Have you been feeling like ChatGPT is missing the memo when it comes to your brand? Brand Blueprint for ChatGPT is here. This course walks you through the step-by-step of creating your own ultimate AI training tool for your brand. With the help of ChatGPT, we'll dive deep into the five core strategies and create your brand blueprint. Then you'll be able to use your blueprint to train your AI assistant on everything it needs to know about your brand.
in just one click and less than 10 seconds. Seriously, my own brand blueprint has been a huge time saver, energy saver, and honestly, authenticity saver as I've been using ChatGPT to help me with all the things in my business. With my brand blueprint, I've been able to get
on-brand responses super quickly and easily from the get-go without a bunch of back and forth headache. So if you've ever found yourself saying, ugh, ChatGPT just doesn't get my brand, then you'll definitely want to check out our new course, Brand Blueprint for ChatGPT. You can sign up today at diywith.ai slash blueprint. The link is in the show notes. Simply visit
DIY with dot AI slash blueprint to sign up now and create your ultimate AI training tool today.