cover of episode Flawed Justice, Early Voting, and Trump-chella

Flawed Justice, Early Voting, and Trump-chella

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American Fever Dream

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
A.B. Burns-Tucker
A.B. Burns-Tucker: 本人拥有丰富的法律背景和社会活动经验,致力于为弟弟布兰登争取正义。布兰登在15岁时因不可靠的线人证词被指控参与谋杀,尽管缺乏确凿证据,且有多位证人证实布兰登不在现场,但仍被判处50年监禁。此案反映了美国司法系统中存在的严重问题,特别是针对黑人男性的种族歧视和不公正现象。经过多年的努力,最终通过法律途径为布兰登争取到了重新判决,他被判处已服刑时间,即将获释。然而,由于加州惩教局的行政效率低下,布兰登至今仍未获释,这凸显了司法系统中沟通和行政方面的问题。 V Spear & Sammy Sage: 两位主持人对A.B.的遭遇表示同情,并呼吁人们关注美国司法系统中存在的缺陷。他们认为,布兰登的案件并非个例,许多类似案件都反映了司法系统的不公正和低效。他们呼吁人们向加州州长纽森施压,要求其干预此案,确保布兰登尽快获释。同时,他们也呼吁人们关注司法改革,以防止类似事件再次发生。

Deep Dive

A.B. Burns-Tucker discusses the wrongful incarceration of her brother, Brandon Parks-Burns, and his ongoing detainment despite a court-ordered release. She details Brandon's case, the legal battles fought for his freedom, and the current bureaucratic roadblocks preventing his release.
  • Brandon Parks-Burns was wrongfully convicted at 18 based on unreliable testimony from a frequent police informant.
  • Despite a judge ordering his release on September 13th, 2024, he remains in prison due to administrative delays.
  • A.B. Burns-Tucker, Brandon’s sister, is a legal expert who has worked tirelessly for his release.
  • The family is calling on Governor Newsom to intervene and expedite Brandon’s release.

Shownotes Transcript

Despite his Sept 2024 release date, Brandon Parks-Burns is still in prison, waiting to be released. Joined by his sister, A.B. Burns-Tucker (@iamlegallyhype), Sami & V learn about Brandon's legal battles after unreliable testimony by an informant landed him in prison when he was 18 years old.

Then, Sami & V go over "Trump-chella," early voting, and what the polls are saying. V shares some insights from Bob Woodward's newest book, "War," including how much Biden loves to drop an f-bomb, and highlights Trumps insecurities.

Reach out to Governor Newsom's office about Parks-Burns release:

(916) 445-2841

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