Astral Codex Ten Podcast

The official audio version of Astral Codex Ten, with an archive of posts from Slate Star Codex. It's


Total: 1003

I wanted NSI-189 to be real so badly. Pharma companies used to love antidepressants. Millions of peo

Thanks to everyone who commented on my last two posts, especially the many people who disagreed with

There was some good pushback on yesterday’s article on taxes. But sorry, I’m still right. Many peopl

Here is the cost of the current GOP tax bill placed in the context of other really expensive things.

About 30% of the victims of sexual harassment are men. About 20% of the perpetrators of sexual haras

Eliezer Yudkowsky’s catchily-titled Inadequate Equilibria is many things. It’s a look into whether t

Earlier this year, Nathan Robinson of Current Affairs wrote an article against school vouchers. He a

Question I’d never thought to ask before: are we sure it’s a good idea to let people know what the l

Medieval Icelandic crime victims would sell the right to pursue a perpetrator to the highest bidder.

Ars Longa, Vita Brevis


The Alchemist asked if I wanted a drink. I did, but no amount of staring could make my eyes settle o

Does Age Bring Wisdom?


I turn 33 today. I can only hope that age brings wisdom. We’ve been talking recently about the high-

When I wrote about my experiences doing psychotherapy with people, one commenter wondered if I might



SSC’s review of postmodernism got very mixed reviews. Some of them made a good point: why should I b

Some of the Seattleites put together a Postmodernism For Rationalists presentation that’s been spark



Rat Park is a famous study in which lab rats were kept in a really nice habitat that satisfied their

The Baffler publishes a long article against “idiot” New Atheists. It’s interesting only in the cont

A good scientist, in other words, does not merely ignore conventional wisdom, but makes a special e

Thanks to everyone who made interesting comments on yesterday’s post about Dark Ages. Several people



Cracked offers Five Ridiculous Myths You Probably Believe About The Dark Ages; number one is “The Da

Pop science likes to dub dopamine “the reward chemical” and serotonin “the happiness chemical”. God