A weekly reflection on a topical issue.
The American writer PJ O'Rourke gives his view of the UK election. "In the once solidly red-rosette
David Cannadine reflects on the merits of youth and age in our political leaders and finds the curre
David Cannadine compares the enthusiasm for national commemorations in Britain with the more underst
Howard Jacobson explains why he prefers art to ideology, especially at election time, and always has
Howard Jacobson explains why he dislikes the narcissism of the selfie."It's always possible that the
Howard Jacobson thinks the current focus of male fashion on the ankle region or "mankle", revealed b
Tom Shakespeare says that disabled people's right to independent living is under threat as a result
Tom Shakespeare thinks our reformed Select Committees have revitalised Parliament but he warns again
Tom Shakespeare says increasing wisdom in middle age is at least some compensation for declining cog
Will Self reflects on the unsettling nature of time. "What gives our human cultures any sense of coh
Will Self reflects on the power of our relationship with fictional characters. "People need people w
Will Self finds himself driven to reconsider the nature and purpose of satire in the wake of the mur
Will Self reflects on the growing and vexed divide between people with and without children. "The re
Will Self regrets our growing lack of physical contact with one another and with the natural world a
AL Kennedy reflects on the importance of the beauty and creativity of art to sustain the human spiri
AL Kennedy reflects on the importance of learning languages and listening to one another. "More word
Adam Gopnick reflects on the Charlie Hebdo massacre. "The notion that what some have called France's
A L Kennedy reflects on what it means to pursue happiness in a world where "not having enough money
David Cannadine reflects on the history of the Queen's Christmas message. Following the success of t