cover of episode Kamala WASHED Trump In Debate!

Kamala WASHED Trump In Debate!

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Andrew Schulz's Flagrant with Akaash Singh

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrew: 本次辩论中,卡玛拉·哈里斯展现出更胜一筹的策略和应变能力,成功地诱导特朗普,使其在辩论中失利。特朗普的情绪失控和缺乏清晰的计划也导致了他的失败。此外,媒体对卡玛拉的支持以及泰勒·斯威夫特的公开支持都对选举结果有重大影响。辩论主持人的事实核查也存在偏见,对特朗普的批评更多。 Mike: 卡玛拉在辩论中表现出色,但并没有提出太多有新意的观点。特朗普的表现糟糕,被卡玛拉压制。辩论主持人的事实核查存在不公平之处,他们对特朗普的批评更多。特朗普的谎言更明显,更容易被事实核查,而卡玛拉的谎言则更隐蔽。 Al: 卡玛拉在辩论中展现了力量和控制力,这对于女性政治家来说尤为重要。她成功地将特朗普逼入防御状态,并利用其情绪失控来占据优势。特朗普需要观众的反馈来获得信心,而这次辩论没有观众,这对他来说是不利的。 Miles: 泰勒·斯威夫特在辩论后立即表达了对卡玛拉的支持,这表明她认为卡玛拉赢得了辩论。泰勒·斯威夫特的支持对卡玛拉来说是一次巨大的助力,她选择在卡玛拉赢得辩论后才表达支持,这是一种策略性的选择。

Deep Dive

Kamala Harris surprised many by seemingly outperforming Trump in the debate. While Trump initially appeared strong, Harris effectively baited him into emotional reactions, shifting the focus away from policy. This led to a perceived victory for Harris, prompting endorsements like Taylor Swift's and raising questions about truth and bias in media coverage.
  • Kamala Harris successfully baited Trump throughout the debate.
  • Trump's emotional responses and lack of policy discussion were seen as weaknesses.
  • Taylor Swift's endorsement of Harris was viewed as a significant boost.
  • The debate highlighted the influence of echo chambers and subjective interpretations of truth.

Shownotes Transcript


Trump vs. Kamala, the Thrilly and Philly, Orange vs. the New Black, the Felon and the Melanin, this debate had it all. Kamala shocked Trump up top by giving him a Central Park Five, and that's the first time in history a politician went limp in her hands. Trump started out strong, and Kamala seemed nervous. She was sweating like Dave Grohl at a paternity test, but then...

Everything changed. Kamala baited Trump like a master. She played Trump like a steel drum. How did she do it? She said people were walking out of his rallies. Donnie melted. I mean, if he was any more unhinged, he'd be a door on a Boeing flight. He was furious. But with the election on the line, he composed himself and responded with a thoughtful counterpoint. They're eating the dogs, the people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating animals.

They're eating the pets of the people that live there. What? You're saying the hungry, hungry Haitians are eating dogs and cats? Donny, that's absurd. Caribbean men don't eat pussy. Speaking of which, Taylor Swift posted this picture endorsing Kamala Harris. Now you'd think she was endorsing Trump the way that she's grabbing that kitty. I mean, she's clutching that cat like she just saw a Haitian with chopsticks. Okay, last Haitian joke.

Taylor's endorsement of a politician is massive and probably the biggest poll boost from teens since Dr. Disrespect's DMs. And that was basically it. That's the whole debate. No one really explained how they would achieve any of their goals. Just continuous name calling, ridiculous claims and partisan insults. So the question is, where do we go from here? The answer? Nowhere. Trump.

Trump and Harris will continue to lie to get votes. The media will continue to make money spinning the lies. And we will all be anxious and filled with dread watching the spin. I mean, just ask yourself, who do you think won? Let me guess, the candidate that you are already supporting? Of course, because that's how it works. That is the system. The truth is subjective. So I want to remind you right now, it is incredibly important that you go out there and vote. Because remember...

This election is the most important election of our lifetime. Until the next one. Okay, boys. Uncle Donnie got absolutely dog walked by Kamala. And here's the thing. I want to hear what everybody has to say about it. But what is so hilarious and is also so disheartening and so proof that there is no truth anymore is that

everybody saw it with their own eyes. Like if you're an objective viewer, you watched it and you're like, she did better than he did. Maybe you really like him. You like everything he's saying. We all find him funny. That's no longer taboo. We all find him fascinating and interesting. And I actually think that there is, I do believe there's part of them that really does want to help.

I genuinely do believe that. I know you don't have to, but I don't believe it. I think there's part of him that genuinely does want to help. But he got worked. He got absolutely. He got work. And but if you go online, the echo chambers exists. He's touting it as a victory. All of his supporters are like, oh, my God, that was fucking amazing. Trump is killing it. The moderators were so biased, but he still killed it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I realize now that.

The reason truth doesn't exist anymore is because if you only operate within your narrative, that becomes your truth. Yeah. So there's a million different truths. You choose your own truth now. You choose your own truth. Truth doesn't exist. You believe whatever you want. All of his supporters are going to think he fucking won, even though they know they're fucking lying to themselves. The Kamala supporters, the Kamala supporters are going to think they won, which they should. Yeah, they should. She did a better job. Yeah. She out...

It's not only outclassed. She outstrategied him. It's unbelievable. It was unbelievable. Let's get into that. You guys, go. Go. I mean, literally, the biggest point is the fact that she was able to bait him so easily. Yes. Yeah.

The first 20 minutes, I'm watching and I'm like, Trump is cooking. This Trump is cooking. This Trump is fire. Polished. Strong, polished, not emotionally volatile or reactive. Oh, fire. I'm watching. She is nervous. She got the hands going. Once her hands come up, she don't know the next word she's going to say. Oh, I've been there. I've been there. Yeah, we've all been there.

Right? So she's looking a little bit flustered. She started a little nervous. And it was like, you know, this is the big stage. This is your moment. You win this. The election is probably yours. She's got everything to lose because she's coming in. At least the perception is she's on top, but we don't know what the fuck truth is anyway.

Hit him with a handshake, which I thought was smart. That was alpha shit. Alpha dog shit. She went to his side. I'm invading your territory like you're in Ukraine. And I like his name. Say my name right. She pronounced the fuck out of him. And he goes, yeah, have fun. Let's have some fun. And she goes, operate in good faith or something like that. Some gay shit. I thought that was pussy. But okay, he's cooking. Then what happens? I want to make sure we all think it's the exact same moment. Yes, thousand percent. Go to his rallies.

I'm going to invite you to go to his rallies. He perked up. He's like, what? Okay. This is what makes me great. Why would she compliment me on this? And you'll notice people are leaving early. It's over. He fucking twitched a little bit. It's over. If you literally watch the transcript, it goes at like 37 minutes, she says, go to his rallies. People are leaving. And at 38 minutes, he goes, they're eating dogs. Yeah.

They're all... He fucking exploded. Kamala eats dogs. They all want to eat dogs. I mean, he just didn't know what to do with himself. Oh, my God. And I think it brought him back to... I think there is a situation with Trump, right? Trump has always been famous. He's always been successful. And there's been this relationship with him where it's like, he's this famous, successful guy...

but not fully taken seriously. Yeah, a thousand percent. He's got all these buildings. He has this show on TV that's amazing. And you're like, wow, this guy's really entertaining. But he is kind of silly. When he dances, it's kind of silly. And I think there's a little part of him that feels laughed at. And his protection...

against being laughed at is the success. His justification for where he is, is I'm a billionaire. He loves it. It's a many billions, so many, but he's like, look at the numbers. You can say whatever you want about me, call me goofy, say I'm orange, say my hair is whatever, but the numbers prove I'm a billionaire. I'm successful. And the people love me. Look at the numbers from my show. Look at the numbers from my rallies. The only way to sell books is with my name.

And when she said, people are walking out of your rallies, even if it's not true. Yeah. Boom. It tapped back into that young man in New York who wasn't really taken seriously by his contemporaries and was trying desperately to be this famous, successful guy. Yeah. Creating his own narratives. Yeah. Being his own publicist, calling companies, saying billionaire Donald Trump. That's a great insight. And I think that imposter syndrome kicked in.

And it was this is an 80 year old man. She pulled the truck. She pulled it. She pulled the truck. And it wasn't real. Trump always takes personal shots at you and then gets you off your game. And now you're trying to address those personal shots. And now you're not talking about the actual issue. And I know that there are like super Trumpers that are watching this right now and they're unable to accept the reality of what happened. I just want to remind you all.

A month ago, when Kamala was announced as the nominee, okay? And all of a sudden, the media and the people came out like she was the next coming of Jesus Christ. Yeah. And we all were like, this is so phony. Yeah. Nobody liked her for three and a half years. Where is all this support? This is absolutely bullshit.

Supporting Trump today and acting like that was a great performance is the exact same thing that the Democrats did with Kamala. The exact same thing. She did nothing for three and a half years and they were like, she is a genius. He did nothing last night. No, he did less than nothing. Yeah. He got walked and out strategized and out manipulated. The same echo chamber after Biden, the people who were just like.

Biden didn't do that bad. At least he told the truth. Bullshit. He got dog walked by Trump. Call it what it is, because if you're not honest, no changes are going to happen. He didn't get dog walked. He got put to sleep by Trump. That dog couldn't walk. Yeah, that was a much more decisive victory. But still, this was clearly a victory for Kamala.

Oh, it's not even a question. And what's, I read a Wall Street Journal like op-ed. The guy clearly wanted Trump to be, wants Trump to be president. And he said it well. He said Trump handed her the victory. Any time, dude, economic policy, he could have hammered her. She didn't have one. That's why I thought the line was funny. Because if you read her economic policy, it's four lines. It's C-spot run. Yeah. Which is like a funny way of saying it's nothing. There's nothing there. But every time she just wouldn't answer and would bait him and he would take the bait and make it about emotions. He was so defensive. He was, he was. Yeah.

And I think throughout his life, throughout his career, he's had to defend his brand, defend who he is, because I think there maybe is a little imposter syndrome. We all have fucking imposter syndrome. It's crazy when you look at people who are billionaires and they have it. It's crazy when you look at superstars that have it. You're like, how could you not believe in yourself? Everybody's got a little bit.

That's part of what got them there. Of course, it's that drive, that insatiable lust for success. I'm not good enough yet. Now I'll be good enough. Now I'll be good enough. And what was amazing is, and we've never seen this, he was on defense the entire rest of the division. And he didn't have to be.

He could have just been like, hey, why aren't you doing all the policy stuff you're talking about right now? There it is. Like, do you support all of Biden's stuff? Like, why did you support Biden for four years when he was completely... He said it at the very end, but at that point, it's over. It's too late. That was his game plan. It was supposed to be that whole time of just tying her to Biden. This is more Biden. And he wants you got that audience crowd comment. He was off his game plan. And what she did was so massively...

She points out that all the other leaders love him because he's so easily to be manipulated.

And then she just showed it happened. She showed. That's a good point. Break that one down. She basically said other leaders love Donald Trump because he's so easily manipulated. You can get this guy to do anything you want to. And as she's saying that, she's proving it by goading him into any argument she wants, setting the debate on her terms. You're watching it happen in real time, whatever she's accusing him of. And she lied out the gate with that Project 2025 shit.

And the difference in how they both lied on each other and how the other person reacted was just crazy. Like Trump never took it well when he, she lied about him. When he lied about her, she clearly had practiced it. She would just kind of smile, look down. Like they, they worked on how she looks when he's talking. I'm sure for hours. Her debate prep was 10 times better. Oh,

unbelievable i mean and she didn't come across as like goofy you know she usually has this like goofiness to her a silliness that is not representative of a person in that type of uh in that position of power yeah i'll just be honest it just came across that was like a big concern yes like a an instability to her demeanor like i don't want you doing the cackle and i understand that this has been inflated i'm sure by the right but i don't want you doing the cackle while you're

negotiating with Xi Jinping.

You know what I mean? Like, I want to I want you to show strength. And I saw a lot of strength. Yeah. Yes. One thing that is kind of some gender shit is she's going to always have to worry about getting emotional. Like because you're going to be like, man, I want this hysterical bitch in office. We can't have a woman. There's going to be people on some level thinking that. So I'm saying she has to be very measured and the strength can't be too aggressive. Like everything has to be like measured. And I thought she really did that well. This is how you know that it was a decisive victory.

And I have no proof to back this up at all. But you know it. But I know it in my heart. Yeah. I think Taylor Swift is liberal. Yeah. She immediately posts her support for Kamala, right? I don't know what, at what point in time of the debate, maybe it was right after the debate, but she posted it that night.

after it's known that there's a decisive victory. Yeah. Right? Yeah. And when Taylor, the most powerful woman in music, one of the most powerful people in the world culturally, when she puts all of her weight behind one of the nominees, that is a, that's not like a flippant decision. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah. She knows exactly what the fuck she's doing. And I think she waited to the point where she was putting her money behind the winning horse. Yep. Yeah.

If this debate goes better for Trump, I think she stays silent. She stays quiet. Absolutely. I don't think she matches a single word. She's not here to do recovery work for Kamala. Yeah. She's here to jump on at the end of the war when you're about to win and then take the credit. Yeah. Because it can hurt her fan base too. Please believe if you got every woman in the world,

there's going to be some conservatives in that fan base. Yeah. 1000%. So she knows she's going to take a hit. So she has to do it at the point where it's so decisive that even the Trump women that come to her shows are like, yeah,

Yeah, he did kind of get cooked right there. He doesn't look that good. She looks strong. Beyonce can be an out front liberal because most of her fans are black women and black women tend to be liberal. So me being out front liberal just feeds them what they want. Taylor is middle America. She's got to be a little more neutral. Taylor, I got this whole cross section of middle America. They have different beliefs. A lot of undecided people. I have to

pick the moment or shut the fuck up. I got to be very strategic in how I do this. And she, again, yeah, she did it the right time. How'd you guys feel about the fact checking of the moderators? I do think they were biased against Trump. I do. So here's my thing. I don't know enough. I don't know enough, but,

Was Trump just saying more outlandish shit? I was wondering that too. They were both lying, but Trump's lies were so crazy. Egregious that they're fact-checking it. Now, would Kamala lie with truths? Kind of. I forget exactly what it was. I need to look it up. But I think the fracking thing. So I'm pretty sure she said like, oh yeah, we're going to ban fracking in this one specific place. And then when Trump called her out, she's like, I never said that. I'm not doing it. And I'm pretty sure that was just a blatant lie. But it's so subtle and nuanced that...

