cover of episode Moon Magic: How to Connect With Our Wondrous Ally in the Sky w/Rachel Lang

Moon Magic: How to Connect With Our Wondrous Ally in the Sky w/Rachel Lang

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Astrology Hub Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Magic is the most marginalized and misunderstood spiritual practice on the planet. It’s not surprising that so many people think it’s all witches in dark corners doing hocus pocus spells over bubbling brews.   Well, magic isn’t that at all, and that’s what I love about today’s episode. Prepare to have magic demystified and defined so you can experience all the wondrous possibilities. When it comes to harnessing magic, humans have a long history of working in correspondence with the moon. The moon is the fastest moving heavenly body that we see in the night sky and it changes every month, so it’s imbued with so much power, intention and meaning - if we tap into it. In this week’s episode, astrologer, author and inner circle teacher, Rachel Lang reveals what makes the moon so magical, and the powerful insights we can glean from both our natal moon and the transitions of the moon. On this episode you will learn;🪄 What magic really is beyond ideas of witches doing spells over brewing cauldrons💫 How to access this magic in your everyday life and also what blocks you from the magic that’s always available to you 🧲 Your natal moon and how to use it to identify what you’re magically attracting into your life 🌕 Moon cycles and how to work with moon’s movements 🕋 Rituals you can do depending on what element the moon is in 🌒 Why the moon is so important in our magical practice ✨ If you loved what you heard today, and want more from Rachel, good news! She will be teaching an Inner Circle Master Class. To sign up go to📝 Make Astrology a part of your daily life... (without feeling like it’s yet another thing you have to do). To become a founding member of our Inner Circle Membership Tier dedicated to helping you align your life with the cosmic rhythm in light, easy, practical ways go to📆Take a deeper dive into what 2024 has in store for you with our FREE 2024 Astrology Blueprint. Our exceptional Astrologer Connect team offers deep insights, detailed transit reports, and tailored journaling prompts to help you harness the best of 2024. Unlock your cosmic roadmap – visit and get yours today!📖 Discover the magic of planning with the cosmos using Magic of I’s astrological planners, a favorite at Astrology Hub. Get an exclusive 10% discount with code AHMAGIC, or a 20% discount as an Inner Circle Member (check your membership portal for the code!). Visit to claim your offer and step into 2024 with clarity. 📕 Check out our list of free resources! Bio Rachel Lang is an astrologer, author, speaker and current inner circle astrologer. Her book Modern Day Magic is a primer to help you understand fundamental magic rules and practices. It gives you a step-by-step process to reclaiming and working with magic.  Go to 📖 Buy Modern Magic and Rachel’s children’s book As Above, So Below wherever you like to get your books! Here are links to buy via Rachel directly: Modern Magic: Above, So Below: