Cody Rhodes on Roman Reigns “Beef”, Finishing Fathers Legacy, & Vince McMahon Story
Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh
AI Chapters
Vince Doc is truly incredible + Rep it properly
Cody is THE White Meat Baby Face
Finishing The Story + Being a Nepobaby
Dusty Rhodes + Hall of Fame Speech
Start in WWE, highs and lows + felt locked in
Little battles, Hated being Stardust + Work on your craft
Dustin liked Goldust, Father proud too
Leaving WWE, burn the boats + huge risk
Living check to check + Brandi had his back
Posting “The List” + Seeing his impact
Bullet Club + Meltzer’s tweet “I’ll take that bet”
All-In mania + Things that went wrong
Tony Khan connect + AEW being created
Worst experience as Indie + “dead or in jail”
How much was Cody making?
What is the Cody Lie?
Why shake the cage again?
Vince’s offer + Cody owning his IP
1 match + Why not challenge for title on AEW?
Seth Rollins + nerve-wracking return
Need guidance on being Face v Heel
The Pec injury
Pure enjoyment, the “f word” + 100% real
Focus group every night + Triple H calling the play for 39
Brock Lesnar’s rub + unbelievable professional
The Rock’s return + being heartbroken
We want Cody + Rock becoming The Final Boss
Not the best of friends with The Rock
Seth Rollins is the man
“Finish The Story” + Real moments
“Thank you for the house” + Roman is incredible
How hard is this the schedule?
Behind the scenes tension + We need the tan
We need attachment + find your thing
Recruitment, the It factor + Mega Man moves
How to work the crowd
Learning your opponent + speaking Carnie
Not trying to crack up + Modern WWE
Emulating sports now + Biggest pops
Why does a character plateau?
How long can Cody go on for?
Honoring Dusty Rhodes with mom
Cody’s daughter changed EVERYTHING
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