cover of episode Awareness True To Knowing - Meeting It All

Awareness True To Knowing - Meeting It All

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B Prior's Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Excerpt from the Crete Retreat 2019

The function of te higher levels of our Being require Awareness to be true to the Knowing.

Every movement is a movement of greater depth and the movement is a movement of pure meaning . There is not a movement you can make that doesn’t ‘mean’. It is all meaning. You will see this in the practice of TF and Maybe you begin to see this in all of life.

There is not a single movement that does not have meaning. Sometimes you can really be fascinated and sitting up on the hill here and watching the ocean move …and how easily the birds fly through that movement and it is like the movement of the ocean and the movement of the bird is the same movement and the movement of the sun and the movement of the moon is the same movement and the movement of my finger and the blink of my eye is all the same movement and even the movement of my anger and the movement of my difficulty ..are all the same movement, disguised, veiled. I who am listening , including the speaker , I unveil Reality for I am THAT.

So then there is a different functionality that begins to happen within the human levels. A function of Beyond. This is not new age theory, this actually is and it does not deny the body and it does not deny the difficulty , and it does not deny the pain and the anxiety and all that happens in our humanness. It is not in denial of that. It is actually coming into that. In many ways ..

That requires a warrior spirit, not to change things no, just the kind of power that is willing to go into this and the kind of warrior that doesn’t fight but the kind pf brave heart that enters it without turning around. So you have a warrior spirit – that is not a warrior to fight, but a warrior to enter the depth of what a human is and meet all the levels of humanness as they come to meet what is coming in.