课程主讲人:我开发了一个名为“ChatGPT品牌蓝图”的课程,旨在帮助用户创建个性化的AI训练工具,从而使ChatGPT能够更好地理解和反映用户的品牌形象。课程内容涵盖五个核心策略,通过一步步的指导,用户可以创建一个能够快速、高效地生成符合品牌调性的内容的AI助手。这不仅能节省大量的时间和精力,还能确保内容的真实性和一致性,避免因ChatGPT对品牌理解不足而产生的偏差。 我的品牌蓝图已经帮助我节省了大量的时间和精力,让我能够更轻松地处理各种业务任务。通过这个蓝图,我能够快速获得与品牌形象一致的回应,而无需进行大量的反复沟通和修改。 如果你也遇到过ChatGPT无法理解你品牌的情况,那么我的课程将是你的理想选择。它将帮助你创建一个终极的AI训练工具,让ChatGPT成为你品牌营销的有力助手,从而提升效率,并确保品牌形象的一致性和准确性。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Have you been feeling like ChatGPT is missing the memo when it comes to your brand? Brand Blueprint for ChatGPT is here. This course walks you through the step-by-step of creating your own ultimate AI training tool for your brand. With the help of ChatGPT, we'll dive deep into the five core strategies and create your brand blueprint. Then you'll be able to use your blueprint to train your AI assistant on everything it needs to know about your brand.

in just one click and less than 10 seconds. Seriously, my own brand blueprint has been a huge time saver, energy saver, and honestly, authenticity saver as I've been using ChatGPT to help me with all the things in my business. With my brand blueprint, I've been able to get

on-brand responses super quickly and easily from the get-go without a bunch of back and forth headache. So if you've ever found yourself saying, ugh, ChatGPT just doesn't get my brand, then you'll definitely want to check out our new course, Brand Blueprint for ChatGPT. You can sign up today at slash blueprint. The link is in the show notes. Simply visit

DIY with dot AI slash blueprint to sign up now and create your ultimate AI training tool today.