreat 2018 D4 S1