Today's animal spirits is brought to you by our friends at White charts. Michael White charts is hosting a discussion on december third of a very own josh Brown in Y R C E O, sean Brown, Brown brothers at the trends of the past year. Think about what's happening heading in the twenty twenty five from changes in adviser client 是 ships, emerging risks and everything advisers need to know.
What do we send? People bend .
registration link in the shown note. And don't forget twenty percent of that initial White charts. Professional description when you tell anal spirits than you y charts that come for more.
Well, to anal irk and investing.
join Michael panic and ben carlson as they talk about what they're reading, writing and watching. All opinions expressed by Michael and ben are solely their own opinion and do not reflect the opinion of red wealth management. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for any investment decisions.
Clients of vert hood's wealth management maintain positions in the security is discussed in this podcast. Walk into animal sprints with Michael and bend. We love our audience.
We don't really know our audience that wealth because the owners, the gatekeepers of you will of these podcast apps. I don't I tell us as much. I I met a fan in the airport last week, which i've got to a little bit of the show.
So we have a general idea. We meet him in the while. We love me, our fans, but we don't really know.
We guys are. So we want to know to Better serve you. We're going to we're doing a survey, basic survey, not too painful.
Three questions.
no, no, no. one. Three questions .
to the first page. Three questions.
Three questions. One, do you like audible spirits too? How taller you three .
are your Michael person movie or Better person sanny ho.
we're going have a look, that show we would love if you would share, share some information, some thoughts, if you would, if you will.
give the show away for free. This is the least you could do. Thank you. right? okay. Are speaking of our audience.
We had a life shown in chicago last week, and I was great to get out, meet some people. And with a great, great group. We did that with the vessel more, as you can expect to hear that life show soon.
IT is fun to meet people out in the child because I feel like I don't know. Half a dozen people asked for an origin story, like, how long have you guys been actually doing this podcast work? Because we take IT for granted that everyone has been here since beginning.
Yeah, everyone wants a while. I will get an email from someone saying, hey, i'm N G here. I've been listening since very first episode, really cool.
But other people have come along the way, and I feel like people didn't really no that. So we've been doing IT for seven years now, which is kind of insane. Well, right? So I was november two thousand seventeen.
I H check out there at a long time. But I was I was awesome to get out and meet people and hear people's oris and what they do and and when they listen and how they listen. And it's very fun to see people in the while because you're right with the survey thing. We don't get to see our audience sometimes that you forget that sometimes on the other end of this thing and it's just me and you talking.
yes, I you know to my detriment, something I do too good job forgetting. I told you a couple of months ago sitting, I am like way to make IT. I'm not there's people listening to this.
It's not just being new. And although that maybe that's a way to show work one more thing. So I was on the road last week .
in seven years. I think we've missed two episodes. Think the first one is my foot, the second is your fault.
I'm gonna be padding from tropical locale next week. Are you going republic? Very .
nice. Ah oh, filly, we're in filled delpha seeing our tax team. We need accountants. If if you're in account, you want to work with us, especially in the great citified offa, please reach out. There's there's a national shortage of commented, you know but I said.
well, special cartons who can work in the R A industry, right? Have that dual thread.
Yeah we're looking for we're looking for new this .
is something i've talked to a handful of financial adviser groups of the past couple weeks, and this is something that every financial adviser group is thinking about doing. They want to implement tax into their practice. yeah. And we've done IT and it's we've got ten great results because people love IT. But yes, we need many more accounts .
um so we want you reach out.
make sure your email edicts OK Michael will respond.
I respond everyone i've got called today, respond to everyone. I give my phone number, just give me call a. So we went to the six years game. What a travesty. This joel ambas, eleven points, three rebounds, thirty one minutes last night, not a single fell shot, six hundred and two and eleven dumper fire.
Just harsh for the filly people.
How would, what would you describe that?
I don't like, I don't watch the game. Maybe he had some some good moments too. No.
well, I didn't want you game, but alright enough for that. Let's get to happen.
So not just because of the show, but I feel like the the water phrase of the past we can have has been animal spirits. I see IT everywhere in the headlines. I see IT in the wall street research reports.
This is from bloomberg. The S, A, P, V, I funder will source sixty six percent to ten thousand by the end of the decade from edr. Danny, uh, he says, the animal spirits being set loose by the economic policies of president, look down a triple.
Send the S. P. To ten thousand. This says this is an uber bullish prediction in bloomberg, but I IT sounds like a lot, but were at six thousand, so going to ten thousand, that's back to the end of ten percent per year at pace only.
So at some divided. And I like how you actually like you just did the bath and your head .
was cute total did in my head.
like done is rosing us that the entire vey podcast that we are welcome back about us asking people feel out the server.
hey, this is the natural server that ask people the right questions. We're not leading people.
Yeah, that's yeah we don't like the way that survey questions are framed. Yes, yes. simple. Yes, no questions. A real survey, duncan.
I like if I was doing a survey, like survey places, do I would say, Michael, movies are terrible, do you agree? And people say, yes, I do agree.
So i've got, i've got a little movie slack out with some of the guys from R W M. Actually, we're having a date night. Um six of us. We're going to see herdic tomorrow.
We did not go to a movie by yourself.
I'll be find. I'll be fine.
You're a question for you. You're going you're going to a movie with five other adults. Will you guys sit? Shoulder shoud place .
between .
s in between and the felt kind of weird.
yeah. Well, also a sign seating. So we have no choice. But, uh, you magine Michael movie.
So one of the so over the weekend, somebody said, host was so scary. Great call. And somebody else said, kill us.
Awesome movie, para facing. And I said, this is how I feel reading these messages. And I was zarxas ze from three hundred, where he's like this, you know, like the god king that move. You never .
have three hundred, hundred hundred .
members pushing on the .
old life show. I talking to someone, one of our listeners, and he was telling me, SHE pointed over to you and he said, see the guy that that is totally monopolizing local time. They're talking about the terrible movies that they like.
So using I am a person, yes, yeah. And he said, there is a person here who is just geek out with Michael about these movies. And SHE said, the thing that he loves so much about the show is the fact that we are total opposite.
Now saying that that's the dynamic that works because we are total opposite in a lot of ways 是 very similar。 okay. So anyway, ten percent for year by the end of the decade. Uh, he also says we don't expect another bare market through the end of the decade, but there under dly be a few corrections long.
The way I would never go as far to say is not not to be A A market regardless of what I think the returns are going to be ten percent through the end of the year or through the end of the decade. Do you think that sounds high ish? Because I feel like people are lifting their their respects does .
ten percent first. All, of course, of corrections of bare markets.
What what if we not? He said, no. He said corrections long way. But he doesn't expect to be a bear market.
He does not over the next four years, he does not expect there to be a very market.
Well, well, five years, six years, five years.
That's bold possible, I guess.
Yeah never know. So here's so .
yeah based on what .
experienced for the past fifteen years.
