cover of episode Paralympics is REAL Olympics & Free Speech Billionaire Arrested

Paralympics is REAL Olympics & Free Speech Billionaire Arrested

logo of podcast Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh

Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
John Smith: ...[每位发言人至少200字] Jane Doe: ...[每位发言人至少200字]

Deep Dive

The hosts discuss the rise of anti-Indian sentiment on Twitter, questioning if the platform's algorithms are exacerbating the issue. They debate whether this is a temporary trend or a permanent shift in online discourse.
  • Twitter is increasingly targeting Indians with racist jokes.
  • The hosts express concern that Twitter's algorithms are promoting harmful content.
  • The increasing prevalence of these jokes is diminishing the enjoyment of traditional racist humor amongst friends.

Shownotes Transcript


How do you gamify the gym? I don't need to look good. Do you got one? Oh, man. I see you lifting those arms high. Every picture of the location, he was like this. Because they lie to you, bro. These white bitches go, oh my God, you eat pasta in Italy, you don't gain weight. Yes, you do. Did you go in? Do you went for it? Oh, I went for it. Good. Every single place. I think Alex is selling drugs. I'm looking at these vacations. Are you doing the vacations I do? I know how much they cost. So either WTF Media is charging extra cash. Yes, I am.

What the fuck are you doing? What are you doing? You boasted. No, bro. I don't see that shit. It's on my story. It goes away. I was invested in Telegram or something. He's doing something illegal because the vacations, they're vacationing, my friend. They're very expensive. I know these places. He brought a dog. He brought a dog. It costs money to bring a dog. It costs money. How do you afford to bring a dog? I just put it right under your shirt. I mule derip.

Also, bringing a dog to any function is an American thing. Europeans do not bring dogs places. Dogs, I don't even know if they have homes in most places outside of America. They're pests. They're rodents. They are rodents. They just exist, right? So the idea that you're going to Italy, they're already seeing a black guy with fingernails painted. So this is already a lot. And then he's got a baby dog in a purse. Everywhere I walked.

What was good? Like, Oh my God, mama me. The first reaction is like the immigrants are taking over. And then they're like, wait a minute. Are the gays taking over? Immigrants from San Francisco? How does this work? If you want to know how it is walking around with you, walk around with CeCe. Why? It,

everybody stops. I can't get shitting on the street. That's now I'm talking about everybody stops and just like, Oh my God, can I touch it? Can I get a pic? Can I get a picture? Can I pet her? All this shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So the shitting on the, listen, uh,

We got to get to it. As soon as he laughed, I knew what was coming. Twitter has gotten off of Jews because I don't think that there's as many clicks anymore in the Jews. Like all the anti-Semitism that could be said. They got to the end of Jews and they needed like another thing. And now they're on Indians. Because Indians keep responding. Oh, my God. And they just keep rage baiting. Indians keep tagging me like, are you going to say something? No.

I'm not going to say something about this fucking guy. Who cares? I'll say something. And most of them suck and most of these guys are just fucking idiots and they don't even know how to be funny with racism. They really like taking... So this is the best... Can I tell you the silver lining? Yeah. Because it's becoming so popular to make fun of India, I can feel you being like...

I'm not as into it. It's been hacking. It's hacking. The best of racist jokes, I'm like. These fucking Twitter nerds, these incels are ruining one of the most beloved exercises, which is being racist with friends. Yeah. Anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, all these things are things you do in the comfort of your friendships on podcasts that go around the world. But these are funny memes. Every once in a while,

This isn't funny. Dang it, bro. Indian protesters, a toilet, a thousand of them got the picket fences out. That's funny. This is how God made India my personal favorite. That one is really good. The Indian Navy. That's fun. Yeah.

These are fucked up. We got to say something. I don't care, dude. You know what, though? You go to India, you'll be smelling shit every once in a while. You'll be like, oh, okay. I love India. It's not the best smelling spot. You'll be smelling. It's just random spots. You'll be like, well, this smells for about 10 seconds. But the French smelled notoriously bad for years. And then they developed perfume to mask that smell. What do you guys do?

We're getting there. We can smell worse. Also, the French still smell. But we're getting there. Yeah, you're figuring it all out. But yeah, it just feels like they're taking away the great joy that we had calling you guys mudfuckers. And it's like, I don't even want to do it anymore. Yeah.

Oh, nerds ruin everything. We let them get access to like social media and they're way better at it than the rest of us so that they're, they can actually, you know, put shit out. They know and understand what they're doing. They know how to throw the text over the pictures. I don't even know how to fucking do that shit. I can't make a meme to save my life. We're like, I got to throw it in Instagram, put the text in it. Shit, dude! Shit, dude! Make,

I want them to keep making fun of Indians to get to the point that you actually defend Indians. I love Indians. I defend y'all. But sometimes the videos are crazy. Man, I had a banger. I copied and I meant to send to y'all, but then I got caught in a scroll where there was even funnier shit and I never sent. But it was a bunch of, there was like women on a roof probably trying to like be safe.

and there was a bunch of dudes on the ground and they were like oh bro they were trying to like show them what they were going to do to him and it was just it was absolutely what's going on here

Somebody okay? Miles, you okay? I just have a migraine. Oh, damn it. You should have caffeine. Yeah, wait for like a break in the combo or something like that to get through two Gatorades. What a fucking asshole. Okay. Gay and Gatorade, Miles. Jesus. Yeah. Yeah, gay. Yeah. You're a gay guy. We got to warm back up. We better make gay. Say something about Indians or Jews. Quick. Yeah. Smelly. Smelly.

It's all good. Fuck. Anyway. Yeah, Twitter. We support India on this podcast. Yeah, we support, we fuck with India, bro. We all love India. This is really the only reason Andrew always points out the answer. That was baby talk. That was baby talk. I'm sorry. No, that got me. That was funny. I can't see it coming. I'm breaking my bracelet.

A brick. When are they coming for the Asians, bro? Wait, but what's causing this, the Indian racism? I don't know. Twitter has, you were right. My Twitter all of a sudden, it's just so racist. Oh, they're coming at the black people now too. Oh, no, no. It's specific black. Oh, no, you're right. You're right. What people are you genociding right now? India? Yeah. Like why are they coming?

That was last week's Twitter, bro. He's late. You're late. They be genociding toilets. No, actually, don't kill the toilets. Toilets are walking around safe in India. For real. What is a toilet store like out there? Like, what is it like?

I don't know if they got one, dude. You know they don't? Okay. I don't know. There's a toilet store in America. Like, are there, like, is there a toilet store in America? You know what I mean? Like, what is it called? Lowe's or something like that? Ain't there a Lowe's? Isn't there a Lowe's? Lowe's? Isn't that the name of it? Home Depot? Home Depot? What y'all got out there?

What's that got? Just a shovel? It's a golf course. It's crazy. But anyway, these motherfuckers... It went Jews. Then it went black migrants. It was really specific. It was like the black migrants that were in Europe, in London. They went black migrants. They completely avoided the Muzzies. I think they're on the Muzzies' side because...

They need the Muzis to hate the Jews. So the same people that were hating Muzis fucking 10 years ago and nonstop now are silent about the Muzis. Right now, they're like, oh, we need to be really specific about which immigrants are bad. These black immigrants are ruining England. These black immigrants are ruining Africa. It's very specific.

Pussies. And now they're going on Black Americans. You see all, like, anytime there's a fight anywhere, when Black Americans need to go to Kmart. Like, it's a very... Oh, yeah. Dude, I saw one. It was a good flip. This guy did a video in Romania talking about how nice it was. And the point is, like...

Why is America not like this? And a country like Romania is so nice. Everything's so accessible, whatever. And somebody tweeted it and goes, God travels to a country with no black people and realizes how much better it is. I will say this. Some of the things are funny, bro. I mean, it was just a...

That's a good point. Some of them are funny. Yeah. Like racism is really good entertainment. It is good entertainment. It is. Like anytime that little Nick Fuentes guy with the opposable thumbs comes on the screen. Opposable thumbs? What are those thumbs? A human being? You know the thumbs where it got like extra joints? And when he's talking about the Jews, this thumb starts doing shit I've never seen a thumb do in my life. Yeah. You got to look at the guy. But he's just, it's the Jews fall for everything, bro.

Like, he gives us no agency. That's what really bothers me about it. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's like, Jews are in control of America. And it's like, look at those thumbs, bro. Whoa. Yeah. You could palm a watermelon. Bro, that shit is wild. Bro, some more champions. His thumb is as long as his other fingers. That shit is nuts. Yeah, that's too long. Yo, that's fire. That is crazy. And then they're going to put him right next to Trump with his baby hair. That's disrespectful. That's funny. But you know what's crazy is that this guy, like,

He could probably spin a dreidel better than anybody on planet Earth. He's built for it. He's really built for it. He can hold so many bagels. It's crazy. It's fucking unreal. Just fucking line them up. Anyway, so it's the Jews' fault for everything. America has no agency in any of the fuck shit we do, which is kind of annoying because you want to be the ones that bang out. Yeah. Like now when we...

you know, kill like a million Muslims during the war, you know, and... We don't even get credit for that. We don't even get credit. Yeah. We can't get credit for anything. When we're the fattest, it's not our fault. When everybody's hooked on to pharmaceuticals, it's not our fault. It's like a very convenient way to take no accountability. We can make drugs. Yeah. We made drugs before them. Yeah.

Going to the moon? Did they say the Jews did that? Probably not. Wouldn't fit their fucking noses in those helmets. Is that good racism? Too expensive to go to space. Oh, there, see? That's another one. You're cheap. See, it's boring being racist now. What can we do for fun now? We can be allies.

That's not fun ever. Oh, God. That could be fun. No, we can just try it. Man, I've been having fun doing that this whole time. Yeah, but... Yeah. It's not fun. It's not. It's not, guys. Women are good. No, women are good. Dude, think about what Al got to go through being an ally, bro. That's a lot. Just wiping off the testosterone cream from all the microphones at WTF Studios. Yeah.

He got training hormone juice all over the microphone in the couches, bro. Slipping everywhere, bro. The last episode, you called him ugly, not a trance. God damn. I mean, which is it? Same to same, I think is how they say it. Al might be right. We got to defy. Yeah, I don't know. Do you think that this is, I think we spoke about this before, but do you think this is just like,

You get a new car. You got to drive as fast as you can. All these people couldn't say shit because they're worried about getting kicked off social media. So now they can because Elon is like, yo, you could really say whatever the fuck you want. Free speech. So now they're like, OK, we're getting out the system. And then a year from now, they'll all die down and everybody realize, yo, it's gay to do this shit. Or do you think it just stays now? This is here to stay? This is the platform where they can do it.

It's one place where they can all go and they can just keep feeding each other. It's like the Facebook groups, but for young people. We're becoming the old people on Facebook groups that we made fun of. We're just doing it on X. I do think it swings back a little. It's got it, right? I think it swings back a little. Like people just being like, yo, Hitler was sick.

I think that'll stick back. I don't know if that'll stick around as long. I mean, it's non-stop. He was misunderstood. He wrote a book. He was understood. The book said what he wanted to do. It's in German, bro. It's so hard to fucking understand. It's a shitty translation. It's like Sanskrit. You can't get a good translation. You can't get it all. I do the King James Mein Kampf. That's how I do it. It's ye olde. Ye olde Jews.

I saw one that was, I swear, I saw one that was like Hitler with like a little girl and they're like, why don't they show these pictures? Yes, yes. It's like, dog, you might even walk that bitch to a gas chamber. What do you know? I mean, he did these pictures. Yeah. Yeah, what is the argument for that? Like, but he was good with kids. Yeah, I was just saying. Yeah.

By the way, Gacy was a clown. Who gives a fuck? Like, he probably made a lot of kids happy before he buried them under his house. Yeah, no, but... Good point. No, I've never thought of that. Yo, he was misunderstood. This guy. This whole misunderstood thing is working on me. He was a clown for a kids' party specifically? I assume. Hey, the circus, motherfuckers!

Who's that who goes to the circus? That's true, that's true. That's not an adult answer. Yo, what you doing tonight? You going to the circus? I'm going to hit the circus. Hey, when we pranked... Damn! Damn! Hey!

It didn't even smell bad. Come on. No, it still all makes shit. Okay, hold on. Because what I'm trying to say is now that we know the clouds are specifically for kids, we didn't know that before. And now that that information is ubiquitous. Listen, listen. Sholes is like, yo, why are there all these fucking kids here, bro? Son, I did feel uncomfortable when I went to that Barnum's. I went to Barnum's in Bailey and I thought it was going to be an adult function. You sold lemonade? You said, pass me the Barnum's.

They're like the bar. I was like, yeah, I'm trying to get a cocktail. It's Bailey's. That's sponsored by alcohol, right? You would think. Nope. You would think. It's not. Anyway, my point is what kids party did John Wayne Gacy go to

that inspired him to do all this. Oh, yeah. Like, we could look into the kids. But he didn't kill kids, did he? I think he killed adults. It was younger boys. Oh, it was younger boys. That's what I'm understanding, yeah. He probably went to church and that's where he got the idea. That was fucking... That was... Racist? That was... I'm in the studio right now. You keep talking about this.

on this table you keep talking crazy bro act like I won't you fucking fuck no Shiloh damn man you know how fucking beautiful that would have been before Twitter ruined anti-semitism for the rest of us bro John Wayne Gacy Jewish ruin is a bit of an exaggeration hold on oh that's the other thing that I'm loving that doing everybody who's ever visited Jerusalem and has been to the Kotel that wall they got a picture of them

And then they are posting that picture. Jack Ma, they got some random Chinese motherfucker, but they're like, no, this is Jack Ma. This is why China took away his company. And

Bro, you go there and you just go and touch the wall. It's like going to the Statue of Liberty. Yeah. Oh, he's an American asset. Yeah. CIA. He's with the Statue of Liberty. I mean, should we get ahead and post ours? We might have to get ahead of this. You mean repost mine? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I got it sitting up there. Come on, man. That was smart. Right next to the Black Square. I'm good on all this. What did you put in your little message that you stuffed in the wall? I can't tell you. That won't come true. I said, free Palestine. I put that shit into the wall. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Proves that wall don't work. Gotta listen to that wall, apparently. They didn't take it out the other side. I'd be like, fuck it. They get it. They just leave them there? I took some out to get mine to a good spot. They understand. Sometimes you gotta remove

Some people from the shit that you want. You know what I mean? Life tour, final leg, here are the last shows. San Antonio, September 12th, we added another show. Then we're in Vegas on the 13th. The UFC Sphere is the 14th, so pop out for that whole weekend. That's going to be a crazy, crazy night. Then we got Cleveland, Columbus, the 20th and the 21st. We got Minneapolis, Milwaukee,

Denver, we added a third show. Cincinnati, we added a second show. Rama, Ontario. Salt Lake City, we added a second show. Reno, we added a second show. San Jose, we added a second show. Portland, and then December 21st, Honolulu, Hawaii, the Blydesdale Arena, Go get those tickets immediately. Very cool announcements coming out soon about the Life Tour. And also,

If you're a cinephile, if you're down to go to the movies, The Thicket, the movie I got that ridiculous haircut for, starring Peter Dinklage, Juliette Lewis, James Hetfield from motherfucking Metallica. That will be coming out this weekend, September 6th. You can go see that in theaters, directed by my boy Elliot Lester. I'm in it.

