
AppStories is a weekly exploration of the world of apps by MacStories' Federico Viticci and John Voo


Total: 423

This week, Federico and John discuss some of their most frequently-used shortcuts for work and thei

This week, Federico and John talk about how they’ve set up their new Series 4 Apple Watches includi

This week, Federico and John consider what the new Marzipan apps in Mojave may mean for the future

This week, Federico and John discuss more of their favorite iOS and watchOS app debuts and updates

This week, Federico and John dig into some of their favorite iOS app debuts and updates highlightin

Exploring Twitter Apps


This week, Federico and John explore Twitter clients, other specialized Twitter apps, and how they

This week, Federico and John take a look at apps that integrate with Apple’s iOS Reminders app, whi

Federico returns from vacation to discuss the share sheet extensions that he and John use on their

I Set Up a Fake Child


John is joined by Merlin Mann to discuss managing family tech use and the upcoming iOS 12 Screen Ti

John is joined by Alex Cox in an attempt to fix his messy iPhone screens. This episode is sponsore

John is joined by Stephen Hackett to compare and discuss their Mac menu bar apps. This episode is

Federico and John consider the elements that make an app a pro app. This episode is sponsored by:

PDF Apps


Federico and John discuss the world of apps for viewing, organizing, marking up, editing, and creat

Federico and John discuss the apps they use to manage large projects like the MacStories and AppSto

Federico and John are joined by Team Alto members Ryan Cash and Harry Nesbitt. This episode is spo

Federico and John interview Michael Flarup and Marc Edwards about iOS app design. This episode is

Federico and John are joined by independent game developer Zach Gage the creator of hit games like

Federico and John interview Becky Hansmeyer, the creator of Snapthread and Heidi Helen Pilypas, the

Federico and John interview Marco Arment, the creator or Instapaper and Overcast and David Smith wh

Federico and John interview Craig Hockenberry of The Iconfactory and James Thomson, the creator of