When we say : "I don't like form . What am I doing here ? I just want to be Pure Consciousness. What am I doing here ? I just want to be the Self "..we 're not truly knowing what form is. Form is light and light is form . All light is form and all forms are light - just different densities to the fineness of pure light, which means pure light is just a hint of form. That hint is the idea of the cosmos. It is a blueprint.
That's why Christ is blue , Krishna is blue or Shiva is blue. It is a blueprint. It is a design and it is not a design that is static - it is dynamic . The basic design is creative power - a movement of creative power that gives expression to what Aware Consciousness is multidimensionally.
So when we say form and formlessness we are still speaking of Consciousness. Consciousness doesn't come without form . Most people think it does, but it doesn't
It is non- different - it is the same One. One is finer or more refined , the other has matter in it like clay.
When you say to somebody: "What's the matter ?" You are actually asking them how they are formulating their forms of Awareness. What forms of Awareness are giving you trouble ?
It is saying : You're an artist but you have not quite got your art right and aligned with your Being as yet and maybe your knife has slipped and cut your head off !
You are actually saying: Ok I understand that you are reaching int the depth of your Consciousness and you are endeavouring to give an expression of what you are in in the Beyond , which means: 'no matter' . It is definitely light and definitely consciousness, but here the consciousness until this ground is lifted has more matter in it and more form. But when you go into the Deep - according to how deep you go and you think you don't know anymore ..The not-knowing is because it has less form - one side is formless light , which still means it has form in it , because it is light form. The other side is light formed as matter. This is moving as light .and this one is moving as the matter of light and this keeps changing .
INDIA RETREAT 2016 D9 S1 Full Session Recordings of B's satsangs are available here : : http://bprior.org/recordings/ The India Retreat Audios Package will be available shortly after the retreat finishes.