You know what I mean? So you go check it out. I got a few scenes in there. Very cool experience. And so far, the review's been pretty awesome. So I'm excited for y'all. Go pop out to the movies and check that out. And let's get back to the show. Peace. God!

Showtime announcements. I'm going to be in Las Vegas this week, September 6th and 7th at Wise Guys Comedy Club, a real comedy club in Vegas, not a fucking casino. I'm going to make it seem like that because I can't do the casinos yet. When I do casinos, that's going to be fire too. Anyway, come to Las Vegas. Then September 12th and 13th, Doral, Florida. That's Miami. I was on a great little run. Sold out shows in Hawaii. Then I got Vegas. Then I got Miami. That's three great cities in a row. And then I follow that up with Timonium, Maryland. I'm going to be at McGoovie's

Comedy House. Those tickets are selling fast, so hurry up and buy them. That's September 19th and 20th. September 27th and 28th, Greensville, South Carolina. October 10th, Poughkeepsie. And this is important because these tickets will sell out. I'm going to be at the Stress Factory in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

The India of America is New Jersey. And I'm telling you, these tickets will sell out October 17th through 19th. Hurry up and buy those tickets because I promise you they will sell out. I promise you they will sell out. You can get all those tickets and every other date at Oh, one more announcement. I had shows in Brea on November, but we're going to move those to February because this is kind of crazy. I'm going to be going to Oxford to give a speech. I don't know what the fuck these guys could possibly want to hear from me, but that's going to be fun. Uh,

My parents are finally proud of me. Let's get back to this. All right. So John Wayne Gacy, Mark, tell us about your uncle or whoever this guy is in your family. I've been saying his name forever. I still don't know who the fuck this is. He's a clown murderer. He's like the most prolific serial killer, I think. One of them. And he killed what? I think 50 people. But he killed adults or children? He said young boys. 33 young men and boys, 26 of whom were buried. What a race. And also, and also what age?

I mean, the race is more important. How many did Dahmer kill? Now, can we just be honest right here? How many black parents are hiring a clown for their kid's birthday party in 1960? If the clown can't crump. Crump. Crump. Crump.

I don't know almost any of those words you just said. That was good.

So then he'll go after the white ones. Have to deal with all those annoying ass parents. What I'm trying to say is what party inspired this? Like this guy did this for a living without killing kids for a while. And then something happened. Something transpired. There was a watershed moment that made him realize that all these kids need to die. Rich kid's birthday party for sure. Which kid? I need to know whose family is responsible.

I think we know. I think there might be a group. Let me check Twitter. Ask Thumbs. Ask Thumbs if he knows. Go. Thumbs said it was the Shylocks. Thumbs said it was the Shylocks? Yeah. It was a bar mitzvah. They had a clown at the bar mitzvah. I think that guy's thumbs are longer than his middle finger. I think if you put his middle finger up to his thumb, it's the exact same. If you straighten it out, for sure. Dude, and you know how they're like, oh, the lizard people, whatever. That motherfucker. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. You might be onto something right there, bro. Yeah.

I think we put them in cold enough weather. Who's there? There's a little shifley-difley. Is that a little shifley-difley? Fucking shifleys. I love you, shifleys. Wait, what do we do in the cold weather with them? No, they freeze, those little lizards. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You know, remember in Miami? Yeah, it was a little guanus freeze. I don't think he's an iguana, guys. Let's not go too far. He's just a guy who has longer than normal thumbs and hates the Jews a lot. Oh.

Unrelated. Completely unrelated. You know? Those things have nothing to do with each other. I mean, we're going to find a connection probably by the end of this podcast. What connection would exist between a guy with the longest thumbs you've ever seen in your life? I mean, when he's like this, he's fixing his glasses. Right? Like, I've never seen, slender hand, right? Something's going on. Scissorhands. There's a, or maybe that's just peak whiteness.

Because he's a white, like, the whites are the best guy. Yeah. You know what's annoying about, like, the whites are the best thing? Tell me about it. I mean this sincerely. It's like, don't we all know? All right.

Like, is it? Do you really need to rub it in? Twitter. Twitter. Go on this guy. No, I really love that. Also, that was good. That was good. That was good, but go on him. It's like saying, like, Brazilian girls are hot. It's like, yeah. You're not, like, saying anything that, like, nobody's thought of. Yeah, why are you overcompensating with always announcing it? It feels like insecurity. It feels like insecurity. If you truly believe that you're the best, like, if you've read a history book...

Right? Then you wouldn't need to, you know, cry about it all the time. But I feel like there's an insecurity going on. Yeah, you're right. And that might happen with a guy who has six-inch thumbs. Dude, imagine the insecurity of jerking off with a six-inch thumb and you just got that shit wrapped around you. Three times. Yeah.

Or you gotta have a huge... Look at those things. Are those actual thumbs? No. No, this is a... Wow. Damn. Just mention this guy. Now we're gonna deal with all these fucking people on Twitter. I know, I know. I was... They have nothing better to do. Yeah, I was... Because they're almost done with the Indians. Yeah.

Imagine he's giving back shots and got his finger in the thumb. He's like, yo, take your dick out of there. That shit's coming out of her mouth. Yeah, it might be a homicide. All right, listen, you have great thumbs and everything. You're awesome. It's not that I don't know. I don't want to deal with all the fucking underlings. They had nothing to do all day. What?

Yeah, I think that might be possible. No, they're busy. Sorry, they're busy. You patched it up right there. I did patch it up. No, they're busy. They're busy. They're busy. They're busy. They're busy. They're busy. They're busy. Something, something, something. The Jews control us. Oh, the Jews control us. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We got a call from our head Jew and something told us that, you know, we've got to not talk to you. Free Trump, bro, or something. Oh, no, he don't even like Trump. That's right. He's off Trump. Who's he on?

I don't know, bro. Why he don't fuck with Trump? I thought that was his good boy. I think Trump distanced himself from him, so he was like, fuck you. I kind of fuck with Trump now, bro. Trump 2.0, dog. Trump 2.0. By now, I mean the last seven years of my life. But I kind of fuck with him.

Like, the more I subscribe to this idea that, like, governments are... What did... How did Smith put it? Like, a honeypot? No, no. Like, governments are like, you can make money. Like, any connectivity you have to the government, you can make money. They're going to give you contracts. And this is not just...

This is not pure corruption, right? Like if you know the mayor of the small town and you have a construction company, he might give you the job to fix the bridge or whatever it is. Right. And the biggest government or the most powerful government in the world is obviously going to have a lot of honey and that needs to go around. And you want to make sure that there's two candidates in there.

That are going to insure your honey. And then if you have an outsider candidate that might give you honey or might not, might not is terrifying. The idea that like you might not get a billion dollar contract, you might not be able to scrape a billion dollars worth of honey from some government, not even allowance, but some government program or a rebuild project or whatever it is. That's terrifying. And you would probably do anything in your powerhouse.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

They should just realize that. He wants to be loved by everybody. Why take on the position where literally 50% of people hate you the day you decide to do it? I don't know if he wants to be loved by everybody. You don't think so? I don't know. I mean, he's like so antagonistic, even early on. Yeah, Obama's fake. I don't think he can handle being disliked, but that he won't. This is a group of people here. He can't be loved by everybody. By everybody, I mean white people. Yeah, everybody. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I don't think... I think he doesn't like being hated, but he won't, like, pander to get your love. He'll be like, fuck you if you don't like me. Suck my dick. You're the problem. You're the asshole. You know what I mean? Yeah. I don't think he needs your approval. That's true. He won't pander. So wait, why... I'm just saying, in recent times, I haven't been queuing up, but it seems like he's starting to pivot on a lot of his stuff. Like, now he's like...

IVF and all this stuff. I'm like, okay. The abortion ruling went too far. Yeah, that's crazy. The Project 2025, he has nothing to do with or whatever. And that was kind of Democrats' whole thing. What is Project 2025? Democrats, I don't know. I feel like if you read their shit, it feels like they've created a bit of a boogeyman. It's like all these tenants that they say Republicans are going to do if Trump wins. They're going to get all these legislation passed.

The one that's, you know, potentially whatever is abortion banned at every like in every state nationally. When has any party been able to ever do anything? Exactly. In the history of government. But then they say, like, just look up Project 2025. And if you look it up, that's the one that you're like, well, that's a little crazy. But a lot of it you're like, I don't see this happening or it's not that crazy. If you want to make any change in this country that is major, major, it's going to be civil war.

Yeah. That's the major change. Blacks free, war, million Americans die. Like, there's no, it's incremental. It's all these tiny- But the first time abortion got overruled. But they had to call the federal government just to get black people education. It's, come on, this is like a, if there's any big fucking change, people die, war, et cetera. Nothing's going to happen. It doesn't matter who wins.

I just can't fathom that this 2025 thing, immediately they flip everything on its head. Do you know how often you do this? What's that? Nothing's going to happen. I remember, and I did this too. Nine, ten. Twenty? Every flight's making it. That's what I said. I remember you saying that. I was like, what could happen?

How could a flight even go into the tallest buildings? I was like, wait, why are you bringing this up? I just had a hunch that day it was going to be fine. Y'all didn't know. First time Trump, I remember we went to Malaysia and this guy was like, what's up with Trump? And he was like, Trump's not going to win. Everybody thinks he's going to win. Fuck an idiot. Trump wins. Remember abortion? Did not

and nobody's taking away from it. That was on pod. That was on pod. That was on pod. This 2025 shit might happen. Listen, if going off my track record, 2025 project or whatever that is, I think it's looking likely. I think it's looking likely. I don't even know what it is, but based on my track record, to completely write shit off that I know nothing about...

I think it might happen. There you go. Yo, you know what else? That guy, Pavel Durov. Yep. The Telegram guy. Yep. That guy's going to do something. That one you're guaranteed. That guy, something's going to happen with that guy.

I want to hear about that because I know you're into this story crazy. That shit is wild. It's insane. Have you ever heard of them? Do you know what Telegram is? I didn't even know what Telegram was. Yeah, I like see it randomly in links. People are like, something's from Telegram. Basically, I use it to buy drugs, but outside of that. Do you have it? Yeah. So everybody has it. I don't have it.

About a billion people on the planet use it actively. What? Yes. 950 million or something like that. It's the new WhatsApp. A lot of them are new. Yeah. Now we use WhatsApp. There's a big contingent of the usership. What is Telegram? Let's just say what it is right now. It's basically a messaging platform that is kind of marketed as like an encryption service where the messages are encrypted. Not everything is encrypted by default, but you're able to do encrypted messaging.

from... Mark Cuban tried to do this with something called CyberDust. I don't know if you remember. Yes, and then the message wipes away or something like that. And then basically it's not stored on a cloud, it's stored on the devices. Yeah, that's the big thing. Ah, that is pretty fire. You're able to talk. Even Telegram doesn't have access to, well, supposedly doesn't have access to it. Doesn't have access to it. And then you're able to do private messaging, you're able to do group messaging, and you're able to do channels up to like 200,000 people.

Whereas like WhatsApp and I think Messenger can do like 1,200. So it's WhatsApp, but it's fully encrypted. So you are protected. And then naturally, if you have something fully encrypted and protected, the dregs of society will use this so that they can carry out their nefarious plots to do whatever they want to make money illegally. Or you're living in Russia and you want to talk about

this regime that's in there or you're in Hong Kong and you don't want to make a protest. So the negative is, is people who are, are going to use this, you know, to do illegal activity. They're going to sell drugs or sell, you know, underage pornography and maybe sell weapons. The positive is that you can use this for free speech in places that don't allow it. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. Any other positives we're not seeing? No. I mean, that's, I mean, basically the question is like, do people have a right to free speech and not being surveilled by the government?

And that's like the ultimate overarching question. Telegram would say yes. Do people have a right to that? Yeah. No, I don't think so. That's the thing. It's like that's American excellence. If you want that, you got to come here. No, we don't even get that. Say again. We don't even have. Hey, silence. That's a good point. Yeah. No, but yeah, I don't want every country to have free speech because that's one of the things that makes us awesome.

Yeah, because if everyone's awesome, we're less awesome. Yeah, we're regular. Yeah, fuck. I love it when they put people in jail in other countries. And then we have no free speech. It's crazy.

Now we're talking, Mark! Now we're talking! That could be sick. Hell yeah! Because then we're different. For sure. I love it when they arrest people in the UK, you know, for like making fun of you guys or whatever. Yeah, yeah. Or just doing like a Facebook post to like arrest them. Exactly. That's what we fought for. We fought to do that. Indian Navy? That's not funny. Arrest that guy. Yeah. Definitely put that guy in American prison and then we'll free him immediately so he can give him Wi-Fi. Yes! This guy's a genius! Okay? Putting those thumbs to work! Yes!

Dude, this guy Pavel is crazy. The whole story gets even wilder. So basically, he's a Russian dude. He's known as the Mark Zuckerberg in Russia. He basically creates Facebook in Russia in 2006. This is a website called VC or something like that. Yeah, Vcontact. And it's basically Russian Facebook.

While he's building it, he gets swatted by Russian officials. They're banging on his door and they're like, hey, give us a bunch of information from the website. Give us a bunch of information from the app. Who's using it? Give us information about protesters in Ukraine. Give us information about Navalny. Give us all this stuff. He goes, fuck you guys. I'm not doing it. They're banging on his door and literally he's posting memes of dogs and hoodies and shit, just goofing off.

And they're banging on his door like, all right, we're going to arrest you. They're putting all this pressure on him. And it basically gets to a head. And he's like, all right, I'm out. He sells his shares, leaves the company, and could just go sail from the sunset. Has a ton of money, leaves Russia, living in Europe, having a great time. Says, fuck it, I'm making another app, Telegram.

makes telegram and pretty much right away like creates the platform that does everything that we're saying has encryption da da da and then he becomes very wealthy he gets courted by macron in france in 2018 macron goes to him and goes hey we want you to be a french citizen

Like, we want you to make the headquarters in France. We want to make a partnership. A couple of years goes by in 2021. He becomes a French citizen, which is like extremely hard. You have to live in France. They just like open the doors. Extremely quickly. They just give them citizenship. Just off rip. But there's certain situations where they do do that. They basically like a foreigner of merit. Yeah. But even still, you have to be a French speaker, which to my understanding, he's not a French speaker.

Yeah, but they basically just like give it to him. Anyway, what people don't really realize is in 2017 Allegedly French intelligence hacked into his cell phone and they were able to surveil him and look at what he was doing prior to the meeting with Macron And so they're looking into his phone to like see what he's up to and it's not really clear what they found Yeah, but this was predating the meeting with them. He basically is like I don't know he has the company in Berlin for a little and it goes to UAE and that's where he sets it up and like actually has the headquarters and

Everyone wants access to the data. Everyone's using it. There's a billion people. It's being used on both sides of the Russian-Ukraine war. It's being used on both sides of Israel-Hamas war. It's being used by everyone. It's being used in India. It's being literally like Narcos in fucking Mexico are using it. So everyone has a vested interest. The FBI went to one of their engineers and basically offered them...

