cover of episode my emotional crutches, a talk with emma

my emotional crutches, a talk with emma

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Emma: 本期节目中,我分享了最近一段时期情绪低落、易怒且缺乏意志力的经历。这并非源于抑郁、焦虑或倦怠,而是因为我主动或被动地去除了生活中几乎所有的情绪支柱,例如尼古丁成瘾、购物成瘾、沉迷社交媒体和回避型恋爱模式等。这些情绪支柱曾帮助我缓解压力、逃避现实,但长期来看,它们阻碍了我的成长,并降低了我的生活质量。我意识到,尼古丁让我能够轻松应对讨厌的事情,却无法让我创造自己热爱的生活;购物成瘾让我感到内疚和浪费;回避型恋爱模式让我无法专注于个人成长和寻找合适的伴侣;沉迷互联网则让我感到焦虑,并扭曲了我的现实感。摆脱这些情绪支柱的过程非常艰难,我经历了暴躁易怒、缺乏耐心等负面情绪,但最终我发现,我的焦虑水平降低了,生活也更加清晰明了。我开始通过运动、专注工作等方式来获得快乐和满足感。这是一个持续的旅程,需要不断努力,但最终的结果是值得的。 Emma: 我详细阐述了我各种情绪支柱的成因,例如童年焦虑导致的口腔固定行为和尼古丁成瘾,对物质满足感的渴望导致的购物成瘾,以及青少年时期缺乏自信和渴望被认可导致的回避型恋爱模式。我还解释了互联网成瘾的普遍性和其对个人价值观和生活方式的影响。我意识到,这些情绪支柱虽然在短期内能带来满足感和逃避现实的快感,但长期来看,它们会阻碍个人成长,导致焦虑和不健康的依赖。摆脱这些情绪支柱的过程虽然艰难,但最终会带来更清晰的自我认知、更健康的生活方式和更高的生活质量。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the speaker feel grumpy recently?

She felt grumpy because she had eliminated almost all of her emotional crutches, which were things she used to soothe and distract herself.

Why did the speaker consider her emotional crutches detrimental?

Emotional crutches prevent logical reasoning, allow self-deception, and ignore reality. They also prevent growth and can lead to addiction.

Why did the speaker develop an oral fixation and nicotine addiction?

She developed an oral fixation and nicotine addiction as a way to cope with anxiety and stress, starting from a young age with thumb sucking and later transitioning to vaping and nicotine.

Why did the speaker's shopping addiction form?

Her shopping addiction formed because she always wanted the freedom to buy things and felt a sense of instant gratification from shopping, which became a way to combat boredom and stress.

Why did the speaker choose to date avoidant boys?

She chose to date avoidant boys because it boosted her self-esteem and provided a distraction from her other anxieties, even though it ultimately prevented her growth and made her unhappy.

Why did the speaker find it hard to quit her emotional crutches?

Quitting emotional crutches is hard because they provide a familiar and controllable type of pain, and the pain of reality can be more challenging to deal with. It also involves finding new, healthier ways to release happy chemicals.

What positive changes has the speaker noticed after removing her emotional crutches?

She has noticed lower anxiety, clearer thinking, and a better overall quality of life, despite the initial difficulty and grumpiness.

Emma Chamberlain discusses a recent "grumpy" phase, unlike her usual experiences with depression or anxiety. She attributes this to eliminating her emotional crutches.
  • Emma's recent emotional struggle manifests as grumpiness, impatience, and lack of willpower.
  • She connects this change to removing emotional crutches from her life, both consciously and subconsciously.

Shownotes Transcript

i've recently hit a rough patch in my life, and this one feels different. unlike past struggles with depression, anxiety, or burnout, this time, i'm just grumpy. my fuse is short, and my willpower is nonexistent. it took me a minute to figure out what it was, but once i did, everything made sense. i'm grumpy because as of recently, i've eliminated almost all of my emotional crutches in life. what i used to use to soothe me is gone. so today we're going to be talking about emotional crutches.

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