I don't know.
man like doesn't doesn't sound that aggressive to me in terms of like uber bullish. But I guess maybe putting context of where we've been, maybe some people would think .
that I was I was walking down in manhattan last night. I know I thinking of this, but there is somebody, people out and we spoke about this, who do we speak about this with? Um we were on T K. F. Josh was talking about was that that to Kelly maybe um and it's like sort of live the thing that you really forget about saying out loud you don't want to think i'll both think that and i'll say aloud.
Do there need to be boom boss and cycles the whether they're used to be in an economy that so tech based, service based, software based like a week good to be less prone to over building boom and bus in in a digital world like the cycles of the of the past? No, no, I think you can do that well. Cycles like a human natural phenomenon.
So like why would this be any different? But I think the business cycle used to be different because the inputs were prone to a boobs. And boss about .
that theory works well, the economy of the markets. So I think we because we ve already had we've had a single recession at last fifteen years and two months long, and IT was man made so that that theory is already proven to be true. Last thirty years.
We've had very few recessions compared to what I was prior. We've had IT the circles arguing longer, but we've still had plenty of bare markets and updated in the markets. So how about that? So I I anything you to ever take that away the markets because we are constantly overreacting one or another.
Now somebody can say, hey dumas, hey dus, five hundred billion thousand capex and to AI, what are you talking about? We can have boom and bus right, right? So like maybe we we're set ourself up up for a bus right now. I don't know if that I don't know who matters.
Come first. So this is from, uh, gunjan at at well street journal, U. S. I could exchange in mutual funds during nearly fifty six billion dollars in the week ended wednesday. The second largest weekly hall on record is going back to thousand.
Can see from the try here uh the first one was looks like earlier this year, they interviews this guy who was talking about his stock picks uh and he says, um I am bullishness on the market. The euphoria everyone is feeling is warranted. Now here's a thing I feel way more comfortable in a bull market that is built on a wolf worry.
I actually start getting a little nervous when it's everyone in the pool, but you don't want to get in front of that free train and everyones in the pool. So I feel I feel little conflict in now because IT doesn't m like things are set up, right? People are saying, well, corporate text is going to fall. This me deregulation that i'll help profits, that should. But if everyone now believes things are great and IT is everyone in the pool.
mike wells just put out a higher target, for example. But I I hear you Better and I don't disagree and think just playing the other side for conversation sake, any time over the least fifteen years you .
try to be too .
cute or like is is is the fact that everybody y's bullish um really a reason to be barrier ed, like is that really a reason to be based outside outside of like you know, outside of somebody that has really no stakes other than trying to make a name for themselves, are trying to you be a containing for containing, seeking for wrong just like, okay, fine. Are you going to say stacks because .
I H no but here's my worry is that we get another twenty twenty one situation where everything gets crazy and stupid and then you get like a little boom and then you have to have other side. That's what I think is probably up for Robert that was in this article to ee said the market is awful ly expensive to have a melt up, which I completely disagree with if there's a melt of situation guess what known valuations .
yeah and shelter, rob. Um but he's pretty sensitive evaluations that has been the entire time.
Yes, it's speaking of chart CDMA did this whole little chart deck for me of .
not matter on the way up at all. If anything, they're supportive of a ball market. I think I think not I think valuations provide little larger of safety on the way down like IT doesn't matter until IT does exactly.
I mean, some people can say, well though it's gonna make people can be quick on the trigger finger, finger, finger, tiger is that man?
Trigger figure? Tiger finger. Uh, if because valuations are high.
but I don't know. So this is matt did this for me, our chart kid, and he looked at the forward P E ratio on election day going back to two thousand and four. And this really surprised me.
So the stock market from election day till now from biden election day is up ninety percentage, which is kind of funny, actually similar what trumps first one was. So it's up ninety percent over his four years. But in that time, the four P E issue has gone from twenty one point four and twenty twenty to twenty one point six and twenty twenty four.
We've had a huge boom in the stock market of last four years, and the valuations have gone nowhere. why? Because earnings are up. Look at the earnings estimates. Look at how much higher the earnings have charged since twenty, the brief dipping code and they may ve just taken off.
Well, they Better come to form because that the market is now expecting seven percent only grow the fur. Twenty twenty five. That's that's a lot that's a lot of black White chips.
That does seem like the counter is according math short here, small captain midcap are still very cheap, way, way cheaper than they were heading into the pandemic.
That's counter now.
And the counter being, it's not that everything is is like people think everything is overvalued. It's if you want to look for overvaluations, it's literally one piece of the market. And even that is my point is, is not as our value to some people are lining up to be. That's like the one counter right now is sure animal spirits are here and things are going crazy, but stocks are overvalued and there are not as valued people would think.
My point bry swards tweed, massive bubble with this much growth. Stop IT. So we take a sin shot on with this coming from, he says, the S M. P. Five hundred forward twelve P E ratio is in the ninety first percent thousand and nineteen eighty five and represented in eighteen point three percent premium to its ten year average. Additionally, i'm skippy head.
The peg ratio, which is Price earnings divided by growth, is currently one point two six times ranking in the fifty second percent piles nineteen eighty five a at a ten percent discount to its ten year average. So yes, things look expensive in a bubble. I mean excess.
Me, in a vacuum. You have to adjust for the fundamentals. People, it's not we're not all dumb idiots. Uh, it's .
growth. This is nice. Maybe stupid, but i'm not dumb.
The reason why stacks are getting this sort of valuation is because the growth is off the charts, you dummy. IT.
i'm not gone lie. I haven't seen the peg ratio says I read one up on wall street with Peter lunch. You don't see that went throw around very often.
You should i'm here to break the back.
right? But the other side, so if if we're playing dots evc to that, people would say, okay, the fundamentals Better come in because if they don't, the market is what is check your finger.
My friend just text me. I forgot about this there. There was an article I think it's done by pew research you're talking about like road rage, incidents of road rage. And I was put in in the article by take IT out the article the dog is along for this week show and IT was like twenty five percent of people of drivers have witness road age.
Oh sure, probably I I mean, way more of experience that right tension on.
I've got three tangent going right in the trump. I was walking home from the train station other night and there's an older gentleman pulling IT out of a parking lot with this in his car and he isn't see me. I was getting dark, I understand, but i'm not found as hope because he's like still going. He's about like going to me like really in truly like witch way. So i'm not going to have and he's not stop so I started knocking harder, harder and like dude was in .
his phone was no.
he was just old that he didn't hear me banging on IT the od of .
his car anyhow. So I jumping.
I could have been over for me. He he really could kill me. So I, the experience of elevator rage less, not elevator. I can't get elector and scatter right in my head escalator. Kay, I did next time last night. So my friend and I are are going to the arena and run the escalera or and this guy like a runs between us and like, you know, bk, one of us and my friend said, like my friend said something, good luck getting where you're giri came and what he said and the guy got so mad and we like, good. We're joke ever likes like and it's like a little angry diode like we're joking so he is waited for us at at as he get off I might do you go to your see we're Kitty and he was I bet I have Better .
suits and you do was how my dad could beat .
up your dad yeah .
and we just we started we started .
gig in this place was quite for so yeah equate a rate that's first okay yeah that that is funny.
