Dax Shepard
Monica Padman
Dax Shepard: 本期节目邀请了YouTube上最受欢迎的医生——迈克医生,探讨了他作为移民子女的成长经历、社交媒体的运营方式以及慈善拍卖的经历。节目中还涵盖了关于过度身体优化、医疗误区、财富对健康的影响、手术与物理治疗的权衡、以及与医生沟通的重要性等话题。Dax Shepard高度评价了Mike医生的视频内容,认为其既有趣又实用,并分享了其女儿通过Mike医生的视频学习医疗知识的经历。 Mike医生:在节目中,Mike医生分享了他作为移民子女的成长经历,以及父母为寻求更好的生活环境和子女未来而做出的牺牲。他讲述了儿时目睹父亲学习医学的过程激发了他对医学的热爱,以及在Instagram上分享医学生涯的经历意外走红的故事。他还谈到了母亲患癌的经历,以及这段经历如何影响他看待医疗过程和患者自主权的方式。Mike医生强调了现代医疗提倡团队合作,医生应尊重患者的自主权,并提供全面的信息以帮助患者做出决策。他还分享了自己在社交媒体上谨慎地避免做出医疗承诺或提供解决方案,以及致力于将复杂的科学知识转化为大众易于理解的信息,以对抗错误信息的理念。 Monica Padman: Monica Padman作为节目主持人,与Dax Shepard和Mike医生一起探讨了节目中的各个话题,并分享了自己的观点和看法。

Deep Dive

Doctor Mike discusses his journey to becoming a YouTube sensation. He shares how his daughters introduced him to Dr. Mike's videos and praises the informative and entertaining content. Doctor Mike's rise to fame began with documenting his medical school journey on Instagram, which led to recognition from BuzzFeed and People Magazine.
  • Doctor Mike has over 25 million YouTube subscribers.
  • He was named the Sexiest Doctor Alive in 2015.
  • Dax Shepard's daughters introduced him to Doctor Mike's videos.

Shownotes Transcript

Doctor Mike (The Checkup with Doctor Mike) is a family medicine doctor and YouTube’s #1 Doctor. Doctor Mike joins the Armchair Expert to discuss being the son of immigrants, how his social media presence started, and what it was like being auctioned off for charity. Doctor Mike and Dax talk about the dangers of hyper body optimization, the misinformation out there around healthcare, and how wealth affects a person’s access to their health needs. Doctor Mike explains how he feels about surgery as a solution, how necessary physical therapy is, and how important honesty is when speaking to your physician. 

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