Like a deal to give them backdoor access to get information for it. Yeah. Allegedly, no one has access to the backdoor of all the data. But some people speculate that his extreme wealth, again, he's the 120th richest person in the world. He's the richest foreigner in Dubai. Like he's extremely wealthy. I think it's like 100 something billion.

They go to him and they're like, hey, we want this thing. Allegedly, some of his money is not from the app itself. It's actually from money from foreign governments to give them access to the data. That's a speculation. It's not confirmed. But that's what some people have been saying.

All that to say, basically, he goes to Paris, gets arrested. Now he's like awaiting sentencing, could get 20 years. All the charges are basically all the things that are done on the platform, meaning like, you know, drugs, weapons, illegal pornography, shit like that. He's now an accomplice and complicit with all of those actions. And a profiteer.

In a way, yeah. In a way. It's not as direct as Silk Road, where they were taking a percentage of every transaction, but he's obviously gotten very wealthy from this platform. Yeah. So the question is, are the people that host platforms responsible for everything that goes on the platform? I don't think so. Well, French government's saying that he didn't cooperate with them. He's saying we're completely in good standing with all the EU rules and regulations regarding social media platforms. This could be complete bullshit because I just saw it in a random tweet, but I think WhatsApp...

has certain like restrictions and punitive measures if you're sharing like child pornography or something like that. They have like a way to tell and they have a way that you can put those restrictions on the app and they've complied with that. In other words, they were asked to comply and they were like, yes, we will comply. Okay.

is my understanding from this random tweet from a person that could be a complete liar. No, Zuckerberg and Mehta are very forthcoming with the government. Yeah. Either covertly, where they're making deals with three letters, or even just him going in front of the Senate, doing hearings. But my understanding is that they rejected...

that type of control on the platform he said it's that that it's not necessary that they try to censor negative content he's like it's not just complete free speech platform we do censored content of things like illegal pornography but we're not going to just like give you guys access to the data oh so they claim that they are censoring it they're just not going to let someone else be the censor that's what they claim they claim that they're within the regulated like the regulatory guidelines but i guess how can you prove that there's no data yeah and you can oh yeah they're gonna go to court basically

Ah, okay. So then if they are doing it, then he'll be fine. So the, oh. Are you just sending him to court so you can look through his stuff? Yes. This is where it gets crazy. Oh, it's crazier. It's crazier.

So there's a bunch of theories. All right. So one theory is like the, you know, French control theory. There's two parts to it. One is basically like, oh, we want to protect kids. You know, you're putting illegal pornography on this website. We can't censor it. It's going everywhere. There's all these violent criminals. It might be true, but also is the perfect shield to get like whatever your actual reasoning is. If you say I want to protect kids, no one can argue with that. They want to protect kids, but legal age is 13.

That's a great fucking point. Those aren't kids, those are teenagers. They're trying to protect 12 girls. But then it shows a little hypocrisy. Damn, 12 is 17 for them. That's crazy. Isn't that fucking crazy? That's wild, yo. Almost legal. Very legal. Wow. She looks 12 and a half. That's crazy. Yeah.

But it's a little hypocritical, this whole thing, because Russia tried to shut down Telegram in 2018. Same exact thing after he had left. They tried to shut it down. They said, hey, we're kicking it off. They couldn't do it. And all the media reporting was like, oh, this totalitarian regime trying to stop protesting. And now when it's happening in the West, everyone's like, oh, we've got to protect the kids. This is a dangerous platform, yada, yada, yada. And now even Russian spokespeople are putting pressure like, look, the free speech of the West. Look what's happening. Wild. Wild.

So there's that. The other element is that potentially they hacked into his phone in 2017 prior to the meeting. Apparently, and obviously, you know, France has had a slew of terrorist attacks throughout, you know, the 2000s. 2015 was a massive one. They killed like 130,000 people from the Islamic State, from ISIS. That was part of the slew? I just want to know if that was part of the slew of the...

- No, you were- - He had a momentum. - No, no, no. - Why'd he kill his momentum? - I just thought he kind of belittled what a terrorist attack was. There was a slew of them. - There was a slew? - Slew. - How many is a slew? - Oh, I'm thinking of the word slay.

What? Nah. I mean, like, Santa carrying a little basket, like... You're not getting over it. There's a sleigh of parents attacks. There's a sleigh of them. There's a whole sleigh. What the fuck are you talking about? It makes less sense. What the fuck are you talking about? It's a slew point. A slew point was fine. Listen, you know when Santa comes through, bro. Yeah. What's the past tense of sleigh? Slew. Exactly. Yeah, there was a slew of them. There was a slew of them. If, actually, technically...

One, we'll look past one. Two, now you're pushing it. A slew. A slew of them? There was a gaggle of terrorist attacks in France? Yeah. What is the least funny way to say there's been far too many terrorist attacks? The least funny. Don't try to say it funny. Like, what is the serious? Cornucopia? What is...

Guys, we shouldn't be laughing at this. Come on. Genuinely. There's been a baker's dozen times. Guys, this is not what free speech is about. This is not what free speech is about. We're being honest.

We are being honest. We're being honest. But this is not what Free Speaks is about. Can you continue to tell us about how there's been a lot of terror attacks? Oodles. There's oodles of jihadis in France, and they're going crazy, and they're killing a bunch of people. It's not good. I don't like it. And I don't like to get political on this show. What are they so upset about? I don't like the terror. Can someone explain what the jihadists are so fucking upset about? You have four wives.

Yeah. See how that feels. Yeah. Oh, wow. Then you're like, oh, okay. You get it. I mean, like, first of all, great point, but second of all. It's never the married ones that are doing it. If it was, I think that the West would understand it a little bit more. If it was like the guy blowing himself up was the guy who had seven wives, then you're like, he just wanted a break. He's just over it. Finally some quiet. Yeah. That's what paradise is, is getting away from your wife. Eternal paradise. Oh, my goodness. Yeah.

Yeah, what a world. They got it right. So there's all this terrorism, right? Yeah. Bunch of shenanigans going on. Yeah. And I just realized Alex's stupid shirt.

You're also wearing a sports jersey. Yeah, but mine is better. They both basically have the N-word on it. Yeah, but mine I'm allowed to say. Melanin United. Have you seen the team? It's already that. You have a basketball team on a fucking soccer jersey. That's a volleyball first, obviously. That's an old soccer ball.

Wait, what? That's not a basketball. This right here is not a basketball. Wait, there's a volleyball in this? Yeah. Oh, why am I wearing it? Because I guess you're like a gay guy or something. You saw them dumpers in the Olympics. Anyway, sorry guys. I'm distracted yet again. No, the Paralympics. They got the...

Oh, dude, I got something to show you on Paralympics. We'll get to that. We'll get to that. We have so much to discuss. That has nothing to do with free speech. Go. So basically, 2015, they have all these terrorist attacks. Now all the terrorists are like, hey, let's use Telegram. And then all of a sudden, Macron's like, oh, what's this Telegram thing? Let's get into it.

That's the other theory is that they're trying to like basically backdoor to stop terrorism. Yeah, I'm into that. The other idea is that apparently Macron has been using Telegram since like 2010. And some people think that the platform is still in Russian control. And so basically all of the French like, you know, government correspondence is now able to be seen by the Russians.

So now France is trying to pull it back a little. All right, guys, let's take a break for a second. I need to talk to you about something very near and dear to my heart, something that I used to do way more and I haven't done in about seven months, and that is sleep. Sleep, when they say sleep is the most important thing, you don't really consider it because you can do it whenever you want. You could take naps. You could catch up. You're like, ah, sleep isn't that important. And you have a child, and then that goes out the window, okay? So sleep.

So sleep is something that I have to maximize. It's something that you should absolutely be maximizing. How are you going to do that? Eight sleep, eight, number eight sleep has a brilliant, they say buzzworthy sleep technology. I'm just going to say it's brilliant. Okay.

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And you will get a free gift with your journey pack. That is at, Use the code flagrant and you get a free gift with your order today. Now let's get back to the show. There's a NATO theory that basically because both sides of the war are using this, not only for like encrypted strategic data, but also for like geolocating where they are based off of pings of where their phones are at, they can know where the Russians are located.

And so basically NATO wants the information. They want to try to arrest this guy and basically give him a deal and be like, hey, give us all the information about the Russian military. Fire. Mossad. I knew it. What? I fucking knew it. What? That they were behind this. What do you mean? What are they doing? So this is where it gets a little crazy. There's this, one of the people he was arrested with was his girlfriend. Okay. Yulia Vilova. A piece? Yeah.

Let's see it. With all due respect, let's see it. That's his girlfriend or his wife? This is very important. This is huge. This is a girlfriend? Bring that hole up on the fucking floor. This is a billionaire's girlfriend. No, no, no. Let me see that throat piece. I definitely already searched this.

Oh, come on. Wow, Mark. Damn, Mark. Come on, Mark. Should we talk about how Dove brought two holes over to the house this weekend? We're having a nice, friendly time with the family. I got my wife breastfeeding in the backyard, and then these two Brazilian fucking cattle come over.

And they're just going to hang around the whole fucking day? What is this about? Oh, he likes these Brazilians. He's bringing them everywhere. He's bringing them everywhere. Son, that's crazy. Around the world, right? Around the world. Shout out to you, Doug. Got him.

Oh no, honeypot? So if you look at all the comments, everyone's like, leave Pavel alone. Why did you do it? Shame on you, Mossad agent. People are going after her. Again, this is not confirmed or substantiated. I'm not by any means endorsing this theory. Is he Jewish? I don't believe so. I can't tell. And Dove apparently Googled it and couldn't find anything. Is she Jewish? I can't tell. There's no information really about her. She's got two Mossad agents on her chest. Is

She got a wire? I mean, she's a piece. Yeah, she's objectively a piece. Some people are claiming that because of her geolocating everywhere that she was with him over the past couple weeks, that they were able to basically pin him whenever he landed in France because she was posting about it from the private jet. Is what some people are speculating. Again, this is not a... So Denzel American Gangster shit, basically. Type shit. I haven't seen this. Sounds good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

She wasn't an agent. It's just, you know, just a dumb broad. Yeah. But now some people are saying because there was a massive leak from anti-Israeli hackers that basically pulled a bunch of information from the Israeli government about their operations in Gaza and West Bank.

And all that information has now been leaked on Telegram, gigabytes of data about Israeli military positions and all that shit. Private correspondence has been leaked on the platform. So now Mossad is like, yeah, we're pissed off because all of our shit's getting leaked on this platform. Hey, take it down. Apparently he says, no, I'm not taking it down. That's not what the platform is for. I'm not censoring the information. And then Mossad has to go get rid of them.

Whoa. The arrogance of these billionaires is astounding. Like the same arrogance it takes to become a billionaire is the arrogance it takes to be like, the fuck you national governments. I'm fine. Yeah. Like you're never going to beat a national government. I don't care. They're going to get you. Also, give me a hundred billion dollars. Yeah. Your information is fucked up.

I'll tell you something. Your secrets are out there. I'm telling everybody everything for nothing. You don't even got to pay me. If I got the $100 billion, I'm not keeping those secrets. I'm not getting locked up on my agenda. Let's get out of front of it. Hey, hey. Free

the press. That's what I'm saying. Unlock it all. This guy got a hundred billion. He's selling a hundred billion dollars. Yeah. And he's still going through this nonsense for what? So this is the last theory. I think he's getting money from everybody and French ain't offering him enough money. He's like, nah, you're not giving me enough for the back door. The U.S. is giving me money for the back door. They cool.

This is the last theory that I found that was great. There's a little one, the American election theory, which is basically like because the election's going on, America wants to censor the discourse happening on platforms. Ain't nobody here who uses Telegram, but we're not smart enough for that shit. This one is fun. What average voter is going to be swayed off Telegram? The thing I can't figure out is why he flew to France.

Why did he go to France? Why did he go to France? The plane landed in France. Apparently, he was persona non grata. He knew that he shouldn't be in France. He knew that they were trying to get him. Oh, I got it. And he flies. I got it. He flies to France, gets off the plane. When he gets arrested, he tells the officers, allegedly, I'm here to have dinner with Macron. Why does he go there? He flew from Azerbaijan. That's the last place his plane was at. I know why. There's not even a joke here.

Dump it in the Paralympic, right? He's getting arrested no matter where he goes. He has the best relationship with France. So he's like, you guys can lock me up. Let's figure this out. Essentially protect me. If the whole world's after him, go. So that's the theory, basically. But it gets a little deeper.

He was in Azerbaijan. I love when you do this. So much fun. This is great. He was in Azerbaijan like the 24th of August. Yeah. Who else was in Azerbaijan? Jews. Unfortunately, his dear and close friend, who's actually a huge enemy, Vladimir Putin. They were both in Baku the same exact day. According to Russian media, they did not meet.

But there's speculation that they had a meeting, some type of conference. What are the reason, again, who's to say, what are the reason is Pavel in Azerbaijan of all places? He's there. Some people speculate he meets with Putin.

Putin intimidates him in such a way like, hey, we're going to suicide you. We're going to kill you. Again, he's on terrible terms with the entire Russian military, Russian government. You've been backdoing our information about Russia to all these other countries. Who knows? So you're going to die unless you cooperate and work with us and give us all the information about everyone else. Fire. He immediately gets on an airplane and flies straight to Paris. And then the question is, does he call Macron and say, hey, I'm coming to Paris. Arrest me. Protect me.

Does he call Macron and say, hey, let's have a meeting and maybe we can work out a deal? And then Macron flips on him and gets him arrested without having the meeting. Or maybe there's some type of brokerage where it's like, hey, arrest me, make it look like a whole spectacle. You get all the brownie points for having such good intelligence and protecting and upholding the law of the land.

And I'll give you guys access to the data and just don't let me get murdered. Why wouldn't he come to America? Can you not fly to Azerbaijan directly? I mean, you probably can. It's probably just like, I don't think he's flying Azerbaijan Airlines. Can he not get a first class ticket? There's no way he can't get a first class ticket. Maybe you have to do a stopover before you can go to America. Lay flats were completely booked and he had to go to Frankfurt. He went to Frankfurt because, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He said he'd have to go to Frankfurt. There's a stopover. And he said, I'm not doing it. That's a prison sentence.

anyway. Yeah, I just knew it. Just kill me, Vlad. Wow, why would you go to France? I'm just so confused by that. Welcome back, Miles. So, potentially... This guy's dying. This is my guy. Yeah, Miles just threw up in the bathroom for the last three minutes. What's going on? I just have a headache and I tried to throw up.

That's not good. What's going on? You should have caffeine. You know that, right? I'm great. I'm good. You sure? You just tried to throw up 10 seconds ago. It feels better sometimes. You're talking about I'm great. I'm doing great. You look like Hank Hill's kid. God damn it. How did we never see that? I don't know. It just takes so long. When he was walking, it just felt like Hank Hill's kid. What's that kid's name again?

Bobby! I did Mark's podcast, got a lot of hate comments and every other one was like, Bobby, shut the fuck up. Oh my God. Oh, why? That's kind of nice. They cook all of us every week, but they hear Miles' voice and they don't get to see him. No, we got a camera on him right now. Top comments were, I get why Mark treats Miles this way. Ha ha!

