cover of episode Get Off The Poll-er-coaster ft. Symone Sanders Townsend

Get Off The Poll-er-coaster ft. Symone Sanders Townsend

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Symone Sanders Townsend
V:就美国大选结果预测,我认为在周三午夜之前我们可能无法知道谁是总统。选举结果的公布会比较接近,并且由于美国选举制度分散,各州计票规则不同,结果公布会延迟。提前投票和邮寄投票的数量创纪录,但许多州的邮寄选票要到选举之夜投票站关闭后才能清点。这在现在造成了很大的问题。选民应该保持耐心,避免被民调结果影响情绪波动,保持冷静,不要过度解读出口民调。 Symone Sanders Townsend:选民应该保持耐心,相信媒体会尽力准确报道选举结果。选民应该避免被民调结果影响情绪波动,保持冷静。出口民调只是快照,不应过度解读。投票是确保自己支持的候选人获胜的最佳方式。选民应该积极参与投票,而不是在选举结束后后悔。公众对政府机构的信任度下降,这使得虚假信息更容易传播。对政府机构的信任下降以及虚假信息的传播,导致民众更容易相信不实信息。特朗普利用民众对政府机构的不信任感来操纵选情。媒体对特朗普言论的报道存在不足,未能充分揭示其危险性。媒体和政治人物低估了特朗普言论的影响力。媒体对特朗普和哈里斯的报道存在双重标准。追求报道平衡可能会对选民造成误导。特朗普成功地破坏了人们对许多不同行业的信任。当前的政治环境与2016年不同,特朗普在麦迪逊广场花园集会的言论影响力可能不如“好莱坞录音带”事件。麦迪逊广场花园集会上的言论对选举结果有影响,但媒体的报道至关重要。麦迪逊广场花园集会上的言论对选民的影响,取决于竞选团队是否积极利用这些言论进行宣传。希望比恐惧更能激励选民。哈里斯的竞选策略与其个人经历和价值观相符。哈里斯的竞选信息强调美国人民的共同愿望和可能性。哈里斯的竞选具有历史意义,她代表了美国进步的可能性。如果哈里斯当选,她将面临巨大的压力和挑战。哈里斯将面临比特朗普更高的期望和要求。媒体对拜登和特朗普年龄问题的报道存在双重标准。人们对哈里斯的要求高于对特朗普的要求,这反映了性别和种族偏见。哈里斯上任后的百日议程将主要关注国内政策。哈里斯的百日议程将包括制定应对国际问题的方案,以及推动国内立法。哈里斯可能在百日议程中优先处理移民、医疗保健等问题。哈里斯上任后的百日议程可能需要解决美国面临的各种危机。参议院的构成将影响哈里斯内阁成员的任命。哈里斯上任后,白宫的日常运作和氛围将发生变化。即使哈里斯当选,许多问题仍需要解决。哈里斯需要兑现竞选承诺,并解释这些承诺如何实现。无论哈里斯是否当选,都需要继续努力争取进步。选民应该为选举结果制定计划,并为社会做出贡献。特朗普可能会不顾选举结果而宣布自己获胜。媒体应该准确报道选举结果,并揭露虚假信息。在选举结果出来之前,宣称自己获胜是不对的。特朗普在2020年大选后曾未经证实就宣布自己获胜。媒体应该保持客观和真实。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important for people to be patient on election night and throughout the week?

Election results can change as votes are tallied, and mail-in ballots may not be counted until polls close. Different states have different rules and poll closing times, making it a complex process that requires patience.

What advice does Symone Sanders Townsend give for managing anxiety during election week?

She advises watching MSNBC for accurate information but also taking breaks to breathe and trust that the media is working to get it right. She emphasizes not getting caught up in polls and exit polls, which are just snapshots.

Why does Symone Sanders Townsend believe that the media needs to have a conversation post-election?

She argues that the media has sometimes treated Donald Trump's comments as less important because people supposedly know who he is. This approach, she believes, has done a disservice to the American people by not adequately covering his statements and actions.

How does Symone Sanders Townsend think the media should cover Donald Trump's comments?

She believes the media should cover his comments extensively, especially those that are derogatory or inflammatory, to ensure the public is fully informed. She argues that not doing so is a miscalculation and a disservice to the electorate.

What does Symone Sanders Townsend predict for Kamala Harris's first 100 days if she becomes president?

She expects a focus on domestic policy, including executive orders and legislation sent to Congress. Foreign policy will also be important, with a need to outline approaches to global issues like Israel-Palestine relations and competition with China.

Why does Symone Sanders Townsend think it's crucial for people to have a plan for post-election actions?

She believes that regardless of the election outcome, people need to organize and continue fighting for their causes. Whether Kamala Harris wins or loses, there will still be work to do, and people should be prepared to contribute to that effort.

Symone Sanders Townsend discusses what to expect on election night, emphasizing the importance of patience and not getting caught up in the 'polar coaster' of polls and exit polls.
  • Symone predicts we may not know the president before midnight on Wednesday.
  • She advises people to prepare for a close election and changing vote tallies.
  • Exit polls are just a snapshot and shouldn't raise anxiety.

Shownotes Transcript

If you're feeling anxious about the upcoming election, the best thing you can do is VOTE. That's the advice Symone Sanders Townsend gives V on this special pre-election episode. Just a few days before the 2024 election, V and Symone go over what we should expect this week -- from when they think the race will be called, to how to handle the various outcomes. We also take a look at what Kamala's first 100 days could look like.

Symone Sanders Townsend, Charles Coleman Jr., Trymaine Lee, and Melissa Murray will host the MSNBC special, “Black Voters: The Road to the 2024 Election,” Sunday at 4pm ET on MSNBC where they’ll speak with Black voters about the issues that are most important to them in the lead up to the election.

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  • Symone Sanders Townsend: @symonedsanders / @theweekendmsnbc



  • Symone Sanders Townsend: @symonedsanders / @theweekendmsnbc



  • Symone Sanders Townsend: @symonedsanders / @theweekendmsnbc

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