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Introducing: Encounters

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#conspiracy theories#mystery and suspense#political conspiracy theories#geographical conspiracy theories#supernatural experiences#cryptic zoology#urban legends and folklore#investigative journalism People
Andy McGrillen
Elle Scott
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@Andy McGrillen : 我从90年代中期就开始对UFO现象感兴趣,并在2017年开始深入研究。我曾在苏格兰格拉斯哥目击过一个巨大的旋转物体,至今仍记忆犹新。这次经历让我更加关注UFO现象,并促使我创建了《That UFO Podcast》播客节目。在《遭遇》节目中,我希望通过客观呈现事实,让听众自己判断伦德尔舍姆森林事件的真相。 伦德尔舍姆森林事件是英国最著名的UFO事件之一,它被称为英国的罗斯威尔事件。事件发生在1980年12月,美国空军人员在伦德尔舍姆森林目击到神秘的灯光,并声称与不明飞行物近距离接触。这个事件充满了各种各样的说法和理论,但至今没有一个明确的解释。我希望通过这个节目,能够更深入地了解这个事件,并尽可能地接近真相。 我对UFO现象的兴趣不仅仅是出于好奇,更是因为我相信了解真相对于我们理解宇宙和自身具有重要意义。我相信,通过对UFO现象的深入研究,我们可以更好地理解科学、技术和人类自身在宇宙中的位置。 @Elle Scott : 我作为一名播客制作人,一直对科学、哲学和自然界中的可能性充满兴趣。虽然我之前有意避免接触UFO相关话题,但伦德尔舍姆森林事件的未解之谜深深吸引了我。我希望能通过这个节目,以一个相对客观和开放的心态去探索这个事件,并与听众一起学习和思考。 我个人对UFO现象的看法还比较开放,我不会轻易下结论。我认为,在面对如此有限的数据和信息时,保持开放的心态,允许听众自己做出判断,才是最负责任的做法。我希望通过这个节目,能够帮助听众更好地理解UFO现象,并形成他们自己的观点。 伦德尔舍姆森林事件之所以吸引我,是因为它代表了人类对未知世界探索的渴望。我相信,通过对这个事件的深入研究,我们可以更好地理解人类自身,以及我们在宇宙中的位置。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the Rendlesham Forest incident, and why is it significant in UFO history?

The Rendlesham Forest incident occurred over two nights in December 1980 when US servicemen stationed in Suffolk, UK, reported seeing mysterious lights and claimed to have had a close encounter with an alien craft. It is often referred to as the UK's Roswell due to its unexplained nature and remains one of the most famous and unresolved UFO encounters in the UK.

Why did Andy McGrillen become interested in UFOs?

Andy McGrillen became interested in UFOs after his own sighting in the mid-1990s in Glasgow, Scotland. At around 10 or 11 years old, he witnessed a massive, spinning object with bright lights in a residential area, which left a lasting impression on him and sparked his fascination with the subject.

What is the goal of the Encounters podcast?

The goal of the Encounters podcast is to investigate UFO phenomena, particularly the Rendlesham Forest incident, by examining evidence, conflicting theories, and firsthand testimonies. The hosts aim to educate listeners, encourage critical thinking, and prepare them for potential government disclosures about UFOs.

How does Elle Scott approach the topic of UFOs, given her background?

Elle Scott approaches the topic of UFOs with curiosity and an open mind, despite having avoided it previously due to her obsessive nature. With a background in physics and philosophy, she is interested in exploring the philosophical and scientific implications of UFOs while maintaining a non-judgmental stance.

What makes the Rendlesham Forest incident comparable to Roswell?

The Rendlesham Forest incident is comparable to Roswell due to its high-profile nature, the involvement of military personnel, and the lack of a definitive explanation. Both events have become iconic in UFO lore, sparking widespread speculation and debate about extraterrestrial encounters.

What challenges arise when investigating UFO sightings like Andy McGrillen's?

Investigating UFO sightings like Andy McGrillen's is challenging due to the lack of physical evidence, reliance on eyewitness accounts, and the subjective nature of memory. In his case, the absence of camera phones in the mid-1990s and the reluctance of witnesses to report sightings further complicate efforts to verify the event.

Shownotes Transcript


UFO lands in Suffolk, and that's official, said the News of the World. But what really happened across two nights in December 1980, when US servicemen saw mysterious lights in Rendlesham Forest, and claimed to have had a close encounter with an actual alien craft?

Encounters, a new podcast available exclusively on Wondery Plus, takes a deep dive into one of the most famous and still unresolved UFO encounters to ever take place in the UK. Featuring shocking testimony from first-hand witnesses, journalists and senior military personnel, hosts, journalist, podcaster and UFO researcher Andy McGillen, that's Andy.

That's me. And producer Elle Scott take us back to the nights in question and examine all of the evidence and conflicting theories about what was encountered in the middle of a snowy Suffolk forest 40 years ago. I'm podcast producer Elle Scott, and I've always been intrigued by that question. You know the one. Are we alone? The Rendlesham Forest encounter is often described as the UK's Roswell and does seem pretty unexplainable.

But what actually happened back in 1980? If, like me, you're curious, come with us on this series and be prepared to question everything. Here's a preview of episode one. Hello and welcome to Encounters. I'm Andy McGrillin. And I'm Elle Scott. And this is a show that investigates that which is so frequently dismissed. I'm talking, of course, about UFOs.

But why are we doing this and why now?

