CNBC's longest-running primetime original series, "American Greed" takes you inside the amazing real
A man, appearing to be nothing more than a wealthy surfer, allegedly commits murder and robs an armo
Phony oil tycoon Gary Milby guarantees gushers of money to investors from his Kentucky oil wells. (O
An Indianapolis attorney helps desperate families recover money after serious injuries cost them dea
A US Military contractor loots his company of $190 million and goes on a wild spending spree, includ
An ex-IRS agent is caught in a $13 million accounting fraud and uses taxpayer money plotting to murd
A promoter steals musical artists' money and dreams. (Original airdate 7/17/15)
An international crook steals more than 40 million dollars from investors and the US government thro
The former New Orleans Mayor exploits the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina by accepting bribes and corru
Crowdfunded charities are a modern way to raise funds for a good cause, but do you know where the mo
A brash New York stock broker gets sober and re-invents himself as an international power player. (
A private security contractor promises to help win the freedom of detained oil executives and claims
Personal injury attorney Tom Girardi is a legal legend and courtroom shark. He claims he’s a champio
Jason Van Eman is a b-list actor from Oklahoma who decides to seek fame and fortune as a Hollywood p
With his long beard, ponytail, and ubiquitous advertising, Jamie Balagia — AKA “The DWI Dude” — is w
As a bonus for American Greed listeners, we’re sharing a special preview of Letters from Sing Sing,
Reality show couple Marlon and LaShonda Moore are accused of exploiting vulnerable people during the
Joumana Kidd and DJ Sixsmith discuss the American Greed episode called “VIP Schemers” where influenc
Influencer Tracii Show Hutstona, was all over social media, sporting towering heels and clingy coutu
Adam Bowen and James Monsees are two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who say they want to save millions
Stacy Keach has been the voice of American Greed since its beginning. The legendary actor joins CNBC