cover of episode The Mystery of Muscle Spasms: Could it be Lyme Disease?

The Mystery of Muscle Spasms: Could it be Lyme Disease?

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Ancient Health Podcast

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Dr. Chris Motley
Dr. Chris Motley:本期节目讨论了不自主肌肉痉挛(如耸肩、眨眼、清嗓子等)与隐藏性慢性感染(如莱姆病)之间的关系。他指出,感染会导致神经炎症和刺激,从而引发肌肉痉挛。这种机制涉及感染产生的毒素(如氨、甲酸、甲醛等)破坏神经周围的脂肪鞘,降低神经信号传递速度,并增加神经的易激惹性。他建议进行神经组学检测、有机酸测试、氨测试和甲醛测试等,以检测神经毒素和感染。他还推荐了一些可以帮助清除感染和毒素的草药和补充剂,例如隐裂叶、猫爪、积雪草、印楝、血清素、谷胱甘肽、苹果果胶和叶绿素等。此外,他还强调了饮食在预防和治疗中的作用,建议食用富含迷迭香、牛至和橄榄油的地中海饮食。 Dr. Chris Motley: 本期节目详细阐述了不自主肌肉痉挛的病理机制,指出感染产生的毒素会破坏神经周围的脂肪鞘,导致神经过度兴奋,从而引发各种肌肉痉挛症状,例如耸肩、眨眼、清嗓子等。他强调了感染的多种来源,包括蜱虫叮咬、蚊虫叮咬、接触受污染的水源以及与感染者密切接触等。他还详细介绍了多种检测方法,例如神经组学检测、有机酸测试、重金属检测等,以帮助诊断感染和毒素。在治疗方面,他推荐了多种补充剂和草药,例如谷胱甘肽、苹果果胶、叶绿素、隐裂叶、猫爪、积雪草、印楝等,以帮助清除感染和毒素,并恢复神经功能。他还建议采用地中海饮食,以增强免疫力,预防感染。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do involuntary muscle spasms and tics occur, and what is the link to hidden chronic infections?

Involuntary muscle spasms and tics can occur due to hidden chronic infections that irritate and inflame the nerves, leading to hyper-excitability of the nervous system. These infections can be from Lyme disease, parasites, viruses, or bacteria, and they can trigger neurological symptoms by affecting the protective sheath around the nerves.

What role do toxins play in nerve irritation and inflammation?

Toxins produced by infections, such as ammonia, formic acid, and aldehydes, can deteriorate the protective fatty sheath around nerves. This deterioration makes the nerves more susceptible to irritation and inflammation, leading to hyper-excitability and symptoms like muscle spasms and tics.

How do infections impact nerve function and cause neurological symptoms?

Infections can create toxins that eat away at the protective sheath around nerves, making them more vulnerable to irritation. This can lead to hyper-excitability of the nerves, causing symptoms like muscle spasms, tics, and other involuntary movements. Infections can also directly affect different parts of the brain and nervous system, leading to specific symptoms based on the location of the infection.

What are some common sources of infections that can lead to neurological symptoms?

Common sources of infections include Lyme disease, parasites like malaria or babesia, viruses like Epstein-Barr, and bacteria like strep or staph. These infections can enter the body through various means such as tick bites, contaminated food, or contact with infected individuals or animals.

What tests can help diagnose infections and toxins in the body?

Tests like the Neural Zoomer by Genova Diagnostics, organic acid testing, blood ammonia testing, and heavy metal testing (such as hair analysis and urinalysis) can help diagnose infections and toxins. These tests measure the presence of neurological toxins, heavy metals, and specific infections in the body.

What supplements and dietary changes can help clear out infections and toxins?

Supplements like liposomal glutathione, apple pectin, chlorophyll, chlorella, and bentonite clay can help clear heavy metals. For infections, supplements like Cryptolepis, Cat's Claw, Bacopa, neem, and tinctures from RegenX Naturals can be effective. Dietary changes include consuming herbs and spices like rosemary, oregano, and olive oil, which have antimicrobial properties.

Why is the Mediterranean diet beneficial in reducing neurological symptoms?

The Mediterranean diet, rich in herbs like rosemary and oregano, and olive oil, helps kill off viruses, stop viral replication, and clean up biofilms of strep and staph. These dietary components can reduce inflammation and support the immune system, thereby reducing neurological symptoms associated with infections.

