cover of episode Game On: Marc Andreessen & Andrew Chen Talk Creative Computers

Game On: Marc Andreessen & Andrew Chen Talk Creative Computers

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrew Chen
Marc Andreessen
Marc Andreessen:科技领域存在持续的负面情绪,这是一种常见的现象。AI 代表着一种全新的计算机类型,它需要从根本上重新思考计算机的概念。游戏行业一直以来都是技术创新的前沿阵地,这可以追溯到早期的视频游戏。游戏行业的技术创新部分源于开发者为自身需求而进行的开发,也受益于其对新技术的快速应用和市场化能力。游戏作为大众市场现象,能够加速新技术的普及和应用。对新技术的道德恐慌是一种持续存在的负面情绪。每一种新技术都会引发道德恐慌,这是一种历史现象。对新技术的负面评价容易被接受,而正面评价则被认为过于乐观。政府主导的大型创新项目已不再适用当前的时代背景。政府与私营部门之间的关系复杂且充满挑战。政府过度监管可能会扼杀私营部门的创新。公开表达立场对于推动社会变革至关重要。年轻的科技公司需要积极参与政治,以应对大型科技公司的监管策略。AI 代表着一种全新的计算机类型——概率性计算机。AI 的不确定性(幻觉)是其创造力的来源。平台的重大变革会带来新的创业机会。平台的重大变革会促使从根本上重新设计产品。Marc Andreessen 相信AI模型将呈现出多样化和分散化的发展趋势,并支持开源模式。游戏正在从一次性软件转变为持续的平台。互联网和AI技术的发展为游戏行业带来了新的机遇。游戏行业的创业者正在发生变化,他们更注重公司建设和长期发展。a16z 希望能够支持游戏行业建立能够长期发展且具有远大目标的公司。 Andrew Chen:游戏行业是许多尖端技术的先驱,推动了GPU、虚拟现实/增强现实、物理引擎和沉浸式多人游戏体验等创新。本期节目将探讨科技悲观主义的根源、与政府有效互动以及AI浪潮等话题。游戏行业一直以来都是许多尖端技术的先驱,例如GPU和VR/AR技术。VR/AR技术的应用主要集中在青少年群体中的社交多人游戏。VR/AR技术的成功应用依赖于社交游戏环境。过度监管会对创新产生负面影响。政府与科技行业应该如何有效互动,是一个需要探讨的问题。游戏行业与社交媒体行业面临着类似的挑战。AI 的发展将对游戏行业产生深远的影响。a16z 投资游戏行业的原因是基于其对游戏行业未来发展的判断。游戏行业已经发生了变化,这使得风险投资成为可能。a16z 希望能够帮助游戏行业建立能够长期发展的公司。

Deep Dive

Marc Andreessen and Andrew Chen discuss the reasons behind a16z's decision to establish a dedicated games fund, exploring the impact of tech pessimism, government engagement in tech, and the significance of the gaming community.
  • The gaming industry has brought cutting-edge technologies like GPUs and VR.
  • Tech pessimism and moral panics have historically accompanied new technologies.
  • Effective government engagement is crucial for the tech and gaming industries.

Shownotes Transcript

The gaming industry stands as a pioneer of cutting-edge technologies, ushering in innovations like GPUs, virtual and augmented reality, physics engines, and immersive multiplayer experiences. 

In this episode, a16z cofounder Marc Andreessen and Andrew Chen, General Partner at a16z Games, dig into why a16z was compelled to establish a dedicated games fund. They explore the origins of tech pessimism, effective engagement with government in tech, its significance for the gaming community, the ongoing AI revolution, and even what Marc himself would build today if he didn't have his hands full. 

Recorded as part of a16z's extensive games fund accelerator, SPEEDRUN, this session offers valuable insights for founders and innovators at the intersection of games and technology. 

If you're passionate about shaping the future of gaming, consider applying for SPEEDRUN 3.0 at



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