AJ Daily

The AJ Daily is a compilation of Angus industry news; information about hot topics in the beef indus


Total: 818

1-20-22 AJ DailyCAB Insider: Market UpdateAdapted from a release by Paul Dykstra, Certified Angus Be

“So we had an excellent sale, the Foundation Female Sale. It's sponsored by the Colorado Angus

Angus Media President and regional manager discuss turnout in Oklahoma City.  Visit AngusJournal.net

1-12-22 AJ DailyThe Power Of Genetic DataAdapted from a release by Briley Richard, American Angus As

1-10-22 AJ DailyAHIR Inventory Reporting Deadline is Jan. 15Adapted from a release by Whitney Whitak

1-7-22 AJ DailyCAB Insider: Carcass Premium Structure Advanced in 2021Adapted from a release by Paul

1-6-22 AJ DailyCAB Insider: Market UpdateAdapted from a release by Paul Dykstra, Certified Angus Bee

1-4-22 AJ DailyMarket Closeout: In Search of BetterAdapted from a release by Troy Marshall, American

1-3-22 AJ DailyBad News, Good NewsAdapted from an article by Troy Smith for Angus Beef Bulletin Farm

12-30-21 AJ DailyEastern Regional Junior Angus Show to Celebrate its 50th Anniversary Adapted from a

12-29-21 AJ DailyWindbreak WisdomAdapted from an article by Kris Kohl, Iowa State University Extensi