This chapter explores involuntary muscle spasms, such as shoulder shrugs or eye blinking, and their neurological basis. It emphasizes the role of hidden chronic infections in irritating and inflaming nerves, leading to these symptoms. The importance of movement and the impact of inflammation are discussed.
  • Involuntary muscle spasms are neurological symptoms.
  • Hidden chronic infections can irritate and inflame nerves.
  • Inflammation disrupts nerve function and causes involuntary movements.

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to the Ancient Health Podcast, where East meets West in the world of medicine. I'm Dr. Chris Motley, and here we explore how modern Western science and traditional Eastern wisdom come together to unlock the body's full healing potential. Each week, we'll dive into powerful tools, techniques, and approaches from both sides of the world to help you optimize your health and live with vitality. Let's bridge the gap between ancient practices and cutting-edge medicine. Let's get started.

Hello friends, welcome to the Ancient Health Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Chris Motley. Today, I want to ask you, do you suffer from involuntary muscle spasms in the form of shoulder shrugs or involuntary blinking, eye squinting, clearing of the throat when there's nothing really in your throat, turning of the head or pulling your chin up without a cause?

Is there a need or a feeling that you have to basically move your body, but you don't know why? If you experience these symptoms, you have to think neurological. Neurological system, brain, central nervous system, peripheral nervous system. And if you do, we want to talk about the infections, the possible hidden chronic infections that could be actually causing your nerves to become irritated and inflamed

and cause those nerves to trigger without basically a warning. And let's talk about the herbs I have seen in the office work so well at clearing some of these infections and calming down the muscles, such as Cryptolepis, Cryptolepis Supreme, Cat's Claw Supreme, which is a universal herb from South America that cleans out Lyme disease and infections and reduces inflammation.

I also love bacopa. Bacopa is such a great herb and it's known for cleansing the brain and the neurological system and healing the nerves. It makes you very sharp in the brain. And I also want to talk about using tinctures that could clean out parasites such as malaria or babesia, infections such as Lyme disease, and even the pesky strep or staph that could be in high amounts in your brain causing these problems.

If you suffer from this and have these types of involuntary movements, let's talk about the mechanism. The mechanism is your muscles are firing through the nervous system and they are aided by a fat sheath, a sheath of good fats around your nerves that increase the transmission of those neurological symptoms or signals throughout your body. So your brain,

is firing the peripheral nervous system to cause movement in the arms and the legs. Now, it has been shown through research, but also through my personal clinical experience, that there could be infections within the body leading to these types of shrugs and eye blinking and basically clearing the throat. Every week I'm in the clinic, somebody is on this table right behind me,

And whenever I'm working with them, they cannot stop fidgeting their hands or moving their shoulders. They have to keep moving. Some people will say, well, I just can't sit still. I got ants in my pants. Now, not everybody that has this has any type of neurological fatigue or toxicity or even a microbe. But the majority of them have experienced or have an infection that's affecting their neurological system.

When they're on the table their nerves are firing and They get irritated if they have to sit still but after I start working on their vagus nerve and resetting their pelvis and using cold laser therapy this laser right here they start to calm down and the blood and the Chi starts to flow through the joints and through the organs and they stop their jerking and their movement and

I have a young patient who has suffered highly from Lyme disease such as Ehrlichia and Babesia and even liver flukes and has hardly gained any weight but is starting to gain weight. And when she sits here on the table, it is one of the hardest things for her to do. Her mother is always trying to apologize, but it's no fault of the young one that she's always having to move.

But there's always a need for her to turn or to twist. Why is that? Because remember we talked about that sheath of fatty acids around the nerves. There is a triggering that makes the nervous system believe it needs to move. And yes, movement is crucial for our health and our development, especially when we're dealing with Lyme or infections.

But when there are inflammatory markers or agents within your body, when I say inflammatory agents, when I'm talking about any type of infection that's creating a neurological toxin, and these are fancy terms, but if you study them, they're known as ammonia, formic acid, endolic acids, even ethanol.

Aldehydes, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, these are basically infections or basically toxins created by infections and they are created by yeast, mold, bacteria, viruses, parasites, certain types of bacteria.

