A weekly reflection on a topical issue.
Roger Scruton continues his series of talks on the nature and limits of democracy. Roger Scruton arg
Roger Scruton argues that democracy alone is not enough for political freedom. Democracy, freedom an
It's exactly 500 years this summer since Niccolo Machiavelli wrote his famous book 'The Prince', on
Sarah Dunant says Pope Francis should use his Twitter account to demonstrate that he's prepared to d
The recent New Yorker cover showing Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie as a gay couple, delighted by the
As Britain basks in post-Wimbledon glory, amid the Ashes, Sarah Dunant reflects on how sport has - t
At a party to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the feminist press Virago last week, writes Sarah Du
Isn't it time to democratize art? Shouldn't we, the public, be allowed to borrow works of art from o
In Britain many of our holidays and festivals are rather dull - bank holidays for example. Tom Shake
"When I was a child, one of my favourite books was Bear, Mouse and Water Beetle," says Tom Shakespea
Tom Shakespeare presents the first of his four essays. There have been several recent scandals in th
John Gray finds new resonance for our own age in the story of "the Great Gatsby". "Just as in the Ro
John Gray argues for another way of perceiving the world inspired by the fantasy fiction writer Arth
John Gray turns to the writer Patricia Highsmith and her character Tom Ripley for a perspective on t
John Gray draws on the novels of Mervyn Peake to argue it's a mistake to imagine that modernity mark
John Gray draws on a story by Walter de la Mare to argue that the prevailing creed of scientific mat
John Gray wonders what the rise of the cyber currency Bitcoin tells us about our human need for free
Adam Gopnik's son is about to leave home. His suitcase is already packed. It's not a day Adam is loo
What is the difference between magic and science? What is the difference between Galileo and his con
Every nation has a core irrationality - a belief about itself which no amount of contrary evidence c