AT Parenting Survival Podcast: Parenting | Child Anxiety | Child OCD | Kids & Family

The truth is we are all surviving parenting one day at a time. Add child anxiety or childhood OCD an


Total: 425

Many of our kids thrive in non-traditional learning environments. And some of our kids are not able

It is hard enough supporting our kids with anxiety or OCD, but what happens when they go away to col

It is not uncommon for kids with anxiety or OCD to also have issues with picking their skin or pulli

Often parents who are raising kids with both PDA and OCD get conflicting advice. This can push a par

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Stuart Ralph, from the podcast The OCD Stories to talk about

OCD doesn’t live in a bubble; it lives in our home. It lives in our families. It is not an isolated

Anxiety and OCD can create hopelessness. It can feel like such an overwhelming task to overcome thes

OCD doesn’t just involve our kids, it involves us. OCD reassurance seeking is a sneaky compulsion. I

It can be so hard to see our kids tumble and fall. No one wants to see their kids fail. But we rob o

Sometimes we have to do something really scary in order to be our true selves. I started working on

If we are openly discussing our child’s anxiety or OCD with them, we might assume that we aren’t mis

She was visibly shaking. Her hands were trembling and she was asking me to help. Her face was so pal

Anxiety and OCD are hard enough to deal with, but when you sprinkle ADHD into the mix everything can

It is already tough trying to help our kids with anxiety or OCD, but it is even harder stomaching un

It has been so nice to see all these films addressing our children’s mental health issues. The more

Raising a child with anxiety or OCD can bring with it so many struggles, including our own grief and

John Green’s new movie Turtles All the Way Down goes a long way in helping the OCD community educate

It can take so much energy to find a qualified OCD specialist to finally assess and diagnose your ch

Anxiety and OCD can rob our kids of so many things, including their self-esteem and self-worth. It i

What will your anxious kids look like when all grown up? Amanda Stern and I are two possibilities. A