They had the ability to reduce that fatty sheath around the nerve and deteriorate it to where the sheath is very thin and the effect on the nerve where you can actually aggravate the nerve quicker. Does that make sense? That fatty sheath around the nerve protects it. It increases the velocity of nerve signals and makes them quicker. But let me ask you this. What would happen to a nerve

If that protective coating was peeled away, just think of it as wearing a warm parka jacket. The thick down-filled jacket would make you feel super warm, heat, energy. But if you wore a thinner jacket, you would get colder easy and your movements and transmission would be slower. It's the same thing with the nerves. Think about the pipes on your house at winter.

Some individuals have to put protective styrofoam around their pipe so that they can keep what? Flowing. But if they get cold without the sheathing, what happens? You have a reduction in the transmission of water. The same thing happens in the nervous system. So these nerves create these toxins. The toxins then eat away the sheathing. And now the nerves are being hyper excitable.

You have nerve fibers in different layers, A, B, C, and even D-level layers that do have certain protective functions. They record certain things like tingling, stinging, numbness, pain. And when you eat away through the layers of the nerves, you'll start experiencing numbness, tingling, pain, and even neuropathy.

So you see that it eats away. It can affect each layer, giving you the symptoms. And then that nerve is exposed. Have you ever had a tooth where a nerve was exposed and how bad it hurt? Many of you out there right now are saying, oh, yes, I've had a nerve that was exposed. It was a worse pain. Think of what happens in basically every

your nervous system and your nerves, if it was being eaten away by certain microbes and those nerves were then very hyper excitable by the excess toxins from the infections to the exposed nerve causing pain in the nerve. Now that is in the form of joint pain, muscle pain, fibromyalgia, extreme joint and muscular pain, ligament pain, joint pain.

And then you have all the other symptoms such as extreme numbness, tingling, fasciculations, muscle spasm. Remember, you're firing the nerves. You're eating away through the layers, causing the nerve to hyper-excite. Now, the signals may be slower because the insulation has been eaten away. But the aggravation of the nerve can be higher because there's no protective layer. The signals are reserved for the brain to send the signal through the nerve.

It is not reserved for Lyme infections, eating away and tapping the nerve and causing a signal to go down through the body. That is why individuals start to get these involuntary shoulder shrugs or eye squinting. Why? Because depending on where the infection is, it will determine where the hyper excitable nerves are. So if it's around the eyes like Lyme disease, you could have squinting.

You could have blinking. If it's around the ears, you could have sudden tinnitus. Ears ringing. I can't hear. Eardrum. Feel like it's being beat on. Jaws clenching. In the throat. The cervical lymph nodes. The infections around the throat can cause you to feel like you have to clear your throat over and over again. Even infections within the deep areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus, right in the middle of the brain.

Right near the anxiety centers. They can be basically aggravated and cause an individual to think they're going to have to almost sneeze or clear their nose. Sniff. Push out air. Infections in the middle of the brain. Infections that are in the base of the cranium will cause you to do what? Look up, lift your chin, and try to release your neck. The same in the shoulders. What if you had an infection that was in the pericardium, the areas around the heart, or in the heart tissue?

then you would have fasciculations in the heart, tachycardia, rapid heartbeats, increased blood pressure, or increased heart rate, followed by a sudden drop. You see how muscular function throughout the body is directly associated with nerves and how those nerves operate and how well the sheathing around the nerve is protecting the nerve. So every muscle...

Every muscle it could be organ muscle arterial muscle neurological muscle Basically the muscular tissue that's running throughout the system all of them can be affected even skin tingling or itching or even numbness So if you've ever experienced tick bites mosquito stings Swimming in a river or lake or body of water that was very dirty if you had a partner or

that was highly infected with Lyme disease or mold. If you've had a lot of animals that were sick around you or maybe even slept in the same bed with you, some of these types of infections are possibly could get into the system through the skin, through saliva, through different means of going through the skin, through the openings of the body. But I'm saying this not to sound scary. What I'm saying is, is that there are ways

that these neurologically infectious microbes can get into your body. And they will cause many of these things to occur without you even knowing why. Because you take all the experiences in your life that are normal, like swimming in a body of water, having a great pet, a beautiful pet, having a great partner. These are nothing wrong. They're awesome experiences.

