Accidental Tech Podcast

Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.


Total: 620

40: The Compliance Shark


Follow-up on Cisco VPNs on Mavericks and [photo backups] to SkyDrive on Windows Mobile Phone Series

39: Desperation Mode


John's new Museum of Mediocre Reading Devices. The confusing Photo Stream limits, and all of these

38: Auto-Update My Parents


Thanks to Jim Pierce for extending John's dog. (Also mentioned: AntiCrop, Glide) Everpix's failure

37: A 3,000-Word Digression


Some light Mac Pro waffling and the red one. iOS 7.0.3's new crossfade animations in "Reduce Motion

36: A Weird One


The John Siracusa Mavericks review is up! Apple's event, the presenters' pacing and enthusiasm, Cas

35: Sea-Level Executives


Ebook-publishing woes and trying to coordinate a specific release date. Apple hiring the CEO of Bur

34: Made The Dot Smaller


Siri expectations and unreliability in popular culture. Can Apple ever dramatically improve their w

33: A 30-Minute Skip Button


When we expected the Mavericks GM (recorded two hours before this). Apparent new E5-1680 Mac Pro in

32: It Doesn't Bother Me


Casey's exclusive new iPhone 5S. Low stock levels of the gold 5S and Apple's potential motivations.

31: Swimming In 16 GB Gold


Casey goes to an Apple Store. FU on SnappyCam, Synology and ZFS, and the likelihood of a new Mac fi

30: Full Frontal Thumb


iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s. The possible Sherlocking of SnappyCam and the 5s' two-tone flash in practi

John's Mavericks review progress. iPhone event predictions. Design and security tradeoffs of a theo

28: The Pit Of Irrelevance


Follow-up: Time Capsule vs. Siracusa. Casey was right! The state of Microsoft: How much was Ballmer

Querying Florida. Photo storage follow-up: whether people even want long-term photo storage anymore

26: Three Phones Ago


Instapaper's web redesign beta. Rewriting a codebase from scratch. Understandable code and writing

25: Thrustmaster Joystick


Marco's new-new-new app for aligning double-ender podcast tracks. Economic considerations and optio

24: Double Meta


Non-developers might want to skip the first 35 minutes: a technical discussion of FMDB, SQLite, and

23: The X Or The X


FU: iSCSI and network Time Machine. iFixit teardown of the new AirPort Extreme. Apple's extended De

22: Full Brichter


Marco's new-new app, Bugshot, and some of its design decisions. Cutting features from 1.0 and tryin

iWatch follow-up. Alex Eckermann on Bluetooth Low Energy and iWatch. Eric Welander's thoughts on Si