Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.
Follow-up: Alex Stevenson-Price’s thread on his initial experiences with the Dell 6K monito
Pre-show: 🗣️ New Member’s Special posted 🗣️ A New Yorker’s View of the United Stat
Follow-up: Marco’s new Kobo Kobo will price-match (via Bob Pekol) Games breaking the fou
The ATP Store is BACK, baby! Order your merch ⚠️ before Saturday, 6 May ⚠️. Pre-show: Marco has e-
The ATP Store is BACK, baby! Order your merch before Saturday, 6 May. Pre-show: Marco re-discovers
The ATP Store is BACK, baby! Order your merch before Saturday, 6 May. Pre-show: Five K’s is
Pre-show: Top Four: Hot Pockets Hot Pockets Pizza Rolls Fun Dip Pixy Stix Nerds The Food that Bui
Pre-show: Mugs & some pint glasses are in stock! Fixes: Member’s episodes and iPod &
Pre-show: Samoas vs. Caramel DeLites Casey found 🎉 More Occasions! 🎉 John’s anniversary &
Pre-show: Marco has solved his Apple Watch Ultra band problem? Orange Alpine Loop Trail Loop Ocea
Pre-show: Marco’s load-bearing pinky We stand in support of trans people, including trans
Pre-show: Declan made an interesting observation Marco files a bug report… AND ACTUALLY GE
Pre-show: Please go decline your Tweetbot/Twitterrific refunds! Follow-up: John’s COVID pro
Pre-show: ✅ ATP hat-trick achieved ☹️ Follow-up: Getting a copy of your data from Apple privacy
Pre-show: Marco is living the true Land Rover experience TFL Offroad Your Daily Lex Follow-up:
Pre-show: Marco relives his middle-school years Follow-up: HomePod 2 Siri speed test video An
Pre-show: Your hosts have a discussion about music. We’re… um… sorry. macOS: Se
Pre-show: Frame Game ❗️ New Member’s special ❗️ Belated observation of an anniversary Ca
Pre-show: Marco’s window-washing woes Chicken hat dregs ❗️ Imminent members-only special ❗
Pre-show: Marco still has his red hat cursed car Follow-up: Backing up iPhoto Libraries (via Jona