cover of episode High-performance Hiring & Interviewing with former Amazon Worldwide GM of Prime Membership, Anna Collins

High-performance Hiring & Interviewing with former Amazon Worldwide GM of Prime Membership, Anna Collins

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ACQ2 by Acquired

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Anna Collins
Anna Collins在访谈中分享了她20多年来在大型科技公司(亚马逊、微软)和初创公司(Bulletproof)的招聘经验,强调了结构化流程在高效招聘中的重要性。她认为,清晰的愿景、使命和价值观是招聘流程的基础,面试过程应围绕这些核心要素展开,并结合候选人的技能、经验和能力进行综合评估。她还介绍了亚马逊的“bar raiser”和微软的“as-appropriate”角色,以及如何利用行为面试法评估候选人的判断力、团队合作能力等。 Ben和David作为主持人,引导Anna Collins分享了她在不同公司中积累的经验,并就一些具体问题进行了深入探讨,例如如何平衡结构化流程和对人的理解、如何处理与候选人之前合作过的特殊情况、如何设计面试问题以有效评估候选人的关键能力等。他们还讨论了面试后的反馈和总结环节,以及如何确保招聘经理对整个流程负责。

Deep Dive

Anna Collins discusses the importance of structured hiring processes in high-performance organizations, emphasizing the need for a clear vision, mission, and values to guide the selection of team members.

Shownotes Transcript

We're joined by former Amazon, Microsoft and Bulletproof executive Anna Collins to discuss how high-performance organizations structure their hiring and interview processes. Whether you're a small startup or a big public company, as Anna puts it, there is no more important question than who you put "on your bus". Anna distills what she's learned across 20+ years and making thousands of hires into actionable, must-listen advice for anyone aiming to grow their organization in a high-performance manner (or on the other side, anyone looking to join a high-performance company!).

“I believe that structure is what is required for creativity and for humans to actually connect. If you have chaos, that is the opposite of having the ability to connect and having a good candidate experience. It’s all about being human and you need the structure to facilitate that and to be productive.” – Anna Collins


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