CBD (Cannabidiol) is a chemical extract of the cannabis (hemp) plant. CBD is favorable and might be effective in treating many physiological conditions such as pain, inflammation, and insomnia, etc. But our main topic is related to the use of CBD for the treatment of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Recent research studies have shown that CBD has a very positive impact on OCD. It can effectively reduce anxiety which is a major symptom of OCD.
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Serotonin is a neurotransmitter chemical responsible for mood change and emotions. Serotonin has approximately 114 receptors located in different parts of the body. CBD has a very strong attraction for receptors of Serotonin. CBD binds with one of 114 receptors of Serotonin and reduces anxiety which is highly beneficial in the treatment of OCD. There is another chemical hormone that is responsible for the regulation of mood levels and emotions. This chemical is known as Anandamide. The main purpose of Anandamide is to produce happy feelings and reduction of anxiety. CBD enhances the secretion of Anandamide which is very helpful in the reduction of anxiety. Once anxiety is reduced, the treatment of OCD becomes very easy. CBD actually affects the enzyme responsible for the degradation of Anandamide, hence increasing its concentration in the body.
· CBD provides aid in the treatment of OCD:
If Serotonin stays for a longer time in the cells and tissues of the brain, it produces happy feeling and relieve anxiety. There are certain medications and drugs which can act as Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. These medicines stop reuptake of the Serotonin. But there are many serious side effects of using these medicines for the treatment of OCD such as,
· Insomnia
· Headaches
· Stomach Upset
· Muscle and joints pain and inflammation
· Nausea
· Anemia
CBD helps in the treatment of OCD with these medicines by countering the above-given side effects. CBD being completely non-psychoactive reduces the side effects of medicine by mimicking the body's natural process. CBD is completely non-toxic, that is why there are zero chances of its overdosing.
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