Well, whether you're new to ufology like me or more down the rabbit hole like Andy, we want you to be as clued up as you can be. And that way, if governments or agencies did ever feel the need to disclose what they know, well, we'll all be ready. Yeah, I agree. A lot of the general public, Elle, have a limited to no knowledge or interest in the UFO topic. However, for those listening who have been watching,

ardent followers of ufology for months, years or decades. We hope this podcast you find something that is either news to you, a different way of looking at the topic or maybe something you've heard about a bit before and forgotten about in the years gone by. And on that note, what better story to begin with than the Vendelsham Forest incident?

It's pretty much the UK's most talked about encounter event, isn't it, Andy? Yes, Elle. It's essentially the UK's Roswell and it has that moniker for a reason. But before we get to talking about Rendlesham, I think we have to take it back a step. And this episode is an introductory episode to...

to introduce some context, some background, some UFO history, to bring folks up to speed to where we are now, and then we can jump back to 1980. But speaking of introductions, if you're in the UFO now, my fellow co-host here really needs no introduction. He's the man behind one of the biggest UFO podcasts, That UFO Podcast,

and he's a walking, talking encyclopedia for all things UFOs and UFO news. Thank you very much. I think I know a little about a lot rather than a lot about a little. Regardless of the ratios, you clearly are into UFOs. So take us back to the genesis, Andy. When did it all start?

I had my own sighting in the kind of mid-90s. How old were you? About 10, 11, something like that. And we left the kind of winter's night, October, November time in Scotland. And I remember looking along the road and to my left, there's like a Chinese, a laundrette, a chip shop, you know, local shop.

And to my right, just all houses, a community centre. There's no big fields. We're not in the middle of nowhere where a lot of UFO sightings commonly happen. And along the road, there is this massive object that you can't see the bottom of it because it's so close to the ground.

and it's spinning on its side so if you imagine like a ferris wheel at a carnival it was like that but tilted at a really acute angle and spinning incredibly fast just to get this straight this is the streets of Glasgow yeah

Imagine a ferris wheel at a carnival, but spinning at the kind of rate a washing machine would. So if it was indeed a ferris wheel and a carnival that we never knew was happening on our doorstep, everyone on that ferris wheel would have been dead at the speed they were being thrown off of this object or at least being spun around. So it's huge. And you can't make out a structure because of the lights. All you can kind of make out are spinning lights going round. No camera phones. It's the mid-90s, you know, unless you're carrying a massive camcorder on your shoulder. You weren't filming anything in public.

And we saw this thing for a couple of minutes and I remember we're about half a mile away from it. People would have been driving past it. So there's a whole other conversation we'll maybe get to another time about did we see it because of where we were and were there folks much closer to it who couldn't see it? But remember, we saw it, didn't report it to anyone. We don't phone the police. You know, there was no one to report it to. So there's every chance other folks saw this object and just never said anything about it either. So.

So it was just, you didn't see anyone else seeing it? Just the five of us, but we went one way, the object was another way. And really interestingly, the people that were with me, obviously mostly being family, they can't quite describe exactly what they saw. They just remember seeing something.

I've probably got a more detailed recollection, despite it still being vague, of what I actually saw. I've asked my mum, for example, recently. She's got no interest in UFOs, thinks it's ridiculous. She can't even recall exactly what the object looked like, just that there was something there. And so she doesn't think that it was a UFO? No.

I think that's a really interesting conversation to get into about, you know, what is a UFO? Like the age old question, do you believe in UFOs? It's not really a question because there are things unidentified in the sky that people see. But as to what they are now, that's the real question. So before that UFO podcast, throughout those years, were you just always on the side researching? Was it a hobby?

Yeah, I've always had an interest, always fascinated with the UFO subject and we'll get into it. But in 2017, that kind of came back for a lot of folks in a big way. And that probably had a big impact in me trying to get involved back in the subject. So there's so many different people with so many passions involved in UFOs. And that, I suppose, draws me into it as well. UFOs.

Elle, you're coming at this from a completely different angle, aren't you? And am I right in thinking that you've also been purposely avoiding the topic of UFOs? Yeah, so I'm a podcast producer by trade, but I loved physics when I was younger, mainly just for the rare lessons on planets and the cosmos. At university, I studied philosophy. So I've always kind of been interested in philosophical discussions about science and nature and what is possible.

But when it comes to UFOs, they haven't really got on my radar, mainly because I haven't allowed them. I've got one of those really obsessive brains. And I know the second I get into the rabbit hole, I won't ever be able to get out. So I'm like, oh, do I have enough time to deep dive into this? Because it will just take up.

every waking moment of my life. It's a very impassioned subject for a lot of folks. So I can totally appreciate that. So, because I've listened to a few of that UFO podcast and you've got this very kind of open, non-judgmental philosophy, don't you? But you always just present the facts or the facts as you know them and then allow people to make up their own minds. Yeah, I would never want to impress my opinion upon someone else's

The entire UFO subject is made up of, to various degrees, limited data sets. So for me, like you said, I'll allow the audience to make up their own opinion, believe it, not believe it, or something in between, whatever that might be. And I think that's the kind of best way to broach the subject and move it forward.

Yeah, I feel like that's going to be happening for me in real time throughout the series. Well, that's the hope, at least, that kind of those who are new to the topic like me can learn along with me and make up their own minds as I make up my own mind and you continue to make up yours. So, yeah, if any luck, that's what the series will do. And if not, we can have some fun and interesting conversation along the way involving UFOs. And that's never a bad thing.

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