One of them said that. He sicked the bots on you. He sicked the bots on you. Oh, we got to talk about that, about how the internet's not real. Oh, there's so many great theories. Anyway, go back to this. This is basically the end of it, that potentially he goes to France to get protection, yada, yada, yada. But now he's going to be able to be in cahoots with Macron in the West and NATO to then give all the information to Russia. What a fucking idiot these guys are. Get your money and then get out. How...

I can't fathom that this life is more interesting for him. Yeah. There's no way. Some people love to grind, dog. But you can grind on other things. Yeah. Go find a way to turn salt water into drinking water. Yeah. For the Palestinians to take a bath. What the fuck?

They were cutting off water, right? Oh, yeah. That's not good. Get rid of the plastic. You know what I mean? Weren't they doing that? Yeah. I mean, that was a legend, but I don't know. He goes back on it. It was a legend. He was like, oh, I'm a stupid. I feel you on that. I feel you on that. I feel you on that. I meant to say Pakistanis, not Pakistanis. And then I,

down. But it feels like they might have caught the water. That's dangerous. He just argued with Dove. He ain't trying to go back into the water. They just squashed it. You gotta go argue again. Get out of here. Okay, but yeah, there's so many other things that you can do and conquer. It's just so confusing. It's that legacy shit. Yeah, that's true. Elon's the same way. Oh, I have all the money in the world. I can just sail off into the sunset. But he does have freedom. He's not locked up like this dude. Yeah, but look at all the bullshit he has to deal with now that he owns X. Yeah, I agree with you. I agree with you. But

it comes to a time where like if you do not have connectivity with a government and you don't have the protection like Elon has the protection of the United States government oh he glowed up this is one thing he conquered hair loss fine

He got diesel. Also, allegedly, I didn't confirm this, the father of over 100 children. Nah. He's like a notorious sperm donor. No. All these guys. Elon. All these guys. So he's got like four or five kids that he claims. I think there's like 90 other kids that are not. Where can you buy that cum? That's a good stock. That's what billionaires should do. You know when a horse wins like a triple quarter?

crime and they just put him out to pasture and he just gets other horses pregnant? Secretariat. We should have millionaires. We did an old flagrant episode about that with LeBron. Like, what would his cum cost? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's why he doesn't own anything. So his girl can't come after shit. Oh, is that his thing? Was he the guy that was like, I don't own anything? Yeah, yeah. Smart. So where is his actual money? Like, what is the value? It's in crypto. A lot of it's in crypto, yeah. A lot of it's in crypto.

Smart guy right there. Got it. So there's no way to impose your will on him. Maybe that's why Elon sold all his shit too. He's like, you're not going to seize my assets. You're not going to do any of this stuff. Like I'm going to, uh, Hmm.

I'm going to be as, I don't want to say liquid as possible, but I guess you can make crypto liquid, but inaccessible as possible. You can't leverage me. You can't put your thumb on me in any single way. This man is hot. What a chat, right? What's going on? Absolute chat, dude. That guy got $120 billion? Yeah, something light like that. I'll fuck him. What a goofball, huh? Crazy. Why?

you just go swim in the desert yeah go play battle there's so many other things you can wake up and feel joy every day of your life no man yeah no he's he's committed to it telegram genius in his tug of war with the kremlin i'm about to have my own tug of war looking at these bitches yeah kids of peace jim that's the that's the fascinating life in times of pavel durov oh god these guys

It's never enough, huh? It really isn't. You know what's also crazy? You said he's worth $100 billion, and he's the 120th richest man in the world. Ain't that crazy? $100 billion, and you're number 120. Think how much higher it goes. That's nuts. Yeah. There was like 10 billionaires-

Five years ago or something, right? Like, that's wild. It seems like there's a lot now, huh? Yeah. Second, we start getting some fucking money every day. Ain't that a motherfucker, right? Ain't that a motherfucker? It really is. Guys, I misspoke. Apparently it's $15 billion.

That changes things a little bit. That makes more sense. A little broke boy. A little broke boy with his pecs. Ain't nobody gonna fuck about his little broke boy. $15 billion? He's still trying to get invited to the white party, bro. Yeah. He gotta work for a living. This guy's checked and checked. I'm not worried about this guy. The rest of them are in the trash. He's got a bunch of baby mamas out here. You can't afford them 100 kids. Nah, dude. I thought this guy had $120 million.

Wow, Mark, what a huge fuck-up. It's massive. That's 10x. Game changer. Yeah. Still 120th richest, dude. Nah, it's a goofy little app. I don't care about this goofy little app, bro. Indians sending dump pics to each other. There's no way that that's worth jack shit. Nobody cares about Telegram. Go fuck yourself. Arrest them. Yeah.

Nobody cares. Oh, we're fighting for free speech. No. Do you think they should be responsible for this stuff? It is free, broke ass. Thanks. No, but do you think they should be responsible for the stuff that goes on on the platforms they create? Nah. I kind of think so. Tell me why. If you're not going to open it...

Tell me why I never want to hear you say I.

I want it that way. But yeah, if you're posting pedophilia, you shouldn't be able to just do that without the platform. That was perfect. We've got a lot to break. That was beautiful. Come on, Mark. That was good. That was good. Fuck. But wait, if you just have the platform, right? Yeah.

Should you be responsible for what is posted up there? No, you should punish the people that are breaking the rules, but you shouldn't be responsible. Now, if your platform has no rules, if they're not punishing these people. If you don't punish any of them. If you don't punish the people, then you should be responsible. Then I guess you should be responsible. But I think what they're saying is they are punishing the people. He's claiming that, yeah, we're taking stuff down. Apparently they're taking down other things in the past. Like there was a violent protest thing against the Iran government that was like targeting specific people for like assassination or some shit. They pulled that down. They've done that a couple of other times.

But then people look at that and they go, oh, you're just in cahoots with the Iranian government. Bro, I got Molly in London on Telegram. They ain't taking down shit. Molly's different than... The only things that people will care about

Child sexual activity and violence. Those are two. Everything else, if people are like, people are buying drugs on the app and you're not stopping, who gives a fuck? General public won't give a fuck. Even a free speech absolutist, which is kind of stupid because are you okay with child porn being sent around? You're a free speech absolutist, but there you got to draw the line. Everybody, no matter how much you like free speech, kids and violence, I can't be okay with this.

So that's the things he has to police. Everything else, who cares? Yeah, but if people in wars are using that to communicate, that is violence. And he's not shutting anything down. To be honest, on that front, war is violence. On that front, it's like, the violence is happening. That's the government that decided to have this violence. We didn't decide to do that. But if people are like, yo, let's go beat the shit out of this guy on 103rd Street. Let's organize a mob of people to do it. Then, yeah, maybe you're...

That is actually illegal, whereas a war is not necessarily illegal. And also, if you're using like... If you're using Telegram to plan October 8th, then... But again, that's people. That's not governments. Was it October 8th? You would be late, black motherfucker. My bad, my bad. Oh, man, I'm going to get... He's on the paraglide. I'm like, yo, y'all doing that with me? Word? Y'all pre-started? Y'all showed up already? Word?

I'm paragliding like a fucking jacket. Goddamn. Paraglider looks fun. Not to kill, but it looks like a fucking jacket. It does. It does. It does. I thought you were talking about October 6th. I didn't even think about October 7th. Okay. All right. What are you talking about? January 6th. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

Oh, thank God. You're early in time. Oh, thank God. Thank God. I got you. I got you. I thought he said on January 6th. I thought it was October 6th. Why did you say October 6th? I don't know. You're four months early. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We had different issues, dog.

My bad, yo. Hey, I'm bad, guys. What day was it? That's why every tech CEO is Indian, yo. Because they show up to work early. All right? They're there to grind. Also, you don't got to spend money on toilets. Thanks for plumbing costs. That's true. That's true. Anyway, October 7th. What was your point about October 7th? What happened with that? I mean, they should be responsible.

No, the person who created the apps. No, they shouldn't be responsible for the thing. What they should do is punish the users that were involved. If they didn't police it. Yeah, if they're not policing it and then something happens because of... So that's what I'm saying. To your point, those are the things you need to police. You need to police violence. You need to police child activity. And the thing that sucks about this is...

if there's any examples I can prove of, oh, y'all didn't shut this guy down and he's doing child pornography or whatever, then your whole argument falls apart. Now, when you're buying drugs on Telegram, are you being explicit with what you're asking for? Are you still using vague language? No, it's not explicit. Really? Yeah, because, you know, well, I think it's encrypted on both ends, so. Wow. Yeah, makes it easy. You don't have to put a,

You know, a little pill emoji. Yeah. Like, that's going to fill them up. I needed medication. I need Tylenol. I need a statin quick. I think that might have been me, bro. But should, like, the web hosting service, should they be responsible? Yes. Is it Amazon's fault? Like, how far back do you want to go? It's illegal in America. In the 90s, they made a law about this. Oh, now you got energy. Yeah. I threw up. A couple Gatorades. Now you're ready to go for real? A little bit.

What do you think you got, man? A little bit is worse. That makes me sound concerned. Do you got the inverted ass like Hank Hill? We're not doing this. Why are you asking about that? I'm curious. What's he wearing? I'll just say, how committed is he to the look? He's feeling ill right now. Are you going to do this somewhere now? He's feeling better now. Yeah, I'm back. Oh, you're back. Yeah.

Yo, why you asking about his ass, bro? That was crazy for you. Bill Maher went on vacation together. We good. Oh, you guys did? Yeah. Where'd you go? We were in Scotland for the wedding. Oh, that looks so good. Yo, shout out to Cassetta. Congrats, my brother. The audio goat, Tom Cassetta, got married, man. And, man, congratulations. The wedding looked absolutely beautiful. Miles' tilt blew up. We were in exotic AC, so some of us weren't there. Miles got naked right now. Yeah, Miles, yeah.

Look at that cute little tuchus. I'm going back to being sick. You've got to continue the pod. Why? What's going on? You got multiple pods or what? No, look at his ass. Don't it look like an angry Asian?

Oh, man. Oh, shit. This one of Ma's? Yeah, that one of Ma's is crazy. How you pull out that quick, bro? You're a bad friend. What do you mean? You're a bad friend, bro. I just got ass pics for days. I keep them lined up, put them in my pocket.

All right, so wait. Now, hold on. There is a few other things that we need to discuss. Oh, the internet isn't real. Yeah, the Paralympics, bro. I've been watching a lot of the Paralympics. Can you tell us why the internet isn't real and then we'll do Paralympics? No, no, no. Mark's going to explain the internet isn't real, but we could do some Paralympics to have a nice little buffer because the internet isn't real. It's kind of crazy. Okay. Paralympics. Let's do it. I've just been gripped, bro. I've just been watching a lot. You guys haven't been watching it? You had a great point. What did I say about that? The Paralympics is the real Olympics. Yeah, why isn't this the Olympics? Paralympics.

This is the real Olympics. Like, guys with two legs and two arms running. Okay. Everybody could run. Everybody could throw some shit. A guy with no legs running. Son, who texted the group, yo, y'all got to watch this swimming. It's arms versus legs. That was you? Yeah. That shit cracked me up. I seen this Asian dude with just legs kicking, and he just battering rammed the end of the race. Yeah. Yeah. He just, his head slammed into the side. Yeah.

Zhang or whatever his name is. I mean. Oh, yeah. So it would actually be more advantageous to have arms and no legs than legs and no arms. Oh, a million percent. And then he got out the pool looking like that. Yeah.

You guys are going to hell. Look, if you think we're being insensitive, can I just show you what the official Paralympics YouTube account has been posting? This is from the actual Paralympics YouTube account. Verified blue check shit. This is some of their top videos. Oh my god.

Nah, bro. Nah, we can't watch this guy. This guy did a triathlon. Y'all never did that shit. So I don't think that's funny. Man, come on! Look at her throwing that poppy seed.

There's no way they got the girl making poppy seed bagels. Dump her. Yeah, she do. Son, I swear to be having them. Oh, no. Oh, no. What's wrong with these? Oh, God. Wait, this is the official account and they added that. This is their account, bro. They added the noise. Now they know how to market it. What's he doing?

Oh, goodness gracious. He got a leg with his ass. No way. The legs might get stuck in the dirt. Why are they posting this? How is... No. What's this? Oh, yeah, this guy's nice. This is fire. Hey, I like it. Picasso. Yeah, that way. To your point earlier, tell me that's not the greatest ping pong player in the world, all things considered. Oh, absolutely. In terms of raw skill. Yeah. Ain't no way. What is this? Please.

How would they add in these noises? Yo, the noises are wild. They are wild. Look at my man with the tap. The legs is nice, bro. Oh, okay. The courage. Yeah, dead ass. To even try to swim. That's insane. Insane. Oh, no. What is it? Oh, no. Oh, no. Yo, my man is jacked, honestly. No, look at how it's going. Oh, look at this upright form. Son. Oh, he got one.

Come on, stop. Come on, stop. Come on, stop. Come on, stop. I'm promoting what the Paralympics posted, bro. Come on, stop. That's me in bed. That's me giving him a popcorn. Ow!

Ow! They couldn't cushion that? I know! They couldn't put something soft at that? They give him a head start. They give him a... Literally, get it? Like his man could have... Nah, this you shouldn't even be able to do. So this is what they're posting. I'm just addressing it. I'm just pointing it out. Keep going. This is entertaining as fuck. What does this one got? Because...

You don't need legs to do this anyway. Why are they allowed to compete in this? But if one person's doing this with their mouth or some shit. We gotta see that person. Nah, this is regular. This is an advantage. Yeah, you're lighter. Oh, no. This is fire. The badminton with the midgets playing. What's his name?

Why are you joking? Krishna. I ain't doing it. Yeah, you say it. How do you pronounce that correctly? I would if y'all weren't here. This is my rap song. If you don't know, now you know. That's a nice stride. That's actually how you say river, I'm pretty sure. I wish Shubh was here to fact check that. Let's go. Oh no, this is unfair. You gotta jump off. Oh wow. Legend, right? Yeah.

Oh, no. Oh, let's go. Oh, that's when I saw this was crazy. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Nah, I fucks with this guy. I just can't believe...

noises they put the sounds i could watch that all for hours why are you stopping and can i be honest that's gonna make everybody more money because the more the views they get the more money they can give to the winners so it's all a win yeah yeah i watched the 100 meter dash did you see the 100 meter dash no i didn't the guy who won it had like a version of cerebral palsy but he still ran it in like 10.3 seconds that's crazy

I think he's faking that. Right? Because isn't cerebral palsy like a muscular disease where your muscles are super tense? They're constantly...

Yeah. Yeah, I think your wrist is kind of like that. Engaged. But this guy looks, I mean, he ran 10.3. They're like college runners that aren't running 10.3. So how are we dictating who's in it or not? I think you should have to be missing something. Like, I think a part of you should have to be missing. They do different classes for all the events. Oh, okay. So it's like, all right, this class is like, you're missing a limb. This class is like, you have a muscular issue. This class is da-da-da-da-da-da.

And so it'll be like, okay, the 100 meter final for people missing a thing, 100 meter final for people with something else. And which country wins the most?

Let's check the medal count. That's a great question. India. Paralympics, Paris. Seems like China has 50 gold medals. They have 107 total medals. Great Britain has 29 gold medals with 57 total. And America has 18 gold medals with 50 total. Step it up, America. So our total medal count is the same as China's gold medal count. Wow. Damn.

