cover of episode Ben Horowitz Sharing History with Dr. Clarence Jones, MLK's Speechwriter

Ben Horowitz Sharing History with Dr. Clarence Jones, MLK's Speechwriter

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Ben Horowitz
知名风险投资家和企业家,Andreessen Horowitz 联合创始人和总合伙人。
Clarence B. Jones
Clarence B. Jones: 我与马丁·路德·金的合作始于1960年,当时他面临税务指控。我被他的理想所吸引,并加入了他的团队。我们一起工作,撰写了许多重要的演讲稿,包括著名的《我有一个梦想》演讲的前七段。在与他的合作中,我见证了他的才华、勇气和对非暴力抵抗的坚定信念。即使面对FBI的威胁和各种挑战,他始终坚持自己的理想。他的信念深深地影响了我,让我对种族平等的追求更加坚定。马丁·路德·金的《伯明翰监狱来信》是他思想的巅峰之作,展现了他非凡的才华和记忆力。他能够在没有书籍和资料的情况下,引用大量的经典著作和哲学思想,这令人叹为观止。他的《我有一个梦想》演讲至今仍是种族平等运动的象征,其核心思想——以品格而非肤色评判——仍然是解决种族问题的核心原则。我坚信,理解马丁·路德·金的遗产的关键在于“权力”这个词,以及对种族平等的持续追求。我们必须认识到,种族问题是复杂的,需要我们持续的努力和行动才能解决。 Ben Horowitz: 通过与Clarence B. Jones的对话,我深刻地认识到马丁·路德·金的遗产以及民权运动的意义。Jones先生的讲述让我仿佛亲历了那段历史,感受到运动参与者的勇气和决心。民权运动的成功,不仅仅在于其宏大的目标,更在于其成员之间建立的相互理解和信任。他们超越了种族和背景的差异,为了共同的目标而努力。这是一种宝贵的精神,值得我们学习和传承。在当今社会,种族平等仍然是一个重要议题。我们应该学习民权运动的精神,以开放的心态,努力理解不同背景的人,并为建立一个更加公平公正的社会而努力。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

This week, a16z cofounder Ben Horowitz had a rare and invaluable conversation with Dr. Clarence B. Jones, a pivotal figure in American history. 

Dr. Jones, who served as speechwriter, attorney, and advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., shared his personal insights on race, inclusion, and the lasting legacy of the civil rights movement in 2025.

In their wide-ranging discussion, Dr. Jones reflected on the timeless wisdom of Dr. King, quoting one of the most enduring lines from the "I Have a Dream" speech: “I want my four children to be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.”

“That, to me, is still, that’s the template,” Dr. Jones said. “That still remains a template.”

Their conversation covered critical themes in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, delving into the history of the movement, the lessons from "Letter from Birmingham Jail," and the profound impact Dr. King’s work continues to have today.

It was a rare opportunity to hear directly from someone who not only witnessed history but played a key role in shaping it, and we hope you enjoy it.


About Dr. Clarence B. Jones:

Dr. Clarence B. Jones served as legal counsel, strategic advisor, and draft speechwriter to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from 1960 until Dr. King’s assassination in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. During that time, Dr. King depended on Dr. Jones for legal and strategic counsel and assistance in drafting landmark speeches and public testimony. He is credited with writing the first seven paragraphs of the iconic I Have A Dream speech. 

Across the decades following Dr. King’s assassination in 1968, Clarence B. Jones worked to carry on Dr. King’s legacy, to continue the nonviolent struggle for social justice, voting rights, and democratic inclusion. He is the founder of the Dr. Clarence B. Jones Institute for Social Advocacy, and also serves as the Founding Director Emeritus of the Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice at the University of San Francisco. Dr. Jones is also the author of three acclaimed books "What Would Martin Say?", "Behind the Dream: The Making of the Speech that Transformed a Nation" and "Last of the Lions".


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