So that's no one's going to even look into it. So everybody, everybody's going to ABC moderators were so biased and they were correcting Trump on everything. But if you say super egregious lies, they're very easy to push back against. If you say half truth lies, like it looked like the way politicians lie, where it has enough truth, where it's like,

Well, technically, some of those jobs came from this. It's like, all right, am I going to stop the debate to check her on something that

Could technically fit under the umbrella of truth, but she might be misleading in the way that she says it. So I thought it was kind of unfair when you saw all the Trump supporters going, oh, it's so biased. Look at the moderators only correcting one side. I think you have to hold Trump a little bit more accountable. Be better with your lies. That's what I thought also crossed my mind. Viscerally, I did feel like I felt like it was biased, but then one thought crossed my mind. Maybe they don't correct.

when one politician lies about the other politician. Like if Kamala says Trump supports Project 2025, it's not moderator might be like, it's not my job. That's Trump's job. Oh, he's up there. No, I don't support Trump. But I'm going to give you a minute to respond. If Trump goes, people in the Midwest are eating cats.

It's like, well, I got to—the Midwest can't speak for itself here, so— That's a great point. Lie on the person in front of you. They can respond. I'm going to give them a minute. Yeah, Kamala's lies mainly seem to be about Trump. And Trump's lies just, like, again— That is a nine-month ban thing. Or the nine-month post-abortion. Yeah, like, yeah, they're killing babies after they're born. That's not an abortion, by the way. Also, that was another thing that he did. He would get so—he was so, like, emotionally out of control that—

Even when he had her on something, he would just keep spouting off and then they'd move on. Like with the abortion thing, he's like, did you say or do you support seven, eight, even in the ninth month? Yeah. He could have stopped right there and force her to say yes. I wanted to know her answer. Yeah. I really actually want to know. And they're probably going to do it even afterwards, like that person in Virginia. And then the moderator goes, OK, yeah.

And now next question. Yeah. Force her to answer the question. But she was ready to lower rates and shit like that. I did see her say that's not true in that moment. But I would love when he was asking. I was like, I want to hear her address this. But she was ready to fight back because during that she was like, oh, well, why don't you answer the question? Would you veto a federal abortion bid? So it's like she was ready. She's ready. No, she had an answer. He didn't even let her give her. Exactly. Yeah. It's with.

these debates, you got to let them sink their own ship sometimes. And I think what Trump had done really effectively in debates in the past, especially when there's nine people on stage and you have the audience, because the audience does play a part. I was watching it at the comedy cellar, right? Upstairs, there's a bunch of people watching.

And when he would do his little quips, it would get laughs. That is rattling to an opponent. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? So if Kamala is hearing a thousand people in an auditorium laughing at what he's saying, all of a sudden Trump is starting to get...

more energy. He's starting to feel more... And also, you know what? He's not going to be as emotionally volatile because he feels the confidence. That imposter syndrome is going away. The worst thing that I think...

The worst thing for Trump in this debate was not having an audience because he constantly needs the feedback to let him know. And I get this as a comedian. Hey, you're funny. You're good. People like you. When he's just spouting off, he's seeking it, but it's not there. And any comic will tell you the first laugh frees you up so much. You want to get that first laugh as quickly as possible. I remember him always saying that he figured out comedy very quickly. He was like, that first laugh, you need that quickly. Because then you just go...

We're having fun. Life tour update. San Antonio, we added a second show. Las Vegas, same weekend as USC Sphere, come out there for both. Then we got Cleveland, Columbus, Minneapolis, Milwaukee. Denver, we added a third show. Cincinnati, we added a second show. Rama, Ontario. Salt Lake City, we added a second show. Reno, Nevada, we added a second show. San Jose, we added a second show. Portland, and then finally closing it out in Honolulu, Hawaii. for tickets. We'll see you guys there. Peace. Guys, don't fast forward. This is important. This part is not about me. I'll get to me later with selfish shit. But, Asshole Army, we have a listener whose mom is missing. That makes me want to cry just saying it out loud. I cannot think of anything that...

would be more painful unless, you know, whatever. I'm not going to say anything worse. But this guy is at Sager, B-I-N-P. That's at S-A-G-A-R-B-I-N-P. His mom's name is Geeta Ben, G-E-E-T-A-B-E-N. We're going to put the info. I'm going to send it to Miles. We'll put it right here. But if you see this person, she was last seen in Orange County. If you see this woman, please contact Sager. He is understandably falling apart. So

Please look out if you guys can. I love you all. Okay, guys, now back to less important things, but hopefully shows that you enjoy. September 12th through 14th this week, I'm coming to Miami. 19th through 21st, I'm going to be in Maryland in Magoobies. September 27th and 28th, I'm going to be in Greensville. Also, Greenville, South Carolina. Also, make sure you buy tickets to Stress Factory October 17th through 19th because that's going to sell out. Let's get back to the show.

Every debate with an audience, he does well. And think about how he does well even at his rallies. He has an audience. Yeah, that's why he loves the rallies. I'm getting the feedback. I'm getting the confirmation. To your point of always needing that. Yeah, we're silencing the imposter syndrome. You're great. You're funny. People love you. When you're talking to one woman who you know hates you and then two moderators that you're unsure about their biases, about politics, about who they want for president, he probably just feels...

under attack. And when you feel under attack, you need to defend. We don't need him defending. Right? Yeah. Now, I also want to point out... But also, that's his fault. He needs to be more prepared. Yeah. We're not, like, making excuses here. You need... This is the job. And you need to prepare for the job. Yeah. And then even to the preparation thing, like, do you have a plan? I have a concept. Concept of a plan. That's the same thing I didn't like about Kamala. She seemed to have no plan. So for Trump to not have a plan, I was very deflated by that of, like...

Well, what the fuck, man? It's cool to not have a plan. Don't say it. Yeah, I know. Be like, I have a plan that will be released once I'm elected. She just pivoted and didn't acknowledge that she didn't have a plan. Yeah, she never addressed not having a plan. I don't really have one. That's what I'm saying. I don't think Kamala said that many great things. She did. She just didn't say any bad things. She was very polished. She was a politician. No, she had some good shots. She had some good—but when she said 81 million people fired Donald Trump, that was a far-handed— Oh, that hurt him, dog.

That hurt the fuck out of him. I heard his soul. No, she had bars. He's saying she didn't have substantive... Yeah, yeah, yeah. But then Trump was saying wrong things. He also had some funny bars. The C-spot run shit was fun. That shit got me. That was good. On talking. Wake him up at 4 p.m. Wake him up at 4 p.m. I didn't think I'm talking landed. That didn't hit.

In the comedy cellar, that shit got a huge laugh. Oh, really? Because she said that, I think, in a bunch of her... He's mocking her. Yeah. But because the mics are off, it didn't... Yeah, I didn't hear her talking. Yeah, I didn't hear her talking. It sounded like he just said it. That's interesting. We heard her. I don't know. And it is unlikable when she says it. And when I didn't hear her, I was like, why are you...

Just go on, dude. Yeah. I felt like he said it because he was annoyed and then tried to cover. That was my read of it. Yeah. We have a president who doesn't know he's alive. Yeah. So good. Great. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's what I will say is this. All the people that had this instant enthusiasm for Kamala, you know, a few weeks ago. Yeah. Based on absolutely nothing. Yeah. After this debate, they're going crazy.

Yeah. Because now they get to look like they were right the whole time, even though they had no fucking clue this was going to go well. Right? Yeah.

I've been wrong the past two elections, but my thought was the election hinges on this debate. Because if you're undecided, you're probably like, I want to vote for this girl. I just don't know anything about her. I don't like her. I don't know if she's presidential. And I felt like even though she didn't give us real substance, she looked presidential. Yeah. And I think the problem with supporting Trump's performance is that if you're not going to be honest with him as one of his supporters—

If you're not going to be honest with him about this performance, why would he do anything different in the next debate? And if he doesn't do anything different in the next debate, he'll continue to dig himself a hole. He's going to dig himself out of a hole in this next—there's going to be another debate, right? They asked— Trump's team hasn't agreed to it yet.

I think they should, to be honest. Oh, they need it. I think, yeah, I think they should. Are you sure it wasn't the other way around? No, Kamala immediately said, let's do a second. Okay, there was something on the 25th that was supposed to happen. Let's see. Because she knew she won. So the smart move would be like, we want a second election, and his handlers are going to be like, or a second debate, and his handlers are going to be like, whoa, we don't want a second debate. But a second debate where he's prepped, because her policies, she has no policies. The past four years, nobody's really happy with.

What policies? I mean, like she has some policies. What are they? I don't know all of them, but they're on her website. And she did say... She did not have them on her website for weeks. And that, as somebody who's like...

I don't have a real horse in either one of you in this race. I'm cool with whatever. I'm looking at her website being like, give me something. And it wasn't there for weeks. And it's like, buddy, this is the bare fucking minimum. Give me some policies. Here's the reality. One that really resonated amongst people. I was watching at a bar and it was actually a mixed crowd. There was some...

conservatives there as well um the 15 000 i think tax credit thousand dollars startup 15 for six thousand for a child oh six thousand yes sorry that one resonated amongst everyone like even conservatives like yeah that's good

Like, so that one hit. Give people money. They both have policies on their website. No, but Kamala just added them. But at least she said it when asked. Here's the reality. He really didn't say anything. Kamala's not going to do anything novel, right? She's not going to do anything unique. If Kamala wins, this could be more of the same. This is the system that America has developed. And this sounds very cynical, but where you basically put, you know, two candidates up that both are in bed with the president

you know, most powerful corporations of the country. And those corporations make sure that they're still going to be able to suck off the tea to the government, which is essentially off the tea to the American people. And the both candidates will ensure that Trump is the wrinkle in this. He's the person where he's like, I don't these corporations go. I don't know if I'll be able to suck off that tea. I might be able to. And Trump might be looking at them like, no, you'll be able to please give me the opportunity. Or he might go, fuck him. I don't like these corporations.

So, but if you get Kamala in there, it's not going to be some crazy, you know, watershed moment for America. It's going to continue. Whatever's happening now will continue. If your life is pretty good now, that seems like a good vote for you. It will optically mean something. Pardon? It will optically mean something. Sure, optically. But like, yeah, and actually that is important. Like, I think that was the Obama thing too, which is like, I think that was very important for people culturally outside of the fact that it was just more of the same politically. Yeah.

Right. But culturally, that was a big moment. Maybe women are like, hey, we want a woman out here. Yeah. I don't know. I think it's only the media that makes it seem like, oh, if one side wins, it's going to be the end of this country. Yeah. I think all people understand like, hey, it's not things aren't going to change that much. Trump also said that he's like they're destroying the. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Because Kamala is like 20, 25. He's going to be a tyrant. He's like, this is the end of the country. Also, that's another thing that we should talk about with the Trump rhetoric. It's like it's getting really exhausting. Like,

The country's going to be done in two years. It's over. They're destroying it. It's like there's only so much of that that you can take as an American before you start going,

Yo, watch your mouth. You're still talking about my fucking country, man. That was the Israel comment specifically. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Don't distract. Don't distract. No, he's saying America is done. America is over. This country is going to shit. And it's just like,

It's like when people are talking shit about New York. Remember during the pandemic, it's like, oh, there's robberies everywhere. I was like, oh, yeah, there's a migrant crisis. I was like, okay. And then after like a few weeks of that, I was like, yo, mind your fucking business, bro. Don't you worry about your fucking city. What's up with your fucking city? You got migrants in your fucking city. Handle them. Yeah, why are you here then? Yeah, exactly. Go home. You know what I'm saying? People talking shit about New York. You're not even listening.

even living here why do you care why does this bother you so it's like trump needs a new thing it can't be this disaster talk where every single america's gonna fall apart it's gonna be like bro we heard it we're here what's funny is that's what the democrats tried to do to him in 2016 and failed yeah we know that's a losing strategy instead of inspiring people to vote for you being like you can't vote for that person yeah that don't work but i think it won in 2020 though

Well, I think we were in a pandemic and just being like, look at what the fuck is going on. This guy caused it. You see what I'm saying? We want hope. We want positivity. You don't need to tell us the country sucks and the migrants are coming and destroying everything. Just tell us how you're going to fix it. Tell us how you're going to make it great again. That was a good strategy. Tell us why it's going to be so good. Tell us why the economy is going to be. I know he mentions it, but we don't need all the disaster talk.

Okay. You could go in here and listen. I don't care how bad these people have made the country because I know once we get in here, we're bringing it back and we're bringing it back better than ever. Give me positivity. Give me hope. Yeah. Like the fear mongering. It's just exhausting. It's every YouTube title. It's every tweet. It's every Instagram post. Yeah. We're exhausted. We're desensitized to it. And we're starting to like resent it. At least I do. He's like the way that he's,

how he's going to improve things. It's like, it's so hyperbolic that it's like, it's not real. Like, you're not going to cut down energy costs by half. Like, how the fuck are you going to do it? He just says these boring things. I will say that does, that worked for him in 2016. He just said, I'm building a wall. All these claims worked.

But I think, again, even just saying, I'm going to do these things. That's positive. Here's the one thing Kamala said. I'm going to get this tax credit. I don't know if you're going to get it passed, but the whole bar was like, let's go. I'm going to give this to you. He don't do that now. He's just doing the, this is the worst America's done in two years. Israel won't exist in two years. Like all these crazy things are just like, but he's talking, the wheel's going to keep on spinning. Hit that fucking Khaleesi. I'll break the wheel. Yeah.

Now you might get my vote. You know what I mean? Yeah. But just. Yeah, we need some more positive. He just needs a different gear. Yeah. It's like the eating cats and dogs thing was a good angle. I liked it. Which also apparently there are cats getting eaten in Ohio. Really? Did you see this video? No, tell me. It's hilarious. I think it was an American black woman, right? I mean, don't spoil it, dude. You're fucking ruining the conspiracy. Yeah.

This is video footage in Ohio. Okay? This is the story that a lot of people have posted since this, which I actually have a theory about. What did you do? Why'd you kill the cat? Smile for me. I want to see. Go like this. Did you eat that cat? Did you eat it? No, why'd you kill it? Did you guys see all this? No, we pulled up and she was just laying there with me. Did you see her eating it? She was eating it. She was eating it? Yes.

You call the Humane Society to see if they'll come pick those cat up. It's deceased. It's deceased. Did you eat that cat? No. Mouthful of blood and fur? Wait, was it? No. So basically, this woman is not an immigrant in the way that Trump claimed. Also, this was not in Springfield. This is like three hours away. Got it. And so I think this is just like a regular crackhead psycho that just like attacked a cat. Can I just ask a question? All right. Let's have some fun. Please, please. Let's have some fun. Uh-oh.

Why don't more people eat geese and stuff? I always think that. Like, every time I order, like, duck at a restaurant and I also, like, go see ducks in, like, a pond. Like, I took Shiloh to go see ducks. Yeah. And, like, I'm looking at all these ducks and I'm just like...

I could just take one of these fucking ducks. Yeah, there's just free food in the lake. There's free food everywhere. Yeah. I'm like actually baffled it doesn't happen more. Yeah, that's true. No. What's the species of duck that's peaking?