Like do you think by cutting in front of us, you're really going to make you're going to make to seat five seconds faster, they're going to .
help yeah and we're playing the wizards of all .
things yeah okay um I have a baseball story later for the show best ball game story um so my best compliment I can provide to another financial writer is man I wish I would have read that that that angle, that peace, that quote, whatever. And i've thought that a lot about john rea failure over the years for morning. I've been reading him for years.
I don't know how long, fifteen years maybe i've been reading him. It's been a long time he wrote his farewell article to morning star, and he didn't do like, here's all the stuff that i've done this. great.
He used IT as a tribute to the miracle of U. S. equities. And he talked about how he joined morning in one thousand and eighty eight, and he said, I want to read little this.
He says, among the first issues of barrels that I read, featured of german, named by proctor, who predicted that the door Jones industry age would soon dropped four hundred. At the time, Jones was two thousand. And while the claim was extreme, the center was typical the arguments against stock's religion.
After two thousand years of G O P. Prosperity, a democrat was in the way house equity investors were rationed in the cape action show that x expensive, the global comes new Normal after two thousand eight global financial. With depressed equity the federal serve, I propped up the marketplace through its policy of quantity is beware when IT remove those train meals. That is my silent cure memory, the perpetually belief that equity investors had missed the party, yet they never had U.
S A.
this is the world of I am thinking, I love, but he he goes through and he he shows the returns, he also shows the number. Al earnings in his time in are ten fold relearning are up forehold and basically saying that like people have been doubtful, the stock market, my entire nearly forty year career and betting against U. S. Stock market has always been the wrong place .
to way to do IT optimism as the default setting who vote that post was 跟。
Jason yeah a classic but yes, really, really well done. I was a big fan of his, but I I love that he just the and the usual caveat to pilot well, winners read the history books and we don't know his to go to ba ba blah. But I I be more surprised if the U. S. Stock market didn't do reasoned well the next forty years than .
did awfully yeah anyway job micon father thank you for yeah a week ban. And I and and hundreds of thousand investors have learned .
a lot over the very right sense.
Is a straight shooter, very straight router, by the way, that's a phrases that doesn't getting enough play. Let's put IT back.
Do you think IT came IT IT came from .
office .
space yeah how to more or less I mean.
okay. So you spoke earlier about like the etf lows and we're at a record already nine hundred thirteen billion so far, breaking twenty twenty one's hall article from bloomberg. Um I just I continue to be bewildered by where this money is coming from.
right? Especially in money markets .
are yeah I just rise. I genuinely don't understand is is are we still doing the mutual fund thing, the conversion a big starting part of the story? I think a lot of the mutual fund conversion that are like actually being done? Or or is .
this could this be a lot of baby bombers that are rolling over four one kids and change in doing that sort of thing?
I have the amount .
of money though um .
anyway uh yeah etf for the one belt is also twist um N V D L which is the two time in video and etf now is more assets isn't happy to tell someone now is more assets than arc, which is hilarious.
So what? That's six billion dollars something.
So who i'll building and building an article over, I talk about the downfall of Kathy wood. Has art lost money for less four years as possible, free counter less, counter less for counter years.
And now anything .
not not to dance on her graef?
No, no, no. So they are up one hundred fifty percent and twenty twenty.
They're down. No one, two, three and four.
Oh, okay, I got to over five year, over three years at on twenty one percent for you. Over five years, only up three point seven .
percent per year for each of the last four counter years.
including this one. Either know they up last year OK, they are down huge and one and they are they're barely up this year after were down earlier.
The fact that an innovation e tf missed the biggest innovation of the list and one hundred many years as rough talking about yeah and.
how do you want an innovation found not own video. Okay, speaking in video from jeff one ago. So in terms of like things being foothill and the bigger stock being the most expenses.
you imagine, know if he would have nailed that AI trade SHE would be like walking on water .
right now yeah SHE would be king's axis OK so that correctly I .
think it's correctly .
jeff one ago um from wasn't treeing ted in video's total value is three point six five trillion. It's within a trillion dollars of the total value of the nia. This is not to make a stock .
market in the world.
Japan is the second largest stock market in the mci all country world than nix. So in video is larger and what not larger? It's not larger. All in video is a trillion away from being larger than the second largest stock. Work in the world seems kind of nuts.
So we now have three companies that are worth more than six percent of the S. M. P.
N. Va is the largest, holding out seven percent. Apples, close to at six point nine percent.
And microsoft is like six point two percent. So those three companies alone make up almost twenty person of the market. Concentration is getting out control as they've been saying to twenty fourteen, right? So my you for a trackers, IT has to be coin base and Robin hood, right? So this year alone, I got update this. No.
no, no. I think I don't think coin .
is is coin .
basis coin basis is coin basis is crp tor.
But yeah that but that's ago a risk on i'm i'm like risk on like the animal spirits are released. So coin basis up ninety percent this year. Robin hood is up hundred and seventy five percent. Look at these long term charge of these companies off the highs from their IOS. They were both down ninety percent from their IPO highs and in base has almost climb ed back of stuff like twenty percent Robin od is still in a fifty percent drawn on, but member had a huge split right out of the gate. But note.
coming next year for you, the ethnic tracker spaces .
going to make a comeback yeah I don't see why not right?
And one of things like cancer did well was I think I think he cleaned up the back stuff. I think all the investor appetite tried up. So not exactly chicken egg.
So twenty, twenty five is going .
to be the financial page.
Yeah, right.
Anything goes. Yeah, get IT all .
out right. Okay.
turn to the economy mikes to cari via via there's bank america, the media checking and savings to pose baLances decline of the past year for all income cowards, but still remain above inflation, adjust to twenty one thousand nine levels, okay, surprising the media, the monthly median household saves in checking baLances by income buying income. So under fifty k fifty to one hundred, one hundred plus all have a higher checking in savings baLance. Adjust the foreign flag, adjust the foreign lation that twenty nineteen average .
has more money everywhere. So this hasn't coming down enough to explain the etf thing either. Like where the money is going in to, right? Is not this cash on asylum is also going into the market or something. And I don't think people would look at checking account baLances that are high as a source of cash anyway.
Somebody sometimes a, this is from visual capitalist, a chart, a table, a visual of U. S. Government in common expenditure. And of course, the total at this exceed the total of seats by two illum. Give her take.
So elana and vivek and the the doge thing, what what does that thing for department of government efficiency? Did I lose you? You might commuted. And is no really touch the mike. I then .
touch the mike. I think I have milk as cleaning my third, looking out for the audience. I like we video a couple weeks ago of speaking of podcasting.
For so long you use to literally eat a salad while we were recording. You would pour a huge salad. You shake IT up in your bag porn ball, and you'd little be eating the conscious thing possible into the microphone. We have many videos of this, of you shopping .
the huge pieces .
of let .
us and know, said, I said last week, hand up, okay, I could lift myself hand up, I can notice, I said my mom's quote, I can notice A A fly and somebody else been on an elephant on myself. I was on the phone with best buy. I need someone to come in and like install my ring cameras or something. By the way, they just put on my I just got to call their invite for january seven hundred th at three in the morning. What .
first? First it's going to .
take two boys and sense of body over here to just install the red camera. Number one, number two, three, A M. Somebody, I think of that.
