Every company has a story. Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how
Acquired wraps up Season 2 with our first “elusive” private-private merger: Rover.com and its 2017 c
We’re live on the scene the day following the biggest announcement in the open source software world
If you thought the telecom business was boring, think again! Acquired brings you an episode packed w
Acquired returns with a classic, delving into Microsoft’s first acquisition ever: Forethought Inc, t
Acquired wraps up a big few weeks of coverage with not an IPO or an M&A or a fundraising round,
Acquired is live on the scene following Dropbox’s public market debut. From playing a central role i
Acquired dives into the topic on the minds and lips of just about every VC and founder these days: S
Acquired brings it all back home—to the smart home that is—with Google’s 2014 acquisition of Nest fo
We launch mini-series on Acquired with a subject near & dear to our heroes’ hearts: startup fund
Former Zappos Chairman & COO (and current Partner at Sequoia Capital) Alfred Lin joins our heroe
Acquired cozies up to the fire and looks back on the year in tech. How wildly off were we on last ye
Acquired crosses the half-century mark with an instant classic: Apple’s 2014 purchase of Beats, its
Ben and David dive into the most talked-about tech IPO of 4Q 2017: Stitch Fix. After downsizing the
Ben & David cover the proposed largest tech M&A deal of all time, and in the process dive in
Ben & David venture to the land down under (and reunite in-person!) to tell the story of the gra
Today our heroes cover a deal that might have more impact on life in Silicon Valley than AI, wearabl
Acquired is back and live on the scene! After months of speculation, Google announces today their ac
On this extra-long episode of Acquired, Brian McCullough from the Internet History Podcast returns t
Unicorns and ratchets and lawsuits, oh my! Our heroes dive into the history of Jack Dorsey’s famous
Acquired dives into the legendary acquisition of Ben Horowitz & Marc Andreessen’s “second act” s