The a16z Podcast discusses tech and culture trends, news, and the future – especially as ‘software e
Jonah Peretti is building BuzzFeed to “inform, inspire and entertain” in a world where news and ente
Software, and the billions of transistors that power it, has brought about massive change to all kin
Nir Eyal and Product Hunt's Ryan Hoover, the authors of "Hooked, How to Build Habit-Forming Pro
Have we as a culture become expert at globalizing industries, but are we failing when it comes to tr
NFC (near field communication) technology has been around for about a decade, and with the exception
It’s a problem most entrepreneurs would love to face, a massive valuation offer from investors for t
Profitless Ponzi scheme, or the greatest company in the world led by an absolute genius? Amazon is a
Given that physical retail is expensive, what’s the right distribution mix for startups? In this pod
Teenage siblings Ima, Asha and Caleb Christian from Atlanta, Georgia join Ben Horowitz for a discuss
The five-year anniversary segment with a16z founders Ben Horowitz and Marc Andreessen picks up with
Around the firm we use “software eats the world” as a guide for how technology will impact every ind
Jim Barksdale in the run-up to the Netscape IPO told potential investors that you can make money in
Peter Levine goes deeper into the changing nature of the data center with Yoram Novick, CEO of Maxta
There is a shift in enterprise hardware from expensive, proprietary hardware to cheap components plu
Open source software has permeated practically every nook of the software world. The biggest compani
Fashion, function or just a fad? Wearable technology is getting huge amounts of attention from compa
There are great examples of communities helping to grow and solidify online marketplaces. eBay in it
Apple during its most recent quarter reported growing app store sales and flat iPad sales. Where do
What if we could tap into our government with the same speed and ease as our smartphones and search?
One of the ways to damage a fast-growing startup is to not have an HR person. But when is the right