In fact, I encourage it. I think it's great. But if you did have possibly an infection within these types of vectors or basically hosts, which I hate to call them that, but if you did, now you can understand, well, maybe that does explain why I've been getting fibromyalgia or pain. Now, this is not to blame others and try to point fingers, but it's just to give you the possibility of what happened.

So if you remember that you did get a tick bite and you said, man, I remember that. Now I've got fasciculations or cramps all up and down my legs. I always have to blink my eyes because the brightness of the light is too much. I can't handle the bright lights, which happened to me with Lyme. Those are muscle fibers being affected through the nervous system. So you have to pinpoint or look back and find out where the possible infections could have come from.

And when you do, you could say, I do remember after that moment, after I had that food poisoning, when I was in Bali and ate some food. Everybody tells me that they go to Bali and they get sick. I don't know why. It happens all the time, guys. And they say, well, I got sick in Bali. And then they started having what? Hand sweating profusely. Leg and upper back cramps. Digestive cramps. Infections creating neurological distress.

So we want experiences in life, but I want you just to look back in your history and try to focus in on what could have caused the issue. Not to get hyper-focused, but to just be aware. Now, if you're listening to this and you say, yes, doc, I've experienced that and I think I knew what happened. There's no point in looking back and regretting, blaming, pointing fingers. But the next step is to do some proper testing. Now, there are many tests out there that work well and some that don't.

But I would suggest that when there's neurological testing to be done, a new test, which I have seen with my patients called the Neural, like Neurology, Neural Zoomer, Z-O-O-M-E-R by Genova Diagnostics, is an amazing test that measures neurological toxicity. It tells you which toxins are in the body and which infections it could be related to.

It also talks about autoimmune function, how certain amino acids and certain tissue in the brain have autoimmune tags in what parts of your brain your own body is trying to attack. A neural zoomer test. Also, organic acid testing. Oats for mold toxins. Those are invaluable. Get ammonia tested. Ammonia, blood ammonia. Formaldehyde testing.

aldehyde testing, organic acid testing. If you get these types of infection toxins tested, you'll be quite surprised how high they could be in your body. Then if you find the neurological toxins, I then look into not only them, but I look into metals. Metals can be a neurological toxin, heavy metals. You can do an oligotesting, oligodermal testing, where they measure

the actual mineral content of the body through skin receptors. You can get it through getting a basic hair analysis or urinalysis for heavy metals. Heavy metals in the urine mean how much you're actually excreting. Heavy metals in the hair mean how much is actually just sitting in your system and been there chronically. Find out heavy metals, aluminum, mercury, cobalt, beryllium, nickel,

Cadmium. These are all heavy, especially around factories. If your parents were high in mercury or cadmium, they could pass it to you. These in themselves can be huge neurological distressors. They can actually cause your nerves to be damaged. And you work at finding out heavy metals, toxins, or infections. Get Lyme disease tested for. DNA connections with an X. Connections. DNA connections or vibrant wellness labs.

to look for Lyme disease. Look for strep or staph through vibrant wellness. Epstein-Barr virus, antiherpetic virus, cytomegalovirus, roseola virus, pox viruses. Yes, all of these can show up in the body and they can create toxins. Viruses are very bad at neurological toxins. Why? Because they implant in the actual nerve, guys. If you've had cold sores,

If you've had any canker sores, sores in the mouth, split lips because you always had puffiness around the lips. If you've had that, if you've had any type of warts that would come up all of a sudden young, molluscum contagiosum. These are viruses that have spread throughout the neurological system. Again, not to be scary, guys. This is just awareness. Neurological viruses spread.

And if they do, they can cause impairment to the neurological signals causing some of these disruptive movements. Just because somebody has a cold sore, you don't look at it and go, oh, it's just a cold sore. It's a canker sore. No, if it's all over your body and it's been happening for a long time, you really need to take notice of it and start cleaning it because you don't want the neurological toxins in the area where the infection is at. Look into this testing. If you do find the infections or the toxicities, you want to look into what are some of the things that could clear the toxins out.

