cover of episode AGI 2024特辑02|对话王小川:除了杀时间、省时间,「加时间」才是 AI 应用的好赛道

AGI 2024特辑02|对话王小川:除了杀时间、省时间,「加时间」才是 AI 应用的好赛道

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AI局内人 | AGI Insider

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王小川:百川智能在AGI领域的探索,从最初的快速迭代模型转向更注重模型性能和应用落地。他认为,语言模型是通向AGI的关键,视频模型等多模态技术并非核心,目前应专注于提升语言模型的智能水平。在应用选择上,他主张开发超级应用而非小应用,并认为医疗健康赛道是通往AGI的最佳路径。 医疗健康领域具有无限的需求和高智力密度,大模型技术能够有效解决医疗资源稀缺的问题,并通过构建生命数学模型来推动AGI发展。他将AI医生发展分为L0-L5五个等级,认为目前行业水平在L1-L2之间,百川智能的目标是达到L3水平,最终实现L5水平,即完全不需要医生介入的医疗系统。 王小川认为,医疗健康赛道与娱乐、效率工具赛道不同,它能为人们‘加时间’,延长寿命,是一个独立的、有无限发展空间的赛道。他认为,在所有行业中,医疗和教育的成本都在不断上升,这为AI技术提供了巨大的应用空间。 在AI医生的定义上,他强调专业性和患者沟通能力(耐心和共情)两个维度,并指出可以通过现有的医学文献、病例数据等构建训练集,并通过临床实验来验证AI医生的有效性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Wang Xiaochuan believe that the medical and health sector is a promising field for AI applications?

Wang Xiaochuan believes the medical and health sector is promising because it addresses a critical and growing need. While most industries are becoming cheaper, healthcare costs are rising. AI and AGI can help solve this by increasing the supply of medical knowledge and services, which are currently limited by the number of available doctors. Additionally, healthcare is a high-value, high-demand industry with infinite potential for growth, making it a suitable field for AI applications.

What is Wang Xiaochuan's perspective on the role of language in AI development?

Wang Xiaochuan views language as the central axis of intelligence in AI development. He argues that while modalities like video and images are important for interaction, the core of intelligence lies in language. This belief stems from his experience with natural language processing and knowledge computation, which he sees as the foundation of AI's ability to understand and generate intelligent responses.

How does Wang Xiaochuan differentiate between AI applications that 'kill time,' 'save time,' and 'add time'?

Wang Xiaochuan categorizes AI applications into three types: those that 'kill time' (entertainment), those that 'save time' (efficiency tools), and those that 'add time' (healthcare). He emphasizes that healthcare applications are unique because they directly contribute to extending human life, making them a distinct and valuable category alongside the more common entertainment and efficiency tools.

What is Wang Xiaochuan's approach to developing AI applications in the medical field?

Wang Xiaochuan's approach to developing AI applications in the medical field involves creating AI systems that can assist, replace, and even surpass human doctors. He envisions a progression from AI-assisted decision-making (L1-L3) to fully autonomous AI doctors (L4-L5). This approach aims to address the scarcity of medical professionals and improve healthcare outcomes by leveraging AI's ability to process and analyze vast amounts of medical data.

Why does Wang Xiaochuan consider healthcare to be the 'crown jewel' of AI applications?

Wang Xiaochuan considers healthcare the 'crown jewel' of AI applications because it is a field with infinite demand and high intellectual density. Every aspect of healthcare, from diagnosis to treatment, can benefit from AI's capabilities. Additionally, the complexity and value of healthcare make it an ideal domain for demonstrating the full potential of AI and AGI, as it requires a combination of reasoning, communication, and multimodal understanding.

What challenges does Wang Xiaochuan identify in applying AI to the medical field?

Wang Xiaochuan identifies several challenges in applying AI to the medical field, including ethical concerns, the complexity of medical data, and the need for rigorous testing and validation. He also notes the paradox of people fearing AI's potential to destroy humanity while simultaneously doubting its ability to contribute meaningfully to healthcare. These challenges require careful navigation to ensure AI applications in medicine are both effective and trustworthy.

How does Wang Xiaochuan define the levels of AI involvement in healthcare, similar to autonomous driving levels?

Wang Xiaochuan defines the levels of AI involvement in healthcare using a framework similar to autonomous driving levels (L0-L5). L0 represents complete reliance on human doctors, while L1-L2 involve AI providing single-point or combined decision support. L3 represents partial autonomy in certain scenarios, L4 represents near-full autonomy, and L5 represents complete autonomy where AI can fully replace human doctors. This framework helps clarify the progression of AI's role in healthcare.

What is Wang Xiaochuan's vision for the future of AI in healthcare?

Wang Xiaochuan envisions a future where AI in healthcare evolves from assisting doctors to fully autonomous systems capable of diagnosing, treating, and even preventing diseases. He believes that AI will eventually create a 'life mathematical model' that can understand and manage human health at a fundamental level. This vision aligns with his broader goal of achieving AGI, where AI can replicate and surpass human intelligence in complex domains like medicine.

  • 2023年,百川智能以每月一个模型的速度快速迭代;2024年,节奏放缓,更注重应用落地和AGI的完整思考;“理想上慢一步,落地快三步”;超级模型和超级应用依然是百川智能的核心目标。

Shownotes Transcript





在AGI Playground 2024现场,王小川给出了自己的回答。



大模型、AGI 能解决这个问题。





00:01:52 百川创业第二年换挡:去年28天发一个模型,今年不卷速度了

00:08:29 不跟进 Sora,视频跟智能没关系,先把语言长板拉满

00:14:36 GPT-4o是AI公司必答题,AGI就是跟人越像越好

00:18:16 要做就做超级应用,做个小应用会死的

00:21:44 做应用的既要又要:基础是跑得通,未来能力还能一直涨

00:23:26 百川智能要做医疗!?

00:25:27 一边担心AI马上就要毁灭人类,一边对AI医疗躲着走

00:27:54 AI在医疗里能做啥?辅助医生、成为医生、超越医生

00:34:28 娱乐杀时间,效率工具省时间,医疗直接给你加时间!

00:36:21 PMF造需求不如改供给:人人都要看医生,AI正好补缺口

00:38:27 医疗里有数据飞轮,要建就建生命数学模型,熵增的世界不可能建模

00:40:11 怎么定义AI医生好不好?训练数据够吗?测试标准是啥?


对话王小川:除了杀时间、省时间,「加时间」才是 AI 应用的好赛道)


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