Podcast created for Astro-lovers and for all those who want to know about the cosmos, about the univ
Magnetohydrodynamics is one of the interesting sub-branch of physics, where we analyse fluid dynamic
Of nature's four fundamental forces, gravity is the most innately experienced. From their earliest s
Quantum entanglement is one of the most bizarre phenomena seen at very tiny, subatomic scales. When
The northern lights, or the aurora borealis, are beautiful dancing waves of light that have captivat
In our "Hello, Astrophysicist!" segment, we interact with some of the finest Astrophysicists and tal
Betelgeuse is classified as a red supergiant of spectral type M1-2 and is one of the largest s
Extraterrestrial life/intelligent life sometimes colloquially referred to as alien life, is hypothet
The expansion of the universe is the increase in distance between any two given gravitationally unbo
Stellar nucleosynthesis is the creation (nucleosynthesis) of chemical elements by nuclear fusion rea
2021 REWIND of the highlights from the field of astronomy. Gravitational lensing: When light
In this episode, we are featuring Varun Nikam (IG | @varun.nikam22) --- Support this podcast: ht
For thousands of years, humans have been trying to figure out the universe and determine its true ex
Something really significant for the field of astronomy was announced last week on december 14th. Fo
Our latest episode is about the most ambitious, complex and the largest telescope ever built by huma
We wind up the season of Stars with Star Death. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spo
Aman and Swaetha talk about Star Dust and Galaxy Formation. --- Support this podcast: https://pod
This was the episode recorded with the irreplaceable content on Main Sequence Stars. Do check out ou
In this episode we talked about Binary Stars and Gravitational Waves. --- Support this podcast: h
We discuss about Variable Stars. Tune in to the ASTROPHYSICAST Podcast Season three to witness the u
We celebrate World Space Week with Ancy Anna John, A Ph.D Scholar from University of St. Andrews Sco