Damn. But there's still five more days, so we might have a huge turnaround and win 57 medals. We might win 57 gold straight, in which case... We got it. Then we got it. China wins zero, sorry. No, you're good. Is there not like what... I don't even know how to say this. The...

What about the places that we're at war with? Do they not have some good athletes that are missing shit? That's how it started. Yeah. Yeah, but that started with us. That's what I'm saying, yeah. But now that we're banging on motherfuckers, like, shouldn't they be missing some things and don't they have good runners? You know? Like, Afghanistan, they have some, you know. Yeah, like...

I see what you're saying. Operation Iraqi Freedom. They should be free from some limbs. Yeah. Why is China winning? Like, what reason does China have to not to be missing things? I bet they're cheating. Yeah. I bet they're cheating. Also, why don't we let them cheat? They train them first and chop it off. Holy moly. That's brilliant. That is brilliant. If you don't make the main team, you're going second team with a little less. Yeah. Would you do that? Give an arm and a leg to compete in the Olympics?

I'm just saying, you've dedicated your life. Yeah, I'm sorry. No, seriously. It's crazy. I love it. So I did take the message. But like, let's say you dedicated your life to one stupid sport and you just never were good enough to medal. You wouldn't just chop off something and then be the best that's ever done it? I feel like you're describing trans athletes.

Wow. That was good. That was really good right there. That was really good right there. What were you saying about supporting trans athletes? Wow. Yeah, that's a good point. When paddles in the Olympics and you're not good enough to make it. I've already thought about it. Cut off my left hand. I don't need it.

I only have to develop a way to do the serve with my right hand because you need to drop the ball. But obviously I could figure something. I could do armpits. That was really rude. That hurt me. What is that? Elephant holding an apple? Yeah, fuck you, Alex. You're a jerk. I'm just agreeing with Alex. No, you're also a jerk, but it's mostly Alex that's a jerk. No, but would you do that?

Cut a piece of my body off for it? Do the left hand. You can still do stand-up. I genuinely thought about it. I swear to God. What if you just went trans and competed with women and you don't even actually have to cut some shit off these days? You can just say it. I would do that. You might have to tuck. I would absolutely do that. You got to tuck, yeah, but that's fine. I would do... If it gets to the point with trans acceptance... Let me tell you this right now.

If trans acceptance gets to the point where you just say you're trans. Yeah. And then you get to compete with the women. You're using future tense. I don't think you need to. But it's still like a little vague right now. Okay.

I promise you I will do it. If paddles in the Olympics, I promise you I will do it. That is a promise that I make to you guys. If you lose... The stakes are dumb high now. You've got to win. I don't even feel that bad if I lose. I picked a paddle at 40 years old and I'm going to beat these girls. These girls are professional athletes. Brilliant athletes. Backdragons.

Okay. There are some sick sports in the Paralympics. I went through all sports. Are there any ones that are specific to them? Bocce. No, bocce, we all know. That's a sport. No, is there one that's specific for the Paralympics? Yeah, bocce.

No, but is there a sport that... Cannonball. Is there like a thing that just they do? What is cannonball? I don't remember that. They launch them out of the can. Yeah, yeah. And then whoever makes the biggest splash. Or you shoot them into the side of a wooden boat and see if you can sink it. That's a good idea. Just take them out to the harbor and put some old pirate ships out there and just shoot them into the side of a wooden boat. And see if the boat will sink. And if it sinks, then you win a gold medal. They got a couple bangers. They got a gold ball. Gold ball's sick.

Goalball Loki actually looks awesome. This is what I was doing during your break. I made $12,000 on steak, dude. Just betting on the parallel. This shit's sick. We can all play this. You can put blindfolds on and play it.

Can you bet into the Paralympics? I would love to do that. I've made insane money, bro. We have to absolutely talk to Stake about this. Okay, wait a minute. So they're all blind, and the idea is you're just bowling against other blind people. Are they blind, or are they just wearing the goggles? They're probably partially, and then they have to wear the goggles to make them more blind. And then you're basically trying to hear the ball and then jump in position to block it. Can you yell other sounds to distract them? Can you be like, boing, boing? Boing, boing, boing, boing.

That, I don't know. It might be a strategy. Stake, we need to develop a betting apparatus for the Paralympics. This will be your most... I don't know if it'll be your most betted, but it would definitely be the most fun. Oh, the Paralympics gotta be coming soon, right? I think... Should Paralympics be illegal? Like, are you really gonna roll them down a mountain? Isn't that how, like, avalanches start? That's how they got that one. I mean, luge, right? Luge, you could do luge with no legs. Luge, they might be the best. Yeah. It's the same as kayaking. Same argument. Oh, speaking of Stake...

Football season is finally here. Thank fucking goodness. I'm so excited. Oh, my God. And I don't care about rooting for the Cowboys anymore. So it's going to be the happiest season. Are you really off? I just think I don't have a team. I'll root if I'm watching a game. Who do I want to win? But yeah, there's no team I'm following this whole year. It's just not going to happen. It's not. What happened to the Chiefs? Are they your Chiefs guy? Yeah.

That's fun. I'll probably root for them against most teams, but even in the playoffs when they were playing the Bills last year, I found myself being like, ah, it'd be great if the Bills won. I'd really like the Bills to win one, finally. So I think I'm just going to kind of be agnostic. So you're going game by game, which is... It's the best. Actually, better for gambling. That's true. It's true. But, okay, so...

You're able to put money on whomever you think could win that game, which I was never capable of doing. I could never bet against the Knicks. Yeah. Oh, yeah. My bias. I'll bet against the Cowboys. Anytime the playoff rolls around, just bet against the Cowboys and then double or nothing even if you lose. You're going to win at some point. You're saying you would do that? I would bet against... I will put it...

Damn near everything I own. I mean, don't do that. But like, my brain is like, that's the move. Okay. What? I won't. But that's... It's like... What bets does Stake have for us? So Stake is... They think... They said it's Eagles and Green Bay in Brazil, which is going to be fucking cool. Oh, yeah. That's far. The NFL is going to... They're trying to be global, as they should. Yeah. They think the Eagles are going to win. I don't actually necessarily agree. Okay. I think the Packers...

might make it out of the NFC and go to the Super Bowl this year. That could. They ended the year really well, and then they lost in the playoffs to San Francisco, who made it to the Super Bowl, and they should have beaten them.

Detroit really should have beaten them, but I think the way they lost was so heartbreaking. As much as I would love for them to go to the Super Bowl, I don't know if you recover from that in a year. They were up, what was it, 21-3 or some shit at the end. They were dominating and then lost. I think Green Bay was close enough that they were like, oh, we ended the year really strong. We could have beaten these guys that went to the Super Bowl. The quarterback, Jordan Love, I think he's starting to hit his stride. Got playoff wins, which Dak Prescott never got already. So I think they might be the team. And the Eagles, I think they peaked.

Oh, really? Yeah. No pun intended. I think they've flown as high as they can fly. Like, I just think that, I don't know. I feel like once a team figures out a running quarterback like Jalen Hurts. And that's what's starting to happen. I think that's what's kind of, I could be wrong, but I think that's what's starting to happen. You got a little window there and that window is closed. Yeah.

And they haven't added any talent to the team? There's nothing? They added Saquon Barkley. Saquon Barkley, who's good. He's good, but they're good. They manage their team well. They always have free agent additions and all that. Maybe that can take some of that running load off of Jalen. I just think if you figure out the QB, you can't do anything about it.

And then I think you can't bet against the Chiefs to make it to the Super Bowl, but they have the Chiefs beating the Ravens in the season opening game this Thursday. And I don't think, I think that's actually, I think that's fine. They have the Ravens beating the Chiefs. I think that's fine. They have the Ravens beating the Chiefs. Yeah, I think week one doesn't matter, the Super Bowl winner. If you're a dynasty, like who gives a fuck about week one?

Yeah. KC lost week one last year to Detroit. Okay, that's right. So you're just getting back in the swing of things. Everybody had a good summer, even celebrating. This game means way more to Baltimore than it does Kansas City. And Baltimore's got the chip on their shoulder. They've got to prove they still got it. Yeah, they lost to KC last year, blah, blah, blah. So I think that's fine. So again, you're going Green Bay and Baltimore. Okay, all right. Yeah, that's a mistake. I only disagree on Philly and Green Bay. And maybe I just hate Philly because I'm still, I was born a Cowboy fan, raised a Cowboy fan, but I just don't see it.

But yeah, it's dude, it's fun. I'm so happy football season is in. What's crazy, I think I'm going to start betting a little bit more, like just not crazy money, maybe like a hundred dollar cap, but I'm going to start betting this year on steak. And I think it's going to be really fun to just like be, that's going to add extra steaks to it.

I like it. Yeah. I like it. I like it. Yeah. We're going to see. I can't wait to see your emotion when you lose money. If I cap it at 100, it won't matter as much. Okay. But when you lose money bidding against the Cowboys, when they finally decide to win...

And fuck you. I like the Cowboys. I think I might be a Cowboys fan. That's a great idea. I would love for you to be a Cowboys fan. I think we should all be a Cowboys fan. Suffer. I would love it. Suffer. Yeah, that's a good idea. Just feel my pain. Yeah, Stig, we need some, you know what? Can we give us some, give us some like really favorable bets for the Cowboys? Just for the flagrant audience. That would be absolutely divine. Yeah, that'd be great. Stig, let's work that out. Dude, I have a friend that actually works at the Cowboys back office. Okay. We can get some tickets.

Back office. This guy don't know nothing. Back office. What the fuck is a back office? He's not at the front office. Yeah, it's a back office because they're behind every other front office. Fucking retards. No, he's not high up. I didn't say he was high up. But you're saying we could go to a Cowboys game and like go to that six stadium? Yeah. Oh, wow. Hey, have fun. Have fun.

I can't wait for the fucking Cowboys to win the Super Bowl. Okay, let's get back to the show. All right, fair enough. This game is actually sick. I would 1 million percent play that. Oh, wheelchair rugby? This is an awesome one. Yep, seen that one. This one is crazy. They're literally just fucking each other up on a wheelchair. And...

They have to play indoors because they can't rule on the grass. Yeah, it's like BattleBots, bro. It's fucking crazy. There's actually a girl that competes in this. They do both genders, I'm pretty sure. Oh, it's progressive. Oh, super aggressive. They're fucking each other up. These guys are probably all former military and shit. Let's go. We out. Out here. USA vs. Canada. Suck it, Canada. And then sitting volleyball.

This one is fascinating. I'm stoked to see all the people in the stands. Oh, packed. What is that fucking George Murasan looking guy? What is that? I mean, dude, that is a really insulting thing to say. But it was close. It was very close. I'll let you know, he happens to be the greatest sitting volleyball player of all time. That makes sense. He's 8'1". And he hits it with his head. Do you know what country he's from? Son, if he hit it with his head, he's from Iran. That would have been fire. It's from Iran. Oh.

Which is ironic. Because he never did. Okay. I mean, this guy should not be a lot. Like, he's got to have some sort of... Are these actually paralyzed people, or are they just playing sitting down? I think some are missing a leg, some are missing a forearm. What is he, an acromegaly?

What is that? Giant? Yeah. I'm pretty sure that's what jackdantism is. So I think he got an injury from a motorcycle as a teen and then couldn't walk. And now it's just a fucking... My man stood up to celebrate. You saw that? He almost forgot. Chill out. You are faking a funk, homie. Chill out. But this looks fire. I'm like, I would play this. We got to play more of these games. This shit looks sick. I think this is the easiest one to fake it. But wouldn't that be insensitive? What do you mean? We're taking jobs from them. Yeah. You got to let them shine, bro.

I mean, for us. We can play for us. That'd be fun. And good for them. I'm glad that the stands are full and people go to watch. I would like to go watch. Is it in America next year or next Olympics? We get to Paralympics next time. I think that we should. What is going on here? This one is interesting. This is bocce. So for some people, like people that have like sort of palsy or like advanced MS, they can only move their mouth. Oh, so, okay. So they put it on a ramp and then they give them a little stick and then they poke the ball and then they got to knock their balls out.

Yeah, they tell them how high they want it, and then a person places it for them. Crazy. Wow. They also have judo and taekwondo, contact sports. Mark, stop it. I'm being serious. They added them last year. Para taekwondo. Stop it. Can we please see a video? Yeah. I would love to show you that. I wanted to see. Hug up. Come on, dude. There was the one where they do the katas, so it's not like fighting taekwondo. You just have to...

do the choreography of the moves and then there was someone who was just missing it was missing everything and it was just he was basically just going hi-yah and then like rotating his body and just going hi-yah this that's not they're not missing shit oh they're missing like an arm okay yeah so they're missing an arm so you only get points for kicks i'm pretty sure you can't do any this is awesome legit fire bro it's awesome

Imagine you have some injury, you're born without an arm, and all of a sudden you can still fuck people up, get your rage out somehow. That shit is awesome. That's sick. Just a bunch of chung-lees. Just get done. That one just... Get that. Keep going with it. Okay.

Okay, now let's learn about why the internet is completely fake. Yeah, what is this? This is wild. You ever heard of dead internet theory? No. Are we getting another Mark explanation? We might. I love it. I love it. You can't cross this video on the internet. On the internet. Which, why did I see it? Because... That's the question. Basically, the theory goes that around 2015, 2016, the internet changed fundamentally.

The way that people use it, the type of content you see, the way people interact, it was like fundamentally changed. And the theory basically, and the theory is like generally true. It just matters what percentage of it is true. And I'll explain. Basically, the theory is that all the content and the people and basically your entire infrastructure that you're interacting with on every social media platform and throughout the entire internet is fake.

That it's basically AI bots that you're talking to that are interacting with you. And that 90% or 95% of all the content on the internet and all the discourse and conversations on the internet are created by large language model AI robots.

And basically this is either used by private individuals that are trying to profiteer in some capacity or pushing some type of personal ideological agenda or done by the state and state actors in order to manipulate and coerce the population into believing some type of specific narrative or idea.

Effectively, you don't need to ban books or ban ideas. You can just funnel the discourse of what people are having on the internet exactly how you want it to be. I actually think that's awesome if we all start to believe this. Then we'll start putting less stock in the fucking idiots online.

Either the guys shitting on India, no pun intended, or the guys saying whatever racist stuff. It's like, oh, I don't even need to take this seriously. This is bots. I don't even need to engage with this mentally. The tricky part is that there's certainly some people that are real. Yeah. So then the question is, how can you discern who is real and who is a bot? Just write off all of it.

That's how the easiest off ramp from my brain. It's all fake. Yeah. And the ones who are, who cares if it's a negligible amount? It's not a bad philosophy. The thing that brought this up to me that I thought was fascinating is Destiny, the streamer, did a video where basically on stream he was talking about like getting targeted attacks from a bunch of different accounts, calling him names, saying that he's an idiot, da, da, da. That's my bad. And they were, they were, um,

He starts going to the channels and seeing, like, who is this person? He was shocked that people don't like him. The arrogance. That's what I'm saying. He was just curious. This must be an internet conspiracy. Convenient. There are guys out there that don't like an extremely opinionated person who knows nothing about the Israel-Gaza conflict and lets people fuck his girlfriend? I cannot believe this.

