When you have deep experience, there is nothing to do, because you're complete. There is a sense of completeness not on the surface. You can't action that completeness as your name, as your past , as somebody. You can't action the Truth as a somebody. You can't move that that is already complete as any being that has a history or a future. It won't move. It's an illusion! That means, everything begins to fall out of your hands as something that you can grasp or hold onto that has any real value, because it's just like clouds. It passes away. Suddenly what you will find is 'What you are' does not pass away . So then you can bring to the surface what does not pass away, even though the forms of it will pass away. You did that from the moment of seeming birth. You knew this is passing away this form - but You are not.
Full Session Recordings of B's satsangs are available here : http://bprior.org/recordings/