cover of episode Everyone Is A Universe

Everyone Is A Universe

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B Prior's Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

The universe is actually the immediate expression of your own Being-ness. Immediately expressed. it is your BIG body and it didn't happen a billion years ago. It is being expressed NOW and the universe gives you or points to..that that vast universe , which is one's large body, one's big body, has a microcosm called 'I' or 'me' ...the one who is listening to these words and it is possible that that huge body and the Source that is expressing that cannot only have entrance to Itself as the Source it can also express that entrance - the entrance to deeper Heart connection , the entrance to one's deeper levels of Being. It can express that as a universe as one's own Real Self.

So everyone is really a possibility of a universal expression. The truth is everyone IS a universe. Everyone represents a universe and everyone IS a universe...and the universe of your self and everyone's self is at different levels of Knowing , Being and evolution.

You cannot do anything but meet universes in development in meeting anyone . You cannot do anything but meet universes when you meet another and meet the God of that universe or the Source of that universe ..and it is always a UNI-verse that is in the making .

How you move and where from determines whether your universe is separate , egoic or Real and universal. Whether it is just full of illusion or whether you as a Being have enabled your deep Knowing to come through your heart and manifest real forms of Real Life.

from NZ Sessions - 07 July 2015 ‘The Circle of Life'

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