A weekly reflection on a topical issue.
"As the years have passed", writes Will Self, "so gnawing on a bloody piece of cow rump has come to
Will Self says we need creative solutions to end institutional misogyny and abuse. "Rather than addr
Will Self on why he loves space....From childhood dreams of being "strapped into the command module
Mary Beard ponders why email is governed by so few rules and conventions."Fifty years ago, when I wa
Andrew Sullivan says a type of "cultural Marxism" is sweeping through American universities. Conserv
Andrew Sullivan says Donald Trump is teaching a generation that the key to advancement in society is
Andrew Sullivan on how America has become "a truly tribal society". "I've lived here since the Reaga
Monica Ali with a personal take on why she believes the history of the British Empire must be taught
Authenticity, writes Monica Ali, has become the yardstick by which we measure the value of much of o
Monica Ali describes her desire for vengeance after her son was robbed by two boys on mopeds. She re
"European society", says Sir Roger Scruton, "is rapidly jettisoning its Christian heritage and has f
Roger Scruton asks: "What does the Tory Party really stand for?" He says the Conservative party at p
Roger Scruton looks at the impact of Harry Potter on our world view. "People are starting to live in
Adam Gopnik muses on the art of parenting and the challenges of getting it right. "Too much praise..
Adam Gopnik reflects on why musical theatre makes its makers miserable. He should know - he's just f
"I have lived long enough now", writes Adam Gopnik, "to see several absolutely horrific epochs come
Adam Gopnik reflects on why he turned to marijuana to relieve his pain during a recent bout of shing
"You can't call him crazy, because it isn't fair to crazy people", writes Adam Gopnik. "You can't co
"I will now pause for a full two seconds to allow you to throw things at the radio", begins Adam Gop
"It seems indisputable, to me", writes Will Self "that what makes it possible for our attractions to