Meghan Trainor
Meghan Trainor: 我在楠塔基特岛长大,那里与玛莎葡萄园岛之间存在竞争关系。我的父母年龄差距很大,这在当时并不常见。我父亲从事过多种职业,包括乐队教师和警察。他非常支持我的音乐事业,在我很小的时候就鼓励我创作歌曲和表演。我从六岁开始在教堂唱歌,十二岁组建乐队。我的兄弟姐妹也对我的音乐事业给予了支持。我们一起举办派对,分享彼此的生活。我的哥哥戒酒后,我非常为他感到高兴,也希望他能找到属于自己的幸福。我从小就有皮肤剥落和抽动症等问题,但我的家庭给了我很多爱和支持。我的音乐创作灵感来自于我的生活经历和情感。我的新专辑《Timeless》表达了我对死亡的恐惧,以及对爱的渴望。 Dax Shepard: 作为访谈者,Dax Shepard引导Meghan Trainor讲述了她成长经历、家庭关系、音乐事业以及个人情感等方面的故事。他积极地参与到对话中,提出问题,并对Meghan Trainor的经历表示理解和共鸣。他展现出对Meghan Trainor音乐才华的欣赏,以及对她的个人生活的关心。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Meghan Trainor (Timeless) is a singer and songwriter. Meghan joins the Armchair Expert to discuss what it was like growing up on Nantucket Island, how she felt about the age gap between her parents, and having to move because of her allergies. Meghan and Dax talk about how she got into producing songs at a young age, why she loves the true crime genre, and song writing competitions. Meghan explains how she deals with negative comments on social media, how she has become more open about her medical conditions, and having dual toilets in her bathroom.

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