cover of episode Editing AI-Written Content: My Time-Saving Tips & Tricks

Editing AI-Written Content: My Time-Saving Tips & Tricks

logo of podcast Authentic AI® for Entrepreneurs: Branding & Marketing With Chat GPT and AI Tools

Authentic AI® for Entrepreneurs: Branding & Marketing With Chat GPT and AI Tools

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kinsey: 我是一名创业者,帮助其他创业者利用AI工具提高效率,同时保持品牌真实性。我最初对AI工具持怀疑态度,但后来意识到它们可以帮助我们节省时间,提高效率,同时保持品牌个性。我通过亲身实践证明,AI工具可以帮助我节省大量时间,例如撰写Instagram标题的时间从1小时缩短至15分钟。在使用ChatGPT时,我建议大家专注于修改单个句子或短语,而不是让它重写整段文字。此外,在使用AI工具之前,应该先对其进行品牌培训,使其了解你的品牌理念、目标客户等信息。在创作过程中遇到瓶颈时,可以使用ChatGPT来完成句子、完善文案或进行头脑风暴。 在决定是否外包任务时,应优先考虑哪些任务需要人工的“人情味”,以及自身的时间成本。我们可以将一些不需要过多人工干预的任务外包给虚拟助理,并教会他们使用AI工具。即使使用AI工具节省了时间,我也会对所有内容进行人工审核,以确保质量。 女性应该积极拥抱AI工具,避免因使用AI工具而产生负罪感或被误解为“走捷径”。AI工具可以将生产力提高40%,女性应该积极使用AI工具,避免在职场中落后于男性。女性应该积极使用AI工具,因为这不仅可以提高个人生产力,还可以提升女性在AI领域的话语权。 Amber: 我也使用AI工具,并鼓励我的团队使用AI工具。在使用AI工具和外包任务之间,我们需要找到平衡点。有些任务需要人工的“人情味”,而有些任务则可以使用AI工具来提高效率。

Deep Dive

Kinsey talks about her initial skepticism towards AI and how she overcame her fears by embracing the technology and finding ways to use it authentically. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining a human touch and avoiding generic AI outputs.
  • Overcoming fear of AI by getting curious and finding ways to make it work.
  • Maintaining authenticity by using AI as a tool, not a replacement for human creativity.
  • Avoiding generic AI outputs by training AI on your brand and personal style.

Shownotes Transcript

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Ever feel like you're spending too much time tweaking Chat GPT to make it sound like you?This week, we're diving into practical tips for solopreneurs to make your AI content authentically yours. I'm honored to re-share a Guest Interview I did on my friend Amber Figlow's podcast 'The Content Collective' 🥳Connect with Amber at or @amberfiglow) on Instagram!Hit play to hear: 

✸ How Kinsey got started with AI and overcame the 'AI scaries'✸ The balance between using AI tools and outsourcing tasks to humans✸ The importance of women embracing AI tools to close the gender gap in productivity and representation

✸ Simple yet effective ways to edit AI-generated content that need a personal touch ✸ Real-world examples of tweaking AI outputs for a more genuine feel

Ready to create Instagram Reels with ease? Snag our Reels Prompt Playbook for ChatGPT)to get 20 AI Prompts for Reels hooks + captions (and more!)


--------------Want to train ChatGPT to think and sound like your brand? 👉 Brand Persona for ChatGPT): Learn the how to AI on your brand persona: DIYwith.AI/Minicourse)👉 Brand Blueprint for ChatGPT): Create the 'Ultimate AI Training Tool' for your brand: DIYwith.AI/Blueprint)--------------Ready to create Instagram Reels with ease? Snag our Reels Prompt Playbook for ChatGPT) to get 20 AI Prompts for Reels hooks + captions (and more!)


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