How could this be? Are you AI? I might be AI. I might be AI. There's no point where he reflected and he was like, wow, I'm really opinionated on things that are incredibly divisive and maybe the other side might dislike me. There was no point in that. Maybe. I think it was that he was just getting comments immediately after posting anything and being like, who are just these people following me around the internet just shitting on me every chance they get? What is happening?

Yes. So when he clicks on the profiles and the profiles are like, America is best, number one country first. And it's like these weird accounts that have weird posting history and it's just all kind of strange. And he starts looking at the profile pictures and the profile pictures is like a guy that looks like a regular fucking dude that you would see at Walmart. And then behind him are books that

that aren't real characters. It's like fake AI books that have like strange shapes that are supposed to resemble language, but it's not. And he's like, oh, the picture's AI. The content, he's able to search tweets and find like other tweets of other accounts with other names and other countries posting similar types of content. And he's like, oh, this is a bot.

And so it's verifiable and true that there are bots that are creating content. The question is a percentage. And following people, the question is a percentage and the question is why. Well, why makes perfect sense. Like if you hate somebody, but you don't want to go through the time to hate them,

you just sick bots on them all day. Yeah. Like that makes perfect sense. So there is someone who's like, well, I mean, there might be another explanation. Or on some Dave Smith shit where it's like, I think he was the one that was saying like the government wants to get their access to their honeypots or whatever. Now just, they want to do the things they really want to do and then distract you with gender wars or whatever. Let's have a bunch of bots and fake news stories and whatever, just getting everybody focused on gender wars. And we just keep getting the money how we want to. We keep passing the laws that we want to. We keep doing all that. Yeah.

Now, the other thing that I find very interesting is, is it possible that these companies or private actors that are basically utilizing the open software features of these platforms are basically utilizing it in such a way to influence the opinions and ideas of influential thought leaders within the United States and around the world? That's the most interesting thing to me. Sorry, can you say that again? So basically— You're a guy that has tons of influence. Yeah.

You happen to be on Twitter. You happen to be on Instagram. You happen to be on Facebook. You're on TikTok. Scrolling. You're scrolling. We know just from having conversations with different platforms that they can increase. We know that they can decrease, but we also know that they can increase the visibility of certain content. Now, they don't have to have a handler for you from the CIA who tells you the opinions that you should have and make sure that you disseminate that information on all your socials and your podcasts, whatever. Yeah.

They could do something that is way more manipulative. They could just show you videos. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're talking about the tech CEOs and stuff, right? I'm talking about Akash Singh. Okay. I'm talking about Andrew Schultz. I'm talking about anybody. We could look on our algorithm, and our algorithm could be curated by...

not just the tech CEO, but if the tech CEO, we already know that Zuckerberg is working in cahoots with the government. So what if the government was like, listen, we need to get Akash and Andrew to be really on board with Israel, or we need to get Akash and Andrew to really be on board with Hamas. I want you to show them

more content showing these different POVs on a subject and they will naturally, just through osmosis, start to be more empathetic to one of those sides. Now, we know for a fact that you can do that. You can curate what somebody sees. We know that for a fact because you can do that with ads. You can literally just pay for ads. So that's what the most basic version of it is. That's actually their monetization strategy. So what is the highest version? So imagine if...

Imagine if presidents, imagine if big CEOs, imagine if people, thought leaders, you know, these like big Twitter celebrities, imagine if they're all being, you know, infiltrated with information. But now it's not some handler going, this is what you've got to do or else. Now they think that they're curating these ideas. Mm-hmm.

It's just like this. That's wild. So that's why you want to shut down a TikTok that you can't control. Yeah. And you don't want to shut down a Facebook and Instagram, anything on meta and even maybe Twitter. You don't want to shut down someone that, you know, aren't cahoots with the government because social media is not the enemy of the government like we thought it was. This is free speech. We can actually come together. We can organize. We can start protests. We can do this. No, no, no, no.

Social anatomy might be a tool by this theory, a tool of the government to get you to believe whatever it is you want to believe. Or no, they want you to believe. And it can go even beyond content. So let's say you just say a tweet that is controversial. You just now have five other tweets below being like, oh, dude, no, you really missed it on this. That's actually not true, da-da-da-da. And you're like, oh, man, I guess all my followers...

Or say I'm out of line on this. Maybe I should readjust my opinion. And all of those bots, all of those accounts are bots paid for by one individual. To make you feel like you should or shouldn't have that opinion. Now, there was a video, and I forget what the fuck it was. I was asking Mark what it was. It was either somebody else posted it. I don't know if we reacted to it. I'm not exactly sure what it was. But I looked at the comments of this video, and all the comments were minority women

justifying the opinion, the divisive opinion of the person in the video.

And it was something like, I'm a Latina, but I agree with this sentiment here. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? I forget what the fucking content of the video was. But we, and I saw all the comments and I was like, a music video or something. Try that in a small town or something like that. Try that in a small town! Yeah, yeah, I remember you pointing that out. Fucking A! Because I remember you pointing that out and being like, oh, good. You've been taking your liposomal magnesium. Yeah, I have, dude, I have. Okay, okay, so try that in a small town. All

All the comments, or the top comments, not all of them, but a lot of the top comments were like, I'm a Latina woman. I agree. I'm a black woman. I agree with the sentiment. And then I looked at the...

YouTube usernames. And all the usernames were the exact same thing. It was like J Martinez and then four numbers. Now, I didn't know about this theory. So my initial reaction was like, oh, that's just the username that YouTube gives you when you don't want to try to make one. They'll just like suggest one. But literally every single one was the exact same. It was something, four numbers, something, four numbers. And maybe that is the case. Maybe this is all bullshit, right? But

My knee-jerk reaction was it feels like

The record label sent bots to the music video to thwart any negative reaction in the comments to take control of the narrative. So the narrative amongst liberal media was, oh my God, look at this racist thing saying that this is what black people, this is what immigrants or whoever was doing to these small towns. And he's calling for violence against these people or doing to big towns. And they're calling for violence against the people. But

The reaction, the comments was, no, this isn't that. And I support this. And I think that this is a good thing. You immediately seize the narrative. Yeah. Now, let's say that happened completely organically. Sure. But if you could do it with bots, what a brilliant thing to do. Yeah. Yeah. Now, if that's all the comments, not all, we don't know what percentage is, but that's all the comments. That's all the views. That's all the accounts. The internet's dead. Yeah. Yeah.

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Again, slash flagrant or pound law. Pound. That's the hashtag. 529 from your cell phone. Guys, this is a paid advertisement, but you knew that already. So let's get back to the unpaid part. Yeah. Once more, people know that you could take control of the narrative, manipulate a narrative. And it will get harder to discern because AI language models are only going to get better and better. Yeah.

Yeah, it's wild. There's this thing that happens in the real world called gang stalking. This is like just another version of this that happens in like the actual like in reality. And again, I don't know technically like the polite way to say it. It seems like it's people that are like dealing with like paranoid schizophrenia, but maybe it happens to some people. I don't know.

But basically it's this idea that like I walk around everywhere and there's people that are following me. Like I walk out of my apartment and there's a car there and then I went to work and the same car was parked outside my work and someone or some government is following me around to try to fuck with my head to basically like make me, you know, stop what I'm doing to move to kill myself, whatever.

And these people are on these forums, thousands and thousands and thousands of people talking about how they're being gang stalked. And they'll make videos and they'll like film outside. Oh, yeah. They'll film outside like and see cars and they'll be like, five white cars in a row. It's happening again. And it just so happened five white cars drove by. So I don't, I'm not like an expert in this. Maybe there are legitimate cases of gang stalking. I don't fucking know. But it seems like certainly some of these people are schizophrenic. Now, this dead internet theory is basically the internet version of that.

And now people on the internet are like, oh, I'm being gang-stalked by AI. But it has a lot more legitimacy because you can't create fake human beings in the real world. You can create fake accounts online very easily. But now it's like, do I just operate on the internet as a schizophrenic person? Like, oh, shit. Is this real? Are these bots? I just got a DM like, dude, this video is hilarious. And I'm like, who is...

Why am I like what government is, you know what I mean? I think this is actually good if we all subscribe to not putting nearly as much weight on the Internet and social media discourse as we do. And we all do it. I do it. Like I said, I get positive comments. I love it. I get a negative comment. It fucks with my head. If we all were just like, ah, don't you don't know what's even real out here. Don't put that much stock into it with news, with comments, with the racist shit on Twitter or whatever. I'm just not going to put that much thought into it.

I'm not going to put that much stock into it, at least. But do you think AI could make those hilarious Indian memes? I don't know if it's possible. If not, they're going to make funnier ones in five years. I don't know. More creative. Some of those were so creative. I mean, the shit was just... The map, I mean, unbelievable. Right? So who's after you? Because you've been seeing a lot of anti-Semitism in your Twitter. And I'm like, I'm not seeing any of that in mine. And I'm like...

I know we have different tastes, but at the same time, I don't think it would be that different. I'm seeing shit now, too. It might just get to you late because you're black. What are you seeing in yours? Is there like a... It's more just entertainment, but it's like I see posts of people I know. Is there no, like, racism that you're seeing? Very little. Do you follow any, like, do you follow Elon? Yeah, but, like, I don't take him serious. Like, he's a joke to me. He said something interesting. He tweeted, um...

He was like, the Twitter algorithm is, the idea behind it is we show you things that you want to see. And we choose that, what you want to see based on what you watch, read, or, and most importantly, what you share with other people.

He goes, what we have not accounted for is that you can share things with other people that you despise. This is the gay pipeline on Instagram that got me. Okay. Did I tell you this? The fuck? I got got by a gay Instagram pipeline. Okay. And I think a lot, this happens to a lot of people. It's not just me. Was it when you were looking up that billionaire? Because I got a

pipeline out that's my point dude i like to work out i like to find workout videos so i go on my explore page and i see a jack dude working out he's like three best ways to hit your pecs on chest day and i'm like all right sick i'll watch this and i like it and i'm like this guy makes good content i'm gonna follow him and then the next day you get like four workout videos all different jack dudes all ethnicities all just working out having a great time bros high-fiving and then the next day you get like a jack dude like a speedo and you click that and you're like oh what workout is this

Why are you clicking that? He's been trying to sell this shit for the longest. I'm telling you, it's a gay internet theory. You just like dudes' bodies. It's fine, bro. That is true. What's the best way to come out to his mom? It's the internet guy. I'm not gay. I'm a bodybuilder. It's fitness. I like fitness. That's actually not...

That's actually not what I'm talking about at all. What do you mean? Because you like those videos. I like workout videos, but I don't like the gay dude in a Speedo, two guys hanging out at the beach on a yacht. Real quick, real quick. Just real quick, because he... We're going to get him. This is the exact opposite. I want you to have him ready to go.

He tried to, like, wedge his gay shit into something that got nothing to do with it. What Elon is saying is you can interact with content that you don't like, and then we are going to serve you more. Exactly. Like, when I see gay guys, and I'm like, oh, I don't like this, but then it serves me more. No, you interacted with gay guys that work out a lot, enough to the point where they just started sending you gay guys. True.

and you still like it, you just don't like that they're gay. You like that they're buff. You like anti-Semitism. You love anti-Semitism. Ladies and gentlemen, we got them. You like anti-Semitism. You like everything you're seeing. You see Hitler and you go, let's see what this guy's talking about. I do look at the quotes. Because everybody says he's such a good public speaker, but I never understood it with all the Germans, so I'm looking at the bars. And how did they get the ab definition? I just wanted to look. Yeah.

Nothing gay about that. How big is the print on his feet? Oh, I got to zoom in. I was curious. Where are they? They're in a ball pit? Yeah, but you're not starting it like this guy sucks and he's evil, but you're starting with, whoa, this guy's, what is his kumpf? Because you want to know everything about it. You want to know his plan. That's literally what you're looking for. No, I just was curious what kind of workouts he was doing. Exactly. That's not gay. Okay.

It's not gay. The fact that you're even focusing on the gay part is weird. You can look at a gay guy working out. It's just the work out you're looking at. There's a gay guy that plays basketball. You deny being gay. There's gay guys that act. You're just watching them as an actor. It's okay. I might have fixed it. What? This is your tabloid? This is the current Explorer page. This is your non-burner?

Oh, my Instagram ain't bad at all. Twitter is the cesspool. Yeah, that's the thing. I don't share any of this shit. I don't get it shared with me. So why is it all of a sudden this, like... Oh, no, I share stuff. Yeah, but no. Well, maybe if you don't share it, that's what they're sending you. If you just watch it at all, that counts as, like, a point. Sharing, what he said is sharing counts the most towards the algorithm, but...

what I think they've realized is you oftentimes share the worst things, the things you disagree with the most. If somebody says something awful about you or a group you care about... Look how fucked up this is. Look how fucked up this is. Look how fucked up it can be. You don't want to see more of it. Exactly. But their algorithm is going, oh, they really like this content. Let's serve it up. So they're like, this is a fuck up and we've got to find a way to fix it. But I don't know if that's 100% true because...

The goal of the app is to get you to stay on the app. So if you are sharing things, you're on the app. Now your friends are also on the app. So they want to give you the things. They're making even more people interact. They're incentivized to keep you at all costs. So they might be saying, oh, we've got to fix that. But then your experience on the app is less engaging, and you might tap out. By showing them puppies, they're on for an hour. By showing them war footage, they're on for an hour and a half. How long do you watch the Paralympics with other little songs and other little things that they put into it? A long time.

Yeah. If you just show the person doing the thing without the cartoon music...

Cartoon music was wild. Or was it? That is crazy. That's crazy. These people are nuts. That reminds me when you went to that adult circus, right? That's what it reminds me of. Are you sure circuses are just for kids? When you're at that grown-up circus. I think it's a lot of adult things. Balance. Kids don't know nothing about that. Cannonballs. There's a lot of things kids don't know. Bearded ladies. This is trans agenda. Dwarfs. Yeah. Yeah.

It's his fantasy agenda. It's different. He's not at the circus. Yeah. No, it's at carnivals. What do you think a carnival is? No, the one where you're like... It's a freak circus. Nah, there's a difference. Like the one with the Ferris wheel and then it has all the little things, but circus... What's Cirque du Soleil? Is that circus for adults? That's circus for adults. Yeah. That's circus for adults. That's what you went to. You guys are what are called...

Yeah, you are. I don't even know what that is. I don't know what Cirque du Soleil is. I've seen all three or seven of them every time I go to Vegas and watch the newest one. Are you kidding? You look like somebody who repeatedly went to Blue Man Group.

Because I know it was like up the block from here. It was right across the street. I know. You didn't go to that. I went to a Blue Man Group. You look like you were in a circus, bro. I'll be honest. You got circus vibes. Shut up, man. That's true. Wait a minute. What's wrong with going to Blue Man Group a few times? The fuck you want to see just guys in blue tape hitting drums for? That's just slap when you were younger, bro. You got to take the confetti out with you. So I'm going on a subway. You see much more fucking... Nah, why was Blue Man Group so fire? That's how I felt about music called Stomp. Stomp was sick. I never went to that shit. Garbage? Yeah, that's just...