Peking is a way of preparing. No, no, I know. But I mean, what species do they use to make that duck? That one. The ones in the pond. Do you know that, though? Do you really know different species of ducks? How many ducks are there? There's a lot of different ducks, bro. Dude, I was right. It's a Mandarin duck. I mean, that's convenient. Yeah, that's what I said, being racist. And it turns out I fucking nailed it. Okay, but in all seriousness, I feel like you guys... They're really pretty. I don't know. I'm not getting any reaction out of you guys.

Say it different. The reaction can be negative or positive, but I feel like there's no reaction. What I'm asking is we buy food at the supermarket or restaurants. We buy duck, right? We buy it, right? Yeah.

And there's ducks at the pond, right? But we don't just take notes. Let me ask you like this. Hold on. When he said I'm not getting any reaction out of you guys, I thought he meant like we weren't bringing it on the political angle, like he was criticizing. And I was like, what's happening? And then he's like, Mike, insane theory. You're not responding. Is it insane? I guess I didn't— Ducks aren't FAA, bro. I thought it wasn't insane enough. No, no, no.

No, it makes sense to be honest with you, but I also don't know if you can just be in the park killing... Let me phrase it like this. Okay. Let me phrase it like this, right? You live in, like, nature, right? Yeah. And there's an apple tree right there. Yeah. Right? There's also apples at the grocery store. Yeah. Now, me, knowing me, I would go to the apple tree, and I would pluck an apple out of the apple tree, and then I would make my apple...

with honey or whatever you wouldn't do any of that you wouldn't do any of that you would have uber eats get you the apple if i'm being honest with you you'd be like it's too much we'll be totally honest we got two apple trees on the property in the hamptons i haven't eaten one of them apples the whole summer but you're shooting they're delicious but but i have eaten the tomatoes from the garden but you used apples you didn't eat the fucking apples

Yeah, that's probably a bad choice. That was a bad choice. No, no, we picked them. We picked them. My wife picked them. Go pick me some tomatoes. That's fine. That's the same as sending her to the supermarket, pretty much. Okay, okay. My point is, I think it's because they're in parks and you can't just be in parks killing these animals. They're probably protected species.

Okay, so that's what we're... They're a protected species? Central Park isn't an actual forest. I feel like it's an invasive species. Well, the shit is invasive. No, they're protected. Yeah, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Jeez up, dude. It's a federal law that protects birds and their habitats. So we all found this out right now. None of us... What I'm saying is... There's no ducks walking around Chinatown, so... Oh, there's nothing walking around. Exactly. Exactly.

There's nothing walking around Chinatown. Nothing. Let me tell you something. There's no straight dog. Can I just say this? The Chinese are hearing all this stuff about the Haitians and they are... They say, do not say a word. Let them get their smoke. Let them focus on them voodoo.

I'm voodoo motherfuckers because if they even look over here, it's a problem. It is a problem. Yeah, I don't think that pecking duck is a species of duck. I think that shit is a cat, to be honest with you. It could be a cat. It could be a cat. There's a lot of things it could be. My point is, my point is, is that I do find it peculiar that we are judging these people for just taking the food

in the pond like why is some food allowed to just be in the pond and then other food not that's a good point there's a whole subculture people eating roadkill you ever heard of this yeah like mark that's fucking disgusting wait what that's a dead animal it's a carcass on the side of the road run over by a jeep wrangler no it's basically like there's people you call them you're like hey i just saw a deer it just got hit two minutes ago he'll pull up in three minutes pick up the deer while still breathing cut the neck take oh okay that's a different situation on the phone with rfk

Exactly. I'll be right there. I'm just saying, this guy right here, right? He has a satchel. Yeah.

He's going to work. Our neighbor from Miami. What were those big birds that were walking around? Let me tell you something. How do we know he's not trying to save the bird? Can I tell you something, Al? I'll tell you for a fact. The bird was injured. Can I tell you how I know? Because when we lived in Miami, we lived in a neighborhood where people were eating all the animals in the fucking neighborhood. There's no question. We went to a cookout and they started to eat. There's not even a question in my mind. Because you would hear the birds going...

And it would happen regularly. People were eating, but I didn't judge them. That's how you knew it was going to wake up. It's food. That was our rooster. Is it food? It's absolutely food. But they're not protected in Miami. Can I just say one thing? We never knew about the protection.

We never knew about protection. I don't know about animal protection. I just knew you don't eat the ducks. But nobody told me there was an animal protection act or a duck flying act or whatever the hell these things are. I didn't know. I just knew if you let me see animals, I'm probably not supposed to eat them. I knew that. That's just something I innately knew. I think it is possible that there are certain species of human being that do not have that primal instinct. They have a primal instinct where if you see food,

That, I think, is the real primal instinct. Yeah. Yeah, you don't have the primal instinct. Yeah, I have this, like— Human instinct. Human—it's been like—my primal instincts have been neutered. I've been cucked by the government. They dangle food out in front of us. They go, oh, look at inflation. Inflation is 100%, but you can't have that duck. There's a perfectly good dog right there on the street. Perfectly good dog. There's a whole park of dogs. I could go to a dog park with a fork if I wanted to.

But no, the government keeps you dumb. They put fluoride in your water and now you don't even know you can eat the dog. I don't even know I can eat it. So this is something that we need to discuss. And I think there should be a little less judgment. You know how like when the Muslim immigrants in Europe come and you got to teach them not to rape women. You got to teach them. You got to take them to school and be like, hey, you can't rape women.

women, please. And they're like, but look, you can see their forearm. Right? Yeah, but you can't do it. And they're like, okay, okay, okay. But I want to. But you can't. You're not allowed. These are pure German women. What do I do instead? You gotta get a job. You can stack the meat and then shave it or whatever you guys do. Ha ha ha!

You gotta do something, but you can't the women here. Can I trick kids with ice cream and make them think they're eating? We love that game. We love that. That is a really fun game. The cone inside the cone and then you switch it. I mean, obviously we're mixing Middle Eastern countries. You know, I don't think the Turkish have that problem, but still we like that game. That's good for you. But the women, what is that? What is that? Good. No, we got to try it again.

Women is not the thing to do. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

No matter what the book says, you cannot do it. Okay? Not here. Not in Germany. Okay, so they did that. They went through that process where they slowly indoctrinated them with this idea that you cannot...

Do it in the nightclub. Mark! That's one of those BDSM clubs. No. No? No. Okay. No, yeah, because you can't go to the nightclub because they got alcohol. So you got to find another place to do it. You got to do it somewhere else. They always get you. Okay. That process, that didn't happen overnight. Teaching Muslim immigrants how to not...

white women in europe that doesn't happen you think that happens in 24 hours that takes weeks of training and schooling and propaganda okay hell yeah you think that immigrants coming here are gonna see a perfectly good mallard it's true dude

They come from places where there's not a lot of food. That's why they're here. Yeah. And yeah, we just got food protected. That's crazy. It is actually, on some levels, insulting. It's immoral. It's insulting. They're coming here. They're starving. They've got their bags. The street's paved with gold and food, bro. That's the gold they're talking about. But they're like, don't touch. Yeah. That's crazy. Grass. We're not going to grow anything on it. Animals. You can't eat. Crazy. I'm insulted. Really makes you understand how the Muslims are feeling. Yeah.

That makes sense to me. I'm missing it. There's food out on the streets and I can't eat? Got it. Okay, got it. Now I get it. I get it. Okay. So that's all I'm saying. So we got to teach everybody. Exactly. That's on us. There needs to be a government program. That is on us. Yo, our bad. Our bad. Yeah. We should have been more forthcoming with that information. If we're going to invite cultures here, we have to understand what's normal, where they're from. Okay? Yeah.

Your boy barbecue, Mark. Yeah, sapassé. Sapassé. Barbecue. Maybe the current leader of Haiti. We don't know. Eats human beings. Yeah. You think he's going to bat an eye at a goose on the street? Yeah, they came to America being like, yo, we're going to really tone it down. We're only going to eat dogs and ducks. Yeah, if I see an easy to catch goose, I'm going to catch it and I'm going to take it on a knee. I'm not going to eat a human here, though. Not here. Can't do that. That's crazy. We're in America.

Maybe that's what Trump was saying. Maybe that was his policy. They're eating cats and dogs. I'm going to put a stop to it. I'm going to teach them. We're going to indoctrinate them. Maybe that's what he was trying to say. But the fucking moderators, the biased moderators cut him off. C-Spa run. He was running from a hatred. That is actually true. That's what the book's about. But that is insulting of us, right? To not recognize another culture. Just assume that they're going to be fluent in ours. I think that we have to stop doing that. So let's teach them, okay? Yeah. Dogs. Yes. Can you eat them?

No. Cats? No. You cannot eat cats, Mark. Why? Not enough meat. Okay, so it's more of a nutritional thing. It's more of a nutritional thing. There's just not enough meat. Rabbits? Yes.

Okay, well, that's a pet also. Also not much meat on a rabbit. Yeah, but you can eat it. You can eat it at a restaurant. That's a Haitian delicacy. Rabbits are totally fine. Keep going. Guinea pigs, yeah. But rabbits are a pet. So if you come over to America, you're fobbing it up, and you see a rabbit in a cage. Horses are pets. Doesn't mean you can't eat them. A wild rabbit is fair game. So what are you allowed to eat?

Wild rabbit, maybe fair game. So if it's a rabbit with a name, you can't eat it. All right, guys, let's take a break for a second because we're going to be in Vegas this weekend. You know what I mean? We've got the show. We've got the UFC. And we've got some drinking to do. Okay? And you know what happens when you do some drinking? When you do some drinking the next morning, you know, it just might be different than other mornings.

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Fuck yeah, eat a fish. What if it's in a tank? That's too little. There's nothing there. You can eat a fish in a tank if you want to. You might get kicked out of the dentist's office, but you can give it a rib if you want. You know what I mean? I think you can eat fish. I think if you buy a fish, you can do whatever you want with it. If you want to eat it, if you want to do that prank where you swallow it and throw it back up and it's still alive. Shout out David Blaine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think you can do whatever you want with a fish. Fair enough. That is a good question because if you buy a dog and you eat it, that's illegal.

But if you buy a fish and you eat that, that's a magic trick. Yeah. Yeah. You can do whatever you want with fish. I think we feel very comfortable in the United States of America with that. Now, there are certain fish that aren't a certain size, right? They have these like size and weight limitations with fish. You can't keep them and eat them if they're not big enough. Oh, yeah. You got to throw them back. You got to throw them back. Oh, that's a good point. So that's where you have to spit it back up. That's where you have to spit it back. That's throwing it back. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. What about turtle? Can you do a turtle? Yeah, sure.

I think age matters with a turtle. It's like a 200-year-old tortoise. That's fucking delicious. I mean, that's vintage. That's a vintage tortoise. That's from the 1800s, bro. Why are we making a big deal of this?

Like, I genuinely am kind of like eating someone's pet is crazy because it's someone else owns it and that's stealing. It's almost like taking someone's bike. It's more theft. Yeah. To be honest, if he didn't say and dogs, I wouldn't have had a problem with it. I believe that in you. Yeah. I believe that in you. Yeah. I do believe that. They're eating cats. Good riddance. But it's other people's pets. That's the iguanas of New York City. Yeah. Yeah. There's another Haitian person who's like, yo, I was going to eat that. And then they stole my cat. So I'm pissed off. Hmm.

That is one of those tricky situations. That's theft. Where it's like the mafia can't call the police to help. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, they want to, but it's like you're also doing something illegal. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So that's theft. You can't steal someone else's food or... Yeah, you just stole someone else's shit. That's where it's fucked up. But I believe eating a duck that you find in a pond, I'm okay with that.

Now, I understand it's wrong and it's not proper etiquette, but I don't think it should be that much judgment. I think that people feel it adds to the aesthetic of the park. That's what you're fucking up. You just need to tell them that once. Squirrels fuck up the aesthetic of a park. I like a squirrel. It's kind of cute. We've got to cull the population a little bit, I think. It's too many. I like the squirrels. Woodland creatures are so sweet.

They introduced them to Central Park. They threw them in there. I know. Fucking run around. I know. They're cute. Possibly can kill. Possibly can kill. Listen, here's the reality. I think we've stretched this bit out as far as it can go. So I think we can move on, but we have to find another thing to move on to. Is there any more reflection? What does Trump do from here? I have a question. Yes. Where did you guys watch it all at? I think that's a very interesting thing. I watched it at my house. This was almost a Super Bowl thing. I was at a watch party at a bar. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. It felt like Hillary Trump.

Like, it's big. Like, people were excited. Bro, how pathetic are other countries, man? Where, like, do they even have this? Do they even have debates? Like, no one even fucking knows shit about other countries. Yeah. Like, other countries are watching our presidential debate. Yeah. Yeah.

You guys suck. I was in Europe and every cab or person I talked to was like, so who do you think is going to win? Yeah. It's fire. We got you locked and loaded. Put some respect on for that. We should start doing that. You meet a Ukrainian and be like, so who you got? Who do you think is going to win? Yeah. Yeah. We got to start checking these motherfuckers. Oh, we know your shit. Just ask who you think is going to win to any country. Who do you think is going to win your election? Yeah.

The problem is we don't even know what they have. Prime minister, president, tyrant, dictator. We have no clue what's going on. And they act like that's our fault. No, you're not popping enough. Thank you. I don't got to know the underground artists. You know what I mean? I'm not doing this. Bro. And it's not like it matters. We're going to pick them anyway. It's not like it matters. We're going to pick them anyway. Yeah, exactly. But this idea that like we're dumb because we don't know about their shit is just so arrogant. It's arrogant. It's really arrogant. You know what I mean? Like.

Some people hit me up like, yo, I can't see the thicket. It's not in theaters where I live. And that's my fault. That's on you. That's our fault for not making the movie bigger. It's not their fault. They live in a shit place. You need to have big, big movies to be at the shit place theater. That is true. Okay? That's not their fault.

I do get annoyed at that. They live in a shit place. Bro, some places are shit. They are shit. And I don't want to be one of these... I don't want to do what Trump is doing. It's all falling apart. But some places, man. Some places have been fell apart. Yeah. And like...

Yeah, people should be allowed to petition to become America. I think that should be fine. What do you mean? Like a different country. Like if Madagascar was like, hey, we want to be a part of America. They should be allowed to like apply and then we can accept them. I've let Madagascar in off of that movie alone. Yeah, exactly. And you become like a territory and then you just were cool with y'all. And I will back you up. What type of responsibility do we have? Yeah, we get the resources. Yeah. Like Alaska.

I think like Puerto Rico kind of. Like we have Guam and I don't know if I fuck with Guam. Yeah, yeah, right? But we need that to keep an eye on the shit.

I wasn't going to say that. I disagree again. No, we do. Miles emphatically agreed with you. No, we do. We need to be close, right? We're going to see what's going on over there. It's easy. Small population, but good advantage for us. Good advantage right there. You know, Hawaii, too. We can't let them set up shop halfway across the Pacific. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hawaii makes sense. Yeah, Hawaii. We got Guam. We probably got some other shit over there, too. Mm-hmm. All to do what? To keep an eye on them. Who's them? You know who they fucking are. The Reds. We need to keep an eye on the Reds. Yeah. Semiconductor. See what they're doing. Oh, yeah. Because they're up to some shit. Mm-hmm. Also, Kamala, they should have corrected her on this, on the he sold chips to China. Mm-hmm.