But either way, i'd love best by so I didn't hang up on best. Bye was on the telephone with them. And after two minutes, they like, hello, you did IT I yeah like, so you please hang up.
please hang up. So guilty.
I am guilty OK. I am. I am a known world class hip icon, apparently.
So i'm very fast on trigger finger with the those things because they take forever to say, GDP ye speaking a phone adequate. Um you call me last, you call me to tell me as at a .
buddie I can .
call you back because .
that's the attitude you you do IT right. quit. That was about getting .
back to this chart. I mean, this is just the way it's going to be forever though, right? People don't actually think that magically are going to bring IT. We're gonna spend less than we bring in, right? I mean, sure of short of cutting social security and and medicare, medicare, how else do you really .
make a dentist? So the the first okay, that's not going up. We taxes are not going .
IT is funny to me. I feel like every account i've ever talked toward the past twenty years, he said, just wait, taxes are going to be going up in the future. They have to and they always just go down.
They never go up. So I so forget about the left side. What about the right side? Yeah what's getting cut for a social security? Uh, medicine? Good luck with that.
right? I mean, maybe they'll try but yeah good luck talking value through.
uh, national defense.
I guess you could say the interest could fall if if the first .
just cuts rates. We talk that. So yeah, so what the plan is that indian is going to do to the government what he did to twitter.
even firing hundreds of thousands of employees, how much is .
really going to save? We spoke with we assemblies on the show. Yeah, I didn't. He shows. He showed a try with us talking about non discussion spending.
So what could possibly be cut? So we compared all of the social security medicine medicine stuff in one chart, and that's open to the right, obviously. And the non direction spending roads, like all know every every all the basic federal government functions. And it's not growing this and does not grow at all really.
It's to the bone .
is so much more to cut.
So IT is just entitlements in interest expense, basic OK. Uh, apparently the economy claims walls as well. This is from person and slack is try of the week. F, M, C is constant expected. The i'm on. But this still hasn't happened this since twenty twenty two when they heard of raising rates and one of the church when they show what the expectation of the economy are and what the actual economy does and the the federal server has been wrong basically the entire time what they what they thought growth should be able to actually was way higher than yeah all right um I guess not to be the dead horse on the economy on the election stuff here, but I think this synching, what should the poll on the swing states? He was on a georgia, michigan north korean in a vada pennsylania in washington.
And he asked, how do you feel about your home state? Like how is that doing? This is, how do you feel about the national economy? In the home city economy, the net margin was positive, like we think we're going in the right direction.
Our state is doing well. National economy was a total opposite. No, we think is doing poorly. And I do think everything these days really just boiled down to vives almost. There's never one thing.
But I think studying the vibes thing is very important because listen to this one from color scale. Did you read her peace and like the post? excEllent. excEllent. yes.
So he says before the election these, uh two researchers, washington polled voters about policies without revealing which candidate proposed Harris were far more popular even trump voters generated as more as long as they knew they weren't hers, that the point is not that like these people are dumb and their misinformed. I think the point is the way that we get your information, it's easier than ever to to have confusing ideas about what's happening to be the i'm fine. I'm doing great, my stays doing great.
My congressman is perfect, but the national economy thinks so. There's this book called the attention emergence by tim wu. And he kind of go to the whole thing of its, started with newspapers, then went to radio, then T, V, and international.
He didn't in his books, x, chem, but then it's kind of social medium podcast are the next step. He he says, the modest upper and die by attention workers draw tention with apparently free, soft and resell IT. But the consequent of that model is a total dependence on gaining and hold the attention.
This means under competition in the racial natural run to the bottom, attention will almost invariably gravity to the more garishness, lurid, outrageous alternative, whatever stimulus may make, more likely engage cognate of scientists call our automatic attention as a post for our control attention, the kind we direct with intent. The race to the bottom of bottom, appealing to what one might call the audience, is based instinct poses a fundamental, continued delima for the attention merchant. Just how far will they go to get this harvest? And my whole point is that, like, people have always been deceived by advertisers and write hockey's and sales people, but we've just never had this the way of getting the information out to so many people at the same time in social media. And I do feel like in the future, there's going to be A A turning point where people going to look back one day and when what happened here to this, the way people feel out stuff in the sentimentally, whatever IT is, or how people and they are going to go, oh, social media, like when facebook was in twitter were started, like the way people consume IT just totally changed everything. I feel like we can point.
what do people say? What do people back and say people used to be so naive? Ve, what if now is not? What if now is in Normal? And people will look back to. And say, how many of people were people thought that like the news was telling them the truth and that everything was objective like what if that's the .
take could be so just yeah don't believe anything in and of course, the news comes to you from some bananas person. I wonder.
That used to be the opposite. Where people is only exposed to other people's opinions, was the dome's neighbor's. And yet they thought that the people surrounding them were such idiots that their home state was doing poor and the national account was actually doing well because they heard opinions from their friends and family and they heard truth from the news.
IT could be possible that the other people just didn't give much thought to the national economy before, because you're didn't IT didn't really impact them. And now people think about IT a lot more. And yeah I again, the point here is not to say like look at i'll misinformed everyone is the point is to say like people getting their information policy in the sources just so jumbles everything up. And I feel like that that makes us so the vives are just more important than ever.
Yes, yes, yes. Anyway, I bought this book when to come out, remember.
but it's very good, but is good. Does he talks about how like when newspapers first came out, advertisers realized, like, oh, we totally understand human nature. We can get these people and that's all point. It's it's always been going on but now the the metaphor .
is louder yeah yeah I mean going furnishers who can influence the national mood Better? Which side?
yes. And unfortunately .
like technology and misinformation and tiktok videos and all that sort of stuff. Um so to new world.
yeah the point is not to like fight IT, it's to far how to use IT your advantage but it's just a different world.
So outside I tripped up for a second our patron tweet. A biton E T S have crossed ninety billion thousand and assets, they they are now seventy two percent of the way to passing gold in each gold. tf.
And assets, which is wild. Consider that god. Tps came out, and I think he doesn't three, he and go close .
to all time high.
Ibt has hit the forty billion of our asset mark in just two hundred eleven days. The previous record was like six times that. So just really, truly off the charts type stuff cumulative theory um etf floats again in about tunes have been negative.
I think there's mostly money coming out of the gray scale, three etf out guests OK. And of course, I flipped after the election. And so then we had a bit of a an argument a few weeks all about like bitcoin being just like a risk t thing.
And I deferred with you, is kari as a chart I fix supporting my argument showing I bit first of the accused or just bit inverse of the use. And there was a long time of time where they were IT was a risk on risk of type. And that is just got completely divorce. I get a smash accuse.
Yes, you are right about that. IT is just unna to me though that I don't know that the the clipt of people always claim around about regulation and stuff. And I just feel like regulate the whole regulation piece hasn't stopped them from doing anything. The past.
