The podcast for curious weirdos! Bethany Watson and Kathleen Heaney are longtime friends and polar o
Our listener's husband BLEW IT with her Christmas gifts and she's afraid he doesn't really know her
The women dig into the topic of feeling isolated and how they've coped with it in the past. And Beth
Sam is a terrible bridesmaid. What mistakes has she made so far?
It's time to get honest: what will your family judge about you when you come home for the holidays?
Apparently, everyone cried during their Thanksgiving this year. Also, pick that fork back up and sto
Bethany has a new game for the other women. Play it at home with your tense family this Thanksgiving
The women answer your embarrassing and random questions!
Everyone is crabby today, so let’s clear the air! Sam confronts Kathleen about not wanting to hang o
Listener Amy needs advice about her long-distance relationship. Her British boyfriend is perfect, ex
It's week two of your scary stories! Good luck sleeping tonight.
It's our annual scary stories episode! Bethany is giddy over our ghost talk, but Sam is looking for
Sam got some vocal coaching and now she's all hot and bothered. Thus, it's time to talk about s-e-x.
It's time for some hard-hitting journalism from the pages of Cosmo Magazine. And grab your coworkers
Listener "Stephanie" needs advice, which the women are almost afraid to give at first. Then, Kathlee
Renowned paranormal investigator Jason Hawes joins the women to discuss Sam's mysterious puddle: is
The women read a reaction email to last week's "Hamish" episode. Then things take a turn to the para
Our listener Hamish just got a promotion and is suddenly his coworkers' boss. He's nervous. Put on a
We’re alive!!!
Bethany needs advice about her hurt feelings. Then, what will your last words be?
The hiking trip the women planned a year ago is here, and NO ONE is ready. Listen in to their panick