“ Recognise that you are a Being. As Awareness Being you have no need of any thing. You are fulfillment itself. But you misidentified who you are, when it seems that you were a body with a mind and a feeling. You misidentified the body, the mind its feelings as you. The body and the mind and the feelings have duality in them . They have opposites, which is the nature of conditional experience..it has opposites in it : light and dark up and down ..the nature of the human body is opposites, but it is not Your nature. Your nature is pure. Pure Being . So your return is to your Pure Being. Be the Pure Being IN what you are now in. What you are now in is whatever arises. Whatever arises …BE in your Being while that moves through your Awareness. There will seem to be opposites.. Your body-mind, through the way you taught it to react, will show you your own reaction. It will show you how you move in opposites, likes or dislikes, wanting or not wanting. Your body-mind reflects to you what you are believing in and so does the outer world. It reflects to you what you are believing in and what you are ‘Being In’ ..instead of Being You; One with You. “
From Crete Retreat D1 S2 No Need to Hide
Session Recordings and Full Retreat Packages can be purchased via B's website : www.b-satsangs.org