And Trump corrected it. It was Taiwan that sold the chips. But maybe he gave the permission for Taiwan to do it. I'm not exactly sure. No, but it wasn't an American company making the chips in Taiwan? I don't believe so, but I don't know. A company in Taiwan that makes... Yeah, Taiwan Semiconductor. Yeah, that's Taiwanese. Oh, okay. But I guess...

We have some sort of jurisdiction over their exports, I would imagine, when it comes to China, because we're protecting them from China. Yeah. Like we're the last barrier of entry for China, just not demolishing them. So I wonder if that's that was her like half truth.

And like, there's a perfect example of like a half true, like, yeah, they sold it, but you could have vetoed the sale. Yeah, but also that's Trump, Trump could have defended that himself. That's about Trump. He did this. He could have. So like the moderator might not step in. One thing I thought the moderator, I don't know if this is true, but Trump corrected the moderator at one point when the moderator corrected him and said, actually, violent crime is down. According to FBI data, he said they excluded the biggest cities in that state.

So that was where I was like, well, that's weird. If that's true, why would they interrupt him with that? Is that true? Because I know it's down in New York and I believe it's down in L.A. I think it's up on the Animal Kingdom. Do we look into that? But you are right. I was filing a crime with the Animal Kingdom.

What about birds and fowls? Yeah, they're getting fucked up. But you're right. The U.S. does exert some export control on TSMC to sell to like Chinese company Huawei. Huawei. Huawei. Huawei. Huawei. Huawei. Huawei for you. Then they just start a new company and they're just buying chips through this new company. I think that's like I heard that. I'm sure there's a way to like circumvent it. Yeah. But again, this is a perfect half truth from Kamala. Yeah. Yeah.

Where it's like, not really. What is the joke you guys are laughing at over there? About my pronunciation of why, why? Nothing. It's getting cut from the episode. While I was bombing for the Raptors. What are you saying? I bombed outside the club all year. You guys were pronouncing it Huawei. I thought we were all going to pile on and no one. You're just calling the s**t. I was ready. I missed it. Can somebody break down tariffs?

Don't those hurt us by us implying tariffs on other countries and then they're just going to sell us their goods for more and then that extra cost goes to us, right? So that is one way of looking at it. Okay. The other way of looking at it is by applying those costs...

You would allow American companies to compete. You disincentivize importing and then you incentivize American companies to build up, make their own stuff and then build up manufacturing. And then the only way that let's say China, let's say, for example, it's like T-shirts. Right. I'm just going to use round numbers. Hey, we're going to put a 20 percent tariff on T-shirts. They used to be one hundred dollars. Now they're one hundred twenty dollars. Right. So now it's one hundred twenty dollars to get a T-shirt.

Well, in America, they stopped making T-shirts because they couldn't make them for less than $110. But China made them for $100. Well, now that it's $120 for a T-shirt in China, right? American companies go, well, shit, I can make one for $110. So now we got T-shirts for $110. Now China goes, well, fuck, the only way I can sell T-shirts to them is if I make it for less than $110. All right, so now we got it for $105.

Right. So now we're getting a twenty dollar credit, I guess you could say like a and then they're taking fifteen dollars of that hit. Not us. Now, this is not all industries because not all industries can compete with these imports. Yeah. So if you don't have an American industry that can now make the goods within that 20 percent range or whatever the tariff is, then that cost of good will just get put on.

the American citizen. And doesn't it take a while? Like if you just put a tariff on one particular thing, doesn't it take a while to get industry started here? Like by the time we actually see it. Depending on what it is. T-shirts you can make in a fucking year. Yeah, I think it does. But I would also think, because on the surface, that sounds like a good idea to me because I think middle America lost all the manufacturing and that's one of the big contributors to decaying.

this would essentially build it back up. And even if it took time, you're going to build a factory that's going to make jobs. Like it might take some years, but I do think long term, I like that idea. That would be the idea. I'm using really round numbers and it might be so much cheaper to do things in China that even with a 20 percent

you know, a tariff that doesn't make sense in America. But some people might spend a few more dollars on a shirt that's made in America than something made in China. And there are issues with Chinese goods, especially when it comes to like clothing is, um,

Since they're made in such bulk and the communication is quite difficult, there's a lot of times there's mistakes. And that isn't an issue in America. You're talking to someone who fucking speaks English, knows what you're trying to do. You can go to the factory and be like, yeah, that's the one I want. You're not flying to China every time you have a new order. So even though it's a little more expensive...

you won't have as many mistakes that you ultimately have to pay for, so the cost might be even. So that would be the argument for tariffs. I'm sure there's a perfectly good argument against it that would...

Convince us all as well. But I've seen people present it on Twitter as very cut and dry, like, you charge more money for them, they just add to the cost of good, and it's more expensive for the American people. I don't believe it's that cut and dry. Gotcha. And it might not be as cut and dry as what we're saying, like he said, but yeah, to me, in theory, that makes great sense. We should bring manufacturing back to America. Yeah.

But as is, we can't compete with sweatshops. Guys, okay, listen, can we just hold on for a second? There's all this discussion about the election. And at the end of the day, we are Americans. Actually, it's not just Americans. This is a global phenomenon. Do we care about the election? Sure.

But the other thing that we're thinking is how can we make money on it? Yes. Right? How can we be the aristocrats? Yeah, the aristocrats make money on the election. Yeah. Right? The military industrial complex, wow, you're in a different seat, makes money on the election. Wait, Akash and Alex, come back. Yo, what happened to Akash and Alex? Oh, they're probably collecting their bags of money. That's what they're doing. They found a way to make money on it. What I'm trying to say is the most American thing and the most international thing is probably to find a way to profit off of elections. Now, how can we do that? The everyday man, the regular folk. There's no way for us to do it. Mark...

I'm going to make you eat your words. I'm going to fucking make you eat those goddamn words. Okay? Stake has made it possible for us to profit off elections as well. Yes. Just like those elites. Let's go. What are the odds? Before the election, Trump was the favorite. Not the election. Before the debate, Trump was the favorite. What? Yeah. And then what happened? Well, I don't know. I haven't checked it just yet. But before it was, you put 100 on, you're making...

Shit, $192. That's fire. Yeah. That's sick. It is sick, but has that changed? I don't know. I guess we got to see if anyone's eating dogs out there. I mean, if they are eating dogs, maybe it continues to be their favorite, but if they're not, well, maybe Kamal is up. What I'm trying to say is steak has got your back and steak can help you do that. Thank you. This sounds absurd even as I'm saying it. No, it's not. It is. No, it's not. We're gambling on it.

on elections. We're gambling with our life. But while we're gambling with our life, we should at least make some moolah. Yeah, I'm betting on both sides. So no matter what, I lose. It's a smart strategy. That is really good. All I'm trying to say is right now that this segment is brought to you by Stake. Stake is the leader in the global betting and U.S. social casino industry, offering the best casino games and sports betting platforms for placing wagers on the biggest sports

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Gamble on Social Security. Gamble on the poor. Can we gamble on wars? Gamble on wars! Is that allowed yet? Finally, now, the everyday man can live like the elites. Let's go. I love this. Thank you for opening up the world to us, Stake. Let's get back to the show. Can you move back to your regular seat? Can we bring the minorities back? Guys, come back. Yeah, it's almost like we kicked the minorities back out for this segment. They can't gamble on this. Yeah, they're not allowed to do that, right? We just want the elites to be able to... It's almost like the elites of the pod are...

talking about how we can make money off the election. Right, Dove? Why is Dove just kind of squirmed out of here? I don't know. We should probably stop talking about this before somebody catches on to this highly...

Devious plot. Yeah. Oh, we're going to be so rich. Did you see Kamala kind of blame China for hiding COVID? Yo. Oh, yeah. I need my apologies. I literally watched it. I'm canceled or whatever that fucking term is. Stupid term. People are saying I'm a racist. People have called me racist. Yeah, and you've been trying to educate immigrants for years. You've been trying to educate these people.

That's what I do. I bet during that time you were the Leo DiCaprio meme where you were just like pointing at screens like, that's me. I don't know. I mean, it was crazy to see her just be like, yo, they lied about it. That's what we said in the Netflix special. And there's fucking article after article about, remember I didn't get to perform in that Toronto venue that we originally booked? Yeah, Massey Hall. It was Massey Hall because

of exactly what the presidential nominee said on stage. Yeah, this is what she said. When we know that she was responsible... That's not what she said.

You mean to tell me this guy's racist? Yeah. How dare you? You guys are crazy. Yeah, how dare you? You guys are insane. Yeah. What fucking insane people you are. Fucking shifty. Okay, strip that sentence over, Mark. For not... We want... When we know that she... We don't need to know. I know, right? We get what she said. They did it. They fucking did it. Bro, the dumplings did it. And they need to be punished.

Wow. I agree. Gay through an education system. Biggest news of the night. What's the biggest news of the night? Y'all mother. She threw her support behind Kamala. Didn't we talk about this? We did. Where the fuck did you move? That was a long conversation. I like how you teed that up. Yeah, right. But it was a long conversation. Miles, Miles. Cut that. Put that for four. It was like a four-minute conversation.

And you participated in it. That's what's crazy. No, you were in that convo. Yeah, you participated. When was the last time you nutted, yo? Al gets dumb when he doesn't nut. He does have cum brain. I can tell. He got cum brain. You stopped the whole podcast. You stopped the whole... Guys, hold on.

Hold on, y'all. Oh, we did talk about it. We did talk about it. Beyonce and all that shit. That's crazy. That's the only one

I feel vindicated because I didn't bring a shit up. I said last week, but there's at least seven days in between. Oh man. I got a nut for you guys. Most fair format for the next debate. What should, or what should he agree to? I like the fact that I thought this was fine. And actually I don't want there to be an audience. This isn't,

I mean, it is a popularity contest, but it's not like a who can kill and who can rile up the audience. It's not a comedy contest. Yeah, this is literally just say the words and then we digest the words. Yeah. That's it. Okay, so same format, but it can't be, he's going to say, can't be this three-on-one that I just experienced last night. So he's going to oppose. What if each one can pick a moderator? Exactly, something like that. And then there's a board that selects if they can approve it or not.

I mean, if they both got to pick a moderator, that might be too messy. But like, just both of y'all keep that shit in check a little bit. But y'all, Trump wants this person. Kamala wants this person. That's what it is.

They said Kamala was wearing earrings with a microphone in them. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's so funny. A microphone or earrings with a... This is a nice Twitter conspiracy. A speaker in them. Yeah, like earbuds. That's so funny. Oh, let me see this. This is crazy. It's a great idea. Honestly, have you ever had an earbud in your ear and be able to talk that long? That's impressive.

That's impressive. We've done shows where we have the ear button. What's it called? The RFP or whatever the fuck? Whatever the fuck it is. The in-ears? RFP, yeah. And it's hard to pay attention to what's going on and listen to a note. And I don't believe it. I don't believe that she has it. And honestly, if she did, I'm going to vote for her for sure. But they could be queuing her up while Trump is talking.

But even then, now you're not listening to what he's saying and you look a little confused. But they tell you the bar to stay right after. So these are her earrings. I believe they're made by Chanel. She's worn them multiple times before. With that being said, people are saying, oh, these earrings right here are the Nova H1 audio earrings.

People are fucking losers. They actually have thoughts. They're looking for any excuse to why Trump didn't lose. Stop being pussy. They look objectively different. What are we even talking about? I don't think it was an earpiece, but I can see why. In this one, the one that's the actual...

speaker is just the brown thing, right? The one that looks like a pearl. Yeah, I think it connects behind the ear, too. Who is the person that finds this stuff? Like, that starts these theories? Are you just trying to disrupt things, or do you have an actual mental illness? It's the Russian government. Oh, yeah, it could be that. It's the Russian government. No, that actually makes a lot of sense. That makes more sense than anything. But if your boy loses, it's like you're looking for anything. Not that hard, dude. There's people that look. Yeah, but Trump should have had a earpiece, too.

I'm saying, yo, bandage on the ear, headphone underneath. Yeah, that's fine. Airpod, bang. Yeah, he didn't milk the bandage that long. He could have milked that shit for a minute. Yeah. Just make that his Nelly shit. Just every time you see him, just got this shit on. Yeah, dude. You know what? This really made me wish Vivek had won the primary. He's too brown to win a Republican primary, but I feel like...

Nah, he, of course I love him. He also just speaks too far above the average, like, intellect. Like, he can't dumb it down. Yeah, that's a real issue. It's going to be his, I think that's why he should be in, like, an advisory or cabinet role, because he needs someone that can basically teach him how to speak to sixth grade IQ. Yeah. That's how you speak to the country. And he just doesn't know how to do it.

But yeah, it would be the same. I like the things I like about Trump's policies, whatever. I feel like he would do that without being going off the rails. Yeah. I just think you can't slash all of the institutions by that many people and the country still like function. Indians save money, baby. That's what we do. All right.

Someone pointed this out on Twitter, bro. This shit is kind of fire. The comment just says, Trump's neck pussy looking crazy to me. That's true. Yo. Nah, that's AI. That's gotta be AI. That's gotta be AI. How does that happen? Al getting delicious right now. I know, right? That shit look good. I was about to get smart. My Puerto Rican came out. I started licking my lips and shit.

God damn. Look at that thing. Yo, look at that thing. Oh, my God. Oh, bro, you see this? What? Taylor Swift's endorsed. I was waiting to do that. Jeez.

she and Jordan really? holy shit that's crazy what the hell what's your hot take 30 minutes later about Taylor Swift and Jordan she's like yo what's your hot take yo it's your mother I'm about to make this a white thing fuck do you think she moves the needle? absolutely yeah

Absolutely. Man, these little bitches will follow that girl to hell. Yes. Absolutely. Actually, after going to that concert, yeah. Look at the NFL's numbers last season. She moves the needle. Yeah. But actually, I don't think she's... Sorry, go. I was going to change gears completely if you want to finish this thought. I don't think she's getting any Republican to vote for Kamala.

I actually don't even know if that's possible to get someone to switch parties just with an endorsement. But isn't this what we said? The people in the middle. Yeah, exactly. I think that she might be convincing undecideds. And that's huge. And that is huge. This is what we talked about on Patreon, which I guess will come out after this. But the Patreon we talked about where it's like it's 40% and 40% already know exactly what they're going to do. That...