What could clear the metals? Now, write this down. For heavy metal toxicity, look into liposomal glutathione with highly concentrated apple pectin and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is so good at help replenishing the gut lining and help with doing what?

cleaning out the system to help your liver clean out. I also add in chlorella. So chlorella, chlorophyll, apple pectin, and glutathione. You will start seeing your metals getting chelated and taken out. There's also really good bentonite clay. If you can find a colloidal bentonite clay, that will actually help draw the metals out. Please check it out. It's amazing.

These can help with metal toxicity and you can see your involuntary muscle spasms start to reduce. For infections that I just mentioned, for Lyme disease, let's go through a few examples. Go to Supreme Nutrition Products and look at some of the supplements they have to help with clearing out the Lyme disease. But here are a few examples that I like. Again, Cryptolepis. It's a beautiful plant from Africa that will clean out Lyme infections. Cat's Claw. Even Bacopa.

I like neem, melea supreme, M-E-L-I-A. Write that down, guys. Neem. These clear out infections. One of my favorites is hemogard. Hemogard is a mixture of papaya. It has ginger. It also has ginkgo. And that will clean out your bloodstream so well. Now, if you're on blood thinners, ask your primary care doctor about that.

But I like that. I love tinctures. I love going to RegenX, R-E-G-E-N-X,, formulated by my good friend, Dr. Alan Linsley. He's got beautiful tinctures that clean up Babesia, Bartonella, Lyme disease. Guys, Now, you want to start cleaning out the infections. You want to start purifying them. You want to start giving your body energy. And I do like...

Regenexx Mito formula, mitochondria formula at Regenexx Naturals. But you want to make sure that you're creating ATP and mitochondrial strength. So look at the Regenexx company website. And I'm going to try to put a link here in the show notes. And I also want you to remember that Research Nutritionals has really good ATP mitochondrial healing. Research Nutritionals.

These are all ways to start finding out what are the steps to help you decrease your infections and to move forward.

The way you reduce the inflammation, the toxins, and then start restoring with the ATP mitochondria type supplements along with heavy fatty acids, restoring the fatty acid levels with essential fatty acids, 369, plant-based or fish-based, which you prefer, using things such as collagen and even good bone broth.

to help start restoring the neurological function and health. Why is it that in Italy there's hardly any signs of heavy amounts of heart disease, heart palpitations, congestive heart failure, heavy amounts of diabetes, or even there's not much signals for high MS in that country, even though there's quite a bit of delicious chocolates and lots of coffee and lots of wine and cigarettes. Why?

Because their diet has lots of rosemary and oregano. And they even take shots of olive oil at each meal. All shown to help kill off viruses, stop viral replication, clean up strep and staph, clean up biofilms of strep and staph, and even oregano, killing some of the hardest known microbials. Your food is your medicine. So,

Look at herbs and spices in that way. Eat in a way to help you fight off infections. So I want you guys to take note of this. Any ticking, any eye movements, any clearing of the throat. Yes, there could be different genetic issues at stake. There could be different types of physical, structural deviations. Totally.

But I would say that one of the things I'd want you guys to check for is the infections, the heavy metals, and the toxins. Let's start clearing them out. Let's start clearing them out. If you guys like this information, if this is something that hit home with you, please give us a comment in the comment section. Give us a thumbs up. Subscribe if you like this kind of info. And please let us know. Send us a note and tell us what you'd like to hear. We want to be able to talk about it.

So, guys, until the next time, I hope that you have a blessed day. And we're going to be talking about much, much more in Ancient Health Podcast. Until that time, I'm your host, Dr. Chris Motley. Take it easy.

Before we wrap up, please remember that the information shared in this podcast is for educational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing, or other professional healthcare services, including the giving of medical advice. No doctor-patient relationship is formed through this podcast, and the use of information here or materials linked from this podcast is at your own risk. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Always consult with your health care provider before making any changes to your health regimen and do not disregard or delay seeking medical advice for any condition you may have. Thank you for joining us today on the Ancient Health Podcast. We hope you've gained valuable insights into the harmony between Eastern and Western medicine. If you've enjoyed today's episode, be sure to subscribe, share, and leave us a review.

Remember, true health is about balance, mind, body, and spirit. So stay tuned for more episodes where we continue to explore how ancient wisdom and modern science can work together to help you thrive. Here's to your health, balance, and well-being. I'm Dr. Chris Motley, and I look forward to our next episode together.