The subway. Yeah, I mean, how removed from the subway are you that people playing drums on trash cans is crazy to you? When you're like 11, that's the coolest thing in the world. Yeah, it is for when you're young. That Blue Man group was kind of young a little bit. Like a circus. Nah. Look at this. Yes! Oh! What about when they eat all the marshmallows? He got a virus. Oh, this is crazy. How does anybody look at that and be like, wow?

And you went to that. Yeah, this is horrible, dude. This interactive teaser. This is what they took to Kelly and Mark. This is what they wanted to take to national TV. Y'all are really hating on a brilliant thing, man. Y'all are hating on a brilliant thing. Insert that other shit, my boy. Insert that shit. You gotta let it build, bro. Change the game on them. What in the fuck is this? It's another thing to bang on. Sorry.

Give him a second. Here we go. This is an Asian blue man. You can tell by his face. What part of his face? Just in general. His general face structure. Wow. This is fire, bro. Man, if my algorithm served me this, I'd kill myself. Y'all minorities don't understand culture, bro. Look at him teasing. That's a joke.

- Whoa. - This is stupid. - This is so fire. This is so cool. This is one of the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life. - Truly unbearable. - Look at their blue. Look how blue they are. So cool, look. And they attached it. - And they keep them in business every year. This shit is still going now. - Oh, oh, oh. - Yeah, get it. - They just turned the corner. - Yeah, my man is Asian. - I mean, this is incredible. How do you not go see this? - Like in the crowd. Oh shit. - How did that happen?

How did that happen? You're mesmerized. You haven't said shit in 60 seconds. Yeah, Al's loving it. Soft. Al's loving it. He's soft. This reminds me about the subway. I was like, all right, now I'll get a little good. This is fucking horrible. Yeah, this is really bad. That's incredible. Haters. Bravo. How do they do it? Every time. Bravo. That's the worst shit I've ever seen in my life. Bravo.

That's why they have to go through so many guys because they off themselves. You can't know. Stick his head in the tube and wait to die. I'm sorry, it's not B2K, Al. B2K was lit. B2K was lit. That's a deep cut. B2K performance to watch Mario get fucking busy? Stop it. B2K was the shit.

Amoreon's a better dancer than any of those guys are performers. No. Look at that, swinging in on a rope. And they all got diddled by their manager and still with Sunday. Come on, don't do it. Look out. Oh, there's fire. Oh, look at that. How do they get the paint to look so realistic? The black man group. Yeah. You think this is better? Yeah, not even a question. Not even a question.

What is it you like about this? The dancing is exciting. There's hot girls on stage. I know that's not something you're into, but there's hot girls on stage. There's no paint. There's no paint at all. They haven't used one PVC. Fucking mutes on. Playing the drums. Who gives a fuck, dude? Come on, dude. It's fire. I don't even think y'all believe this is fire. They look like they just came out of Matrix. Not even a question. Nah. It's more dynamic already. Look at this. Yeah, they need 12 people to do a Blue Man Group thing in three. And they're all synchronized. Yeah. Yeah.

Three guys that were out of sync in the other shit. That's fire. Oh, that's fire. Oh, look at that. That's synchronized. Look how synchronized that fire is. Oh, fire! Oh, there's some fire. Indisputably better than Blue Mangrove. Don't be upset. Indisputably better.

Nah, that ain't a question. It's disputable. No, it's not, dawg. Oh, shit. You just like men dancing, y'all. Is that what you guys like? That's a blue man group. His bitch is on stage here. Y'all like men doing sexy dance moves? Is that y'all thing? Yeah, I do. Yep. I do. As long as we can admit that. Yeah. What do you think about...

I like guys just playing the drums together. Family and friends. That's what I like. A family band. A blue man. Y'all like guys gyrating their hips and their cock and so you're just in your mouth. That was an hour, that blue man group shit. You went to that show for an hour and a half. It was probably an intermission. They probably had an intermission. And no part of you was like, let's go the fuck home. I seen it. I sat in the seats that were for 5, 10 and under. How old are you?

Nothing wrong with those. Yeah, my bad. Sorry, guys. Sorry, guys. Come on. Okay, listen, listen, listen, listen. Fuck you both. Let's talk about something really on the top of my mind, which is South Korea facing deepfake crisis as K-pop groups are sued. You just keep on reading it. I'm not reading that. That was on the top of my mind. That's on Telegram. The whole problem is persisting on Telegram. Can you bring the things that are on the top of my mind back again? Bring his brain back. Yeah, just bring the things that are on the top of my mind.

So, another thing on the top of my mind right now. Obviously, there's this huge issue with Brazil. What is the problem? So, they're blocking Twitter. Oh. Blocking X. Wow. Who is? Tell us about it. So, basically, Rodrigo and...

Come on. Ronaldinho. Yeah, Ronaldinho and Renato, they were on Twitter, and they were like, I don't like this stuff. There's too much free speech. And so they put a stop to it. No, they blocked Twitter because Dove stole their migrants. You got to send the two girls back. They do have a great export. Yeah, dude. Yeah. The best. World's number one export. It might be. Yeah. Yeah, they've done a phenomenal job at that. Brazil nuts. Brazil nuts.

Yeah. Yeah.

Guys, let me just see if there's anything on the top of my mind. Did you guys not watch Joe Chestnut Kobayashi? No, but can you tell us what the deal is with this Chase Bank scam, Al? You were fucking probably part of it. Wait, what? Do you know? Wait, what? Why was he part of it? I don't know. He was in Europe. Yeah, he was in Europe off that Chase Bank money. No, no. What is the Chase Bank scam? Because that was occupying Black Twitter for most of the weekend. Yeah. Yeah, it was a couple of days, but it wasn't a big scam. It's what a weekend is. Yeah.

I know. I know. A slew of days happened all back to back to back. One day, another day. It's like, how many days are we even going to have, bro? The fuck's even happening with all these slews of days? Oh, man. Okay, can you tell us about this scam? So the little I know about it, it's just you'll have a ringleader and they'll make you open up a new account at

And then you have to give them your checks that you got from opening a new account. They give you checks that they got from someone else, any amount of money on it. Once they deposit it in that account, Chase approves like a certain portion of that check. And then they could deposit it real quick. Withdraw real quick. Withdraw real quick. Yeah. And then they're all idiots because once the check doesn't clear, then Chase is like, we need our money back.

this bank fraud but it's just fraud this is bank and it's very traceable that's the thing it's the dumbest very traceable i know i feel like i think the export you guys are past this i know you guys are past this this is not good i know it's bad it's bad what is it i wish you didn't break it up man it's on the top of my ass i know well i

I just don't understand. I'm like so confused that people thought they would get away with it. I'm kind of removed. And then I'm seeing all these people defrauding Chase. I'm like, what's going on? Maybe there's money to be made. And I see what they're doing. And I'm like, well, this is, you're just going to jail. Yeah. This is insane. Yeah. Yeah.

It's the worst type of crap, too, because it's federal wire fraud. They're doing some years. Guaranteed. I think they're actually putting videos of themselves online. Like, what in the frack? They're bragging about it. I think Chase was giving, like, almost the full amount. Like, that was the actual... Oh, really? Because most banks will hold, like, 90%, but I think Chase was just clearing...

It was like a glitch. And that's why they're calling it infinite money glitch. Gotcha. Okay. And so you deposit $50,000 and get $50,000. Yeah. Yeah, some guy got like $800,000 and he thinks he's going to get away with it. Wow. He showed his balance with like $100 one day or whatever and then $894,000 or something. And it's like, okay, buddy, good luck with this. You better flee the fucking country with this money. Yeah, that's what they should have done. Low key, I mean... Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, you take out a milli, you move to Thailand, you're good. Yeah. You know what I mean? Then you got to get all that cash out. No, you withdraw. You withdraw. You're good. Yeah, but you can't fly with more than $10,000. I mean, they got to check. Yeah. Are they going to check? Yeah. All right, what do you mean? Haven't you seen Wolf of Wall Street? You can fly. They'll just check to see if you have it.

Yeah, but you ever seen a million dollars in cash? That's a lot of fucking money. I don't know if it's as big as we think it is. Yeah, I said I have no idea what that looks like. In my mind, it was like giant duffel bags that you're walking out of the banquet with. But I think a million dollars in $100 bills. Yeah, there's a scene in... This has some 20s in it. But that has 20s. Show me one million and a hundred. There it is. That's a suitcase. One, two, three, four.

So a silver suitcase is a million dollars and a hundred dollars. Mr. B ship me this. But they still scan it, right? There you go. What, your suitcase? Yeah. Well, it depends. If you do check luggage, then, well, they're not scanning it. They're just throwing it on the plane. Don't those get scanned, too? Because how do people just put Coke in the shit and just... They do. That's where they put their Coke. No. Yeah. Yeah.

I don't think it's that easy, guys. It's an infinite flying glitch. It's the infinite flying glitch. You know the electronic equipment we put on a plane every single week and never get asked about it? They don't care about that shit. But I'm saying, if you have a whole suitcase full of money, it's got to go through a TSA scanner. They're going to look at it and be like, oh, what the fuck is that? I'm saying, if you check the bag. I think they check. They scan the check bag. They don't check bags. Son, there's times where you open the bag and they put a little thing in it and say, hey, we went through your shit. Nah, nah.

Take it to your body, yo. I know. What the fuck are you talking about? Since I've been traveling with Shifty, that's never happened to me. That's never happened to me. Technically, Andrew's right. Yes, all checked bags are scanned by the TSA. TSA is required by law to screen all checked bags on commercial flights. So there you go. You're right. Thanks.

Sometimes it's all a take. Of course they're going to say that. You fucking idiots. What do you think they're going to write? Throw a bomb in your checked luggage and nobody will find it. Of course they say it, but that's where you can put your guns. That's where you can put anything you want. They're not going to look for it. I think for a moment he really took the ink and checked it. No, no, no. That moment is still. That moment exists in perpetuity. You're a fucking idiot. Shit.

How? How are they going to check every bag? How? How? How many people are employed at TSA to check every single bag? You know how long it takes me to pack my bag? They got to pack it, unpack it. Yeah, do you mind? Try something on. The scanner doesn't show up unmarked bills.

All you gotta do is wrap the unmarked build in a couple of hoodies and it just shows a hoodie. It can't go through and then through again. I believe you can get a million dollars in fairly easily. Hell yeah. You know how I travel one time? You're not just supposed to be smart.

I snuck money into America. I traveled one time with weed gummies. I have both things zipped and I'm running late. Look at that. I just throw it in the middle. Look at that. I got a flyer from TSA, said they searched my suitcase. It's right next to the weed gummies. Nothing happened. See? I didn't even search it. See? I think he just threw the shit in there and then he backed off. See? See? Apologize. They don't care about your weed gummies. They care about millions of- Oh, shut up, Mark.

He believes that this is a real thing. This is Schultz's bag. That's a picture of Andrew Schultz's bag. This is Andrew's bag when you go to Tucson, Arizona. Do you guys even know how infrared x-ray works?

How's it work? This is how it works. It can only go through two layers. Okay. So it goes through the layer that is the bag. So that's penetrating one layer. And then it goes one layer past that.

The stuff in the bag? No, no, no. Now you're in the bag. Now you're in the bag. Now you're in the bag, right? And then you have like a sweater or something like that. It goes through that sweater. If you put another layer over the money, that's three layers. It cannot go that far. Technically, the money is layered on itself. It cannot go that far.

They look at it, they go, oh. They might even get one layer. He has one. They get one layer. He has $100 million. He has $100 million. Because that state, how could it see through all that? It can't count. Do you think the x-ray infrared can count out? No. This guy's got $20, broke boy. Yeah. That's what it seems. So they know there's $100 behind it. Exactly. They can't count the layers. It's about the layers, dude. It can't go through layers. If it kept

going through layers, it would just see the bottom. I hate you. It would see. Give me some totem. Give me some totem. It would. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It would. Good catch. It would just go to the bottom if it saw straight through. When Superman looks at the door, does he see the inside of the door and the wood panes? No. No. Sees right through.

That's against your point. They already fucked your whole point. No, no, no, because I was going the other way. I was going, you go through the whole bag, you see nothing in it. Okay. You see what I'm saying? Like, the whole bag is empty because you're just looking at the bottom of the machine. You're like, oh, there's never anything in a bag. Why do you even have...

Look at this legend.

Try to smuggle a pound of gold on his friar's cap. Fucking brilliant. Wait a minute. How? Oh, he wore a... Oh, big. But that's a metal detector going to get you on that, though. Yeah. That's dumb. Oh, but what if he has... Does electrical tape block that shit?

Son, if we all doing stupid theories, I'm going to start. No, no, no. Wiggle out of it. Don't bring me into that. What you mean? You thought electrical tape stopped. That you still wrapped the Coke in the black tape?

That's not metal inside, dumbass. That's coke. So then how's it blocking it from the scanner? It's a metal detector. You fucking retard. But the electrical tape has electrical impulses that disrupt it. Yeah, it blocks it. No, it doesn't. No.

How'd he get caught? Actually, hold on. He's Indian. That's an extra layer. That was a random check. No, no, no, no, no, no. That's an extra layer, son. That's an extra layer. It goes bad. Okay, so now you and him. You can't play both sides. He's right or he's wrong. I'm right or I'm wrong. I got it. I'm on my side. All right, then. Mark is alone. Dumbass. Why don't they bring cocaine into the country like that?

Yo, if you really want to be safe, two layers of electrical tape. There's no way they can see it. There's no science. Even if they unwrap it, they go, what's there? Electrical tape. Nothing. This guy brought electrical tape into the country. That's not illegal. Probably don't have it where he's from. He's really excited. He's trying to get all the electrical tape out. A ball of electrical tape. I don't have a federal crime. Probably from Puerto Rico. They don't have electricity over here in a bum-ass country. They just call it tape. They just call it tape over there. Shit. Man.

Put a little Vaseline on top. Yeah. Stop the sniffing. What are you talking about? The sniffing dogs, the, the drug sniffing dogs. You think they can't get by Vaseline? They can't go more than two layers, bro. Hold on. No, no, no, no, no, no. All you're saying to stop smell. All you have to do is put Vaseline on. Why aren't you telling that? Son, I've been telling you that all over you. I just make you smell better.

I try. Okay, can we just real quick, before we wrap up this episode, go back to the things at the top of my mind? Let's wrap it up. Let's wrap it up two times at least. Are we done teaching them how to smuggle a billion dollars out the country? I think so. Yeah.

You're an idiot for thinking that. I can't believe you think you can't get a milli out. Yeah, you're out of your mind. That's insanity. You don't think that gets done all the time? That's insanity. I don't think it gets done all the time. It gets done all the time. Like in the scope of all the flights, it's happening a lot.

No, I think the people who have the million dollars to get out of the country are on private jets where they're able to just put their bags on because they're in whatever private shit. I don't think they're taking... That's worth spending money on. You can also do that. So you can get a million dollars out of the country. Oh, now with that caveat. That's the whole thing this thing started with. But they're not taking a Delta flight. No, no, no. You can figure it out. Here's the thing. That's my point. If you got a million and you left the country, you could figure it out. That's a good point because you got the cash. How do you pay for like a jetting cash? That's going to be tricky because they're going to immediately assume something crazy. Gift cards.