20%-ish in the middle that's undecided, they can be swayed by the debate. They can be swayed by Taylor Swift. I think maybe debate plus Taylor Swift might be like, hey, hey. You just feel on some level more okay voting. I think the only thing that mitigates her endorsement is that people, at least from my opinion, already knew kind of what side she was on. Yeah. Like she has like on-camera appearances talking about how much she doesn't like Trump. Yeah. And so I think to the average person, it's like, yeah, we know she's kind of- It's not a suppress. Like if this was someone completely out of left field-

Like if Melania was like, hey, I'm endorsing Kamala, we'd be like, whoa, that's crazy. Yeah, I hear you. I hear you. But I think it's also a big statement not coming out in support for Kamala. So it's like...

What you mean? What you mean? If she just stays silent, like we talked about in the discussion, like if Kamala bombed and she didn't say anything, then I think that, I don't know if that would go noticed, but the fact that she came out and said something, people are like, all right, that means she did well. And like, it just adds to the idea that she did well. If you're undecided and you're like, who do I just want representing the country? Yeah. Because not saying something is also saying something when you have that much influence. Can we talk about what a legend Dave Rose is? Can I pee real quick? Yo,

Can you really quickly, you go pee, we're going to start talking about this because... He timed this up perfectly. He's like, yo, there's a debate happening. I got some news to tell everybody. I got some information to drop on the internet the second that the whole world is talking about this debate. About some other shit. Yo, this is genius. Yo, but what's so interesting about this and like, I'm trying to be positive. I'm trying to be understanding. Yeah.

He fathered a kid out of wedlock. Who's this? Dave Grohl is the lead singer of the Foo Fighters. Okay. He used to be the drummer for Nirvana. He used to be the drummer for Nirvana. But he has, over the last 30 years...

been regarded as the greatest human being in history which he still may be which he still may be but meaning like everyone loves dave grohl yeah he always does the right thing he is so lovable so endearing so charming in every interview he's charming he'll bring the right person on stage and sing the song with them together he'll support everything he needs to support he's

perfectly managed his celebrity. Like, to perfection. He's one of the few incredibly famous people, and there's a handful of them. Yeah, it's like him and Keanu Reeves. Literally that. Are the only incredibly famous people that everyone just seems to love. Who I think you think is the same person. Yeah. Probably. I thought that was Keanu Reeves right there.

staunch conservatives. It's like, yo, the Matrix guy does music? And he's nice, too. But staunch conservatives love him. Staunch liberals love him. Everybody loves this guy. He is an all-around, seemingly just great fucking guy. Okay. There's another wrinkle to this story that I'll tell you in a bit. So, yeah, just to catch up, Keanu Reeves fathered a baby father. So, and then all of a sudden, he...

Knocks up some other chick outside of his marriage, which is like this is not at all in line with the perception of Dave Grohl. Yeah. Who happens to be married to the daughter of one of our teachers at UCSB. And the opening. Do you remember this? The opening lesson, the teacher brought it up.

this guy. He's the best guy. And I was like, wow, everybody loves him. Even the guy who's fucking, you know, still loves him. Everybody loves this guy. So there's more going on. Maybe his marriage isn't that great. Maybe they're just kind of, you know, keeping it together for...

What is it? Keeping up with the Joneses or whatever that term is. We don't know exactly what's going on. Now, I don't think that this is the case, but I do think it is funny. This happened immediately after kind of publicly beefing with Taylor Swift.

This is going to add to the lore that Taylor Swift is somehow some genius mastermind. Talk to me. Literally, he was on stage being like, yeah, we don't use AI when we sing, unlike some performers or something. And took a shot at her. You remember this? Yeah. And then she took a shot back or something like that. She's like, I sing all my own songs and I'm still popping. I don't remember the exact details. But basically, they were going jaw on each other. And then a month later, he's like, yeah, knock someone up. My bad.

And you think she sent a honeypot? She's a honeypotter. She sent a honeypot. She sent the Dave Grohl honeypot package. How does she do it? How does Taylor always do it? No, it is just ironic that like the second you go at Taylor, cosmically, something comes back on you. I know, I know, dude. She needs to be stopped. Like, she's just unstoppable. Do we know who the mistress is?

Yeah, this is the mother of his child. Let me find out, though. Well, I don't know. Did he go to Schwarzenegger with it in the home? Was it the nanny or was he having a whole relationship on the side? Let me find out. So here's my question, though. Does this change the perception of Dave Grohl at all?

Probably a little. Yeah. I had nothing to know. No, it definitely changed your perception. You know who he is now. I think Al likes him way more. This guy's awesome. He's a rock star. Fox people, I know him. That's great. I'm just saying, like, when you're known as kind of like, if one of the Oasis brothers fathered a kid outside of wedlock, you'd be like, yeah, that's what they would do. They're like kind of, you know, curmudgeon-y rock stars. Yeah.

But when you're the nicest guy in the world who loves family and loves togetherness and all of a sudden... Cheating on your girl is one thing. Fathering a kid? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's crazy. That's insanity. Yeah. I mean, he probably didn't want her to keep the kid. But still, you nutting in a girl... Like, you have a whole family and a wife and you're no rubber nutting in a girl on the side? Yeah. Like, so what I'm starting to wonder is like...

Do we have to look back at the way that we've perceived Dave Grohl as a marketing campaign that we've all fell for for years? Or is this an innocent mistake? I think people need to stop upholding random people that they don't know as perfect deities that can do no wrong. We just do this all the time where you just see a guy and you're like, that guy's perfect. And then they do anything wrong and you're like, how could they do this to me? But they also lean into that shit, Mark. They lean into the character of I do everything right. And that's my only issue is like,

it's very easy to share the wrong things you do. And it's also very easy for you and your publicist to come together and put marketing dollars behind how awesome and genuine and beautiful you are. And you might get an ego boost out of that.

Out of the whole world thinking you're the best guy in the world. But I think every famous person does this. Every publicist is like, okay, go do the dog charity and we're going to leak it to TMZ or whatever. Yeah. You know, I think that's just the nature of what being a famous person is. Yeah. And so he just happened to take hold within the minds of the people. And they were like, yeah, this guy is the greatest guy.

And then I think it's on the people to be like, yeah, not every person is perfect. I bet you this rock star that's been famous since he was 15 years old probably has done some fucked up things. Also, to be fair to him, he's not taking every photo op. He's not taking every... We just find the cool things he does, like bringing his...

The son on stage should play the drums or whatever. That was so cool. That was awesome. It wasn't his son. It was the... Yeah, the band member who died. They had his son play the drums. We watched the video. It was amazing. It was beautiful. I'm like, go, go, go. So I'm just... To Mark's point, yeah, these guys... A person is all things. Not can be. We all are all things. Yeah. Anybody could slip up, I guess. They've been married 21 years, so... Yeah. I'm not saying that makes it acceptable, but if people slip up after a long time, it happens. Yo, but slip up is like...

I know what you mean. This is... If he just cheated, it's one thing. It is different. It is different. I mean, but you don't know if, like, the condom broke. Like, you know, again, I'm not defending the guy, but I'm just like...

In my experience, it's impossible to get pregnant. The amount of times he would have to fuck this girl and nut in her for her to get pregnant is... You can't even count them. He's like, you did IVF? What's up? What's up?

One night stand? You didn't know how he was? I don't even believe in one night stands. I don't believe in this. You know when the athletes get the girls pregnant all the time? I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. They're fucking thousands of girls and nutting at them. And then eight got pregnant. They also have the best sperm. Objectively. I don't even believe.

to believe that. All they eat is gummy bears. It's the most athletic sperm. It can get over any obstacle. Spin move. I understand that, but I don't subscribe to it. How not?

I don't believe it. I just don't believe it. I want to eat gummy bears and look like these motherfuckers. Like, that's good genes. Yeah, I don't believe it. That's actually... I understand the point you guys are making. What I'm saying right now is no. What I'm saying is no. You're listening to the abortion debate and you're like, why would you kill a kid if you paid money to put it in there? Exactly. Why would you do this? Exactly. This is craziness. When I hear these people arguing over abortion, I'm like, what do you mean?

mean? Like, there's no babies? What are you talking about? Like, it's impossible to get pregnant. Like, what are you even thinking? Why is this even an argument? If someone has it, I'll pay you to keep it and take it off your hands. Yeah.

and says you're not gonna do ivf on your sister this is disgusting this is fucking wait no don't think about it don't think about it so so when i hear this i'm like wow like this guy this guy really wanted to get this girl pregnant that that's how i interpret it i genuinely am like he wanted her to be pregnant bad and that's why he nutted in her for 10 years straight that also could be true

We don't know the info. He hasn't said her name. He just put that there. How old is Dave Grohl? He's probably 50s. Yeah. Get the fuck out of here. Get a 50-year-old rock star. 55. 55-year-old rock star has been doing fucking drugs and drinking the majority of his life. Bust one time in some Russian honey pot and she's pregnant? No!

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Maybe he's been fucking thousands of girls. That's the one he got. I subscribe. Maybe she's Latina. Maybe. And this is a big, there's a lot of different things. Malcolm Granville should write an entire book about this. This is, this is true. Now I will sit. Now we're talking here.

If this is just what he does, he just busts down every single girl on the road, just nuts in every single one. Then, and this is just the one that got pregnant because what might come out is other girls might be like, he's acting like he doesn't do this, but like he fucks us all at Alconum's and that's kind of his kink. And he likes to do that.

Then what is the perception? He's cool as fuck. He's a rock star finally. Not this gay likable shit he's been doing. I'm a hero. There goes my hero. Which is what his fans are thinking. Apparently there's cheating allegations in the 90s with Winona Ryder and many other people that he dated in the 90s. A hot musician bangs people

Come on. Why you gotta call him hot? Because he's a hot guy. I don't know if anybody could sit in his house. I do this because I'm the type that you like that type. You're like a grungy guy. This guy is hot, dude. What are you even talking about? This guy is hot. No way, dude. Come on. Is he Asian?

I mean, I was about to say. He is actually 100% Korean. He looks like Ben Uyeda's Down Syndrome brother. There's no way. He's got to be Asian, right? It's just bright, I think. Maybe he's just bright. No. So do we know the girl? No. Damn, I wish we knew. I do think if you marry a rock star or an NBA athlete or a professional athlete in general and they cheat, as a woman, it's like, what do you think was going to happen? Yeah. Yeah, it's like, oh, it's like...

If you're tall... What? What? Can I get through the metaphor? Y'all don't even know where I'm going with the metaphor. It's like if you're tall, you're going to cheat.

Right? Like, you gotta expect that. If you date someone tall... Yeah, because you can see so many other girls. Exactly. Define tall. I don't know, like 5'9"? Damn! No, no, no, no, no. No, but like, yeah, exactly. It's like, you know, you're with a tall guy, he's gonna bang his head on shit a little bit, and that's something you have to expect. Both heads. Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Trump needs to get shot at again. That might be the only thing that can save him. I don't want that to happen. I just want to clarify that. He wants to win. But if he wants to win, I think another attempt would be helpful. I don't want that to happen, and I hope that that attempt fails. Just pointing that out here, that is a tragic... Did I say something illegal? I almost feel like I was illegal right there when I said... I don't think it's illegal. But if Kamala wants to lock it up,

Wait, she also has to fake one. She got to eat a cat live. What the fuck? She got to eat a cat live on TV. She got to skin a cat and barbecue that little... Just tear it up live. Wait a minute. No, that's not what she should do. I got a little trick right here. I think they both need to do assassination attempts. On each other? On themselves. Exactly. At the debate. They're both like, whoa.

I mean, if someone tries to shoot a Kamala and she evades it, she wins guaranteed. It's not even a fucking question. She wins guaranteed. Not even a question. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Speaking of Taylor Swift. Wait, real quick. How much of her doing better? I hate you. I hate you with all my heart and passion. Oh, no, but actually...

her man, biting your style. That is true. That's crazy. But welcome to the club, my boy. That's all I'm trying to say. You gave it up. Welcome to the club. You gave it up. You did give it up. So the moment you faded it, he's like, it's mine now. You did give it up. He did wait. He did wait. Yeah.

And he blamed it on the movie, so he can't even take credit like he wanted to do it. No, I didn't want to do it. The movie asked me to do it, so I got to give them the credit. But there's one where he has his hair parted like I have my hair. It is shockingly similar. All I'm trying to say is, you know what I mean? Welcome to the gang. I'm the innovator. It's all good.

Did he just get tired of being good looking? I don't understand. That was insulting to both of us. You just hurt everybody's feelings. Yeah. You killed two birds with one stone. I mean, that is the haircut to make yourself look uglier, though. Thanks, Al. But you did it much better now. You knew you were. You're a handsome guy. You just, that haircut made you less handsome. Yeah. You know what I mean? But you knew that. Why y'all care about being handsome? Yeah. Yeah.

Wow, wow, y'all are crazy making me say them things. Making me say them things. Boy, cook it.

Oh my God. No, but pull him up at the US Open because that's when he really looks like jokes. Yeah, you know exactly where it was at all times. I don't even think it was US Open. I think Alex just... He had the Gucci bucket at the US Open. Oh, was he? I think he was going to something else. Not like I've been paying attention. Yo, we are gay guys. We are gay guys. Yo, what's wrong? I don't like the full Gucci fit. We're judging motherfuckers for eating...

we already eat. When there's guys butt-fucking sucking cocks. Wait, what? What about that neighborhood? We're talking about the Haitians in Springfield, Illinois. You go out to the West Village, there's guys sticking their dicks in poop. For the love of the game. Find a hole in the logic. Come on. Find a hole in the logic.

logic pretend you don't work with wheezy and find the hole in our logic find a hole in my logic haitians don't do that they're not gonna put their dick in never no never never do such a thing they will eat a duck hole in one bite they will sometimes they will they like duck but they won't put their dick in a shitter you know shout out to haitians bro i defend y'all man yeah imagine seeing them like do the whole neck breaking thing with a duck like that

That's a little too much. What video are you seeing about this? The way you kill a chicken. I had to do that one time. You twist a chicken's head off? A duck. You have to spin it around like that.

How'd it feel? Kind of weird. Made you feel sad a little. You know that psychos do that when they're kids, right? I didn't go for fun. I went hunting. No, you didn't go hunting. You were one of them. You were close. You went hunting for fun, for the record. Yeah. Go because you needed the food. I did go to Central Park. I went to Central Park and I got the duck. You were close, Mark. And I gave it to a Haitian guy. What do we always say about Mark?

I was a latent bedwater. Always say. Of all of us here, definitely you're the closest. He was killing animals as a child. I was a latent bedwater, too. This is another symptom. No, I used to do that shit off of pure laziness. Respect. That's fine. Pure laziness. Pure laziness. I'd be waking up. I'd be like, ugh, I'm not trying to get up. And I'd just pee on me. Yes.

That's wild, bro. That's crazy. That shit was fire, bro. That is crazy. Ah, so warm until it's cold. So warm until it's cold. You are nasty. You are nasty. Bro, what do you do then? Hey, when you get out, I go down the little ladder because my brother's sleeping beneath. Oh, I haven't seen that. He's getting Chinese water torture. Boop. Like that. Boop. That's how COVID started. Boop. Boop. Damn. Damn.

