cover of episode Adapting: Mystery - How to Grow When Your Original Business Goes to Zero (with cofounders Shane Kovalsky & Vince Coppola)

Adapting: Mystery - How to Grow When Your Original Business Goes to Zero (with cofounders Shane Kovalsky & Vince Coppola)

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ACQ2 by Acquired

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Rosenthal
Shane Kovalsky
Vince Coppola
Vince Coppola讲述了他从急救医疗技术员转型为软件工程师的经历,以及他如何利用业余时间开发应用并最终加入Convoy公司。他强调了在救护车上修改软件的经历,这让他意识到自己可以创造有用的东西,并最终促使他成为一名软件工程师。 Shane Kovalsky分享了他大学期间的各种兼职经历,以及他如何从Porch公司转到Convoy公司。他描述了他在Convoy公司担任多个角色的经历,以及他如何最终决定离开Convoy公司并与Vince Coppola一起创办Mystery公司。他强调了在Convoy公司期间与Vince Coppola合作的经历,以及他们如何一起开发各种项目。 在疫情爆发前,Mystery公司正处于快速发展阶段,并即将完成一轮融资。然而,疫情的爆发导致Mystery公司的线下业务几乎完全停滞。面对这一挑战,Mystery团队迅速调整战略,推出了新的居家产品“Mystery Night In”,并取得了显著的成功。 在产品迭代方面,Mystery团队强调了快速迭代的重要性,他们从最初的“盒子”概念出发,经过多次迭代,最终形成了包含居家活动和送餐服务的“Mystery Night In”产品。在商业模式方面,Mystery团队将“Mystery Night In”的商业模式与之前的“Mystery Night Out”进行了对比,并解释了两种模式的不同之处。 在团队文化方面,Mystery团队强调了自主决策、快速适应和积极主动的重要性。他们认为,团队成员能够在短时间内适应变化,并做出有效的决策,是公司成功的关键。在融资方面,Mystery团队分享了他们在疫情期间的融资经历,以及他们如何克服挑战,最终获得投资。 在供应链方面,Mystery团队解释了他们如何利用现有的资源和工具来解决物流和供应链问题,以及他们如何与供应商合作,以确保产品的顺利交付。

Deep Dive

Shane and Vince met at Convoy and bonded over their entrepreneurial spirit and shared interest in tech startups. They decided to start Mystery together after working on various side projects and realizing they could combine their skills to create a unique business.

Shownotes Transcript

We're joined for an Adapeting episode by the cofounders of Mystery, a Seattle seed-stage startup that we've mentioned before on Acquired and was started by early Convoy employees. In ordinary times, Mystery sends customers on magical date nights and group outings throughout the city with no planning or decision-making required -- an "easy button" for date night. Of course, we no longer live in ordinary times, and Mystery has undergone an incredible transformation. Within the span of a month, the company went from having "found" product market-fit and nearly completing a fundraise, to 100% of their business evaporating (and literally pitching Sequoia on the same day they released the Black Swan Memo), to then launching a completely new stay-at-home product and that not only recovered all of their revenue but meaningfully grew the business. We hope you all enjoy this conversation, and take some inspiration for navigating your own businesses through these stormy seas!




*ACQ2 announcement: We now have a Gdrive! You can find full transcripts of ACQ2 Episodes here: *