cover of episode imposter syndrome, a talk with emma

imposter syndrome, a talk with emma

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Emma: 我从十几岁起就一直与冒名顶替综合征作斗争,最近我意识到它不再是我生活中主要的困扰。虽然它仍然存在,但影响已经大大减轻。我没有采取任何特别的措施来缓解它,它似乎是自然而然地改善的。通过学习和反思,我发现了几种克服冒名顶替综合征的方法,包括提高自我认知、从事实的角度看待自己的成就和人际关系、假装自己很骄傲、减少与他人的比较、将自身的价值建立在道德和价值观上,以及调整职业目标和生活目标。这些方法帮助我减轻了焦虑,让我能够更好地享受生活和工作。 Emma: 我经历了冒名顶替综合征的多种类型,包括完美主义者、专家、天才和超人类型。在学校期间,我因为不是天才型学生而感到焦虑,即使我成绩优异,也因为需要付出巨大努力而感到自己不配拥有这些成就。这导致我在高中末期经历了第一次严重的抑郁症。在职业生涯中,我仍然坚持完美主义的思维模式,并且常常觉得自己不是各个领域的专家,这让我过度工作并导致倦怠。我的冒名顶替综合征也影响了我的恋爱关系和友谊,让我在关系中变得过于顺从,并试图改变自己以迎合对方。即使我实现了拥有梦想之家的目标,我仍然感到自己不配拥有它。

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i've talked a lot publicly about my imposter syndrome because it's something that i've struggled with since i was a teenager. but i had sort of an epiphany recently that imposter syndrome isn't really a relevant struggle for me in my life anymore. it's definitely still a challenge, but it's just not as big of a deal as it used to be for me. and i think i figured out how i overcame it. so that's what i wanna discuss today - how i fixed my imposter syndrome.

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