That's crazy. The good old days. So nice. To be a kid again. Literally. And just pee in your bed. Just to let it rip in your own bed. Yeah. The comfort of that. The warmth of that. But you would change the sheets? Or the next day... Nah, you just bury your dick in that piss mound. What? What? What? What? Speaking of terrible shit. I can't understand just sticking your dick in a piss mound. Yo, the European minds...

Cannot fathom pissing in your bed, letting a Chinese water torture onto your brother's forehead. Guantanamo Bay. The European mind cannot. Why is the European mind incapable of fathoming burying your dick into a twin size mattress and just peeing through it till you hit the coils?

Why can the European mind not fathom that? Why can they not fathom it? It's something that drives me crazy. The European mind getting up, walking to the toilet, peeing in it.

What is wrong with the European mind? The country sucks. The European countries suck. The European countries run by some fat dyke in Germany. She's not even there anymore. What is her name? How could she possibly understand? Mama Merkel? Yeah. How could she possibly understand? I don't know. Sticking your dick in a piss mug. She doesn't fucking know anything. Built like groove.

making laws fucking European minds bro yeah so anyway if you were president what would you do what's up what's up with what's up with Tenet Media bro oh yeah that's kind of wild shout out to them yo we fucked up how did we not get a bag for that I know

What the hell are we doing? I'd have been a Russian puppet for a long time. We're backing up Trump for free? Say again? Yeah, what the hell? We're fucking idiots. Is that what they were doing? Yeah, they were backing up Russia and shit. So it's who? Tim Poole's... It's one of the people at Tenet Media. Their involvement, I don't know the exact details. Lauren Chen. Dave Rubin. Dave Rubin. They claim that they didn't know.

No, they didn't know, but they didn't bother to look into it. Yeah. They were getting crazy bags for doing shit that didn't deserve the crazy bag. Yeah, you're getting $400,000 a month. That's kind of crazy. For four videos. You think your content is that fire? Oh, yeah, just four videos? Yeah, come on. And the chick worked for Russia Today before, right? Melissa Chen or whatever her name is, Lauren Chen, worked for Russia Today before she started the Tenet Media thing. Oh, wow. I'm pretty sure. I'm not sure, but...

Listen, whatever. Get your money. Yeah. Also, I don't think they changed their, by the way, I don't think they changed their perspectives, but I also don't think that was the goal of the campaign. I think the goal of the campaign wasn't for them to spout out disinformation. I think the goal of the campaign was for us, the American people, to not trust any media. Because if those four people are bought, who else is bought? So you think it was their goal to get caught?

Yeah, no, I don't. I don't think they're upset at getting caught. Because now I'm like, yo, who's putting the money up for Rumble, bro? Are we talking about Operation Mockingbird right now?

The greatest CIA operation ever. Talk to me about that. Basically, the CIA from declassified documents. Let's go. The CIA had basically put money towards independent journalists and media figures to basically buy their influence. Well, well, well. Hmm. Well, well, well. From declassified documents. Well, well, well. They buttoned our shit. Yeah, once again. So let's think about it. Who's putting the money up for Rumble? Rumble.

Rumble is clearly giving an outlet for, I would say, the most divisive voices online. Yeah. Right? You don't even need to pay them to say the things they're saying. All you need to do is amplify the voices that are saying these things. Yeah.

And give them a platform because what you want is just disruption in America. You just want people fighting. You want people saying crazy shit and reacting to crazy shit and making it seem like everybody here is at each other's throats. That's what you want. And it really doesn't cost that much for a country. We're talking about a country here, right? If a country is just like, all right, shave off a billion dollars. Russia's like, hey, listen, shave off a billion dollars of our new oil profits.

And just sow some disinformation in America. Prop up a bunch of these streaming platforms. I don't know what you even call Rumble. I guess it's streaming, but it's also like videos. And I don't know.

I don't know where Tucker's at. Tucker's so egregious with it. Didn't you do an entire video talking about how great Russia was? That's the only reason I'm like, I don't know if they're propping him up because he literally was there saying how amazing a Russian grocery store is. Yeah. That would be too on the nose. But maybe. Yeah. Who's the money behind? I want to know where the money is. But the fact that I want to know might be the point of the campaign. Mm-hmm.

It was just really interesting to see independent media grow.

within a few years completely discredited itself. Yeah. We were so excited about independent journalism until they got the taste or independent journalists got the taste of money. Yeah. And they immediately leaned into whatever gets them the most views and the most money, which is exactly what CNN does and Fox News does. It took a matter of years before greed completely manipulated free media. I wonder if it's cheaper. Yeah.

I wonder if the money it takes to buy a CNN or to buy a Fox is so much more than paying 100 independent influencers. Of course. And much less dangerous, because CNN and Fox got to vet you a little bit, because they're on the hook with their publicly traded companies. So they're on the hook with their people on the stock, people on the shares. And if it looks like they're corrupted, forget it. Game over. I mean, my understanding is that Fox would have won that Dominion lawsuit.

Like if it actually went to court, but Rupert Murdoch and the other top brass at Fox would have to take the stand and admit that like they push out propaganda and that it's sensationalized and that would tank the company. And that is worth way more than $800 million. Wow. So they're like, fuck, they got us by the balls. Okay. Give them the 800 million because we'll maintain Fox, which is a billion dollar franchise. Yeah. Wow.

But that's it's way cheaper to buy them off. You're paying 100 grand a video and then they'll say whatever they're already saying. Again, I don't think. Tell me where I'm wrong in this. Sorry. Let's because they're saying what they're they're all saying, like we didn't know we're victims. Tell me where I'm wrong. Is it not worse that you're just saying what you believe and Russia is using that to be like, oh, this is perfect propaganda for us?

Like if you're so American and what you're saying is something that Russians are looking at and being like, oh, this is great for us. This is going to ruin America. Is that not worse? I would almost rather you be for. Here's the reason why I think it's worse is because that assumes everything America does is good.

Okay. Right? And everything Russia does is bad. And I don't exactly think that's the case when it comes to maybe the Ukraine-Russia war. Right. Like people will be pointing out like, oh, we're giving $50 billion to Ukraine in weapons. This is stupid. We should be helping people here. That obviously helps Russia, but that is just like a foreign policy dispute that can go either way to Pentagon.

So they're cherry-picking the things that help them, as opposed to everything you say. And they're also utilizing things that help them in ways that the person saying it might not think initially. But I don't know if that's necessarily... But also... And weren't some of them told what to say? Because I saw there was one video where a guy was like, oh, Ukraine's our enemy, or some shit like that. Yeah, Tim Fool had said...

On an earlier stream. I don't know the exact date, but something to the effect of like Ukraine. Ukraine is the enemy of America. Yeah, there is no proof as of now that he... The only two people I think that they know for sure that knew were Lauren Chen and then whoever the other founder was. Because she started it. Her and her husband started the Tenementia company. So probably her husband. So yeah, they're definitely spies. And they're also from Canada. And that's another thing that's fucking annoying. It's just like, yo, mind your business, yo. Yeah. If you're from Canada, don't start a fucking media company in America. I'm all about like...

All of you, mind your fucking business. When it comes to our politics, mind your fucking business. Don't start a media company here. Don't do that shit. Mind your business. Go talk about your shit. Yeah. I mean that. John Oliver, go talk about your shit. Yeah, but they should not pop them. Say again? They should not pop them. That's what annoys me. I mean. It was kind of annoying when Trevor Noah would talk to Americans about racism. And it's like, buddy, couldn't you like not walk down the street with your fucking...

Like, yeah, you guys don't know anything about the country. You don't, you haven't lived in Alabama. You haven't lived in Arkansas. You're using these places as punchlines, but you don't know anything about them. Like, it's just not, shut up, shut up, shut up. All of you, shut up. You're just here to be famous. And this is your way to be famous, your way to make money. But shut up. I'm sorry. Like, it is, it is getting a little bit annoying. It is. This is your choice. You came here for fame. And this is the avenue of fame.

I would feel uncomfortable going to a foreign country and then shitting on half of it. Like, as my job, every week, I would feel uncomfortable. I would feel... And also the...

Americans were so self-loathing that like we allow it to happen, which is like hysterical. That's a product of privilege, being self-loathing. Of course, 100%. That was a great point. But if we went to another country and did it, they would fucking berate us. Imagine an American goes to England, puts on a weekly talk show where he shits on half of England. And look at these poor fucking, what do you call them, yokels and these dumb motherfuckers up in Yorkshire and these idiots. They would be riding in the streets.

Let's go do a daily show in Iran. Let's do a daily show in Iran. Great fucking idea. That'd be fun. It's almost like comedians going to other countries and shitting on them every time they get there. Well, I would think that I do it in a way that acknowledges... I'm very deliberate about the way I do it. It's like, hopefully when I leave, those people there go, wow, he really took some time to understand the culture and really figure out what's going on here. That's a peculiar thing. It's also like,

This is a stupid way of saying it. It's like my way of saying, thank you for coming out. That's my way of going, hey, like, I'm not just going to make this only about me. I want you to know that like...

I appreciate you guys being here and I appreciate your country. Yeah. And it's not politically driven. Yeah, it's not shitting on the politicians. Exactly. I'm not trying to get you to vote red or blue. Yeah. I know you're fucking around. But like it there is it is a good thing to bring up because I think that could be a reaction. But I think the distinct difference is like I'm doing it out of like love. I'm like, hey, I love I appreciate you guys being here and I want to let you guys know here are some jokes about you guys, too. When they're doing here, they're doing it for money and fame.

Yeah, they're interested in these topics for sure. But I imagine if someone was like, hey, can you guys not do that show? And instead I just want to make you an action superhero. I think they'd be like, okay. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's why Jon Stewart is the GOAT. But I don't think there's many people that would say no to that.

Of course not. You were giving me $100,000 for an eight-minute video. I'm like, yeah. I'm like, shit on the iron. That's the reason why I don't criticize them because I don't think they knew. No, I do criticize, but I don't think that they knew. And you don't go asking where the money comes from. So you're talking about the Tenet Media guys right now, right? Yes. Not John Oliver, Trevor Noah. No, no, no, no, no. The Tenet Media guys. You don't go asking where the money comes from. Like, I...

We don't ask where the fucking money comes from. We're going to do a sponsorship on this podcast today. I haven't vetted any of these companies. Blue Chew could be owned by fucking China, for all I know. And they're trying to get our dicks hard. They're trying to get our dicks hard. They're doing a good job. They are doing a good job. Yeah. Now, so it's very... So I do have some empathy for not the Lauren Chen one and her husband, who are clearly a Russian. But Tim Pool and all these other guys. I do have some empathy. And they apparently gave him a story.

They said that the funding came from a fictitious persona of a wealthy European sponsor, Edward Gregorian. Gregorian, yeah. I would take the money. I'd be like, yeah, it's good enough for me. Yeah. This is a wealthy guy that wants content for his thing. He wants Trump to win or whatever. He's like a right-wing dude and he's going to make money on it. You could be like, all right, maybe. Yeah. The point that I think that we should be making here is that all of the independent journalists and independent media...

that has been shaming mainstream media for being biased, for being bought by the corporations. I think it's very hard for them to continue doing that, knowing that they don't spend that much time vetting the people sponsoring their videos. Because if you really care about being unbiased,

Even if you are in your videos, the fact that the people know that you've been bought by special interest groups, it can discredit what you're saying. Yeah. In the same way that we discredit...

CNN or Fox News for maybe not being as critical as they could be about the pharmaceutical industries because they are responsible for 50% of their ads. Now, CNN and Fox might be like, we do stories all the time about how fucked up the pharmaceutical industry and the Sackler family pushing fentanyl, whatever it is. But the perception is still, you're bought. It's also worth noting that the report basically says that they had influence on their content.

So it wasn't for some of them. Yeah, that's what I heard. I read that the DOJ said that all them outside of the Lauren Chen and her husband, all the other creators are not being accused of ties or espionage or having their videos be manipulated. That's what I read in the DOJ report. This says the two defendants requested that tenant influencers produce content blaming the Krakow City Hall attack on Ukraine and the U.S.,

But that doesn't mean that they were forced to make that content. It just means that that content aligned with what they wanted. No, I think they're saying it asked them to make it, but it doesn't say who.

It could have been one person. Like, they asked them to make that content and the rest of them didn't know. Right. You see what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. No, it doesn't say which one. And it always just says, like, commentator one and two. It just says their subscriber amount. So it doesn't actually say who did what. But according to this, it just says that two defendants requested that tenant influencers produce content blaming this attack on Ukraine.

So if they're requesting it, again, I don't know if they agreed to it. Maybe they said no. They could have asked, yeah, they could have just asked Lauren Chen and her husband, and then they decided who they wanted to make that content. They told those guys to make that content. They made that content. And maybe they said no. They said we don't want to. Yeah, I don't know necessarily, but if there is an outside influence in like foreign dollars changing the type of content that you make, to me, that is more egregious. I think the important thing is that we are all willing to sell out, myself included. Russia, what's up? Yeah.

All this time, I'm not getting a bag for saying I'm Team China over here, man. I'm missing out for years. What you think about the Tucker interview with the

martyr maid guy. I didn't watch the whole thing, but I saw the clips. You guys didn't watch it? No, no. I saw the clips. I saw some clips. It's not even close to as bad if you watch the whole thing as the way it's being perceived on Twitter. Oh, really? Yeah. The way that I saw it on Twitter was this guy said the Holocaust wasn't that bad. It was poor planning. It was poor planning. The concentration camps were poor planning. I think it was actually, the planning was really well done.

It was like a masterful planning. And then Winston Churchill was a coward and like the true enemy of the war. Those are like the sound bites that I heard and saw. The true villain. Okay, so here's what I'll say. I listened to the whole thing. A couple things going on here. If you're a historian, you've dedicated your life to... Okay, he says a couple things. He says he likes creating content around cultural mythology.

And what happens is every culture has their mythology. There's religious mythology, but there's also cultural mythology, meaning like this is the course of history in America. This is how we see it. And this is exactly what happened. And we do not chip away at that. We do not offer alternative takes. This is just what we all accept happened. And.

The way he framed it is, is like, and oftentimes, like, that isn't exactly what happened. It is just the framework of what we want to believe happened. And there is wiggle room for truth. Now, the way that he describes the Jews, what happened in the Holocaust in this brief moment and Churchill, I'll start with the Churchill thing. This is pretty interesting. He goes, I once said to a friend,

And I may have been being hyperbolic and purposely antagonistic. But I said to him, the real chief villain of World War II was Winston Churchill. But he caveats it going, I'm trying to antagonize him. And what he strikes me as is a guy who gets his intellectual rocks off by exposing things to people that they feel they truly understand and

And showing them that there is another take that they don't understand at all. Now, the problem with this is nobody does as much research as him, except the other experts. The rest of us don't. We watch a few World War II movies. We learn about it in school. And we're like, that's what happened. And then he comes over and he goes, the original idea of the Germans and Hitler was not to have...

not to just kill all the Jews, that this was a... How do you phrase it? Do you use specific language? I don't remember. It was a planning error, and basically what happened is they had all these people, and they didn't have enough food to feed them, and there's even letters from the guards like, would the humane thing to be to do is kill them instead of having them all starve slowly throughout the winter. Now, here's the interesting thing about this, right? None of us...

have read anything about World War II. None of us can refute that. None of us have read the letter he's referencing. None of us have read the books that he's referencing. We don't know. Do we want to read the books? No. Are we going to read the letter? No. You know what's way easier?