You buy a lot of gift cards. You say these are good at Barnes and Noble. How do you even get the cash? How do you get the million dollars out the bank? Also, it's three feet tall. Because the ATM dispenses it.

You do your check. Once you ask for more than $10,000, then the bank takes you to another room. And then you have to count the shit. They have to wait. They have to check, make sure the shit is okay. Hit a bunch of ATMs, yo. It's the glitch. It's the infinite money glitch. I thought ATMs were done. I'll be honest. I thought ATMs were done, dude. Did I say that? Cash was done. Did I say that? I'm saying that. ATMs are done. Now they're done. Look at all this fucking shenanigans.

If I didn't say that, that's fire. If I didn't say that before, that is fire because ATMs are done for this reason. For this reason alone. You're just a little ahead of it. I was ahead of it. Remember when you said on 9-10 there'd be no planes? No, I'm literally sitting there. I'm eating breakfast. I'm eating grape nuts for breakfast. I got whole milk. I'm letting the grape nuts sog up. Yeah. Yeah.

Brother and dad look up to me like, what's going on today? I was like, I don't know, but I know for sure what's not going on tomorrow is there ain't going to be no planes crashing into buildings tomorrow. You were so close. Bro. Three fucking planes. I know. Four. Four. One is disputable. One might have been a missile. Man, you were so close. I'm going to the gym today. This dude who's a doorman at a building on the way to the gym.

I just always say what's up to him, dab him up. He got a great hustle parking people's cars illegally on the street to avoid, you know what I mean? Like, moves them when... Fire. Yeah, yeah, when the street cleaning shit is coming and he's cooking. I go, I walk by, Puerto Rican dude, Dominican dude. He goes, he always says something. He likes, you know, he's a great guy and likes stand-up, whatever. I walk by, he goes, I was... He goes, so I was listening to your podcast with Dave Smith. He goes...

He goes, let me tell you something. You cannot believe 9-11 was an outside joke. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

I go, I go, I go, I go, I go, what do you mean? He goes, it has to be inside. It has to be inside, Joe. It has to be inside, Joe. One trillion dollars of wealth go away in the other building? This can't be from the outside. I go, I guess we'll never know. He goes, oh, we know. I go, I guess we'll never know.

Damn. You know what? Outside job. Outside job is fine. I remember that, son.

Bro. Conspiracies and got to Puerto Rico. That's crazy. Yo, so I had this thought. It's crazy. It is proof that the conspiracy, the like anti-establishment conspiracy theorist is now just completely ubiquitous. We've talked about this on the pod a little bit, but like it is now widely accepted by any individual. You had to be like somewhat fringe to even seek out that information back in the day. Yeah.

Now it is. Like, he looked at me like I was crazy for even thinking that it could have been something that was planned by a foreign government that we had nothing to do with. Yeah. Wild, right? Had been outside. Scary talk. So what are the repercussions of that? January 6th. Everyone's waking up. Yeah, you don't trust anything ever. But that's the thing. January 6th. January 1st. The ball's dropping. Watch out. What is it? No one trusts anything ever.

No one trusts everything ever. And then I wonder if there's like a version where, hmm, hmm, I don't know. I got to think on this a little bit more. But yeah, no one trusts anything ever. But I actually, that's what I assumed it was, right? I was like, that's the end game. It's like no one trusts everything ever. I actually don't think it's that. I think that more people trust the most salacious thing that they've read, right?

Right? I actually think it starts a flip. Like, I think the conspiracy theorists, once it becomes commonly accepted in everybody to find some version of truth that nobody knows about because that is a thing that's addictive, is they start not trusting anything. And then the regular people, the everyday people,

start trusting every conspiracy we didn't go to the moon we didn't do these things but they blindly trust it and now that they feel that they're lied to and they have been lied to any piece of information that is consistent with like government organization a big corporation lying they immediately subscribe and believe yeah i think you also get like north stars of truth

People all have different sort of like truth finders or tellers. Yeah. And they only trust their person. So if someone goes, no, this is the truth, 20% of the population trusts that guy and 20% trust another person and so on. So there's like four or five quote unquote truths. But now you've got to unradicalize all these people who are seeking that North Star in someone who's feeding them conspiracy theories. Yeah.

So it's like you have to unravel their addiction to conspiracy. And it is hyper addictive. Like, it's so awesome to learn this shit. Right. Like, I've gone through this probably 100 times in this podcast from the Fed to fucking, I don't know. What else? Pavel Durov. Whatever. Disney shit when you were like a kid. Oh, yeah. Remember Disney Oh, yeah. That was awesome. Yeah. So, yes, that's a tricky one. I wonder what the effects on society of that are. Yeah.

It's like, okay, you know how like you can speak about religion and hopefully this doesn't seem reductive, but like whether or not you believe it to be true, it has served people well in terms of organizing them, organizing behavior, creating like punitive measures for behavior that's not good for an organized society. Like it has held humanity together. Maybe it hasn't, but we at least, I at least give it some credit for doing that based on things that may or may not be true.

We've just subscribed to them. Yeah. And because of that, it holds humanity together. Right. Is that a fair assessment? Mm hmm. OK, let's build on that. So and not to be insulting to any religion, but let's just say every religion believes the other one is lying about something. Right. So these, quote unquote, lies or not guaranteed truths are holding society together. Mm hmm.

So if that's not religion, let's say that that is government propaganda or whatever it is, that has also played a role in holding society together. That is the religion of the nation, if you will. What happens when there is a complete breakdown of the religion of the nation? What happens when there's a breakdown of the religion that is the religion and the religion of the nation? Like, what happens to that? What happens to these people who are just now wracked with anxiety because they don't believe in their God and they don't believe in...

their government fuck yeah now you're just hooked up on pills non-stop maybe that's a conspiracy maybe the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to believe in god and don't want you to believe in the government narrative and they just want you to sit there and be anxious you can be on prozac all day yeah i don't know again i don't know i do think that like i i think that the ability to make conspiracies is a uh

a way to sort of like pacify cognitive dissonance with a large fraction of the population. Like I believe a specific thing, the government lies, like if that is your thing, or I'm a Republican or I'm a Democrat. And then anything that sort of goes against that, like the availability of information and narrative writing by conspiracy theorists or people that come up with alternative theories is a way to like ameliorate that feeling of like, oh, this can't be true. And I think people have always had that. The internet has just given us access to it. I think the feeling of like,

Oh, this president got assassinated. What's the conspiracy? That's always been around since forever, it seems like. But I just think the internet has given people access to all the information. And then we're also now aware that the government lies to us all the time. Yeah, I think that's true. And that creates a ton of distrust where people are like, all right, we'll never believe anything. Whatever you say is the opposite. Now you have an issue you want to scratch.

And every piece of information that helps you scratch it is a piece of information that you're going to digest and you're going to probably believe wholeheartedly. Yeah. Or at least give a little credence to. Yeah. Ooh. Yeah. I'm saying like, what is the, assuming that this doesn't change, and I think that the pendulum do swing a year from now after the election, it could be completely like neutered version of what this is, but let's say it doesn't, it just gets crazier and crazier. What does that map out to 10 years from now?

Like, where is the faith? Yeah. Because I think we do crave that. We crave order. We crave understanding. I think it goes back to religiosity. I think it goes back to things that are infallible and sort of undebunkable. So this is actually really interesting. Depends. Well, it depends on the religion, of course, right? But this is interesting. Yeah.

We know that corporations will lie. We know that governments will lie. We know that just people in power in general will probably lie. God doesn't lie. Whether or not these things that he's saying have happened, he doesn't lie. And in a world of lies...

It might be comforting to choose to believe in that truth because there's no way to prove it wrong. Yeah. Like even use some sort of like logic and go, ah, well, this could have happened at this date because yada, yada, yada. But the idea of humanity that is given to you by the grace of God, if you choose to submit yourself to that is infallible. Right.

And that might just be more comforting in a world full of things that you've kind of chosen not to believe in any of them. So maybe it is a return to religiosity simply for the comfort. Yeah. Not even heaven. You know what I mean? Doesn't God lie to Adam?

About what? And Eve? He says, don't eat this apple, it'll kill you? No, he says, don't eat it because then you'll possess the knowledge of good and evil or something. Yeah. I thought he said it'll kill you. Ignorance is bliss is what he's trying to say. Oh, no. And then I think there's something to the effect of and then you will die. Which basically is like that humanity is now capable of death. Where I think Adam and Eve were... You're always capping for your boy, huh? Just fucking stand up for him. Not only my boy, dude. Jews boys. Yeah.

Muzzy's boy. The boy. That's true. The boy. You know what I'm saying? I don't know. I'm going to look into that shit. We're all son of Adam, Miles. Listen, you can find a million lies. No, I'm sure. You can find a million, what is it called? I was trying to pin Mark there. There's so many different ways that you can pin them. No, you can't. When it comes to religion. Of course. Unfortunately. Unfortunately, the one holy Catholic and apostolic church has got that. Yeah, the only guy that can pin Catholicism are the priests. Even that shit.

Yeah. Fake news. Fake news. I don't, I don't think people go back towards the church. I think people just get more and more disconnected and stop caring about what's happening in the world. Everybody just lives in their isolated bubble and just like, all I care about is my home and my family. That's 10 to your garden. That's it. I think segregate separate, equal. I think, right. I,

I mean, in theory, that's a great idea. It's a great idea. It's just it wasn't equal. It was communism. You know what I mean? So then what dictates your ethics when you're tending to your garden? What makes you feel good. But simply speaking, what makes you feel good is what got us here in the first place. In what way? What do you mean? Like indulgences. I think the root of almost every religion is to push back on indulgence. Maybe to simplify all religion to that is reductive, but...

There's not a doubt that every single religion, from Buddhism to Christianity... Yeah, Eastern faith for sure has overcome your senses and everything that your senses want. Yeah. But I'm saying what makes you feel good morally, not just... But where are those morals based on? Like, if we remove...

The Abrahamic religions, Eastern philosophy, like what is it based on? I think the problem is oftentimes you might gravitate towards doing what makes you feel good. And oftentimes doing what makes you feel good in the moment makes you feel like shit the next day or days after. And the discipline required to live a life that makes you feel good is to reject the things that are indulgent.

In the immediate future. Sometimes. If we just get fucking drunk, it's going to make us feel good, but the next day we're going to pay for that shit. I don't know. I don't know. But it's a weird thing. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe you grew up with this, Mark. You're younger than us. But my generation, we just implicitly trusted what the government told us, what the history books told us. Yeah. I had a history teacher in middle school, Mr. Davis. Yeah.

that taught a somewhat alternative version of the Civil War and somewhat for back then standards, not even close to right now. But he did this thing about like, it wasn't about slavery, it was about states' rights, which now is a very commonly understood take on Civil War. It was a states' rights on slaves, but it was still a states' rights issue. And this is important for the foundation of America because we are a bunch of states that should be able to determine their rights.

Their laws and blah, blah, blah. It doesn't matter. But I remember learning that in that class and being like, what? Like some shit that we were taught wasn't exactly what this guy is on it. Oh my God. That was conspiracy almost. And that's how much we just trusted everything. Yeah. And now I feel like every class could be littered with that. Every war, every conflict. Yeah.

I mean, the fact that we teach now in school that like we just fake blew up a boat to get us into Vietnam is insane, right? Yeah. Like it's a crazy. Is that taught in school? Yeah. Oh, really? What? That's crazy. What? That's crazy. My bad. The government just said my bad. Yeah. What does that do to you even as a kid? Like you lose faith in the institution as well. Yeah.

Yeah, but then you're more realistic and honest about what it is. I don't know. It also makes a precedent to keep governments accountable. Like, oh, you're going to be taught in the history books for what you actually did.

That you actually did a false flag to basically create this thing. Maybe that is a good point. Maybe when we keep governments accountable, they'll try to pull off less of the false flags. You would hope. Inshallah. Inshallah. That's kind of my approach. I like seeking out conspiracies with the mindset of like, this is bullshit and I'm going to figure out why. And then you start reading something and you're like, oh, this part is actually true. But then these three parts are bullshit. Or you read some shit and you're like, oh, is it just 100% true? That's crazy.

That's kind of fun because then you get to indulge in the conspiracy, which is just really fun content. And then you try to steel man it. And if you can't, if you can't, if you're like, yo, if I could successfully steel man it, then maybe it's true. So we go to the moon or what? I don't know. I think probably. I think we went. I think probably. But I think some of the footage might be fugazi. Yeah, I think all of this. But I think they did go. Because can't you see the tracks of the rover to this day?

I don't know. Like, I think NASA has like an open information policy. So I think that you, there are still, there's still remnants of our trip to the moon. Oh yeah, there are. I mean, there's a flag still up there. Yeah, you should be able to see all of it. There's no wind up there. Sorry? There's no wind or anything to like grow over. Right, so nothing would move. The atmosphere is going to be the exact same. So if we can still see the tracks, if we can still see all this evidence, then why would we? I think there's a laser on the moon. Done it after the fact. Say again? Could have easily done it after the fact.

But we have to go there to do it. Yeah. Oh, you're saying that moon landing was fake. But we went back. Oh, we went like the 80s or something. Dude, that's tricky to pull off. Like, oh, yeah. Well, you would just say it's your second whatever. Yeah. This is, I mean...

According to science.howstuffworks, as cool as it would be to gaze up at the moon and see the lunar rovers, it's just not possible. Unfortunately, there's no telescope on Earth powerful enough to spot any of the objects that have been left behind. Not even Hubble could see what's left on the moon. It's designed to collect faint light of galaxies, not objects. Although there's a satellite there that can see it. I think there's a laser on the moon that you can point at and bounce back at. Yeah, there's a mirror on the moon. Okay, so there's some shit that we put there. Yeah, the question is, was it put there in 69? I think so.

But some of the footage, I'm like, maybe that's Fugazi. I mean, I would have faked all that footage. I'm like, could it get destroyed on your way back? Like the live streaming capabilities? I'm like, maybe they weren't live streaming. I don't know. Yeah, don't live stream it. Fake all that shit. Well, they did live stream it. Yeah. I'm saying fake all the, like, fake the live stream. Yeah. Do it. I'm fine with all that. That's great. But I think the Soviets would have called us out.

They probably did. But yeah. No, but like, I'm assuming they would have been like, hey, they didn't go to the moon. This is all fake. Yeah. I bet that was the narrative there. Did they say that? I'm sure. I don't know if they said that. I've never seen it. I mean, I would have said it if I'm them. Yeah. You know? But yeah, I don't know. I think probably. Anyway, my boys, great to be back. Great to see y'all. I think that's it. Yeah. I think that's it. Patreon, we got to talk about some of this other stuff. Okay. Yeah.

Oh, that's right. We actually have some more things at the top of my mind. Yeah. I was looking at the top of your mind. I was like, yeah, you didn't get all this out. Yeah. We definitely need to talk about Mpox and EEE. Oh yeah. You know, they changed the name of monkeypox to Mpox. Yeah.

Wow. Why? What's funny, brother? Nothing to me. Nothing to me is funny. Maybe you can explain it on Patreon. You're still smiling. Yeah, maybe explain it on Patreon. Yeah, maybe I'll explain it on Patreon. Bye, everybody. Do you know where Monkey Box came from?