Schulz On Joe Rogan's NEW Club, TikTok Ban, and Trump Getting Arrested w/ Saagar Enjeti
Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh
AI Chapters
Saagar's beautiful gnashers + T c** shots + Natty or not?
Jonah Hill really saving the Jews + we still playing Ye's music?
Is the American dream down big + 1998 was peak for US?
Brokies can't afford gold diggers + Politics has rotted patriotism?
Does negativity drive curiosity + division drive voting?
Cultural apathy + comedy is free + men are very lonely?
Women out earn men + Saagar is the cleverest Indian?
Young people are pole smokers but having less sex?
Early days of dating apps were meat markets?
Settling down age is older + Bubble quizzing?
Internet has created cultural homogeneity?
Universities are well endowed + generational college attendance?
Coastal elites are disgusted with the rest + antiestablishment comedy?
I've been to Austin more!!!
Joe Rogan's Mothership comedy club + Austin might BE new comedy scene?
Comedy world is treasonous + Joe Rogan really is unique?
Saagar was right to move away from mainstream?
Most disappointing - networks asks the exact same questions?
Saagar's coverage has impact + celebrating good parts of US?
Poverty - migrant labor in Gulf states + Mumbai Beach Toilet + Cambodia killing fields?
There are right reasons to be patriotic about America?
Civil War - the South are too scared of the North?
Agent provocateurs at January 6th + BLM riots?
Entrapment - ISIS, Gretchen Whitmer and informants allowed to keep wildin'?
9/11 blessed the agencies' cashapps + Agency incompetence?
Donald Trump Stormy Daniels horse face saga is a red herring?
Dems want to run off against Donald Trump?
Joe Biden has made us all happier + Trump anti-vote?
Tech bubble bursting + not all layoffs mean the same?
Shoring up the banks but they play with our money risk free?
We believe Transwomen here + cross-dressers teaching kids to read?
Christian teachers preaching Creationism + "wrong until they're right"?
Andrew attends real, underground Church + Christian music gets Andrew in the feels?
Andrew got got + tithing a lot + loopholes in Judaism and Islam?
Christianity ain't all bad + Gay uncles protected the tribe?
History is just the triumph of the cucks + alpha wolf was a hoax?
L.I. wife blesses husband's gf + cuck shed + cucks are in control?
Childhood trauma creates monsters?
Historical psychos couldn't survive + Catholics HATE + bribing White God?
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