This guy's a fucking anti-Semite. That motherfucker hates Jews because I don't want to read. That is way easier. And that's what we do with most things. When we have to do a lot of intellectual heavy lifting, we just go, I don't want to deal with this fucking shit. We do it all the time with black people. Somebody offers certain statistics about, you know, black crime and these things. And then someone goes, yeah, shut up, you racist. And it's like, well, I do think with what he's saying here, like there's just a couple of questions that you would ask follow ups. Like, why were they in the camps?

You can't... Why did they not get the... What's going on? Okay, it's like even having this conversation, I think what we have to acknowledge here is that most historians that have reacted to this have said that he is incredibly wrong, that he is...

In my estimation, he's just trying to have a hot take about history. If you dedicate your life to history, you can't just write a new book that's the same book that everybody's written. You're not going to sell any copies. So he's trying to be like almost a comedian about it where it's like, OK, here's another angle you didn't know about. OK, I think a lot of times historians do this when they want attention. Here's the reality. There is maybe some truths in this thing.

But it's not as sexy when there's just little bits of truth. It's sexier and gets the entire Internet talking when you come from a completely different angle. OK, so just to caveat that, you said you said something real quick. And this wouldn't be easy to just ask follow up questions like why were they in the camps in the first place? Yes. His argument would be like, OK, what we're doing is we're purifying the German identity. Yeah. We don't consider Jews German.

We also don't consider the Catholic Germans or the Black Germans or the fucking gypsies or whatever. I think they were also in the camps as well.

So the Jews just happen to be the largest minority in Germany at the time. It's not like there were tons of fucking Muslims and shit there. Jews are large. So they're the largest quantity of people that are in the camps. There's also this idea that they've been being blamed and Hitler used this hatred of Jews and their control in the banks. And they're the ones that are suffocating the German economy. He uses fear mongering to build this kind of support.

which he's not acknowledging close to enough in this argument. He's not the mind comp thing that you brought up last time. It's like, isn't that the whole point of the book? I don't know. I haven't read my comp. So I can't say whether he said, yo, we're going to gather them all up and kill them. But even, but even after mind comp, like as he's coming up in power, like Andrew saying Jews are mentioned in every single topic. Absolutely. So absolutely. Absolutely.

So, again, even this is like so delicate to talk about because in my head as we're talking about this, I'm like, oh, they're going to take some excerpt out and say, oh, they're apologizing for the hog. That's why these conversations are impossible. Do you want to wear a kippah while we do it? Yeah, he has a pass. Exactly. He's good. Go.

Again, this is like the way to have a hot take on history. Yeah. See it all the time. I wonder if historians will also do this where in the conversation there is a basic assumption of facts that they don't always reiterate them. Like, you know, like when comics hang, like the jokes will be dark and fucked up because there is a basic assumption like, yeah, we're comics. I'm making fun of like

you're dead dog because that's what we do. And that's what, like, we're friends like that. So I wonder if historians do that where they're like, oh, well, did you know this about World War II? And the assumption is like, yeah, Hitler's bad. But they don't always reiterate it because they're sort of desensitized to the topic at hand. So I thought that. And then I, he was on Twitter defending his position. I read this whole thread. Basically, like, it's basically, like,

The word he's apologizing for Hitler, I wouldn't say he's apologizing. He's like, this person is horrible. What he did to humanity is disgusting, is awful, vile. That's not what he's saying. It's incredibly vile. But what he's saying is that in his position, he didn't think that Hitler wanted to extend the war and that it was actually Churchill. And then there's like a veiled suggestion that

Churchill had some debts that were paid off by... He doesn't say it, but...

the Jews, and he's kind of in the pockets of the Zionists, and they wanted this war expanded, and that's why he continued the war when what he alleges to the Hitler was trying to sue for peace. In other words, he was like, I don't want to go into Britain. I got everything that we need. We're good to go. And does he substantiate this, or is this just like... Yeah, he's like, they dropped pamphlets and did all this other shit. And he's saying, like, even... What he's saying is, like, Churchill was just...

All they had, I guess, at the time were these like firebombs that you could drop. And he like was just firebombing the Black Forest, anything to continue the conflict. He wanted to continue the conflict.

This is what he's saying. This is what he's saying. Right. Now, of course, this is incredibly engaging because you're like, well, I haven't heard this side of history at all. I just heard the side where Churchill is just like brilliant, powerful, brave leader that saved the world from speaking German. It also feels like it's politically and culturally convenient. Yeah.

Well, I'm sure that's why Tucker's having a walk. I don't know. But it is like, there's so much anti-Israeli vitriol on Twitter. And then it's like, also, World War II? The Jews did it. You're like, whoa, what? Also, by the way, just a technical thing on the bombing runs. This is proven. The Brits would...

would do the bombing runs at night because they were getting picked up out of the sky every two seconds. The Americans, who actually had some consideration, were doing the bombing runs in the daytime. I'm talking about the Black Forest drops. We're talking about a different time. We're talking about before the Americans have even engaged in the war and before Britain is even officially at war with Germany.

So, like, I think Germany invades Poland, then they take France, and then apparently Hitler's going, yo, I don't have any intention of going to Great Britain. Like, the real war is going to be eastward. It's called the phony war, I believe. I don't know the term for it. But, yeah, again, so...

You're listening to this and you're like, wow, I haven't heard this take on this historical event. And even if you disagree, you're going to read the whole thread. You're going to go through it. Yeah, it's fascinating. I'm not even saying it's a pick on you. Dove would read the whole thread because he'd be so riled up. I understand what he's...

That's how we're paying attention. We're talking about it right now. These historians, man, just stick to ancient civilizations and aliens for the clout. Oh, you know Jews actually started aliens. You know that, right? Really? You didn't know about that? I believe this. It's interesting you say that. When there's enough time

You can speak about the historical moment, right? Yeah. And nobody really cares. Like if somebody's talking about like what, you know, Alexander the Great really did or what he really conquered and someone has an alternative take,

It's not like the Macedonian community is coming out, well, actually, technically, his body didn't go to Egypt and it went over here and we have maybe a few people, but it's so distant. It is funny that sometimes you will see people doing this and you're like, wait, what's going on? I was talking about Mahenjodaro. What's that? Mahenjodaro, like this ancient civilization that got destroyed and there's bodies everywhere. Yeah. Yeah.

But no, I brought it up and I was like, yeah, it's located in modern day Pakistan. And then there's all these comments of people being like, it wasn't Pakistan back then. That was India. We built that. And I'm like, come on. Perfect example. It's like only a small faction of people are going to be really riled up about it. And it also doesn't matter. But this is so close. And it is, like he said, part of our accepted mythology. The Western mythology that is accepted is this.

And when you chip away at that, there are going to be people that are incredibly angry. One, because they're like, have I been lied to my whole life? Well, I'd rather not be lied to my whole life. I'd rather this guy be a liar, right? Because I don't want to do all this research and learn all this different reality. Like, of course not. Brock the whole foundation. But it seems disingenuous to take out specific soundbites to make him look terrible. Now, he doubles down on other things that I think are very, would cause a lot of engagement, but also might be seen as racist things.

I don't think they're racist per se, but it's this perception that like he has empathy for like the white people in England. They're like, oh, yeah, died. Their ancestors died in World War Two. They fought this war to maintain the idea of what an English person is. The whole argument is we can't let Germany take us over. We'll lose our identity as England. We should die. And all these people should die.

So that our children can grow up with an English identity, something that we preserved for a thousand years. Doesn't seem racist at all. Now he's like, now you have all these immigrants coming in and completely changing what it is to be an English person and an English identity. And what is England? And he's like, well, what the fuck did we do all that fighting for? What was the purpose of that? And he thinks a country has the right. He goes, he goes, well,

His argument is that this is American influence over the West, where Americans' identity is built around accepting immigrants and give us your weak, give us your hungry. And we've never had this moment where being an American is this one thing. It's always been about accepting. Right. Yeah. And we're kind of imposing that on these countries that have existed for thousands of years, right.

And now people are eating dogs in Buckingham Palace. What's going on? Yeah, they're coming over here. So, yeah, I remember with fish and chips and that stuff. And I was like, OK, this is what the guy is doing. This is who the guy is. He's catering to a fan base. He's going to get his money. Go ahead, buddy. And I don't. But at the same time, like, I don't I don't know if that's like a horrible argument. I think you have to spend some time in Europe to understand it, because if you try to understand through an American lens, it makes no sense at all.

Like, what makes New York amazing is the diversity. What makes New York amazing are all these different cultures. We're all living together. We're sharing culture. And we've curated the most amazing city in the world. It's truly amazing. He's a comedian with some really interesting premises. Yeah. But you shouldn't take him seriously when you go home. But I don't know if you believe that. Because if...

All of a sudden, again, white people started moving to India and changing what Indian culture is. Like, you've already complained about Indian culture becoming too westernized. Yeah, but that's— And Japanese people started coming and then making it a little more Japanese. I'm going to cut you off because India got imperialized, got conquered. India was supposed to have an entirely different trajectory. It got robbed, pillaged, raped, fucked.

Now I have a sensitivity to it. England didn't get imperialized, robbed, pillaged, raped, fucked by any of these foreigners for sure coming in. No Indian country. That's not true. But you're bringing in Indians when you have the British Empire for sure. But I mean, like.

Of course, the Roman Empire conquered them. I mean, yeah, not by but not exactly not by the people that you don't like. He doesn't have a problem with Romans, Italians coming over. No, he does. He's a problem with Italians. Yeah. So I think those guys that are rioting, he's saying each country.

Like, if Italians came and made England Italian, he is an issue with it. He doesn't like the no border policy. He doesn't. So he's like every country that fought for their identity should be able to uphold that identity. The people he's defending, they don't have a problem with Italians. The people he's saying, I understand where they're coming from and sympathizing with. I'm not going to argue on them. I

But that's who he's supporting. Sure, sure, sure, sure. What I'm just saying, I hear what you're saying. But his argument about a nation being able to fight for its identity, and if it doesn't, by not accepting large amounts of immigrants, they are looked at as racist. I don't know if they should be looked at as racist. If the idea of fighting that war was to preserve the English identity—

and accepting large groups of people from other countries is naturally going to chip away at that singular identity.

I understand the logic behind it. That could be one of the many emotions, but I do think there's some racism involved in the same way that like they're not going to be upset at the Italian restaurant opening up in their neighborhood. You've made that argument. I'm not saying that. And this is just what I'm saying earlier. That's a great premise. I can't find a ton of holes in it. A comedian has a great premise. You can't just find the holes in it. It's fun. But we both know at the end of the day, this is not like a real thing this person believes or you should know. See, that's I don't like getting into those arguments where it's like,

we're going to assume what they really mean. Like, I'm just trying to have the argument based on like the words that are said, which is does a country like does Hawaii have the ability to maintain their Hawaiian culture? And when Western culture starts to come in or even Japanese culture, where these other cultures start to chip away at the Hawaiian identity, do they have the right to be frustrated with that or are they racist?

When they're frustrated. Yeah, but again, you're talking about a colonized place that was... Like, that's where the difference is. Okay. Remove colonization. Like, just do a thought experiment. Just do a thought experiment. Yeah, as a thought experiment, if they've never been colonized, don't worry about it. Everybody's been colonized, so that cancels out everybody. I mean, they're still colonized. Like, right now. Okay. Uh...

This is why these things are so difficult. It's really hard to just even hypothetically discuss it. Like if Mexico got mad at a bunch of Americans moving in, I would honestly be like, this country changes. Like Mexico has been its own country for a long time. Country changes. It's not Indians moving into England where it's like, well, we have to come here because you actively took all of our jewels. They're still in your fucking palace. So I have more opportunity here. I'm coming. You think those jewels are doing anything?

India was a wealthy... Like, jewels are going to help $2 billion. I hate this revisionist history where India was wealthy and then now all of a sudden they're broke. Yeah, what is... How is that now all of a sudden? Like, what are you even talking about? I mean, look at Africa. Like, they took all their resources and Africa's still a poor continent. I mean, like, I just know that you don't have anything to substantiate that. So it's like, there's no way to...

We're living in a world where there's no way to prove the trajectory would have gone completely positive. There could have been infighting and war. I don't know if it would have been completely positive. But it would have been... I said it was just a completely different trajectory. I didn't say it was worse. Completely different trajectory. That they did not have control of. In that situation with Mexico, I would totally...

totally understand if Mexico is like, hey, I don't want you chipping away at our culture. I think that is happening a little bit. I think some Mexicans are mad that El Salvadorians come up and they take over little enclaves or something. I was talking about Mexican buddies. They have immigrants that are moving through and they get annoyed by them.

I don't know if it's all of Mexico. I doubt it. And again, we're different, especially like New York, because this is part of our identity. We've had these different groups of people that we fully embrace coming in here and becoming part of the fabric of what it is to be an American from the beginning. Even when we went west, there's Mexicans, there's Native Americans, there's always all these different people.

Even when we're uniting the country, we were colonies of different countries. So there are different cultures for us to even handle. You go down to New Orleans and there's like French speakers. Like there's just all this different stuff that we've had to deal with. So this is our idea of what a country is. Some of these scoop the bagel ass people. That's me. I'm a scoop the bagel.

Get the fuck out of my face. That's racist. Get those people out of there. So I do think we're projecting our idea of acceptance on other countries that are just like, hey, listen, we've worked thousands of years to curate this identity, and we don't want to water that identity down. And the people that do come in here, and if they end up watering it down, it's not going to be something we like, and don't call us racist for that. You tell me if I'm wrong.

Mm-hmm. Like, let's say a bunch of Chinese people start to move into Italy and they start to, like, change what it is to be an Italian. Are they racist for that? No, probably nationalist. But is that wrong? I mean, I guess it depends to what degree. Based on our perspective of a country, that's wrong. But we also don't have thousands of years of history and, like, identity built into that. Like, I don't know. I would feel wrong. Like, I...

I know India is a different example, but like,

I'd feel like, let's say white people, just Europeans, start moving into China and slowly changing China and making China more white. And they were like, hey, we don't like how China is becoming so westernized. We're losing our cultural identity. I wouldn't be like, you fucking racist. How dare you? I'd be like, yeah, I get that. We're coming to your shit and then making your shit ours? We talk about this with gentrification all the time. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking about. When it comes to gentrification, we unanimously agree it's wrong.

