Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.
Follow-up on Cisco VPNs on Mavericks and [photo backups] to SkyDrive on Windows Mobile Phone Series
John's new Museum of Mediocre Reading Devices. The confusing Photo Stream limits, and all of these
Thanks to Jim Pierce for extending John's dog. (Also mentioned: AntiCrop, Glide) Everpix's failure
Some light Mac Pro waffling and the red one. iOS 7.0.3's new crossfade animations in "Reduce Motion
The John Siracusa Mavericks review is up! Apple's event, the presenters' pacing and enthusiasm, Cas
Ebook-publishing woes and trying to coordinate a specific release date. Apple hiring the CEO of Bur
Siri expectations and unreliability in popular culture. Can Apple ever dramatically improve their w
When we expected the Mavericks GM (recorded two hours before this). Apparent new E5-1680 Mac Pro in
Casey's exclusive new iPhone 5S. Low stock levels of the gold 5S and Apple's potential motivations.
Casey goes to an Apple Store. FU on SnappyCam, Synology and ZFS, and the likelihood of a new Mac fi
iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s. The possible Sherlocking of SnappyCam and the 5s' two-tone flash in practi
John's Mavericks review progress. iPhone event predictions. Design and security tradeoffs of a theo
Follow-up: Time Capsule vs. Siracusa. Casey was right! The state of Microsoft: How much was Ballmer
Querying Florida. Photo storage follow-up: whether people even want long-term photo storage anymore
Instapaper's web redesign beta. Rewriting a codebase from scratch. Understandable code and writing
Marco's new-new-new app for aligning double-ender podcast tracks. Economic considerations and optio
Non-developers might want to skip the first 35 minutes: a technical discussion of FMDB, SQLite, and
FU: iSCSI and network Time Machine. iFixit teardown of the new AirPort Extreme. Apple's extended De
Marco's new-new app, Bugshot, and some of its design decisions. Cutting features from 1.0 and tryin
iWatch follow-up. Alex Eckermann on Bluetooth Low Energy and iWatch. Eric Welander's thoughts on Si