Oh yes, IT is obviously .
do IT slung.
You couldn't treat long on on Robinet. This is one example of a million things. Um so so we were out in the airport. I guess maybe i'm talking .
maybe i'm naab's thinking about IT as just like bitcoin, like bitcoin has been stopped from doing anything bit when is the biggest player, the industry?
So I was flying from illa to chicago. Yeah, the chicago and Frank came up me in the airport and no nice to meet you. You think, how would you do? And he told me. And as he walked away, he goes enough for the big coin stuff i'm not having yet. And I was like, and I just heard him, there was so well, what IT was just like, I wonderful as one of his interaction where he walked away, like, what did I just say what we got one he said i'm not having IT was so odd.
We got one of those emails last week though, that people like U. S. Talk script too much.
I guess what is not going away? This is part of the market now. It's a massive as it's a three trillion dollar .
asset class kle best, tweed, scot passion is eminency more qualified. And Howard lot about, like the treasury secretary to run the U. S.
treasury. Scott understands markets, economics. People in geopolitics, anyone have ever interact with Marks have already anticipated best and choice.
Not because not trumps answer lot, because they have a cAnniest soil to be more crypto from me. So anyway, Robert f. Kennedy, junior, who is going to be in a potion, probably going to hold the cabinet position.
Tweet bit point is the currency of freedom, a hedging against inflation from middle of americans, a remedie IT against the dollar downgrade from the world's reserve currency, and the offering for a ruinous st. National debt. Bitcoin will no longer will have no stronger advocate and howlt nic. And listen, you might not like that statement. I don't particular like that statement, but you can you can pretend like this.
The same sounds like twenty five bots in my twitter replies.
but it's now in the White house. okay. And so forgive us for covering a huge story.
And I understand that people are pissed off. They don't like IT. They think it's spam.
They think it's garbage. They upset that they missed IT. I understand all these feelings.
okay. So to the person who told me i'm not having IT, okay. Well, then don't listen. What you to tell you like this is we're covering recovering in the markets.
and this is a big part of how about blood betwen etf options will start treating on tuesday so you can start treating options on I bit cording to blue to bearance. And I guess it's to do way to trade hedge whatever. How quickly do we get a call option selling?
to see.
And now I think I think I think I think there are already exist.
do. But so alex morus, in our life show, we are talking about clipped up, I think before may be not even going show. He was saying like one of the the options, that's a way to create new bitcoin. Essentially, people say there's no way to create new bitcoin. Options are kind of way to create more bitcoin, right?
If you think about leverage.
yeah but but IT is you I mean, whatever it's it's a driving bit of obvious sleep.
But well, here's the the thing that to me was I do how is one bitcoin? Ninety thousand dollars and the Price doesn't matter. It's like you have to it's like they sell in increments of one.
You know be if I say like how is how is booking documents and in eight hundred, our stock, it's like how is that relevant? How is that relevant at all? The absolute? Now I listen and I get IT intellection like is that to be the thing? But IT doesn't matter.
The funny thing is that would have mattered in the past when you had to buy like there wasn't .
a fractional shares. What is the underlying Price matter? Um it's a it's the sixth largest asset in the world. And you know IT, I was to I was going to put .
this thing that looks like jake from economic did that too and he put a historical drawed downs for bitcoin. And my question to you is, is that cycle over? I feel like every time, like more institutions, al money comes in, people wonder. Because the history of bit drawdown is ninety percent are on, eighty percent on, you know, even the last time was seventy five.
eighty percent yeah, I think that's over when I say it's over. I mean, like and even in the last one of thing, you get to eighty percent even in the F, T, X. explosion. So I would say that eighty percent, the eighty percent catastrophe wipes are over.
You think that great depression .
scenario off the table of the table? Now I would never say, especially with bitcoin, that I can ka cutting. Hf, I would never say that. But the eighty percent, like the the great depression type or scuts is over.
I would not be just because of the way the twenty four seven nature of IT that is just its security made to be vultu. I wouldn't say it's over yet, but I am leaning that way.
But I I i'm saying the great depression type risk must say I can for sixty percent, but the tween, the sixty percent and eighty percent fall is is enormous. Jack waited. Iva theory, crypto is clearly integrated more deeply traditional finance and gained wider allocation among people beyond early adapters or hobbie's, obviously.
So my theory is that in the next downturn, eclipse itself may experience less severe declines, thanks to mechanisms like basically balancing that can help stable as Prices. But the impact on the border of financial system is now more significant than zero. I would also saffy.
Now how about this a bit? Going goes to one hundred fifty thousand and twenty thousand connect, create inflation like we we now talking about enough, enough trillions. That of money comes out of big point. IT gets into the economy.
I don't know because it's the thing is all the big whales never sell though. They're using IT in the economy.
the metal walls, none of the mega ales haven't sold, but the whales are selling because we say, where is coming from the sky hotel, fifteen hole capital. Whatever is handles always shows a try of where the things are coming from, like who selling and is people that own on one to one hundred big corner .
something like that? okay. So but jake point about the fact that I could have a bigger, broader ret on the broader french system. That's why i'm thinking of selling some because it's a bigger asset level for me now. And the fifty percent crash from a higher asset level would be a lot more painful to live through than when I had way less money in IT because the Prices were lower. That's why i'm thinking every balancing and taking some money off the table because coward, yes, i'm not a dime in hand and people going to say it's gonna to four hundred thousand and hundred thousand every story but for me it's it's the monetary value of that that's much higher. I don't want to sit through another crash situation after seeing IT .
at this love I I totally get but just psi on this please. If if if you do not own bitcoin or or like do not formal in you know I mean like pm breaks and don't want to think that you might regret if .
you're asking should I be in IT now? No, you probably should IT if you weren't t asking that question at thirty, forty, fifty, like a long time ago at lower Prices and now you say, hey.
music going to bitcoin yes, what if is what if he doesn't go from to to to one hundred and to seventy five? Are yourself .
I would be, I would be nervous of people asking me, should I buy bitcoin now? Now is the wrong time to ask?
Yeah, agreed. But if we got to match earlier in the show, we were talking about Robin hood. So there was news this morning that Robin hood is acquiring trade pmr, one of the largest custodians in the ra space.
So that is certainly not worthy Robinet is going to be ah working with natural advisors. So congratulations to rob baldwin, the whole team a trip mr. That is exciting or robot .
t has made a huge push into I R S. I guess they get a ton of money going in or so the fact they're making the step make sense to me.
interesting. I another chart for real state visual capitalist has a chart on the median home Price by state, and they look at the as of August twenty for the median sales Price for a single file home in the us. 3, five, five.
Is california coast a one hundred? Uh, higher? That was pretty high. yes.
Points of neg wealth there.
Washington, look at the middle, the country can oklahoma, ama, lizana, kentucy.
Ana, look.
yeah, miss sipping liana. So my point is look at how much look at a low those Prices are for the median single family home in those states in the so what's your point? I think some people will be surprised about this when they hear about how expensive housing is. There are certain states where housing is still not expensive. When you think about in national context, the close is the middle amErica onus.