And then when it comes to the gentrification of a country, we don't like it, but we don't stop it. Yeah, that's true. But it's oftentimes the people that they don't have the power to stop it. And if they maybe did have the power, they would they would do something. I guess like I think it's like a power and affluence thing. Like I think powerful countries that don't accept immigrants in large degrees are then seen as xenophobic. Yeah. Whereas poor countries that don't accept them are seen as protectionist.

Yes. They seem like they're conserving their resources and not just letting anyone in. And maybe that's why Italy wouldn't bother me as much. Also, maybe just Italian culture is cooler to me or whatever. So the Italy thing, I'm like, I get it more for Italy than England. England, I also think if you have a problem with the people coming in, that's a little different than saying, hey, if you're going to come here, just assimilate. If you're

If you're going to come here, do our shit. I wouldn't love that, but I get it. If you're going to move to my country, embrace our culture. This is what it is. If they're telling the people, come here and embrace what it is to be English. Muslims, stop doing that to women. That's fine. But when you have a problem with them coming in, it starts to feel different. So here's the thing. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

If you say, hey, if you come here, you've got to take on our traditions and customs, like France basically says, hey, you can't wear the hijab, you can't do that. Then all of a sudden you're like, well, you're not really a free country. These people can't even live free, right? Like they're criticized all the time for the lack of freedom that they're giving Muslim women. I think they said they couldn't wear hijabs during the Olympics. So they're restricting their freedom. They're basically saying you're free to be French, but then don't be not French about it.

But then also, they don't want to restrict their own citizens. So if you're a citizen of France, you have the freedom to reject French shit, but not if you're coming from the outside. I guess what I'm trying to say is— But I think this notion of a free country is very American. Okay, that's fair. I don't know if that's a part of the cultural identity of Western Europe. Okay, that's fair. That's fair. I guess what I'm trying to say is, well, maybe if France—Liberté, Galité, like freedom is part of the—

Liberté, égalité, what's the other thing? Fraternité. Fraternité, yeah. So like freedom is in the slogan for the country. I just don't know if it's built into the cultural ethos the way it is in America. Okay, fair. I guess what I'm trying to say is like this is a very...

difficult conversation, not difficult, maybe, but prickly conversation where every side has like decent justification. And I think all too often, because we don't want to have a conversation, we're like, ah, you're a racist. Yeah, shut up. You're a racist. I don't know if that is. And I don't think I would call a country racist if I was the one coming into their country and trying to change it to make it easier for me.

And they were like, and they were rejecting that. I wouldn't call them racist. I would be like, that's inconvenient to me because I want my shit. But you're not racist for that. I am coming to your country trying to change it to make it good for me. Mm hmm.

I feel like that's a little much. Like, I'm going to your shit, trying to make it more comfortable for me, and when it's not, you're racist? Yeah, I think it is a power thing, though. Like, if you're coming from America, it's like, oh, yeah, you're already coming from, like, a superpower. Yeah. If you're coming from a much worse-off country that's still developing... Yeah. Yeah.

Then I think people would be like, oh, why can't you help the needy? Like, I think like these concepts of like... That's an American? And that was the argument he was making. This is an American identity that we are...

putting on European countries that have fought for thousands of years to not have. There's a reason they got borders out there in Europe, because millions of people have lost their lives over thousands of years to watch out those borders so they can keep their languages and their cultures. They're like, I don't want to be French. I'm from Switzerland, but we almost speak the same language. I don't fuck with you. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely a new idea. No question. I think like a thousand years ago, if you lived in Rome...

right 2 000 years ago if you lived in rome like your ethnicity didn't really matter so long as you assimilated to being roman like i don't think they had the same even understanding of like race and ethnicity in the way that we do now i don't think they saw people's like oh you are an african person or you are an asian person i think they were like you are roman or not roman and so

Is that fair? Unless you were Jewish and they put you in the ghetto. Yeah. Even back then? Yeah. But it was fine. But I think these are like, I think it's not necessarily built on racialized lines as the way it is now. I think the idea of ethnicity was different. So I think that that is uniquely American, the idea of ethnicity, because of the way America developed through colonization. The idea of race and blackness and whiteness kind of comes out of that, to my understanding. Yeah.

And so now that race is sort of constructed, I think it has been exported to other countries where it's like now they're grappling with this idea of racism without necessarily the historical heritage of racism as we've had in America. Yeah. So whether or not they should or shouldn't, I think is like up for debate. I don't know if it's necessarily settled. But don't you think that like part of the ethos of America would say accept you're hungry, you're weak? Mm-hmm.

that wasn't part of the ethos of these other countries. I think the only time they were accepting immigrants is when it was beneficial to them, when they needed cheap labor. And I will say, if a country like France needs cheap labor because their people won't work and they ask these people from foreign countries to come in, that is a very different situation than if they're being benevolent and bringing people in that need help. If you're being benevolent, you're truly just helping people,

Then you want to add the expectation of, hey, fall in line with what this country is. That's fair. But if you're bringing them in so you can pay them almost slave labor. Yeah. And then you're on top of that going, but also it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. You can't have it both ways. Again, it's just a fucking hard. It's a tricky one. It's a tricky conversation that we like immediately label people and make radioactive. But if you really kind of zoom out, it's not that.

It's not that immediately. Yeah, it's probably more nuanced. I also just know nothing about European immigration policy. And also, I think the understanding of what is and isn't racist, I do think is culturally tethered.

Like, we don't necessarily have colorism in the same way as it exists in, like, Brazil and parts of South America. But, like, that exists there. So what they would consider as racist is probably slightly different than what we would consider it as. And I think it is tied to, like, the violence that your history has gone through. And I would also say to Akash's point, it's like, if you have colon... Like, England, I have far less empathy for. And, like, France, I have far less empathy for. Because if you have colonized these nations and you have...

I'm not saying like they deserve to be there, but a lot of these, I think the communities of these countries that grew within England did it when these countries were still part of the, um, the empire. What is it called? Uh, British empire. Yeah. There's a, there's a name for it. Um,

I don't forget the name. But like Jamaica, for example, I think was part of the British Empire. Even Canada was still loosely... The Commonwealth? The Commonwealth, yeah. Australia. The Cayman Islands. Yeah. So like these people going back to...

the homeland, if you will, it's not their homeland, but it's the homeland of the center of their government, the center of the decision-making. I don't think that you can fault them in any way for that, especially when you've controlled those regions and you're extrapolating resources. So I think that is... That's where I feel like it's a little bit different. But if it's a country that you have no connection to at all... I get it more. Then I get where they're coming from more. That's... Okay, then that's... That was my point about India. Sorry for being reductive about your point. No, it's fine, but...

This strikes me every time I go to India. Like, the infrastructure is fucked and all of that. But it was a country that, once they got freedom, not only had everything been kind of plundered, they got 400 million people when they start the country. That's a lot. America starts with 13 colonies, 1,000 people, and then it expands and it gets to build up everything as it expands. India starts with no money and 400 million people. They got more people there.

than we have in America now. It's incredibly difficult. On one-sixth of the land mass. So every time that strikes me and it's like, yeah, I get, if I got to go to England, some of this is your fault. Maybe not all of it. Some of this is your fault. I'm bringing my shit over in the same way that you feel about the labor. It's like, this is... Yeah. I do think, yeah, I don't know. That's why, yeah, that's why it's almost like a shame thing

No, it's not a shame. Like, I like the fact that this information is available on a podcast for everybody to consume. Maybe the problem is, like, Tucker is so radioactive in the perception of him that even a conversation like this is going to be viewed through the lens of that radioactivity. You know, like, if this guy maybe, maybe is talking to, um...

some fucking npr pbs nerd or something like that john stewart or even so like here's an alternative take on this and i understand that this is going to be inflammatory but let's try to extrapolate this without name calling and give me pushback you need healthy pushback is what i was going to say instead of tucker going yeah where's the fucking nuremberg trials for that it starts to look a little bit weird yeah yeah he's like excited about it he's a

Do you think he knew what he was doing in that point? The one that is going back to the killing of people during World War II? Did he specify Jews or civilians in POWs? Because I think what happens is like groups that have been pushing like this is the history of the Holocaust. They're saying we have this proven. And then he's bringing up a point about some German officer who was talking maybe about some civilians who

and POWs in Russia, and they didn't understand what to do with them, and that's the point he's making, versus the Germans had a plan for many, many, many years to kill the Jews. That's just fucking proven, and Tucker's not there to call him out on that point. Was he choosing to not specify because he knew this could get some action? I think this is the reality.

None of us had ever heard another take outside of the Germans had a plan to kill all the Jews. None of us have ever heard it. And then he comes out and he's like, yeah, that wasn't their original plan. That wasn't their he goes, that wasn't their original plan. And none of us can cite a book or a speech or anything where Hitler goes, yeah, that's my plan to kill all the Jews.

The way he was talking about it, he could have specified. Hold on, hold on. Here's the question, and this will be the deciding factor. Can you cite a line where that was said? So the argument of what I read after that is that... The answer is no. No, he was quoting one German officer that said this, and other people are like... Doug, you're salad-ing. That's not what I asked you. And this is why what these guys do is so effective, is they can attack...

The accepted truths that none of us have even bothered to research. Because we've accepted. Because we've accepted as truth. None of us have even, you would, no one even would go, let's see if Hitler actually said that. We're like, of course he said he did it. He murdered 6 million fucking Jews. Like I don't need proof of it. The proof is right.

there my father went to all the concentration camps he saw it and so just to substantiate what he's not saying this guy is right he's just saying we can't prove him wrong because we've accepted it is right so we don't do the research to refute that but you can't prove we haven't we haven't done the research we just accepted it's like this it's like this if he came up to me he's like you know you were really born september 23rd i go what he's yeah you were born you know i go no it's more october 30th he's like

That's just what your parents told you. Yeah, that's what your parents told you. There's a report from the hospital in Mount Sinai that there was an Andrew Schultz born on the 23rd.

I don't have any information. But you have the birth certificate. What? You have the birth certificate. But I don't have it on me. I'd have to call my mom. I'd have to find... So you're saying, like, you right now, all of us, now have to go and look for when Hitler's like, we have to kill all of them, and this is the plan, and Goebbels or whatever his name is, say, hey, this is our plan. Let's put them all down. We have to go find that because it was just an accepted piece of knowledge that...

And I'm sure there's hundreds of times out there where they were like explicitly, this is our goal that we're going to do.

But because we don't know the page of fucking MindCom for whatever propaganda journal they're putting out, because we don't have it. We don't have to react to everything in real time. We don't have to react to every piece of information. But that thing has come out for weeks and none of us have gone and done the research. That's more what I'm trying to say. And I agree with you, we don't have to. But that's why it's effective. Because one, there's a whole bunch of anti-Semites on the internet that would love for his shit to be true. Yeah. Right? Yeah.

But two, because we just accepted this reality that he threw a fucking nuclear bomb in the middle of, and then none of us could defend it in that moment. Every World War II historian is trying to debate the guy, which to me shows that he's a little bit of a fugazi. But that's what I was saying. He chose the language in that moment to not specify Jews so that they could say, wait a minute, I was talking about people. Yes, I'm sure he would get bodied by a World War II journalist, 100%.

But what he is exposing, which I think is interesting, is that accepted cultural mythology is something most of us cannot defend because...

It is so... It's accepted. Yeah, it's so accepted. And it's so ubiquitous that you would never even get pushback from a person. Like, in our life... Yeah, we never think to... It's what we all are taught. It's what we all agree on. We've all agreed upon this as a society. Who needs to find any evidence to support something we've all agreed on as a society? It's like... If everybody in the world is religious, I don't got to prove God exists. There's no atheists. Great, exactly. I got to do that.

And then if one guy's like, God, it doesn't really... You know what? Especially when the start of the episode is like this guy Tucker is putting on a platform. This is the new voice, the greatest historian. You're like, damn, I already did all the work when I was a kid and watching the movies and now all of a sudden

one podcast and it's all fucking out the window. And to Andrew's point, this might have been a cool, interesting discussion if you had someone who was willing to give him pushback and have a healthy discourse. Hey, let's do this on friendly terms. You're providing an alternate point of view. I obviously don't agree with it. Let's talk this out. Because if somebody was well-versed enough to be like, okay,

I know what you're referencing with that message, but here's a clear letter from Hitler to Goebbels where he says, the only path forward is to eradicate the Jewish people. What do you say to that? And then he goes—

And for all those listening at home, that's what happened. The WAN-C conference, final solution, all that stuff's real. But that's great that you can reference it, but find that. Find the line, and that completely discredits what this guy says. You also don't need to know everything, though.

Like if someone brings up a counterpoint, like I think one thing is you can just be like, oh, I've never looked into this. I don't know the information offhand. I need to think about it. Like I think not knowing is also fun. And then also not needing to know, being like, this doesn't really affect me. It's not above my line of, you know, personal intrigue. Like it doesn't really matter at the current impasse. So I'm not going to look at it. I think that that's a great point just for life in general. I think with this specific thing that like,

there is so much cultural mythology built in specifically for Jews to like hear this alternative version of what something that there's like so near and dear to their identity, parents' identity, like to hear this other take that where it's kind of like flippantly thrown out that they weren't really targeted. They were just part of the prisoner's war. I think that's

That's triggering. And I think when deconstructing cultural mythology, I think you should take care to try to couch it in what your intention is. So like, okay, here's the thing that's going to go against what you think. This is not trying to justify the flagrant anti-Semitism that's been happening and pervasive in culture lately. This is not trying to say that the Jews did World War II. This is just to bring up a more nuanced counterpoint to this one specific thing. And you can use that to frame your belief unless you are trying to cause that point. But...

Like he said, and I thought that this was the most telling part of the whole interview, and this is the lens I looked through it. Like he said to his friend, I wanted to antagonize him. I wanted to speak hyperbolically. Yeah.

And I think that is what he gets off on. I think this guy loves the fact that the internet is going crazy because that's why he looks at – that's why he defended Jim Jones and that whole thing. It was completely misrepresented. He was actually a civil rights hero. Like this is what he does.

Like we were saying, it's a comedian taking a contrarian take. Wasn't he an intelligence officer? I think he was. But I think that's contrary to what the goal of a historian should be. I think it should be ideally trying to look at truth and examine it and not to antagonize people. He's doing it for him. Yeah, his goal is to make money. I don't know why he's doing it, but if that is the case, to antagonize instead of truth, I think it's probably better. I think we can safely extrapolate. He's in it to make money as opposed to be a historian. I don't know.

I don't know. I don't even know if it's money, Akash. I literally think it might be like... He's in it for him. You said it better. There's an ego thing there, whereas if you're a true historian, ideally, it has nothing to do with you. Yeah. You understand how small you are. Yeah. You're honoring the events. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Guys, listen, that's been another episode of Flagrant. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. Patreon, coming this Friday, slash flagrant. We love you. We appreciate y'all. Peace.