AVForums Podcast

The avforums podcast brings you the latest tech, movie and gaming news, plus special features, inter


Total: 763

Star Wars and Jurassic World trailer reaction, Black Friday, OLED, The Imitation Game, Theodore Rex

Sony VW300 4K Projector, LG OLED TV Review, competitions to win, games news, Hunger Games Mockingjay

LG Music Flow, EE TV and Amazon Fire TV Reviews, plus PS TV launched and more...

This month the team discuss Call of Duty Advanced warfare, the Fallout 4 Hoax, GTA5 First Person mod

The force awakens, Interstellar review, a full report of Dolby Atmos in the home and more...

Competitions, Tidal music streaming, how do you get into vinyl, upcoming reviews, Nighcrawler review

Panasonic AX902 4k TV preview, using the correct connections and setting up your sources, plus Fury

Atmos, Auro3D and now DTS UHD offer immersive sound, but does the public care. Games news, Movies an

This month the team discuss Ubisoft stirring the gamergate pot. Mark gets excited over RoomAlive and

Is OLED TV is future, what are the best seating distances, what is bias lighting and more...

Look back at Sept highlights and forward to Oct reviews, competitions, projectors, movies and more..

Are curved TVs better, Samsung give their view of OLED TV, Playstation TV and more...

Smartwatches, new iPhone 6, death of the iPod classic, laser projectors and more...

Destiny, could you play a game for 10 years, Remakes in games a good thing or not and more...

IFA show report from Berlin. We discuss 4K Tvs, 4K OLED TV, the announcement of 4K Blu-ray and more.

IFA preview, 5.1 or a soundbar for your home, what is at the cinema, what is coming on Blu-ray next

RIP Richard Attenborough, the best TVs for gaming, what TV tech would we buy, Lucy and Into the Stor

RIP Robin Williams, Dolby Atmos in the Home, 4K Netflix vs 1080p BD, original Star Wars on BD and mo

Gamescom announcements, what makes a good games presentation, Leon has an entertainment centre and m

Favourite demo discs, OLED TVs for two grand, Sky Sports on Now TV for less games news, movie news,