In the Swiss card game Jass, there is the ace, which is the highest card, followed by the king, the queen and the jack. So the latter is in the middle, with a few less valuable cards below it. So it's in there somewhere in the middle and you can't really strategise a game with it. Unless... unless his colour is designated as the trump colour. Then it's suddenly the highest card in the whole game that trumps everything. So a decision by the player catapults the meaningless jack to top value. I believe that it is also like this with faith: if we have a relationship with God and consider and accept what Jesus has done for us as true for our lives, then we suddenly belong to the trump group and our authority especially against evil increases like in the card game mentioned. Then we can go through life in a completely different way and confront the disgusting in a completely different way. Then we will no longer be outdone but will be the trump card.
I wish you an extraordinary day!