The AJ Daily is a compilation of Angus industry news; information about hot topics in the beef indus
5-8-23 AJ DailyExtension Specialist Gives 4 O’s for ‘Crazy’ CowsAdapted from an article by Linda Gei
5-5-23 AJ DailyPreventing Grass Tetany in the Lactating Beef Cow This SpringAdapted from an article
5-4-23 AJ DailyFall Calvers: Inventory Reporting Enrollment is Now OpenAdapted from a release by Bri
5-3-23 AJ DailyCattle Economics: Marketing Cows and Expansion PlanAdapted from an article by Andrew
5-2-23 AJ DailyHarsh Selected to Serve Nebraska, Colorado RegionAdapted from a release by Briley Ric
5-1-23 AJ DailyReturn of the NJASAdapted from an article by Megan Silveira, Angus Journal Cattlemen
4-28-23 AJ DailyHair Shed How-To GuideAdapted from a release by Briley Richard, American Angus Assoc
4-27-23 AJ DailyGene Editing: An Exciting Tool, Scary Science or Somewhere in Between? Adapted from
4-26-23 AJ DailyCAB Insider: Market UpdateAdapted from an article by Paul Dykstra, Certified Angus B
4-25-23 AJ DailyAn Angus Issue, an Industry Issue or No Issue At All? Adapted from a release by Mira
4-24-23 AJ DailyEarly Adopters Find Unique Approaches to Alternative Cow Housing SystemsAdapted from
4-21-23 AJ Daily‘Sacrifice Pastures’ Spare Best Cattle Grazing PasturesAdapted from an article by th
4-20-23 AJ DailyAngus Foundation to Host 22nd Annual Golf TournamentAdapted from a release by Peyton
4-19-23 AJ DailyMU Agronomist Gives Post-drought Pasture Renovation TipsAdapted from an article by L
4-18-23 AJ DailyTips for Rebreeding Success With First-CalversAdapted from an article by Heather Smi
4-17-23 AJ DailyAngus Foundation Offers Leaders Engaged in Angus Development AwardsAdapted from a re
4-14-23 AJ DailyRegional Winter Performance in Carcass WeightsAdapted from a release by Paul Dykstra
04-13-23 AJ DailyCAB Insider: Market UpdateAdapted from a release by Paul Dykstra, Certified Angus B
4-11-23 AJ DailyThe Angus Conversation: Building a Brand and Cattle That Match With Kelly Schaff Ad
4-10-23 AJ DailyLanders Promoted to Director of Field ServicesAdapted from a release by Holly Martin