Why is that onus?
Because what percentage .
of the population of mississippi or part of the six family homes of mississippi?
Of course, it's just but i'm saying the the the conversation on housing is dominated by people who live in the costs where housing Prices are ridiculously high and is not like that everywhere. These numbers were way lower than I expected. At my point, I was I was surprised that hello, they were there .
is good value in kansas with kansas city miserie .
way miseria kansas.
That's the question both right? This surprise me. Um there's there's a good follow on twitter. It's a at borrowed on the score ideas.
okay. Do you know how to say this brand?
I think I do. In fact.
do i'd like to hear the story behind how they name this company? Because I can't ever pronounce IT. Go worry. W E like, I like by so .
he twisted the lary ways .
I wear the the warming pants. Very nice.
I, three, four years, very, very high quality stuff. They raised eight hundred twenty five million at a five and billion doeberitz. The early round was four billion in two thousand and one. So there's a press release, southern california performance.
I can have a billion doll evaluation for that company and .
a close that nice not is not the exciting face. So he also tweet luu reached similar levels of market cap with seven hundred million in revenue back in twenty eleven. It's hard to be sure, but basic quickly search IT seems that they currently have three to four nine thousand and revenue. So athlete is so hot .
right now yeah half .
the revenue that looked at the time same valuation.
duncan said, send us that the word comes when the finish word for mountain. Okay.
wasn't wasn't there another north word that we were like, what is this? And we are people from one of those beautiful countries is mAiling us into .
possible serve the weights. Did you get I get, ask your question. Did you take survey of the dark here?
I don't see survey anymore, not, but on a personal finance. But maybe I got to delete in an accident. I'm going to put her back in.
right? Survey of the week. This is from pew. A couple, a couple .
weeks ago we talked .
about the cost of american dream have seemed to ridiculous, high like four million dollars to recent american dream, with kids and housing and vacations and other stuff cording to view. The majority of americans say they are on their way to achieve the american dream, really achieved IT. Thirty one percent say they achieve the american dream.
However they define IT. Thirty six percent say their other way to achieving in thirty percent is out of reach for them. These numbers are SHE higher than I always anticipated. So two thirds of people say that they've either achieved the american dream already or underway, achieving IT.
That's great.
Does that make, I guess, not to make IT too simplistic, but two thirds of all people in the country on stacks or a home is, is that too simplistic to say, IT kind of matches up H I.
Higher than I thought.
Alright, email and thirty eight years old pay off my credit. Ards every month, paid off my cars, and I just paid off my mortgage twenty years early. If the sky paid off a three percent mortgage, he deserved a slap in the head.
Kay, sorry, congratulations though i'd think that my score will be the highest. Accept would be hate. This guy pays us shut off. He's trust already, given the most possible, if you wants to find these things, some guide experience, probably whatever. However, what happened was, after taking a seventy two thousand other bands off my credit, my score went down by twenty three points. So now I have less that I may actually have a higher arrest rate to find out something T, L, D, R, to get a higher score at to take more risk.
Yeah, you know, this is interesting. A kind is like if you go to a bucky and you're like, hey, man is Michael and I do done bets, but I only lose three to five cents on every dollar. Depend the end of them how to.
I'm cold. This is the booky want to work with me. Not really.
Am I could cry to the bookie? E, not really. So maybe it's the same thing like the the credit for people. They see you. They see you and your and your willingness to pay off your dead early.
You're not your customer to them. You want to jack backup, call all your credit card companies and ask them to raise your limit and then takes new credit cards out, get those world points pay off every month. Now have more credit, but your credit go back up.
Yeah, but I get I mean, I get the grape. Obviously it's oo, i'm a great customer. I have great credit. I should be, I should be backed up. alright.
Did you see this story in the new york k times? This was flying on social media lot to comment on IT. The the headline of the article is the unspoken grief of never becoming a grandparent.
A growing number of americans are choosing not to have children. Their parents are grappling with that means for them. So they say a little more than half of adults, fifteen older have had at least one grandchild and twenty twenty one down from sixty percent in two thousand and teen.
Amid falling birthrates, more U. S. Adults, they are unlikely have to every of children for a variety reasons, chief among them, they don't want to. So this is funny article without painting IT like as it's too expensive to have kids or whatever people would think these days. They're just saying more people these days do not want to have kids. I'm for finances are part of that but and IT IT was kind of their interviewing people, interviewing these people who are in the other years and talking about their like sharing their feelings about not even granted and how bad hurt and then they were talking the kids too, like how do you think that makes you feel about not you know, it's it's very like deep a article but the thing imation be a grandparents .
and like all your friends have grandkids and you don't, that's going to be really tough.
That's what the article says. It's it's like peer pressure. They see the the pictures being shared by their friends and they don't have that.
And yes, so I don't know like and the kind of the parents like, listen, whatever they wanted do to make him happy makes them happy. But this is something that I never had, never thought, that I assume that never granted someday. That's why I diversified in a three kids, because IT increases my chance having great kids someday.
Team on a grandparent thing. So, so we went to my daughter, is willing women's baseball SHE got William women's called best one last couple years because of the kent called thing. She's years old and he plays a lot of basketball. So he wanted to go to the women's michigan baseball gin this weekend. We won sunday with nothing else to do.
They're playing a local team, easy to get seat and I got thieves like red in the front row because he was so cheap and not that many people want to this game and they came up to us before the game and said, hey, you're sitting this close. Would your daughter be interested in doing like on the time out games in between and right where they come on? Yeah so of course they did.
And my son is so pissed because heating going to do IT is so mad, uh, so you got to do SHE did a gaming against another person where they had to put like the the best ball jersey and shorts and shoes on from michie baseball player, like six thirteen shoes. And SHE like slowly truly goes on the court to make that my daughter did. And SHE made IT and SHE beat the other girl and he got a big swag bag of Michael stuff.
Now, the only person that I would want to tell about this would be her grandparents, right? Again, I wouldn't want to share this with anyone besides my whole park. Get audio I wouldn't to share. But I, the person that immediately senator was my mom because as a grandparent SHE would love to hear the story and see the picture and see the video and stuff and um yes, that having that missing piece would be would be tough I would imagine. Yes but um but venture part is that just people just say we don't want to have kids for whatever the reasons are, I think is interesting.
I I listen, I get everyone's is obviously had to live the life that they that they want to live and if you don't want kids.
don't have kids but having kids is hard yeah and I think in the past is just kind like, yeah, ever is ever as kids and now I think people have more information and realized like having kids is not easy. I can they open your life?
I probably people that are really strong fuel about this. yes. Right, right. yeah. yeah. I guess if I if i'm if i'm being honest, I would what I would say to like isn't IT like sort of like you're duty to like procreate.
But but I know all the hand, but the other actually arguing that we had an old friend of mine who is a dumas, no office ense to him, he is but him and his wife said, like, we would never bring a child into this world and my wife and I said, it's pretty a good thing I shouldn't because kind of an.
I said, yeah, yeah, no, that's true too. That is true to and and there are plenty people, and we need really more. I get IT.
