Accidental Tech Podcast

Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.


Total: 622

282: Not Unreliable Enough


Follow-up: Distributing Marzipan Apps Siri is multilingual... until it isn't. Window air-conditione

281: My Private Siri


Home repairs: Window air conditioners Frigidaire Gallery quiet window air conditioner Computer re

280: Extinction-Level Event


Follow-up: Safari's Allow Unsigned Extensions is not a panacea after all Adobe is rethinking things

Accidental Test Kitchen: Induction cooktops International cellular-data options AT&T Internatio

278: Best Worst Influence


Follow-up: WWDC Intro Video It was Stephen Fry channeling David Attenborough A perspective from Jen

We're live from WWDC 2018! iOS 12 ARKit 2 Siri Shortcuts Activity reports and App Limits Notificati

276: Observing a Black Hole


App Camp for Girls fundraiser: Live Near WWDC iOS 11.4 Messages in the Cloud: Settings → {Your Name

Follow-up: People can change their minds, and that's okay. Right, old Marco? Your logical fallacy i

Yanny vs. Laurel New York Times article Follow-up: Raise to listen in 🇨🇳 Google Duplex Bob Burr

Follow-up: Disabling "Raise to Listen" on iPhone X You should go to Layers Jony Ive interviewed by

272: 60% Satisfied


ATP MERCHANDISE!! Get your clothing by May 7 @ 9 PM ATP time Get your pins NOW! They're about to se

ATP MERCHANDISE!! Get your clothing by May 7, 9 PM ATP time Get your pins ASAP! They will sell out!

270: Three Major Zippers


Backpacks: Peak Design Everyday Backpack 20L Tom Bihn Synapse 25 Chase Reeves on YouTube and on the

269: Cooled by Jellyfish


Follow-up: iPhone throttling notification macOS 10.13.4 32-bit warnings Learn More... ProClip mo

268: A Tarnished Brass Age


Follow-up: HAM radio and GMRS licenses New iOS onboarding screens are indeed about GDPR Education

267: I Slowly Ate the Crystals


Pre-show: Marco's road trip Sudden Coffee Underscore David Smith's travel coffee kit Follow-up: B

266: Text Adventure Mode


Follow-up: Compound commands in cylinders You shut down your computer because of a problem... GDPR

265: Simon Says Volume Five


Follow-up: Onboarding and GDPR GDPR for web developers Slack 💔 IRC Alexa can solicit follow-up

264: Every Building Has Bugs


Follow-up: Laptop arrow keys Dell's abomination Erin and Alexa Onboard all the things What's Ne

263: Old Potato


Follow-up: John is on NoMAD Active Directory Jamf's blog post Casey adopts a new child Timber F