With the regular wave movements of the sea, these things that are in the sea wash ashore. This is how you can find shells, but also rubbish and waste that has been emptied into the sea. Although holiday brochures constantly advertise pictures of beautiful beaches with bright blue skies and turquoise-coloured water, the reality is sometimes different or it takes a lot of effort to get the scenery like this: namely regular and sometimes costly beach cleaning. So anyone who thoughtlessly leaves their rubbish in the sea because they think the sea is so big that nobody will notice is mistaken: it will wash up again somewhere. In the same way, our behaviour and our words leave behind residues that reappear here and there. So we can't just throw out our inner rubbish wherever we want - we have to dispose of it correctly and in a way that is appropriate to our needs and souls.
I wish you an extraordinary day!