“ You see where I come from.. May I speak a little about where I come.
I come from Nowhere. I belong to Nowhere. And I'm going Nowhere. It is the most beautiful Nowhere - place. Nowhere has my body. No one has me and I have nothing whatsoever.
And yet as Nowhere who is No-one I can look at someone or everyone and they are immediately drawn into the Only One… Increasingly so…with no beginning or end ....
Although I am speaking of phenomena here, the speaking of ‘No-one as Every-one being the Only One’ vibrates through my body.
So in what I just said my knowledge of the Only One increases. But then as a someone that decreases …
In awakening there is an increase in the decrease and a decrease in the increase. That excites everything in my heart!! I see this in flowers…. There was a centipede scrolling on the wall morning as I got out of bed. I saw it in that! I see it in the sky. I see it in the sun . I see it in the carpet. I don't stop seeing it.
And it is constantly speaking and it is the Meaning of the universe. That is the Only One speaking through Every-one.
A movement of The Profound having all Life and it is One with every thing. “
From MiIan Sessions - October 2015 - 2nd Session Session Recordings and Full Retreat Packages can be purchased via B's website : www.b-satsangs.org