According Two

Welcome to According Two podcast, hosted by twins Megan Stitz and Ciera Stitz! On this podcast they


Total: 291

Buckle up because at the end of this episode Ciera shares her embarrassing date story and I share ou

In our first unpopular opinions episode of the year, we dive into topics ranging from parenting to f

Let's answer some of your Q's! Keep the conversation going on our Instagram @accordingtwo. Merch: h

We've been on YouTube for about a decade now, here' some things we have learned along the way! Keep

Megan and Ciera asked you to send in things that you need advice on, and in this episode they give y

As a sort of part 2 to last week's episode, we discuss our goals and resolutions for 2021! Keep the

2020 has been quite the year, let's revisit some of what we did and reflect on our resolutions from

Megan, Ciera, and their dad dive into the 'Am I the A**hole' subreddit and give their thoughts! Keep

Megan and Ciera decide to explore the world wide web and see what kind of info they could find! Keep

Let's see if we agree with our listeners on these "this or that" topics! Keep the conversation going

We update you guys on how our 'glow up' attempt is going and rank our favorite christmas movies! Kee

In this updated favorites episode we make the cases for some of our current favorites! Keep the conv

Today we wanted to talk current events including: the second wave of COVID-19, femininity and mascul

Let's chat about the presidential election and some other random things! Keep the conversation going

Ranking things part two! Keep the conversation going on our Instagram @accordingtwo. Merch: https:/

For this episode, we found lists of tough questions and ponder our answers! Keep the conversation go

Everyone has embarrassing stories, let's hear some of them! Keep the conversation going on our Insta

Today we have another advice episode to help you out with some of your current struggles! Keep the c

We wanted to catch up with you guys, and share what has been going on from school to favorites, and

In today's episode we head back the AITA subreddit and weigh in! Keep the conversation going on our