A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich

Mythical Chefs Josh Scherer and Nicole Enayati discuss, debate, and dissect the web’s most hilarious


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Today, Josh and Nicole are talking about the best food to deal with those tough hangovers.Leave us a

Is Cooking a Sport?


Today, we're discussing: is cooking a sport?Leave us a voicemail at (833) DOG-POD1Thanks to Chicken

Answering YOUR Questions!


Today, we're responding to your voicemails!Leave us a voicemail at (833) DOG-POD1Best Friends Back A

Today, we're joined by fellow Mythical Kitcheneer Lily Cousins to discuss the Michelin guide.Leave u

Today, we're talking about the best toppings to put on your pizza!Leave us a voicemail at (833) DOG-

Thanksgiving is upon us and today, Josh and Nicole are talking about the ONE THING you should NEVER

Today, Josh and Nicole are discussing the best way to cook mac and cheese: baked or stovetop?Leave u

LIVE FROM MYTHICON, Josh and Nicole talk about the big breakfast debate: breakfast tacos or breakfas

Should We Ban Forks?


Today, we're discussing the biggest utensil debate of our generation: forks vs spoons.Leave us a voi

Today, we're joined by Trevor Evarts from the podcast Trevor Talks Too Much and member of the Mythic

Is Meal Prepping A Scam?


Today, we're talking about meal prepping and DOOMSDAY PREPPING. But mostly DOOMSDAY PREPPING!!Leave

Today, we're joined by Memo Torres of LA Taco to ask the question: is a burrito a taco?Leave us a vo

Josh and Nicole get to the bottom of the burning question in all of our hearts: is a Hot Pocket a du

Today, we're looking back at our worst buffet experiences!Leave us a voicemail at (833) DOG-POD1 To

Is LaCroix Overrated?


Seltzer water has been all the craze lately, but.. is LaCroix overrated?Leave us a voicemail at (833

Is it a barbecue or a cookout? Today, Josh and Nicole are discussing: what does barbecue actually me

Today, Josh and Nicole are tackling one of the biggest food debates of all time: Cool Ranch vs Nacho

Today, we're discussing: what's the best ice cream flavor?Leave us a voicemail at (833) DOG-POD1Pre-

Today, we're joined by Phil Rosenthal, host of Netflix's 'Somebody Feed Phil' and the podcast 'Naked

LIVE from VidCon, we're attempting to answer one of the biggest questions of our generation: is a ch