I mean, the guy left on the escalator, does he needed to have a offspring of this planet? Probably not. I me tweet.
This commenter wrote a sarcastic summer of my video without watching IT, and the comment was this, stop buying luxury goods raiser income without raising your expenses by a pyo toyota and address your saves in the disney tf for mutual fund safety. Twenty minutes never meet that. Just one problem.
There's nothing wrong with buying luxe goods or raising your expensive or buying expensive car. Too many people in the person who find this community genuinely believe that spending more money is a bad thing. It's not the point of money is to spend IT on living your rush life, not to mind this they accumulated.
When I point to at him here was his replies. You could see his entire world view is that moneys meet the maximized investments. What a waste. I I cannot degree more to remit.
And again, this isn't one thing that's like persons like a listen, if you're the time person that like you're motivated by by hoarding cash and stacking and whatever getting us, Richard, you can back. And okay, that's alright. I think that like you, a really bad way to live.
I think that that is like the opposite mentality of of the life that I the way that I think about money. I think money is a tool to be spent and enjoyed however you want. Of course, as a line, you know, like don't buy a luxury card that you can afford, like to stipulate all of that.
But once you've got what you need, you know for some people, money becomes a source of anxiety and not having enough and worse that are going to want out. And that's like that's a personality thing. That's a nature versus nurture.
It's not a it's not a conscious decision that people make. It's like it's in their being. And I said, if you are free to think about money as pleasure and enjoy and and giving IT and spending IT and all sort of good things, that could be a wonderful thing.
So i've been going through a little of a battle with a fire community lately and ask the compound with a question. Someone, someone who asked john money was on the show, and they asked about returning eight thirty six about rough conversions or something. And we, jill, kind of gave the stuff about the proton counts of doing the rough time version.
But then we spent like the next ten minutes talking about the psychology of return early and how IT can be like knowing what to do. And there's there's people get a lot of for huma from a job and having a network of people. And there's all these studies that actually show that people who retire early die sooner than people who who retired later, of course, because that human interaction, and we brought up all these systems.
Gc points in the fire community is mad me. They said, listen, you spent ninety percent of that answered, not talking about the math. You talk about the psychology.
an emotion. So you're talking to different people. These are just, it's fine. These are people that think differently than we do OK.
Yes, but the whole, but the whole maxims ing of numbers and stretch ets. And that's why I used to be and i've totally come around on that from dealing with thousands of investors and clients. And so over the years that like that, know the psychologic component is so much more important than the math component. The math stuff can only get you so far in terms of fulfilment, these things. So yes, I way more.
I wanted join my money as much as I possibly can want him here. And I love to leave them to my kids. But my goal in life is not to just leave my kids as much money as possible at all.
No, i'd be. I'd rather make them comfortable.
One here, right? Yeah.
all right. Uh, so on friday, my parents for in town and nothing else to do. So my dad has always been always talk to about like the ally fraser fights, I think growing up boxing with a big part of my dad sports consumption and he's always how alien fraser and the thrill. And I and I grew up, i've got some really good memories of boxing matches like the fight night with your friends. That's just a different level of energy .
yeah right um if for sure so my dad said.
let's watch this type thing and I I D never had ordered IT was an a netlist like okay netflix for watch IT and we asked the first couple of fight in the first one was like some youtube or something and that was awful. The second and first actually pretty good.
And the whole night netflix was buffering for me IT was buffing IT was going down, I had turned out and off like twelve times IT was just not working so they did not pass the flying colors for me in terms. So we didn't even watch the test and fight. IT happened.
IT was not too late for my dad probably. And netflix have going down on me. So is that a good thing or bad thing for network? Because it's bad, because angle is a good thing, because it's only people watched IT.
I T I worked for me. I know there's a lot of people that I didn't work for a ably show. What's going on? Um I mean, we'll figured that out.
We'll fix IT for next time. So the most boxing, the most watch boxing matches ever may whether alva is number five, mayweather death, the hole is number four, mayweather mcg r number three. So number the number three was four point three million. Number two, the second most viewed box match of all time was made with a pack out was four point six million, and power vertical with sixty million, sixty million.
six plays back in the day weren't much higher.
I guess you pay you. So that's true. You in one .
house to pay for twenty people, be there watching you.
So they'll figured out, but obvious not a great experience, speak of streaming. So disney reported learnings instead that i'd jump ed back in disney at the peak, their peak losses with one point five billion all of their streaming properties.
Sorry, sorry, the fact they had rosy press on the cast for the like, wake up being like, why is rosy press here? IT was by the announcing team was bizarre. h.
SHE was there I part?
Rosie was the announced for the fights like the act also. Press, yeah, is very bizarre.
Anyway, disney streaming has certainly turned the corner. Who went this post, I came always look at share somebody. So john alone said, it's a terrible business. You come out like streaming. IT may be a frustrating business from alone and others who got very rich charging people for cable channels they didn't watch. I made this map, lin, actually, but in fact, thanks to subscriber gains, the and tears and yes, for luntz, cost cutting, all the major mass market streamers except peck and now profitable. That's interesting on so the the .
analogy here is that the cable channels are kind of like the old cable way of doing things, are calling the baby mom. This was easy for them. Yes, the streamers are like jensie like so .
a chart here showing showing with the Operating income, subs revenue, ad revenue of all the major streamers and a lucas scores on, say, say no, streaming was never a terrible business. IT just wasn't nearly as good of a business as cable. Saying that streaming is a bad business is like saying that retAiling is a bad business.
Both of us numbers. This is the fort from the former city of one media. Strong financial returns can be achieved, but IT requires the right strategy, appropriate resources and great execution of a long minutes of times. It's really interesting that in a couple of the years mayall look back and say, oh 哼。
streaming actually is good business is much money. Yeah just take a while to get here. Yeah next um okay, i've got a few travel things once. Get more on the T V. No, I had early flaid chicago, early foot out of chicago and both times I think we I got in like flu at nine fu in at nine and so was getting into the city at rush hour in both directions. IT was just bumper to bump the whole way hour and fifty minutes get to hair from downtown.
Yeah, that me too. That was terrible.
That was really terrible. A long commutes like that are so sucking, and I can't imagine doing that every single day, even once a week. I can't even gin.
Obviously, some people live. They live. That would be. I had one of those, my first job for the first six months of my job before, with the office moved, I had an hour and fifteen minutes there, driving our and fifty minutes back in heavy detroit traffic. And IT was, I felt I was losing my mind by the .
end of the my wife does three hours a day, and I really don't know how SHE doesn't.
How does SHE say saying .
she's a she's long anta. So he talks her friends the entire time, but SHE went up, SHE picked me up from jfk on her way home, and he took an our to get home from jfk. And I can't believe this and she's i've been in the car from already, I think.
But in fact, I do think she's done. I think this could be her last year because it's it's too much at soul talk to your point like and obviously, we're luck that that we could do this. But he leaves at six thirty and he gets home at five thirty or yeah five five thirty. Like what? And then to first be with the kids, the dinner, the bath SHE doesn't stop and SHE doesn't like get to like chill out until like not a clock is just it's not decompressing .
in the car is .
not decompressing SHE needs .
a self driving car. He could do stuff a car OK so the people would jump up high online on the plane. So I was sitting more tory of front of the plane when I got off in this lady without me looking. Before you get up, jump really quick, you know, to get out and i'm sure he had a but SHE didn't look back against anything and I just want only one is a hey, i've got to get off because I A catch get had it's getting in a traffic it's just mention IT yeah you know what if I to get off for a commute for a second, one, two, right? There are, people are rude.
People are read. People are read. I then you see these things that I put on in the dark.
See this yellow glove things. What are they? Okay, these are sneaker cleaning bags.
You know, in the past i've gripped the fact that every four, my sneaker cleaner, all the wipe, that there's the all bullsh, all of the instagram adds about the shiny sneakers. They never work. Yeah, here to tell you, my friend, these work.
So you put them in the bag and you put on the wash machine.
So you put in the wash machine and they come out sort of dry. They get doesn't come at sick of wet. So I got him an amazon. Go to amazon and type in working.
Usually I just put my sneakers right and wash with the .
cloth cleaner bag.
okay, there are this go to amazon type, sneak your cleaner bag three to two books and this thing cleans the shit at your sinkers. Um okay, he'll get .
little brussels in. There looks like a car wash.
Yeah, that's exactly right. It's a car wash. It's a car wash for .
the instagram on this probably.
So I would try.
You're got band.
You're gona blue sky.
Okay, so I tried IT out so I sound of blue sky, which the the the names are horrible. It's like your user name that be that social.
What is that is the same thing is the thing is witter.
it's but there. So i've signed up for IT. I didn't i'm not like posting and I just want to to check IT out. You know I thread and I will say there's enough people to move over there where it's kind of interesting where I don't think I have the band with to try not the social media nearly and build up a following and and post there and then post like I don't want I I be fine if I get hit post IT cross pollinate to both places but there's enough people on the e on finance side that I follow that are there that at least has me in tried but he also has me thinking like I follow. I don't know how people on twitter like what I follow this person again. And a lot of people in actually kind know I don't want to file you anymore, but so I don't I don't know actually going to go through and post down there and check all the time. But it's it's twitter, okay?
So without as many cycles.
I think so. I, I.
I really hate twitter and I don't like me to complain about twitter. I don't tote on twitter that's super lame. I'm still i'm addicted, even I don't post anymore.
I'm still on IT i'm just addicted to my phone and I really hate IT like I feel bad with my kids. I'm still on IT. I don't know i'm gone with this.
I just I hate that i'm addicted to twitter, that's all. And there's not do like new twitter elland moster or the fight that elon are that twitter change? I just hate that I am addicted to twitter still.
Um anyway, here's a tweet. Here's a tweet talking about the the situation from the light best in case in ario either extra blue sky just up and dies. That's not gonna. En, of course. Worse case, they're both good for breaking news and have to monitor both.
Most likely case.
that is the worst place. Most likely case, I have to stand on x and it's a bit worse because the smart people who don't have to be here choose to migrate. I know you take .
that I don't want to have to. That's why I never get into instagram or facebook because I don't want to have three places to go. And I wanted just one central help. And now I think going to have a few and blue sky IT does seem to have some legs. I don't I never thought threads did .
I think blue sky might okay, well, cool.
Yeah alright. recommendations. Um so I we watched me, the parents and we watch ables and that movie just ages like a fine wine and IT is funny. We you never talking about the people. The comedians always said you can't make funny movies anymore because people get too offended.
It's very and it's funning .
because now they listen, they all do their own podcast and they do their netflix special and they can do that.
I know what you know why they don't .
make them more because they they can get paid a million bucks doing a pad cast and they don't want to get whole crude together to make a movie that the product make any money on. Um but meet parents is zero has a zero offending part of IT. And it's just funny because of the scenarios in the it's probably one of the best written comedy .
movies of this day. If you now nurse.
you find that yes but we also love because you've used that I have nipples drag and milk me line like a million times.
No 呢 no 呢。 I say you can build anything with the poles.
They go.
That's the line that I use on every talk. Your book that we have to .
edit out IT is that movie is just for anal. Um okay, so there's books that actually make the movie a classic movie Better. I have a new one, so I read the side .
bed book after watching the moves. Okay.
so I read the godfather book after washing the movies and reading the book makes god father want to do Better for me, because IT gives me more background information and the characters in same thing. I read the good fellows book, so which is the enry hill story. And then I read sideways recently, which is based on a novel .
that the sky wrote of. What there was a book I didn't realize that is that.
and the thing is, part of IT is when you read these books, you go, oh, they literally took this story or this this conversation word for word and put in the movie. And IT kind of makes you like i'm not quite as impressive the movie, but then there's other stuff that they .
take that we're not in the book at all and they make things look Better. I just had a moment, you know when air heads you've in air .
heads right .
or yeah where they .
make all of .
these crazy request from the all these crazy demands to release the hostages so that they complete in some member that part yes, and we show me go when I goes, get a five hundred copies of mobile e deck. SHE was the movie of the book. And he goes, and he goes, they made a book out of that.
You have the most random ninety references. Thank you when the world airheads. But anyway, the sideways book IT. I, I love, love, love the movie. So one of my, I think, is part of all time top ten fair movies. But there is very hard to have a book to make me laugh aloud and the book makes me laugh allowed in most part.
That's a crazy tic. That sideways is a top time movie for you. Like really.
are you to sign that? I'm part i'd love that movie. I think IT gets Better over the years every time you watch IT.
I yes, I absolutely ve. That thing is very good. Oh, right.
I don't think yeah. I I didn't watching a movie this week. I was on the road and movies for me, although I will say I don't have recommended this at the time when I saw them.
There's a movie called host from twenty twenty where the six friends do like their own zoom. Of course, this is the pandemic and I feel like a, say, answer of experience and it's sort of like found footage ish only because, like it's it's you watch to move through the zoom. It's only fifty seven minutes and it's absolutely terrifying, really, really, really scary. Another one.
watch these horse movies on planes or not.
No, I get scared like I, I, I will watch a harm movie with my hands over my eyes.
Maybe that's why I .
was hard moving day. Alright, my motion says i'll even watch a hard movie of muti. Get really scared. I, I, I get very scared.
Yeah, my, I can wash SHE just cover. So.
uh, anyway, not the movie that the slight channel guys were going on about. So I don't think comment the time was called killers and kill list does not fall in any of the buckets other than just max darkness. There's just a dominant movie and I really enjoyed IT and I think I think that this person who saw me at in chicago is your name James. If it's not, seems like apogee. But if IT is James, James.
you would love this movie. If there was a word cloud for your movie descriptions demanded to be the biggest word demanded.
Yeah, yes, yeah. okay. Please take the survey. We would very much appreciate appreciate that getting know our audience Better like china's, of course, animal spirits to the compound news that com. Thank you for listening. Everyone is enjoying far, will see next time.